Handicap International experience in Afghanistan - CBM

Handicap International experience in Afghanistan - CBM

Handicap International experience in Afghanistan - CBM

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AcknowledgementsThe Government of <strong>Afghanistan</strong>M<strong>in</strong>istry of Martyrs and Disabled and Social AffairsM<strong>in</strong>istry of Public HealthCentral Statistics OfficeFeroz Alizada (HI)Elena M. Andresen (University of Florida)Parween Azimi (NPAD)Mario Biggeri (University of Florence)Federica Biondi (INTERSOS)Tania Burchardt (London School of Economics)Alberto Cairo (ICRC)Sonia Caut<strong>in</strong> (HI)Flavio Comim (Cambridge University)Heather Dawson (HI)Stephane de Greef (HI)Fiona Gall (SGAA)Thierry Gontier (STEP Consult<strong>in</strong>g)Elias Hameedi (Afghan Human Right Commission)Susan Helseth (UNMACA/UNICEF)Chris Lang (HIB)Ashraf Mashkoor (MoPH, HMIS)Sue MacKey (HI)Dan Mont (World Bank)Cécile Rolland (HI)Arnault Serra Horguel<strong>in</strong> (UNAMA)Lorella Terzi (University of London)Frederic Tissot (French Embassy)Erik Vandissel (MoLSA/UNICEF)Peter Ventevogel (Health Net <strong>International</strong>)Johns Hopk<strong>in</strong>s Bloomberg School of Public HealthGilbert BurhnamAyan Ahmed NoorLakw<strong>in</strong>der P S<strong>in</strong>ghUniversity of Versailles-Sa<strong>in</strong>t Quent<strong>in</strong>Jean-Luc DuboisJêrome BalletSpecial Thank to our donorsEuropean CommissionUNOPS/UNDPUNMAS (Volunteer Trust Fund)Ambassade de France en <strong>Afghanistan</strong>Swiss Agency for Development and CooperationNon Governmental OrganisationsAfghan National Association for the DeafAide Médicale <strong>International</strong>eAfghan Research and Evaluation UnitAgroactionCommunity Center for DisabledCoord<strong>in</strong>ation of Humanitarian Assistance<strong>Handicap</strong> <strong>International</strong> BelgiumHealthnet <strong>International</strong><strong>International</strong> Assistance Mission<strong>International</strong> Committee of the Red CrossINTERSOSMedec<strong>in</strong>s Du MondeMADERANational Afghan Disabled Women AssociationNational Association for Disabled of <strong>Afghanistan</strong>National Disability UnionPeople <strong>in</strong> NeedSandy Gall’s <strong>Afghanistan</strong> AppealServ<strong>in</strong>g Emergency Relief and Vocational EnterprisesSwedish Committee of <strong>Afghanistan</strong>UNICEFWorld Bank, Disability UnitA special thanks to the Monitor and Master Tra<strong>in</strong>ers,the 200 surveyors without whom this survey wouldnever have been carried out and the 5250 familiesthat accepted to answer our questions.NDSA team consists ofJean François Trani, Project ManagerParul Bakhshi, ConsultantLayla Lavasani, Regional Team ManagerSteffen Schwarz, Regional Team ManagerDom<strong>in</strong>ique Lopez, Statistics Advisorviii National Disability Survey <strong>in</strong> <strong>Afghanistan</strong> 2005

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