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FÉDÉRATIONINTERNATIONALEDE VOLLEYBALLwww.fivb.orgFIVB President Dr.Rubén Acosta welcomedall Membersto the new technologicallystate-of-theartBoardroom inLausanne where theydiscussed a rangeof topics includinghow to increase thenumber of local playersin leagues, successfulAnti-Dopingcontrols, a newMikasa ball for theOlympic Games anddates and places offuture events.Club playerscoming from other NationalFederationsThe Board discussed how to increase thenumber of local players playing for eachClub in order to protect the identity andculture of each country. The ultimate goalfor the Board is to have nine local playersand three players coming from otherNational Federations, allowing two playerssimultaneously on court at any onetime for each Club.The Board agreed to increase graduallythe number of local players in each Club.For the 2008/2009 season a maximum oftwo players coming from other NationalFederations will be allowed simultaneouslyon court for each Club. For the2009/2010 season the Clubs will beallowed to register players coming fromother National Federations, permittingthe participation of two players comingfrom other National federations on courtat the same time.For the 2010/2011 season and on, ninelocal players and three players comingfrom other National Federations will beallowed to be registered per Club, allowingonly two players coming from otherIn this IssueOfficialBulletin No. 26April 2008Edition in EnglishFIVB Board of Administrationgenerates exciting plans for futureRule changes fora fast-growing sportThree pages of this World Volley NewsApril issue are dedicated to a summaryof the main points of the FIVB BoardFIVB President Dr. Rubén Acosta H.of Administration in March. Even theabridged version of events is ratherwide-ranging so one can easily imaginethe lengthy discussions and interestingwork that emanated from thethree-day session, which was hostedfor the first time in our new Boardroomequipped with state-of-the-arttechnology.Since we were faced with so manyimportant decisions over the futureof our sport, it was decided to haveanother meeting. Thus, the FIVBBoard of Administration will cometogether for a second session this yearon May 12 here in Lausanne in orderto prepare all the working files for the31st FIVB World Congress in Dubai onJune 16 and 17.From the main topics discussed at theMarch meeting, the media world wasextremely interested in the new ball forVolleyball, which will be used for thevery first time at the Olympic Gamesin Beijing. Other big stories in thenewspapers and on the web focusedon a solution for Clubs and the useof players with International TransferCertificates.The Board will continue discussing thispoint in May to find the best solutionfor developing our sport and helpingall the young players of each NationalFederation find their place on the Volleyballcourt.Dr. Rubén Acosta H.FIVB PresidentThe FIVB Board of Administration looked towards a bright futurefor Volleyball after a number of progressive proposals andpresentations at the 2008 Board in March, with all decisionsmade during the working session to be forwarded for approvalat the 31st FIVB World Congress in Dubai on June 16-17, 2008.The FIVB Board of Administration convenesin new Boardroom in MarchNational Federations, simultaneously, onthe court at the same time.“We have a full understanding of the Europeanlaws, but we believe that sport isnot a matter of labour,” said Dr. Acosta.“The FIVB and CEV have agreed upon andwill continue to determine how to bestimplement this plan in Europe, and willbe ready to provide information uponrequest by the European Union.”The Board of Administration• Editorial• FIVB Board of Administrationgenerates exciting plansfor futureBeach Volleyball• 2008 SWATCH FIVB WorldTour: Brazilians sweepseason-openers in AdelaideDevelopment• 2008 Volley All FestivalQuick Sets• News from Planet Earth

FÉDÉRATIONINTERNATIONALEDE VOLLEYBALLwww.fivb.org<strong>FIVB</strong> President Dr.Rubén Acosta welcomedall Membersto the new technologicallystate-of-theartBoardroom inLausanne where theydiscussed a rangeof topics includinghow to increase thenumber of local playersin leagues, successfulAnti-Dopingcontrols, a newMikasa ball for theOlympic Games anddates and places offuture events.Club playerscoming from other NationalFederationsThe Board discussed how to increase thenumber of local players playing for eachClub in order to protect the identity andculture of each country. The ultimate goalfor the Board is to have nine local playersand three players coming from otherNational Federations, allowing two playerssimultaneously on court at any onetime for each Club.The Board agreed to increase graduallythe number of local players in each Club.For the 2008/2009 season a maximum oftwo players coming from other NationalFederations will be allowed simultaneouslyon court