InfraCal TOG/TPH Analyzers TOG/TPH Analyzers for Oil and Grease ...

InfraCal TOG/TPH Analyzers TOG/TPH Analyzers for Oil and Grease ... InfraCal TOG/TPH Analyzers TOG/TPH Analyzers for Oil and Grease ...

<strong>InfraCal</strong> <strong>TOG</strong>/<strong>TPH</strong> <strong>Analyzers</strong><strong>for</strong><strong>Oil</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Grease</strong>

Portable Field or Lab AnalyzerResults in < 30 secondsRugged <strong>and</strong> Easy to UseOver 2000 in use worldwide today

Off shore oil rigsRefineriesIndustrial WastewaterMetal Parts Cleaning

Monitoring Using an Offsite Lab=Delayed Results

Monitoring Using an Offsite Lab Typical commercial laboratory turn around - twodays to two weeks In-house hexane/gravimetric—several hours Results in the discharge of effluent aboveregulatory limit <strong>for</strong> extended time Add costs in time <strong>and</strong> dollars

Non Compliance The sooner the industry or regulating agencycan detect non compliance The sooner the problem can be corrected

What is needed:A quick, accurate <strong>and</strong> simplefield <strong>and</strong>/or in-plant analysis:Available with the<strong>InfraCal</strong> <strong>TOG</strong>/<strong>TPH</strong> Analyzer

Two different models availabledepending on desired measurementrange <strong>and</strong> extraction solventModel CVHModel HATR-T2T2

CVHMinimum Detection Limit 2 ppm 8 ppmSolventPerchloroethylene, Freon,S-316HATR-T2hexane, pentane,Vertrel MCAComponent Measured Measures all hydrocarbons Measures hydrocarbonswith a boiling point higherInstrument Repeatability +/- 1 ppm +/- 2 ppmOtherSolvents are heavier thanwater <strong>and</strong> require a seperatoryfunnel or inverted vial with asepta cap to collect a solventsample.than the solvent—volatilehydrocarbons will beevaporated along with thesolvent.Solvents are lighter thanwater <strong>and</strong> solvent samplecan be collected from thetop of the container.

Measuring <strong>Oil</strong> in Water withthe <strong>InfraCal</strong> <strong>TOG</strong>/<strong>TPH</strong> Analyzer Acidify sample to pH of 2 Add 10 ml solvent to 100ml sample (10 to 1 ratio) Shake <strong>for</strong> 2 minutes A portion of the solvent ispresented to the analyzer <strong>for</strong>analysis

Basic Measurement ConceptInfrared Analysis:Hydrocarbons have a characteristicabsorbance in the infrared region:2930 cm- 1 or 3.4 microns

Spectrum of a hydrocarbon (red)Overlaid with a 3.4 micron filter (black)

Infrared AbsorbanceThe amount of energy absorbedis proportional to the amount ofoil/grease in the sample:A higher oil <strong>and</strong> grease concentrationhas a higher infrared absorbanceA lower oil <strong>and</strong> grease concentrationhas a lower infrared absorbance

The Measurement of <strong>Oil</strong> usingHexaneModel HATR-T2T2

The hexane evaporates leaving anoil film on the crystal<strong>Oil</strong> FilmSourceATR crystalA = log (I r / I a )Filters(I r / I a )DualDetector

Infrared light (source) is focused on theend of the crystal<strong>Oil</strong> FilmSourceATR CrystalA = log (I r / I a )Filters (I r / I a)DualDetector

The infrared light reflects offthe surface of the crystal<strong>Oil</strong> FilmSourceATR CrystalA = log (I r / I a )Filters (I r / I a )DualDetector

At each reflection, the infrared lightpenetrates into the oil film <strong>and</strong> is absorbedby the oil at 2930cm -1Infrared lightSample<strong>Oil</strong> Film

The infrared light is focused on toa detector containing a2930cm - 1 filter<strong>Oil</strong> FilmSourceATR crystalFilters (I r / I a ) DualA = log (I r / I ) a Detector

Preset timer allowshexane to evaporate After timercountdown <strong>and</strong> 15second run time Value is displayed

Cleaning the Trough Crystal Add enough solventto cover crystal Wipe slowly acrossthe crystal

Analysis ProcedureThe whole analysis, from samplecollection to final result, takes under 15minutesAn operator with minimal training c<strong>and</strong>o the analysis

