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Brochure - The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of ...

Brochure - The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of ...


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GLOBAL MEET ONGreen Revolution-IISummit cum ExhibitionKnowledge • Technologies • Partnerships • Sustainabilityth th8 -9 February, 2010 • Venue: Hotel <strong>The</strong> Lalit, Barakhamba Avenue, Connaught Place, New Delhihe issues <strong>of</strong> food security, food safety,food quality <strong>and</strong> their linkages withpoverty, as defined in the MillenniumDevelopment Goals will become morechallenging as dem<strong>and</strong> for food increases innational <strong>and</strong> international markets. Indian PrimeMinister Dr Manmohan Singh while spelling outhis priorities on the 63rd Independence Day hasgiven a call for second green revolution <strong>and</strong>targeted 4% annual growth to be achieved duringnext 5 years in Indian agriculture by extensiveuse <strong>of</strong> technologies. Indeed agricultural science<strong>and</strong> technology has potential to meet challengesbut requires larger investments for a longerperiod. On the other h<strong>and</strong> present module fordevelopment <strong>of</strong> agriculture is loaded in favour <strong>of</strong>public sector <strong>and</strong> does not encourage privateinvestments. Henceforth, this is high time tobring reforms in the primary sector to enforceefficient backward <strong>and</strong> forward farm linkages.Moreover the technology development process<strong>of</strong> modern time requires extensive cooperation atglobal, regional, national <strong>and</strong> local levels amongorganizations from both public <strong>and</strong> privatedomain. In this context it is significant to bringnational <strong>and</strong> international leaders as well asopinion makers together to deliberate on how toshare the science <strong>and</strong> technology resources aswell as services for enabling sustainable foodsecurity. <strong>The</strong>y will also deliberate on national <strong>and</strong>global issues <strong>of</strong> concern so as to promoteagricultural growth <strong>and</strong> enhance scientificresearch efficiency as well as foster partnershipsto pay way for bringing second green revolution.OBJECTIVESTo deliberate <strong>and</strong> analyze hurdles in fostering publicprivate partnership <strong>and</strong> investments in agriculture.To share technologies <strong>and</strong> services to meet foodsecurity challenges.To seek common areas <strong>and</strong> priorities for collaborationto strengthen partnerships.To reach the consensus on planned actions to addresssustainable developmental issues.SPECIAL FEATURES INCLUDEFocussed Partner Countries Sessions.Focussed Partner States Sessions & State PolicyInitiatives.Exhibition.FOCUS AREASGlobal Challenges, Responses <strong>and</strong> InvestmentOpportunities in Agriculture.Production Side Challenges <strong>and</strong> Responses;Infrastructure Irrigation, Farm Machinery, Agro-Inputs,Credit, Farm Management, Contract Farming, GroupFarming, etc.Post Harvest Challenges <strong>and</strong> Responses; Forward<strong>and</strong> Backward Farm Linkages, Value Chain Models,Food Processing, Retail Supply Chain, Buy-BackProduction.Innovations Through Partnerships in AgriculturalResearch, Extension <strong>and</strong> Marketing; Public PrivatePartnerships, Cost Recovery Models.Future Agenda for Agricultural Development.PARTICIPANTS ANDEXHIBITORS PROFILESeeds, Fertilizers <strong>and</strong> Pesticides Companies.Food Processing Companies.Cold Storage <strong>and</strong> Supply Chain ManagementCompanies.Tractor <strong>and</strong> Agriculture Implements ManufacturingCompanies.Machineries & Equipments companies.Agri-Biotech & Nanotech Companies.Packaging Companies & Agri Retail Companies.Public <strong>and</strong> Private Sector Banks as well as OtherFinancial Institutions.Consultants <strong>and</strong> Service Providers.Central & State Government Departments,Corporations <strong>and</strong> Officials.Progressive Farmers & Representative <strong>of</strong> FarmerGroups <strong>and</strong> Farmer's Organizations & Cooperatives.Heads <strong>of</strong> Agricultural Research <strong>and</strong> ExtensionOrganizations.Policy Makers <strong>and</strong> Other Stakeholders from Union <strong>and</strong>State Governments.Experts / Representatives from Multilateral, Bilateral<strong>and</strong> Other International Organizations.Representatives from NGOs <strong>and</strong> State AgriculturalUniversities.

SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIESAssociate yourself with this world-class event to ensuremaximum visibility <strong>and</strong> br<strong>and</strong>ing!Main Sponsorship OpportunitiesSponsorship CategoriesCo-OrganizerState PartnerGold SponsorSponsorshipINR*2500000800000600000AmountUSD*51000International/ Country Partner NA 20500NADiamond Sponsor 800000 1650012500Assured Speaker slot.• Co-Organizer • Country partner• State Partner • Diamond Sponsor• Gold Sponsor • Silver sponsorComplementary delegate passes to attend the summit• Co-Organizer - 25 delegates• Country partner - 15 delegates• State Partner - 15 delegates• Diamond Sponsor - 10 delegates• Gold Sponsor - 8 delegates• Silver sponsor - 5 delegates• Lunch Sponsor - 5 delegates• Dinner Sponsor - 5 delegates• Delegate Kit Sponsor - 3 delegates• Special Sponsor - 2 delegatesMedia Lounge promoted exclusively by the summitpartner/sponsor.Silver Sponsor 400000 8500Lunch Sponsor (Per day)Delegate Kit SponsorSPECIAL BENEFITS300000200000Overarching presence as Summit Partner/Sponsor forGlobal Meet on Green revolution II across all communications<strong>and</strong> collaterals like Hoardings/ Posters/<strong>Brochure</strong>s/ Direct mailers/ Advertisement in leadingnewspapers.Assured Exhibition/Display Space• Co-Organizer • Country partner• State Partner • Diamond Sponsor• Gold sponsor • Silver sponsor6500Dinner Sponsor (one day) 300000 65004500Special Sponsor 100000 2500Partner/sponsor name <strong>and</strong> logo would be prominentlydisplayed at the main backdrop, the side panel <strong>and</strong>thank you panels at the summit venue & otherprominent places.Hyperlink to the Partner/ Sponsor's Website on theconference website.• Co-Organizer • Country partner• State Partner • Diamond SponsorFree one page corporate advertisement (Color) inconference souvenir.• Co-Organizer • Country partner• State Partner • Diamond Sponsor• Gold sponsor • Silver sponsorEXHIBITIONAn Exhibition is being organized to showcase yourproducts & services <strong>and</strong> raise the pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> yourorganization at this key event. <strong>The</strong> registration fee forexhibition will be Rs.5, 000/- per Sq. Mtr. for National<strong>and</strong> 150/- USD for International (Minimum Stall Size3mtr X 2 mtr).Following facilities would be available to exhibitors:• Completely built up stall with company fascia.• Two Chairs, one table, spotlights, waste paperbasket, electric points.ADVERTISEMENT IN THE SOUVENIRPage ParticularsAmount (INR*)Centre Spread (Colour) 50,000/-Front Inside Cover (Colour) 30,000/-Back Inside Cover (Colour) 30,000/-Full Page (Colour) 20,000/-DELEGATE FEE STRUCTUREINR*USD*International Delegates NA 150National Delegates 4000 NAPartner/Sponsor literature would form part <strong>of</strong> thematerial distributed among the participants <strong>and</strong> press.Convoy Registration(Group rate for 3 Delegates)10800 400

