Versigen bulk food trolleys

Versigen bulk food trolleys Versigen bulk food trolleys


10Our 3D data logging systemautomates the testing andaccurate recording of food,oven and fridge temperaturesTo ensure compliance with food regulations, it’s essential thatyou test food temperatures regularly and maintain accuraterecords. However, traditional methods based on hand-heldtemperature probes and manual recording can be extremelytime consuming. E&R Moffat’s 3D data logging systemautomates the process of testing and recording, saving youtime and effort and ensuring proof of due diligence.Simplify complianceAt some time, you may find itnecessary to prove your due diligencein serving food at recommendedstatutory temperatures. The 3D datalogging system automatically recordsthe internal temperatures of the oven/refrigerator at set intervals and alsoprovides a means of probing andrecording actual food temperaturedata. The data is then transferredto a personal computer for storageor analysis. The results can bedisplayed in graphic or tabular form.ProbeData screens3D DATA LOGGING SYSTEM AT A GLANCEn Uses electronic sensors to check food temperaturesn Accurately records information throughout thepreparation, storage and regeneration cyclen Provides an audit trail for 2 yearsn Ensures compliance with food regulationsn Information can be transferred to PC for storage,analysis and reportingn Identifies unusual events affecting food qualityn Automatically archives data every two monthsInformation like this is essential for compliance, but it can also beused to highlight unusual events or faults that affect food quality.The easy way to compliance1. Oven and fridgetemperatures are checkedautomatically and data storedon the trolleys hard drive.The probe is used to checkand store the temperature offood from the trolley.2. The trolleys hard drivestores up to 2 years data.Data is retrieved from thetrolley using the hand heldunit.3. The hand held unitdownloads information atthe press of a button.Up to 63 trolleys data canbe stored on one handset4. The handset can thenbe attached to a PC via aUSB connection and data isdownloaded to the PC whereinformation can be storedindefinitely and viewed in avariety of tables and graphs.



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