Measurement Range Hexane extraction: 10- 300 ppm** the upper limit can be extended by dilution

Repeatability of the Hexane/InfraredMethodRepeated runs on same sample: + 01Independent applications of sample: + 02Independently prepared samples: +03** Repeatability is dependent on how carefully theanalyst does the extraction

The Measurement of <strong>Oil</strong> usingS-316 or PerchloroethyleneModel CVH

ASTM Infrared <strong>Oil</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Grease</strong> Method toreplace Freon/IR MethodASTM Method D7066-04: 04:St<strong>and</strong>ard Test Method <strong>for</strong> dimer/trimerofchlorotrifluoroethylene (S-316)Recoverable <strong>Oil</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Grease</strong> <strong>and</strong> NonpolarMaterial by Infrared Determination

ASTM Method D 7066-0404 Uses a transmission cell - Model CVH Measures volatile constituents

The Measurement of IR Absorption ofan <strong>Oil</strong> Sample with a CuvetteSampleFilters (I R / I A )SourceDetectorsA = log I R / I AInfraRed light passes through the cuvettefilled with solvent from the sample extract

The infrared light is focused on toa detector containing a2930cm - 1 filterSampleFilters (I R / I A )SourceDetectorsA = log I R / I AThe amount of IR energy absorbed by thesample correlates to the concentration ofoil <strong>and</strong> grease in the sample

Cuvette is filled withsolvent extract

Cuvette is placed in the analyzerAfter 30 seconds,<strong>Oil</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Grease</strong> value is displayed

Measurement Range S-316 or Perchloroethylene: 2 -300ppm** the upper limit can be extended by dilution

Repeatability of theS-316 or perc/Infrared MethodRepeated runs on same sample: + 01Independent applications of sample: + 01Independently prepared samples: +02** Repeatability is dependent on how carefully theanalyst does the extraction

Comparing Different AnalyticalProcedures

<strong>Oil</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Grease</strong> Not a unique chemical entity A mixture of chemical species that varyfrom source to source It is defined by the analytical procedure,ie: infrared, gravimetric, GC/FID

Comparing Different Analytical Infrared GravimetricProcedures Gas Chromatograph/FlameIonization Detector (GC/FID) Ultra VioletEach method measures different physicalproperties

TechnologyInfraredGravimetryGC/FIDUltra VioletWhat isMeasuredAll analytes removed fromthe samples by theextraction solvent thatcontain a C-H stretchingabsorption.All analytes removed fromthe sample by the extractionsolvent that are notvolatilized.All analytes removed fromthe sample by the extractionsolvent that can bechromatographed <strong>and</strong> thatrespond to the detector.Aromatics onlyWhat is NotMeasuredVery polar organicsVolatilesVery polar or involatilecompounds dependingon choice of column,temperature program,time, etc.Aliphahtics

Note:Ultraviolet (UV) measures only the aromatichydrocarbons in a water sample. If thearomatic/ aliphatic ratio changes, thereading will not be correct.Infrared measure both the aromatic <strong>and</strong> thealiphatic hydrocarbons.

Comparison of Hexane/Infrared <strong>and</strong>Meat Packing PlantHexane/GravimetricInfraredGravimetricSample 1 67 ppm 70 ppmSample 2 1990 2020After <strong>Grease</strong> Trap at a RestaurantSample 1 423 415Sample 2 332 300Sample 3 103 130Sample 4 157 170Sample 5 67 74

Same Samples,Three Different Laboratories<strong>InfraCal</strong>Wilks<strong>InfraCal</strong> Lab 1 Lab 2 Lab 3Customer51 49 67 23 5162 61 74 43 4771 -- 76 70 4963 53 66 55 403 1 14 7

Using this simple <strong>and</strong> quick infrared procedure,operators of a pretreatment system can: Quickly <strong>and</strong> easily assess their system’sefficiency Take samples be<strong>for</strong>e <strong>and</strong> after treatment Change their system’s parameters <strong>and</strong>immediately test the results of their changes See how their system functions under heavyloads Avoid discharging effluent that is above theregulatory limit

<strong>Oil</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Grease</strong> Analysis with the<strong>InfraCal</strong> <strong>TOG</strong>/<strong>TPH</strong> <strong>Analyzers</strong>www.WilksIR.comFor questions or more in<strong>for</strong>mation:info@WilksIR.com203-855-9136

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