ARIZONA BOARD OF REGENTS - Arizona State University

ARIZONA BOARD OF REGENTS - Arizona State University

ARIZONA BOARD OF REGENTS - Arizona State University


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<strong>ARIZONA</strong> <strong>BOARD</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>REGENTS</strong> MEETING August 5 - 6, 201039. *Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) Between the <strong>University</strong> of<strong>Arizona</strong> and the <strong>Arizona</strong> Health Care Cost Containment System(AHCCCS) for Clinical Teaching Program Federal MedicaidMatching Funds (UA)The Board is asked to approve an agreement between the <strong>University</strong> of<strong>Arizona</strong> and AHCCCS for clinical teaching program federal Medicaidmatching funds.10. *Affiliation Agreement for Clinical Education and Research By andBetween the <strong>University</strong> of <strong>Arizona</strong> and Phoenix Children’s Hospital(UA)The Board is asked to approve an agreement by and between the<strong>University</strong> of <strong>Arizona</strong> and Phoenix Children’s Hospital related to clinicaleducation and research.11. *Multiple-Year Employment Contract for Head Coach, Women’s Golf(UA)The Board is asked to approve a Multiple-Year Employment Contract forLaura Ianello as Head Coach of the <strong>University</strong> of <strong>Arizona</strong> Women’s GolfTeam for the period August 6, 2010 through June 30, 2013.12. *Technical Correction to the Multiple-Year Employment Contract forDirector of Athletics (UA)The Board is asked to approve a technical correction to the Multiple-YearEmployment Contract for Greg Byrne, the <strong>University</strong> of <strong>Arizona</strong> Directorof Athletics.13. *Appointment of Vice President for Government Affairs andBusiness Partnerships (NAU)The Board is asked to approve the appointment of Christy Farley as VicePresident for Government Affairs and Business Partnerships.14. *Appointment of Senior Vice President for Enrollment Managementand Student Affairs (NAU)The Board is asked to approve the title and responsibility changes ofDavid Bousquet to Senior Vice President for Enrollment Managementand Student Affairs.

<strong>ARIZONA</strong> <strong>BOARD</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>REGENTS</strong> MEETING August 5 - 6, 2010415. *Appointment of Senior Vice President for Extended Campuses(NAU)The Board is asked to approve the title and appointment of Frederick M.Hurst to Senior Vice President for Extended Campuses.16. *Proposed Revisions to ABOR Policy 6-908 “Intellectual Property”(Second Reading)The Board is asked to approve the revisions to ABOR Policy 6-908 whichwill update the provisions for the management of intellectual property inthe <strong>Arizona</strong> <strong>University</strong> System.17. *Proposed Revision to ABOR Policy 4-308 “Tuition Scholarships forChildren and Spouses of <strong>Arizona</strong> Peace Officers, <strong>Arizona</strong>Firefighters, <strong>Arizona</strong> Emergency Paramedics, <strong>Arizona</strong> MilitaryService Personnel, <strong>Arizona</strong> Correctional Officers, <strong>Arizona</strong> NationalGuard Members Killed in the Line of Duty; and Disabled <strong>Arizona</strong>National Guard Members” (Second Reading)The Board is asked to review a revision to ABOR Policy 4-308 that wouldexpand the availability of tuition waiver scholarships for recipients of thePurple Heart citation.18. *Proposed Repeal of ABOR Policy 6-911 “Notice and Acceptance ofAppointment Forms” and ABOR Policies 6-1200 “Conditions ofFaculty Service – <strong>Arizona</strong> International College,” 6-1201“Conditions of Administrative Service – <strong>Arizona</strong> InternationalCollege,” and 6-1202 “Conditions of Professional Service – <strong>Arizona</strong>International College” (Second Reading)The Board is asked to approve the proposed repeal of the followingpolicies which are no longer in use: ABOR Policy 6-911, 6-1200, 6-1201,and 6-1202.19. *<strong>University</strong> Officers and Regent Designated as the ManagerialGroup for the Department of Defense National Industrial SecurityProgram (UA)The <strong>University</strong> of <strong>Arizona</strong> requests Board approval of an updated Non-Access Resolution designating certain officers of the <strong>University</strong> of<strong>Arizona</strong> as the Managerial Group as required by the Department ofDefense National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual(NISPOM) for safeguarding classified information and pursuant to ABORPolicy 3-202.

<strong>ARIZONA</strong> <strong>BOARD</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>REGENTS</strong> MEETING August 5 - 6, 2010520. *Disclosure of Substantial Interest of <strong>University</strong> Employees inSMALLab Learning, LLC (ASU)<strong>Arizona</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> requests Board approval for the followingemployees to hold a substantial equity interest in SMALLab Learning,LLC while employed at <strong>Arizona</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>: David Birchfield,Associate Professor in the School of Arts, Media and Engineering andMina Johnson, Research Scientist at the School of Arts, Media andEngineering and the Department of Psychology.21. *Authorization to Approve Various Continuation Awards (ASU)<strong>Arizona</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> requests Board approval for acceptance ofcontinuation awards of grants and research contracts from varioussponsors in the amount of $3,557,550 with an anticipated total amount of$5,754,494 throughout the life of the projects.22. *Authorization to Approve Various New and Continuation Awards(UA)2:25 p.m. REPORT ON WestEdThe <strong>University</strong> of <strong>Arizona</strong> requests Board approval for acceptance ofnew and continuation awards of grants and research contracts fromvarious sponsors in the amount of $34,351,762 with an anticipated totalamount of $63,103,326 throughout the life of the projects.23. Report on WestEdThe Board will receive a report from Regent Calderón on WestEd.2:35 p.m. CAPITAL AND PROJECT FINANCE COMMITTEE(These items were reviewed by the Capital Committee at its July 15, 2010meeting and are recommended for Board action unless otherwise stated.)24. System Leadership for Excellence Initiative: Capital Planning andPrioritizationThe Board will engage in strategic discussion of system capital needs,capital project priorities, and the Board’s capital review and approvalprocess.

