Handicap International experience in Afghanistan - CBM

Handicap International experience in Afghanistan - CBM

Handicap International experience in Afghanistan - CBM

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to others: usually they benefit from a monthly wage and they have well-def<strong>in</strong>ed work<strong>in</strong>g conditions: fixedwork<strong>in</strong>g hours, fixed wage, specific tasks and work<strong>in</strong>g location. The rest of the active employed people cometo 30.0% and have a more precarious work<strong>in</strong>g status: family helpers, seasonal and occasional workers, anddaily/weekly wage workers 35 . Only 0.1% of active Afghans employ other people <strong>in</strong> their bus<strong>in</strong>ess, whichbarely represents a few thousand people.Figure 35: Distribution of Active People Age 15-64 by Employment Status4035• Persons with Disability• Non-Disabled302520151050Landowner/MortgagerDaily/WeeklyWage WorkerSelfEmployedContractWorkerFamilyHelperOccasionalWorkerApprenticeA multitude of professions exists <strong>in</strong> <strong>Afghanistan</strong>. Dozens of professions were identified dur<strong>in</strong>g the survey.Nevertheless, the most common profession is farm<strong>in</strong>g (40.2%). Farmers are usually owners of their landor rent a piece of land from someone aga<strong>in</strong>st part of the crop or/and a rent. Shepherds and labourers areother professionals of the agricultural sector, which represents almost 45% of all actives <strong>in</strong> <strong>Afghanistan</strong>.Non-disabledpersonsconstitute alarger proportionof landownersor mortgagers,while personswith disabilityare more oftenoccasionalworkersWorkers <strong>in</strong> the construction sector represent almost 10% of all active people. The importance of the reconstructioneffort s<strong>in</strong>ce the end of 2001 expla<strong>in</strong>s why many people f<strong>in</strong>d a job <strong>in</strong> build<strong>in</strong>g activities. People with a smallcapital open shop of various k<strong>in</strong>ds and do small trade. The wealthiest open a shop (7.2% of actives); the poorestare street vendors (2.5%). Peace is also characterised by the renewal of travel and exchanges. A large part oftransportation of goods and persons is done by road <strong>in</strong> a country where there is no railway and air transport isexpensive. As a result the profession of driver is quite common: 4.1% of the labour force.The government has become an important employer. The huge effort made <strong>in</strong> the education sector is evidentconsider<strong>in</strong>g the high number of teachers (3.2%). This profession is <strong>in</strong> rapid progress, not only <strong>in</strong> public schools,but also <strong>in</strong> a flourish<strong>in</strong>g sector of private schools and vocational tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g centres (often run by NGOs) <strong>in</strong> manydiscipl<strong>in</strong>es: languages (ma<strong>in</strong>ly English), computer skills, trade, craft, tailor<strong>in</strong>g, secretarial skills, etc. Another3% are civil servants <strong>in</strong> m<strong>in</strong>istries, prov<strong>in</strong>cial departments, and other government offices. The security needs<strong>in</strong> the country expla<strong>in</strong> that security services represent almost 2% of the active labour force.When they have work, persons with disability occupy jobs that have more or less a similar status as thenon-disabled. Persons with disability are less present <strong>in</strong> professions requir<strong>in</strong>g physical strength, of course:farmers, construction workers, drivers, mechanics... Yet they are <strong>in</strong> significantly higher proportion work<strong>in</strong>gas street vendors, shopkeepers and other little jobs, with unstable wages and no status. Non-disabledpersons constitute a larger proportion of landowners or mortgagers, while persons with disabilityare more often occasional workers. Persons with disability are also <strong>in</strong> slightly higher proportion <strong>in</strong> selfemployedactivities, which is often the term used for shopkeepers or street vendors.35A daily/weekly wage-worker is usually employed for a very short period of time (often on a daily basis) without any contractspecification. The persons can be a daily/weekly wage worker.48 Understand<strong>in</strong>g the Challenge Ahead

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