for each Club. For the2009/2010 season the Clubs will beallowed to register players coming fromother National Federations, permittingthe participation of two players comingfrom other National federations on courtat the same time.For the 2010/2011 season and on, ninelocal players and three players comingfrom other National Federations will beallowed to be registered per Club, allowingonly two players coming from otherIn this IssueOfficialBulletin No. 26April 2008Edition in <strong>English</strong><strong>FIVB</strong> Board of Administrationgenerates exciting plans for futureRule changes fora fast-growing sportThree pages of this World Volley NewsApril issue are dedicated to a summaryof the main points of the <strong>FIVB</strong> Board<strong>FIVB</strong> President Dr. Rubén Acosta H.of Administration in March. Even theabridged version of events is ratherwide-ranging so one can easily imaginethe lengthy discussions and interestingwork that emanated from thethree-day session, which was hostedfor the first time in our new Boardroomequipped with state-of-the-arttechnology.Since we were faced with so manyimportant decisions over the futureof our sport, it was decided to haveanother meeting. Thus, the <strong>FIVB</strong>Board of Administration will cometogether for a second session this yearon May 12 here in Lausanne in orderto prepare all the working files for the31st <strong>FIVB</strong> World Congress in Dubai onJune 16 and 17.From the main topics discussed at theMarch meeting, the media world wasextremely interested in the new ball forVolleyball, which will be used for thevery first time at the Olympic Gamesin Beijing. Other big stories in thenewspapers and on the web focusedon a solution for Clubs and the useof players with International TransferCertificates.The Board will continue discussing thispoint in May to find the best solutionfor developing our sport and helpingall the young players of each NationalFederation find their place on the Volleyballcourt.Dr. Rubén Acosta H.<strong>FIVB</strong> PresidentThe <strong>FIVB</strong> Board of Administration looked towards a bright futurefor Volleyball after a number of progressive proposals andpresentations at the 2008 Board in March, with all decisionsmade during the working session to be forwarded for approvalat the 31st <strong>FIVB</strong> World Congress in Dubai on June 16-17, 2008.The <strong>FIVB</strong> Board of Administration convenesin new Boardroom in MarchNational Federations, simultaneously, onthe court at the same time.“We have a full understanding of the Europeanlaws, but we believe that sport isnot a matter of labour,” said Dr. Acosta.“The <strong>FIVB</strong> and CEV have agreed upon andwill continue to determine how to bestimplement this plan in Europe, and willbe ready to provide information uponrequest by the European Union.”The Board of Administration• Editorial• <strong>FIVB</strong> Board of Administrationgenerates exciting plansfor futureBeach Volleyball• 2008 SWATCH <strong>FIVB</strong> WorldTour: Brazilians sweepseason-openers in AdelaideDevelopment• 2008 Volley All FestivalQuick Sets• News from Planet Earth

<strong>FIVB</strong>The <strong>FIVB</strong> will not sanction future transferactivities and a Club will not be able ing drugs throughout theof performance-enhanc-The Board of Administration gathersto engage players coming from otherNational Federations if they ignore thisruling.Volleyball world was lessthan 1 percent (one ofthe lowest percentages insport).Sanctions for ClubsIt was proposed and approved that if aclub either does not pay a player’s salaryor refuses to pay a player who is representinghis/her country in the NationalTeam during an <strong>FIVB</strong> competition, thenNew ball for theOlympic GamesA newly designed ball, withthe same weight, pressureand dimensions but withthe <strong>FIVB</strong> will not sanction the Club’s a revamped technicalfuture transfer activity, meaning the Clubwill not be able to engage players comingfrom other National Federations.The National Federations themselves willbe responsible for the follow-up of thesecomposition that includesindentations on the surface,has been approvedfor use for the very firsttime at the Beijing Olympic Games. It was New Mediarulings and for stopping the actions of a also approved to continue to test lower The new official <strong>FIVB</strong> websiteClub disbanding and reforming in orderball pressures (www.fivb.org) is to be launched in Juneto circumvent the sanctions.Successful Anti-Doping controlsIt was reported that there were no positivedoping cases at all in 2007 among the39 tests for Men and 31 tests for Womenand no positive cases in the followingWorld Championships: Men’s Junior inMorocco, Women’s Junior in Thailand,Boys’ Youth in Mexico.There were 56 out-of-competition testsby the World Anti-Doping Agency on Volleyballand Beach Volleyball athletes. Onthe