Everything else can wait but not agriculture.........(Hon'ble Late Prime Minister <strong>of</strong> India Shri Jahawar Lal Nehru)<strong>The</strong> <strong>Associated</strong> <strong>Chambers</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Industry</strong> <strong>of</strong> India (ASSOCHAM), India's premier apex chambercovers a membership <strong>of</strong> over 350 thous<strong>and</strong>s companies <strong>and</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essionals across the globe <strong>and</strong> serving thenations since 1920.As an apex industry body, ASSOCHAM represents the interests <strong>of</strong> industry <strong>and</strong> trade in various forum, serves asinterfaces with Government on policy issues <strong>and</strong> interacts with counterpart international organizations as well asother Governments to promote bilateral economic relations.Being a proactive <strong>and</strong> responsible chamber, ASSOCHAM gives suggestions to the Government for revitalization <strong>of</strong>agricultural sector, improvement in production <strong>and</strong> productivity, stepping up growth rates, enhancement <strong>of</strong> farmer'sincome, etc. ASSOCHAM's New Delhi Declaration 2006 acknowledges the importance <strong>of</strong> innovation to agriculturaldevelopment <strong>and</strong> affirms its commitment to advancing further the contributions <strong>of</strong> knowledge based industry to India'sgrowth.Some <strong>of</strong> the major agricultural research projects completed by ASSOCHAM in recent past:Agro-processing <strong>and</strong> Value addition in India; tracks the immense opportunities in Agri Processed <strong>and</strong>value added products 2009Approach to Food Safety <strong>and</strong> Quality: Refining Niche in International Food Market 2009Food & Agri Exports in India: “Defining the New Paradigm” 2009Way to Organic Farming 2009Perspectives <strong>of</strong> Food Processing 2009ASSOCHAM published a series <strong>of</strong> research studies targeting Food grain Sectors (Wheat, Rice, Pulses<strong>and</strong> Maize) <strong>and</strong> Edible Oil Sector in 2008Green revolution – II: A Road Map 2007Agricultural Scenario 2007Study on Agri Export Zones- 2007BT Cotton Farming in India 2007Some <strong>of</strong> the major International <strong>and</strong> National Exhibitions & Summits organized by ASSOCHAM in the recent past:International Summit cum Exhibition on Food Processing & Agribusiness – emerging opportunities <strong>and</strong>strategic thrust areas for <strong>Industry</strong> (2009)Food <strong>and</strong> Agri Exporters conclave (2009)th6 Global Knowledge Millennium Summit on Biotech <strong>and</strong> Nanotech for sustainable agriculture (2009)Food processing – Farmers Linkages (2008)Linking Farmers to Superstore (2007)Green Revolution II ( 2007)AgriBiotechnology (2006)For ASSOCHAM work in the other sectors kindly log on to www.assocham.orgFor more details on participation opportunities, contact:Dr. O.S.TyagiTel:+91 11 46550512 • Fax: +91 46536482Mobile:+91 9873417177Email: ombeer.tyagi@assocham.comDr.NeerajTel: +91 11 46550539 • Fax: +91 46536481Mobile:+ 91 9312344101Email: neeraj@assocham.comMr. Nakul P. LakheTel:+91 11 46550514 • Fax: +91 46550567Mobile:+91 9958135866Email: nakul.prakash@assocham.comMs. Aarti RaniTel: +91 11 46550523Mobile: + 91 9250275229Email: aarti.rani@assocham.com<strong>The</strong> <strong>Associated</strong> <strong>Chambers</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Industry</strong> <strong>of</strong> India (ASSOCHAM)1, Community Centre, Zamrudpur, Kailash Colony, New Delhi-110 048 • Tel: +91-11-46550555 (Hunting Line)Fax: +91-11-46536481/82, 46536498 • E-mail: assocham@nic.in • Website: www.assocham.org

GLOBAL MEET ON Green Revolution-IISummit cum Exhibitionth th8 -9 February, 2010Venue: Hotel <strong>The</strong> Lalit, Barakhamba Avenue,Connaught Place, New Delhi 110 001SUPPORTED BYMinistry <strong>of</strong> AgricultureGovernment <strong>of</strong> IndiaPlanning CommissionGovernment <strong>of</strong> IndiaTECHNOLOGY PARTNERhttp://www2.dupont.com/Our_Company/en_IN/glance/index.htmlKNOWLEDGE PARTNERShttp://www.iari.res.inhttp://www.ey.com/IN/EN/HomePARTIAL SPONSORhttp://www.bayergroupindia.comSPECIAL SPONSORhttp://www.dhanuka.comhttp://www.pepsiindia.co.inPARTNER ASSOCIATIONShttp://www.afmaasia.orgONLINE MEDIA PARTNERShttp://www.nsai.co.inhttp://www.alibaba.com http://www.indiamart.com http://www.tradeindia.com http://www.biztradeshows.com/india

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