Mucoderm ® 3D-Regenerative Tissue Graft - botiss biomaterials

Mucoderm ® 3D-Regenerative Tissue Graft - botiss biomaterials Mucoderm ® 3D-Regenerative Tissue Graft - botiss biomaterials

mucoderm ® Soft <strong>Tissue</strong> <strong>Graft</strong>mucoderm ® is a collagen tissue matrix derived of animal dermis that passesthrough a multi-step cleaning process, which removes all potential tissue rejectioncomponents from the dermis. This results into a 3-dimensional stablematrix consisting of collagen and elastin. mucoderm ® supports revascularizationand fast soft tissue integration and is a valid alternative for patientsown connective tissue.After placement, the patient‘s blood infiltrates the mucoderm ® graft throughthe 3-dimensional soft tissue network, bringing host cells to the soft tissuegraft surface and starting the revascularization process. Significant revascularizationcan begin after implantation depending on the patient‘s healthystructure.Natural <strong>3D</strong> collagen structuremucderm ® matrix is made of pure collagen without cross-linking or chemicaltreatment. SEM pictures of mucoderm ® show its rough and open-porous collagenstructure that guide soft-tissue cells and blood vessels.HandlingPrior to clinical use mucoderm ® has to be rehydrated in sterile saline or bloodfor 3-15 min (depending on graft size and desired flexibility of the graft). Afterrehydration it can be trimmed to the desired size with a scalpel or scissors.mucoderm ® histology after 3 month;good revascularizationSEM of mucoderm ®SEM of mucoderm ®IndicationsImplantology, Periodontology, Oral and CMF surgery- Soft tissue augmentation/ thickening- covering of implants placed in immediate or delayed extraction sockets- localized ridge augmentation for later implantation- alveolar ridge reconstruction for prosthetic treatment- guided tissue regeneration procedures in periodontal and soft tissue recession defectsProduct Specificationsmucoderm ®Article No. Size Content701520 15x20mm 1 piece702030 20x30mm 1 piece703040 30x40mm 1 pieceClinical ApplicationTunnel techniquePerfect handling of mucoderm ® following rehydration with steril saline or bloodClinical few of root recessionbefore mucoderm ®placementPapillary incisions approximately3mm apical to thetip of the papillamucoderm ® is insertedunder the intact papillaFlap positioned completelyover the graft and hold inplace with individual slingsuturesCoronally advanced flapProperties & Advantages- 100% natural collagen matrix - malleable (wet and dry)- rapid vascularization and integration - rapid rehydration- soft tissue replacement without palatal - easy handling (application and fixation)autograft harvesting - thickness 1.2 - 1.7 mm- complete remodeling into patients own tissue - resorption time 6 -12 monthsClinical few of root recessionbefore mucoderm ®placementPreparation of a coronallyadvanced flap by a sulcularand two vertical releasingincisionsmucoderm ® cut to shapeand placed over the toothrootGingival tissue coronallyrepositioned, coveringmucoderm ® and sutured inplace

Clinical ApplicationsCase ReportsSoft tissue augmentation/thickening: Dr. Tiziano Testori, ComoDr. Krzysztof Chmielewski, Gdansk/PolandVestibular augmentation of soft tissuewith mucoderm ®Second stage surgeryto uncover 3 implants inthe lower left mandibularquadrantPartial thickness flap andmucoderm ® anchored tothe periosteum tothicken soft tissueFlaps sutured leaving interimplantperiosteum exposedto heal by secondaryintention1 year post-op; an adequatequantity of keratinized tissueis presentRoot recession: PD Dr. Stefan Hägewald, BerlinClinical situation of the rootrecession before mucderm ®placementmucoderm ® placementover the tooth rootGingival tissue wascoronally repositioned,covering mucderm ® androots of teeth and suturedin placeRoot coverage „Tunnel technique“: Dr. Ziv Mazor, Ra‘anana6 months post-op; previouslyrecessed roots arecovered with attachedpink, keratinized gingivaltissueInitial situation showingvestibular recession of softtissue; crowns 12 and 13are temporary and screwretained on implantsChecking the position of theimplant in aesthetic windowSplitting of the flap, periostiumis left on thebone; implant margin isvisible due to marginalresorption of the boneChecking the fitting ofprepared shape of themucoderm ®Clinical situation beforesurgerymucoderm ® placement bytunnel techniqueClinical situation after 3months3 years follow up clinicalsituationStabilization and suturingof mucoderm ® with resorbablesutures 5-0 (PGA)Matrix mucoderm ® placedin final position and stabilizedwith PGA suturesFinal tension free flapclosure with nonresorbablemonofilamentsutures 6-0Healing of soft tissue after3 weeks from surgeryRidge augmentation: Dr. Krzysztof Chmielewski, GdanskClinical situation beforeblock surgerymaxgraft ® block fixationmaxgraft ® block coveredwith cerabone ® and protectedby mucoderm ®Final suturing and closing

otiss dental GmbHKnesebeckstrasse 59-6110719 Berlin / GermanyFon +49 30 20 60 73 98 30Fax +49 30 20 60 73 98 20contact@<strong>botiss</strong>.comwww.<strong>botiss</strong>.comfacebook: <strong>biomaterials</strong>skype: <strong>botiss</strong><strong>biomaterials</strong><strong>botiss</strong><strong>biomaterials</strong>

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