Beach Volleyball <strong>FIVB</strong> World Tour,there were 146 samples taken with onlyone positive result but there was no faultor negligence on the part of the playerand thus no suspension. The overall percentageof positive cases in testing for use(in Serbia, Brazil,China, Japan) tohelp increase thelength of rallies,especially in theMen’s game, bybettering players’ball control.Development CentresThe Commission rep orted on Centres inSenegal, Sudan, Tunisia, Bahrain, India,Thailand, Barbados, Dominican Republic,Venezuela, Indonesia and new DevelopmentCentres in Argentina, South Africaand Nigeria. It was approved that everyNational Federation will be required toestablish a Development Centre and thenobtain <strong>FIVB</strong> recognition for the Centre.2008, with fan interaction to be enhancedin all <strong>FIVB</strong> marketing projects. The websitewill be revamped to include a medicaland anti-doping information sectionwith educational tools for players.A new section for referees will be set up,including all the signals for Volleyball.The 2010 <strong>FIVB</strong> World Championships, tobe held in Japan for Women and Italy forMen, will have a special section on thewebsite with a host of information forNational Federations and Volleyball fans.A new program for <strong>FIVB</strong> merchandisealso was announced and is now beingstudied.The <strong>FIVB</strong> will provide highlights at theend of each event and will announce theiravailability to the major video news agenciesand will study the possibility of sellingthese highlights to the open market.Implementation of thefer Certificate (ITC) approved by both2008 Board decisions about Clubs Federations and duly authorized by Elective Congressthe <strong>FIVB</strong>.The Board approved by consensus toThe <strong>FIVB</strong> Board of Administration’s decisionis aimed at supporting the develop-move the Elective Congress to the year of4. Starting from the season 2008/2009 the Olympic Games, two of the reasonsment of young local players which contributesto the cultural identity throughonly two players possessing an ITC being to avoid conflict during the <strong>FIVB</strong>may play on court at the same time. World Championships between outgoingSport.and incoming officials and to avoid theIn order to properly implement the <strong>FIVB</strong> 5. Only for the 2008/2009 and potential changing of rules during theBoard of Administration decision concerningplayers licensed by an affiliatedNational Federation and playing abroad2009/2010 seasons the NF concernedmay authorize on court onemore player with ITC.Olympic period. The Board also approvedto propose to the Congress to extend bytwo years the mandate of all the currentBoard and Commissions’ Members.with an <strong>FIVB</strong> International Transfer Certificate(ITC), the <strong>FIVB</strong> Secretariat will 6. Clubs exceeding the limit of ITC playerson court are liable to sanctions by will be discussed during the next Board ofOther essential points related to electionprocess the ITC requests in accordancewith the following principles.the NF and, in case of serious breachesdenounced to the <strong>FIVB</strong>, the Club The Board also approved the forwardingAdministration in May.1. Only National Federations may determinethe composition of clubs playing part in International competitions tion to the World Congress.may be declared not eligible to take of proposed changes to the CEV Constitu-in its recognized National Leagues. and ultimately not eligible to register2. National Leagues are supposed to be players with an ITC.Rules of the gamecomposed of Clubs with players havingthe same nationality and operateProposals were advanced for new Volleyballrules. The World Congress will vote if7. Starting from the season 2008/2009in accordance with the decisions ofITCs will be valid only for one single players can make contact with the opponent’scourt with any part of the bodythe corresponding National Federation.season.above the feet, and whether contact withDuring its next meeting on May 12, thethe net is only a fault if it interferes with3. Players who have another Federation <strong>FIVB</strong> Board will discuss the need to determinea limited number of ITCs perplay (it is a fault if the players hit the topof Origin may be registered only ifband of the net while playing or attemptingto play thethey possess an International Trans-Club.ball).