<strong>ARIZONA</strong> <strong>BOARD</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>REGENTS</strong> MEETING August 5 - 6, 2010625. System Leadership for Excellence Initiative: Alternative FinancingVehiclesThe Board will engage in strategic discussion of primary financingmechanisms for capital projects, alternative financing mechanisms, andanalysis of next steps.26. Native American Cultural Center Project Implementation and ProjectApproval (NAU)Northern <strong>Arizona</strong> <strong>University</strong> requests approval for the $7 million, 12,540square foot Native American Cultural Center project, which includes newconstruction, demolition, sitework and utility infrastructure extensions.The project will be funded with $3 million from donations and $4 million ingeneral university funds. The university portion may be reduced ifadditional gift funding is received.4:00 p.m. REPORT ON GETTING AHEADThe Board will receive a status report on Getting AHEAD, <strong>Arizona</strong>’s programimplementing the Lumina grant.4:15 p.m. PUBLIC OUTREACH AND LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE4:30 p.m. RECESSFriday, August 6, 201027. Report from the Public Outreach and Legislative Affairs Committee10:30 a.m. AUDIT COMMITTEEThe Board will receive a report from Regent DuVal on the August 4,2010, Public Outreach and Legislative Affairs Committee meeting.28. Report from the Audit CommitteeThe Board will receive a report from Regent Mariucci on the August 5,2010 Audit Committee meeting.10:45 a.m. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE29. Report from the Academic Affairs CommitteeThe Board will receive a report from Regent DeConcini on the July 15,2010, Academic Affairs Committee meeting.

<strong>ARIZONA</strong> <strong>BOARD</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>REGENTS</strong> MEETING August 5 - 6, 2010730. Exception to Transfer Credit Limit at NAUThe Board is asked to approve a request from Northern <strong>Arizona</strong><strong>University</strong> to transfer 73 lower division credits from the Associate ofApplied Science degree at Scottsdale Community College to theBachelor of Science degree in Interior Design.11:00 a.m. GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE31. Report from the Governance CommitteeThe Board will receive a report from Regent DeConcini on the August 4,2010 Governance Committee meeting32. Proposed Revisions to ABOR Policies to Reflect New Committeeand Task Force Structures (First Reading)The Board is asked to review the proposed revisions to ABOR Policies toReflect New Committee and Task Force Structures.33. Approval of Committee Charters and Task Force ChargesThe Board is asked to approve new and proposed revisions toCommittee Charters and Task Force Charges.34. *Proposed Revisions to ABOR Protocol for Review of EmploymentAppointments by the Human Resources Committee and the FullBoardThe Board is asked to approve revisions to the ABOR Protocol forReview of Employment Appointments by the Human ResourcesCommittee and the Full Board to remove references to the HumanResources Committee.35. *Proposed Revisions to the ABOR Policy Manual to Reflect UpdatedTitles (Second Reading)The Board is asked to approve proposed revisions to the ABOR PolicyManual to reflect updated officer and employee titles.11:15 a.m. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS36. Proposed Revisions to ABOR Policy 1-119 “Nondiscrimination andAnti-harassment” (First Reading)The Board is asked to review proposed revisions to ABOR Policy 1-119to clarify the definition of harassment for purposes of this policy.

<strong>ARIZONA</strong> <strong>BOARD</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>REGENTS</strong> MEETING August 5 - 6, 2010837. *Board Meeting Calendar for FY 2013-2014The Board is asked to adopt the FY 2013-2014 Board Meeting Calendar.11:30 a.m. REPORT FROM THE <strong>ARIZONA</strong> FACULTIES COUNCIL11:40 a.m. INQUIRIES, REQUESTS, REPORTS, AND COMMENTS FROM <strong>REGENTS</strong>AND MEMBERS <strong>OF</strong> THE COUNCIL <strong>OF</strong> PRESIDENTS12:00 p.m. ADJOURNPLEASE NOTE: This agenda may be amended at any time prior to 24 hours before theBoard meeting. Estimated starting times for the agenda items are indicated; however,discussions may commence, or action may be taken, before or after the suggestedtimes. Any item on the agenda may be considered at any time out of order at thediscretion of the President of the Board. During the meeting, the Board may convenein Executive Session to receive legal advice regarding any item on the agenda.Meeting Schedule for 2010-2011August 5 and 6, 2010 ASU September 23 and 24, 2010 NAUDecember 9 and 10, 2010 UA February 17 and 18, 2011 ASUApril 7 and 8, 2011 UA June 16 and 17, 2011 NAUMeeting Schedule for 2011-2012August 4 and 5, 2011 ASU September 22 and 23, 2011 NAUDecember 1 and 2, 2011 UA February 16 and 17, 2012 ASUApril 5 and 6, 2012 UA June 14 and 15, 2012 NAU

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