Board of AdministrationChadThe <strong>FIVB</strong> Board acknowledged the ChadFederation President’s decision to takethe Federation out of the Olympic Movementby dropping its affiliation to <strong>FIVB</strong>.Notwithstanding, the Board granted toChad’s Volleyball teams and players theopportunity to rejoin the <strong>FIVB</strong> before the31st <strong>FIVB</strong> World Congress in Dubai onJune 16. The National Olympic Committeeof Chad has been notified.31st <strong>FIVB</strong> World Congress in DubaiA status report from Dubai was presentedstating it will be the most successful <strong>FIVB</strong>World Congress ever. Visas have beenguaranteed for delegates registered bythe <strong>FIVB</strong> in due time.Asian Schools’ Projects<strong>FIVB</strong> Board Member Mrs. Rita Subowo,announced the start of initial constructionin Thailand in five provinces as partof a 3 million USD project after the tsunamitragedy in Asia. Construction siteswere visited by <strong>FIVB</strong> and Mondo and itwas estimated that the first schools withVolleyball courts will be ready in April.Accounts report and balance sheetThe <strong>FIVB</strong> made a complete reorganisationof its accounts and is ready to follownew requirements of Swiss accountingpractices, managing budgets in the mostaccurate way.The external audit conducted by Ernst& Young confirmed the healthy financialsituation of the <strong>FIVB</strong>.InvestmentsMr. Ary Graça, President of the InvestmentCommittee, presented the results ofthe investment plan previously decidedby the Commission, using three differentbanks to manage the <strong>FIVB</strong> portfolio withimpressive results.Donation to <strong>FIVB</strong>The Board accepted and were appreciativeof the donation by Madame MalúAcosta and her family of antique furnitureof incalculable value to the <strong>FIVB</strong>Headquarters and recommended allocatinga plaque in the building indicating thename of the donor and details to recognisethis kind act.World Championships 2010 in Italyand JapanA total of 200 teams are expected to takepart in the 2010 <strong>FIVB</strong> World Championshipscompared to 174 countries in 2006.The 10 host cities for the Men’s WorldChampionships 2010 in Italy (September23 to October 10), yet to be approved bythe <strong>FIVB</strong>, are Ancona, Reggio Calabria,Catania, Florence, Rome, Milan, Turin,Verona, Modena, Trieste. The 15 venuespresented to host the Women’s WorldChampionships 2010 in Japan (October29 to November 14), still to be approved,are in the cities of Fukuoka, Kobe, Hiroshima,Osaka, Nagoya, Nagano, Sapporo,Saitama, Kawasaki, Hamamatsuand Tokyo.Beach VolleyballThere were 1,294 hours of internationallive television coverage in 177 countriesof the 2007 SWATCH <strong>FIVB</strong> World Tour,with 500,000 on-site spectators and 63countries participating.The TV audience grew by 350 percentfrom the previous year. The 2008 seasonis set to be the best ever, with a recordnumber of events. Beach Volleyball duringthe Olympic Games in Beijing is set tobe a sell-out after an excellent test eventin 2007.The Board approved a new stand-alonetournament (like the <strong>FIVB</strong> World Cupfor Volleyball) to be organised to qualifysix pairs for the 2012 London OlympicGames.World LeagueIt was reported that the total attendancefor the 2007 <strong>FIVB</strong> World Leaguewas 637,000 fans, with 2,244 hours ofTV coverage and more than 1 billion TVviewers for the Finals, with 757 hours oflive TV coverage. The <strong>FIVB</strong> World LeagueFinals in Rio will be from July 23-27.From 2009, countries that have the lowestattendances will be replaced.World Grand PrixSpectators totalling 334,975 in 2007were reported. Final Round attendanceimproved in 2007 from 2006. Therewere 500 hours of first-run TV coverage,498.65 million potential TV households.World Grand Champions Cup 2009The <strong>FIVB</strong> World Grand Champions Cup2009 in Japan has been confirmed forNovember 10-15 for Women and November18-23 for Men.Junior and Youth WorldChampionships 2009It was approved to host the events asfollows: Junior Men’s: July 8-19, France;Junior Women’s: July 22 to August 2,Mexico; Girls’ Youth: August 5-16, India;Boys’ Youth: August 19-30, Italy.Singapore 2010 Youth OlympicsThe Board agreed to propose that theBoys’ and Girls’ tournaments both beUnder-18 events, with players born afterJanuary 1, 1992.Club World ChampionshipsRequests from Qatar and UnitedArab Emirates to host the Club WorldChampion ships in 2009 or 2010 wereapproved. Negotiations with the twocountries will start immediately.Gumel namedExecutive Vice-President;France’s Blain chosenas Coaching CommissionPresidentThe <strong>FIVB</strong> Executive Committee nominatedMr. Habu Ahmed Gumel asExecutive Vice-Presi dent to replacethe outgoing Mr. Yuri Chesnokov, whileFrance’s Head Coach Mr. Philippe Blainreplaces the Russian as <strong>FIVB</strong> CoachingCommission President.Nigeria Olympic Committee and NigeriaVolleyball FederationPresident Gumel, a58-year engineer fromJigawa State, studiedin Kiev, Russia, beforebeginning a career inengineering and a successful alternatecareer in sport organization. Alreadya member of the <strong>FIVB</strong> Board ofAdministration, he was chosen as <strong>FIVB</strong>Executive Vice-President during theannual <strong>FIVB</strong> Board in March.Gumel’s appointment came after theBoard showed their appreciation forChesnokov, who attended his first <strong>FIVB</strong>Board in 1975. “The longest applauseI’ve ever heard in the Board ofAdministration,” said Dr. Acosta afterthe tribute to Chesnokov.Chesnokov was first elected <strong>FIVB</strong>Vice-President in 1976. He has beenPresident of the Rules of the GameCommission, Sports OrganizingCommittee and Coaching Commissionin his time with the <strong>FIVB</strong>.Blain, named France’s Head Coach in2001, also enjoyed a successful playingcareer. He played 340 times for theFrench National Team from 1980 to1991 and was elected MVP at the 1986<strong>FIVB</strong> World Championships and 1987European Championships.Philippe Blain.Above, Habu Ahmed Gumel<strong>FIVB</strong> World Volley News No.26 April 20083

Beach Volleyballfinishing ninth in the 2007 season finale inbeach VOLLEYBALL men & women4 <strong>FIVB</strong> World Volley News No.26 April 2008 Fortaleza, Brazil, Harley and Salgado capturedtitles in Finland and Russia.2008 SWATCH <strong>FIVB</strong> World TourBrazilians sweep season-openers in Adelaide“In addition to winning all of our matches,Juliana Felisberta Silva and LarissaFranca remained “perfect” in 2008 asthe young Brazilian Beach Volleyballplayers captured the season-openingevent on the SWATCH <strong>FIVB</strong> WorldTour Women’s calendar by defeatingcompatriots Talita Antunes and RenataRibeiro in the finals of the USD350,000 Adelaide Australia Open onGlenelg Beach.and 15-12 in 57 minutes to share theUSD 28,000 first-place prize and claimtheir 20th SWATCH <strong>FIVB</strong> World Tour goldmedal to rank third on the all-time Women’sinternational list. Brazilians AdrianaBehar/Shelda Bede and Americans MistyMay-Treanor/Kerri Walsh are currentlytied atop the list with 31 titles each.Meanwhile, Brazilian Men’s team Harleythis was a great weekend for us to makeup some ground on Marcio Araujo and Fabioin a quest for a berth in the Olympicsin Beijing,” added the 33-year Harley afterwinning his seventh SWATCH <strong>FIVB</strong> WorldTour gold medal in 11 seasons on the internationaltour. Harley was also namedthe SWATCH most outstanding player forthe event.The top-seeded Juliana and Larissa travelledto the South Australian capital witha “perfect” 20-0 match record from theBrazilian domestic tour and four titles andleft with a SWATCH <strong>FIVB</strong> World Tour goldMarques and Pedro Salgado won theirfourth SWATCH <strong>FIVB</strong> World Tour goldmedal at the inaugural Adelaide AustraliaOpen to spoil China’s first-ever appearancein a Men’s international Beach Volleyballfinale.Juliana and Larissa defeated Renata andTalita for the second time in the doubleeliminationAdelaide Australia Open, withthe 24-year-old Juliana admitting she enjoyedherself on court.medal and a 6-0 mark.Juliana and Larissa defeated the fifthseededTalita and Renata 21-13, 18-21Before a near-capacity crowd of 3,000 fanson the Moseley Square centre court, thefourth-seeded Harley and Salgado scoreda 23-21 and 21-12 win in 39 minutes overseventh-seeded Penggen Wu and LinyinXu of China to share the USD 28,000first-place prize. Wu and Xu shared USD“We had a lot of fun out their today,” Julianasaid. “It helped that Renata was notat her physical best due to an ankle (right)sprain. The first set was pretty easy, butwe had to step it up after losing the secondset. Getting out to a 5-0 lead in thedeciding set really helped.”19,500.“The Chinese played great, but we werejust a little better today,” said the 22-yearold Salgado. “I don’t know if our experiencein finals helped us, but anytime youplay for first place in any activity you expectto produce your best. This was a bigwin for us.”In the Women’s bronze-medal match, Brazilearned a podium sweep for the 16thtimein SWATCH <strong>FIVB</strong> World Tour historyas 11th-seeded Shelda and Ana Paula Connellydefeated fourth-seeded Nicole Branaghand Elaine Youngs 21-19 and 21-13 in39 minutes. Shelda and Ana Paula sharedUSD 14,000 for the bronze medal whilethe Americans left Australia with USD10,500 for fourth place.For the second-straight season, Harleyand Salgado captured a SWATCH <strong>FIVB</strong> In the all-American Men’s bronze-medalHarley Marques (right)opener as the Brazilians won the first match, 2007 SWATCH <strong>FIVB</strong> World ChampionsPhil Dalhausser and Todd Rogersspikes against Linyin Xuevent in 2007 in Shanghai, China. BeforeClockwise: Todd Rogers/Phil Dalhausser, Harley Marques/Pedro Salgado,Linyin Xu/Penggen Wu, Renata Ribeiro/Talita Antunes, Juliana FelisbertaSilva/Larissa Franca, Ana Paula Connelly/Shelda Bede show medalsAna Paula Connelly dives

2008 SWATCH <strong>FIVB</strong> World TourJulianaFelisbertaSilva (front)stretchesTalita and Renata, who split USD 19,500for their second-place finish, moved to a4-5 record in SWATCH <strong>FIVB</strong> World Tourfinales after Adelaide.Juliana and Larissa, 20-13 in <strong>FIVB</strong> goldmedalmatches after Adelaide, are theNo.1-ranked team on the SWATCH standingsafter claiming their third season<strong>FIVB</strong> point’s title last year by winningfive events and placing third in the 2007SWATCH <strong>FIVB</strong> World Championships inGstaad, Switzerland. With 10 more eventsleft after Adelaide before the end of the Beijing2008 Olympic qualifying process onJuly 20, Harley and Salgado trailed MarcioAraujo and Fabio Magalhaes by 400 pointsafter starting the Australian weekend 600points behind compatriots Emanuel Regoand Ricardo for a possible second SummerGames berth.Linyin Xu(right) attacksShanghai to hostSWATCH <strong>FIVB</strong> World Tourevent for fifth yearin a rowavenged one of their two setbacks duringthe tournament with a 21-18, 14-21 and15-11 win over 18th-seeded Jake Gibb andSean Rosenthal in 50 minutes. The secondseededDalhausser and Rogers split theUSD 14,000 third-place prize while Gibband Rosenthal, who defeated their compatriots24-20 and 21-18 Thursday, sharedUSD 10,500 for their fourth-place finish.The SWATCH <strong>FIVB</strong> World Tour was setto resume in April in China for anotherdouble-gender event in Shanghai (April28-May 4). Before heading to Europe inJune, the Women’s SWATCH <strong>FIVB</strong> tourstays in Asia for events in Seoul, Korea(May 13-18), and Osaka, Japan (May20-25), before rejoining the Men in lateMay in Barcelona, Spain (May 26-June 1).The Men’s SWATCH <strong>FIVB</strong> World Tourtakes in Prague, Czech Republic (May6-11), Roseto degli Abruzzi (May 13-18),and Zagreb, Croatia (May 20-25), beforeBarcelona.On the SWATCH <strong>FIVB</strong> World Tour up toand including Adelaide, Juliana and Larissahad won 21 of 24 matches againstTalita and Renata with four wins in fivegold-medal matches with their Brazilianrivals. The final marked the 35th all-BrazilianWomen’s gold-medal affair on theSWATCH <strong>FIVB</strong> World Tour since the startof the circuit in 1992. Also, Juliana wasnamed the SWATCH most outstandingplayer for the event.Shanghai hosts a SWATCH <strong>FIVB</strong> WorldTour event for the fifth straight season asthe country continues preparations forthe Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.The 2008 China Shanghai Jinshan Openfeatures double-gender competition forthe fourth-straight year after teams fromBrazil and China won the Men’s andWomen’s competition, respectively, thepast two seasons.Marcio Araujo and Fabio Magalhaeshave competed in the Men’s Shanghaigold-medal match the past two seasonsin All-Brazilian finals. Marcio Araujo andFabio defeated Pedro Cunha and FrancoNeto for the 2006 title before losing toHarley Marques and Pedro Salgado inthe 2007 finale.The best finish by a Chinese teamwas a fifth by Penggen Wu and LinyinXu in 2007 after being eliminated inthe quarter-finals by Russians DmitriBarsouk and Igor Kolodinsky.The Chinese Women’s team of Jia Tian/Jie Wang have competed in the past twoChina’s JieWang dives aspartner Jia Tianwatches on wayto winning inShanghai 2007Harley Marques and PedroSalgado celebrate 2007 goldfinals, losing to Chen Xue/Zhang Xi in2006 and defeating Nila Ann Hakedale/Ingrid Torlen in 2007. At 17 years old in2006, Xue became the youngest playerto win an international Beach Volleyballtitle. The Norwegian silver medal in 2007was the best-ever finish by a Women’steam from the European country on theSWATCH <strong>FIVB</strong> World Tour.<strong>FIVB</strong> World Volley News No.26 April 20085

Developmentdevelopment2008 Volley All FestivalEnabling youth from around the world to get involvedThe Volley AllFestival will onceagain be heldthis year, enablingyouth fromaround the worldto get involvedin the sport. The<strong>FIVB</strong> Technicaland DevelopmentDepartment hassent all NationalFederations aninvitation encouragingthem toparticipate in thisevent. The Festivalwill be held on the same weekendacross the world, either immediatelybefore or after July 1, 2008.The Volley All Festival provides an opportunityfor each Federation to attract andsupport children and youth activities asThe 2007 Volley All Festival in Germanywell as to promote Volleyball and BeachVolleyball as a fun recreational activity.Any National Federation interested in participatingin this event should contact the<strong>FIVB</strong> directly at:technical.development@fivb.org.QuickSetsRodrigão in doubt for BeijingInjury blow for BraziliansBad news for two top Brazilian players:Rodrigão’s dreams of going to Beijingwith Brazil are up in the air after he injuredthe anterior cruciate knee ligamentin his left knee, while Ricardinhohas broken his right hand.2007 World Cup TechnicalAnalysisNew technical analysis from the 2007Men’s and Women’s World Cup hasbeen posted on the <strong>FIVB</strong> Technicalwebsite. This new material is an additionto the already existing analysismade of the 2006 World Championships.The material is free for useto all National Federations, coaches,players and officials worldwide.This material is extremely useful ascoaches can download their own imagesand show the latest team tactics as wellas the best individual player’s techniquesat the same time.The links to this material follows.National Federations can hyperlink thismaterial for their own purposes:www.fivb.org/en/technical/worldchampionships/men/2006/www.fivb.org/en/technical/worldchampionships/women/2006/www.fivb.org/en/technical/worldcup/men/2007/www.fivb.org/en/technical/worldcup/women/2007/The <strong>FIVB</strong> has now added the new TechnicalE-Library to the official websitewhich provides new didactic materialaimed at teaching Women’s Volleyball.New material will be developed in the future.Following is the direct link:www.fivb.org/EN/Technical/eLibrary/Middle Blocker Rodrigão faces a raceagainst time to be fit for Brazil’s defenceof the Olympic title they won in Athensin 2004 after undergoing surgery on hisknee on March 11 after breaking downin an Italian Cup match for Club teamLube Banca Marche Macerata. He wassaid to be looking at between four andeight months rehabilitation time, makingit touch-and-go whether he will makean appearance at the Olympic Games inAugust.All ContributionsWelcome!Please send your commentsand articles by e-mail to:press@fivb.orgor by mail / fax to:Fédération Internationalede VolleyballChâteau Les TourellesChemin Edouard-Sandoz 2-4CH-1006 Lausanne - SwitzerlandTel : +41 (21) 345 35 35Fax: +41 (21) 345 35 45Fabianaspikes at 2007World CupRicardinho has broken handSetter Ricardinho, Most Valuable Playerwhen Brazil won the <strong>FIVB</strong> World Leaguein 2007 but who hasn’t been part ofnational team plans since the start ofthe 2007 <strong>FIVB</strong> World Cup in Japan, wasunable to finish the season in Italy withteam Cimone Modena because of hisinjury.6<strong>FIVB</strong> World Volley News No.26 April 2008

News & CalendarsElwani awarded by PresidentMubarak as Volleyball chosen asbest sport in EgyptEgyptian President Mr. Hosni Mubarakhas presented African Volleyball Confederation(CAVB) and Egyptian VolleyballEgypt President Hosni Mubarak (left)presents award to Amr ElwaniFederation President Dr. Amr Elwaniwith the Order of the Country awardafter Volleyball was chosen as the bestsport in Egypt for the second year running.President Mubarak gave the Order to Elwaniafter Egypt’s historic achievementin qualifying for the Beijing Olympics andcongratulated him for his great work inimproving standards and increasing Volleyball’spopularity all over the country.Northern Ireland VolleyballPresident Murphy honouredNorthern Ireland Volleyball AssociationPresident Patrick Murphy had the honourof being a special guest among selectedNorthern Ireland sports officials ata reception hosted by Her Majesty QueenElizabeth II.Murphy’s invitation was to celebrate hiscontribution to Volleyball in NorthernIreland and the UK. Her Majesty thankedhim for his work and noted that the 2012Beach Volleyball Olympic Tournamentwould be near Buckingham Palace onLondon’s Horse guards Parade.Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth IIstands with NIVA President PatrickMurphy, first left, in glassesPhoto courtesy of HARRISON Photography Belfast<strong>FIVB</strong> Technical Courses & Seminars Calendar - April-May 2008Country TypeDatesDaysFromToBurkina Faso Coaches Level II 31-Mar 12-Apr 13Gambia Coaches Level I 31-Mar 11-Apr 12Barbados Defense Seminar 1-Apr 5-Apr 5Bahrain VIS 19-Apr 23-Apr 5Senegal Coaches Level I 26-Apr 7-May 12Cameroon Coaches Level I 30-Apr 11-May 12Thailand Referee Refresher 5-May 9-May 5Dominican Republic VIS 6-May 10-May 5Iran Coaches Level I 7-May 18-May 12Senegal Defense Seminar 16-May 20-May 5<strong>FIVB</strong> Volleyball Cooperation Programme Calendar - April-May 2008Country TypeDatesDaysFromToLaos VCP Refereeing 1-Apr 6-Apr 6Sri Lanka VCP Beach 7-Apr 12-Apr 6Pakistan VCP Coaches 7-Apr 14-Apr 8Seychelles VCP Refereeing 14-Apr 19-Apr 6Rwanda VCP Refereeing 16-Apr 21-Apr 6Haiti VCP Refereeing 21-Apr 26-Apr 6Fiji VCP Refereeing 21-Apr 26-Apr 6Korea VCP Young Players 5-May 10-May 6Philippines VCP Refereeing 6-May 11-May 6Saipan, Mariana Islands VCP Coaches 12-May 19-May 8Burkina Faso VCP Refereeing 12-May 17-May 6Solomon Islands VCP Beach 14-May 19-May 6Comoros Republic VCP Coaches 19-May 26-May 8Zimbabwe VCP Teachers 25-May 30-May 6Western Samoa VCP Teachers 26-May 31-May 62008 Global Calendar - Competitions and Events - Volleyball & Beach VolleyballDATES EVENT COUNTRY ORG. M/WApril 5-6 Indesit European Champions League Final Four Women Murcia, Spain CEV WApril 10-18 27th African Clubs Champions Championship Libya CAVB MApril 16-21 II NORCECA Beach Volleyball Circuit Guatemala NORCECA M/WApril 17-20 NESTEA European Championship Tour - Spanish Masters Gran Canaria, Spain CEV M/WApril 23-28 II NORCECA Beach Volleyball Circuit El Salvador NORCECA M/WApril IV Olympiad of Cuban Sport Cuba NORCECA M/WApril 27 - May 4 23rd African Clubs Champions Championship Cairo, Egypt CAVB WApril 28 - May 3 SWATCH <strong>FIVB</strong> World Tour Open Shanghai, China <strong>FIVB</strong> MApril 29 - May 4 <strong>FIVB</strong> World Tour Open Shanghai, China <strong>FIVB</strong> WApril 30 - May 5 II NORCECA Beach Volleyball Circuit Colima, Mexico NORCECA M/WMay 6-11 SWATCH <strong>FIVB</strong> World Tour Open Prague, Czech Republic <strong>FIVB</strong> MMay 7-12 II NORCECA Beach Volleyball Circuit Guadalajara, Mexico NORCECA M/WMay 8-12 NESTEA European Championship Tour - Austrian Masters St. Pölten, Austria CEV M/WMay 13-18 SWATCH <strong>FIVB</strong> World Tour Open Seoul, Korea <strong>FIVB</strong> WMay 13-18 SWATCH <strong>FIVB</strong> World Tour Open Roseto d. Abruzzi, Italy <strong>FIVB</strong> MMay 14-19 II NORCECA Beach Volleyball Circuit Aruba NORCECA M/WMay 16-18 <strong>FIVB</strong> Country vs. Country Montpellier, France <strong>FIVB</strong> MMay 16-18 ECh Women’s Small Countries Div. - Qualif. Round - Pool A-B Malta, Faroe Islands CEV WMay 17-25 World Olympic Qualification Tournament Tokyo, Japan <strong>FIVB</strong> WMay 20-25 SWATCH <strong>FIVB</strong> World Tour Open Osaka, Japan <strong>FIVB</strong> WMay 20-25 SWATCH <strong>FIVB</strong> World Tour Open Zagreb, Croatia <strong>FIVB</strong> MMay 21-26 II NORCECA Beach Volleyball Circuit Puerto Rico NORCECA M/WMay 22-25 NESTEA European Championship Tour - Swiss Masters Lucerne, Switzerland CEV M/WMay 23-25 World Olympic Qualification Tournament Düsseldorf, Germany <strong>FIVB</strong> MMay 26-31 SWATCH <strong>FIVB</strong> World Tour Open Barcelona, Spain <strong>FIVB</strong> WMay 27 - June 1 SWATCH <strong>FIVB</strong> World Tour Open Barcelona, Spain <strong>FIVB</strong> MMay 28 - June 8 VII Pan-American Cup Mexicali & Tijuana, Mex. NORCECA WMay 29 - June 1 NESTEA European Championship Tour - Dutch Masters The Hague, Netherlands CEV M/WMay 29 - June 2 II NORCECA Beach Volleyball Circuit Trinidad & Tobago NORCECA WMay 30 - June 1 World Olympic Qualification Tournament Espinho, Portugal <strong>FIVB</strong> MMay 31 - June 8 World Olympic Qualification Tournament Tokyo, Japan <strong>FIVB</strong> MMay 31 - June 8 III Pan-American Cup Canada NORCECA M<strong>FIVB</strong> World Volley News No.26 April 20087

Equipments<strong>FIVB</strong> Homologated sports material & equipments 2008<strong>FIVB</strong> EXCLUSIVEAPPROVED VOLLEYBALL BALLSMIKASAMVP 200(colour, synthetic leather)Exclusive game ballfor all <strong>FIVB</strong> Competitions incl. OG 2008<strong>FIVB</strong> APPROVED VOLLEYBALL BALLSMIKASAMVP 200NCMOLTENIV5XC (MTV5SLIT)GALABV 5091S(colour, synthetic leather)(colour, synthetic leather)(colour, synthetic leather)SHOES AND UNIFORMSADIDASShoes & uniformsASICSShoes & uniformsCHAMPIONUniformsDACAPOUniformsDESCENTEShoes & uniformsMIKASAUniformsInternational Referees supplier for VolleyballMIZUNOShoes & uniformsCAMBUCI “Penalty”Volley Pro 6.0(colour, synthetic leather)NIKEShoes & uniformsQUINGDAO-SYNSHEEN“Star” VB 205-34(colour, synthetic leather)NATIONMAN9900 PROFIT (colour, synthetic leather)MONDOMONDO 5MF-Pro(colour, synthetic leather)<strong>FIVB</strong> OFFICIAL INSPECTED VOLLEYBALLBALLSMIKASA SV-2 SchoolMIKASA VP500 Park VolleyBEACH VOLLEYBALL BALLSMIKASAVLS 200 (colour) BeachExclusive game ball for all <strong>FIVB</strong> Competitionsincl. OG 2008MOLTENBV5000 (colour) BeachOLYMPIKUSTOPPERShoes & uniformsUniforms<strong>FIVB</strong> APPROVEDSYNTHETIC SPORTS FLOORSTARAFLEXExclusive for all <strong>FIVB</strong> Competitionsincl. OG 2008TARAFLEXTaraflex Sport M Plus(7 mm thickness colour Teal 6431and Coral 6146) over wood sub floorsor synthetic sub floorsTaraflex Sport Performance Plus(9 mm thickness same colours as above)over concrete sub floorsMONDOMONDOFLEXBlue Laguna H23 + Rose Flamingo H41HOMOLOGATED POSTS, PADS,ANTENNAE, NETS, REFEREE CHAIRSENOHPosts, pads, nets with antennae & referees’chairs are exclusive for all <strong>FIVB</strong> Competitionsincl. OG 2008<strong>FIVB</strong> RECOMMENDEDSYNTHETIC SPORTS FLOORSMONDOMONDOSPORT HP-E PVC indoor floorBlue Laguna H23 + Rose Flamingo H41National Federations are requested to select material from the list of the <strong>FIVB</strong> approved sports materialWorld Volley News • Official Bulletin of the <strong>FIVB</strong> • Ch. Edouard-Sandoz 2-4 • CH-1006 Lausanne • Printed in Switzerland • <strong>FIVB</strong> founded in 1947 • Pres. Dr. Rubén Acosta H.Tel: + 41 21 345 35 35 • Fax: + 41 21 345 35 45 • Web Site: www.fivb.org • E-mail: press@fivb.org • Editor: Communication Department • No. 26 • April 20088<strong>FIVB</strong> World Volley News No.26 April 2008

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