Stray Studies in the Coronophorales (Pyrenomycetes) 4-8 - ASCOfrance

Stray Studies in the Coronophorales (Pyrenomycetes) 4-8 - ASCOfrance

Stray Studies in the Coronophorales (Pyrenomycetes) 4-8 - ASCOfrance


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<strong>Studies</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Coronophorales</strong> 4-8 329UPS). Rude Skov (Samb. nigr. lignum) 17.ix. 1963 A. Münk (C). Dyrehaven (Fagus? lignum)20.iii. 1965 A. Münk (C).[Larsen's records (1952:13) of N. tristis from Jylland may refer to this species, but nomaterial is left.]Norway: s<strong>in</strong>e loco exactiore M. N. Blytt (O). — Oslo: Ullevold N. Moe (O). —Nordland:Saltdalen (Prunus pad. <strong>in</strong>ner-bark) iii.1824 S. Chr. Sommerfelt (1826:212 as Sph. trist.;Rostrup 1904a: 16 as Coel. trist.; O).Great Brita<strong>in</strong>: Dennis' statement about Calyc. tristis: "On wood normally on that bear<strong>in</strong>gmembers of <strong>the</strong> Diatrypaceae. Not common" (1960:212; 1968:333) refers p.max.p. to <strong>the</strong>present species. Numerous f<strong>in</strong>ds <strong>in</strong> England. Seen by me (ma<strong>in</strong>ly <strong>in</strong> IMI) from Devon,Durham, Essex, Gloucestershire, Hampshire, Hertfordshire, Norfolk, Oxfordshire, Somerset,Suffolk, Surrey, Wiltshire and Yorkshire; on Acer pseudopl., Aesculus?, Carp<strong>in</strong>us,Fagus, Ilex, Populus and Ulmus.Belgium: Prov. Liège: Courtrai (Populus <strong>in</strong>ner-bark) D. Westendorp (Herb, crypt. 528).Luxembourg: Kockelscheuer (Frax. bark and lignum) vi. 1901 V. Noppeney (typus Wallr.frax.).France: s<strong>in</strong>e locis exactioribus (Cydonia and Prun. sp<strong>in</strong>.) J. E. Chenantais (fide 1918:64-72as N. trist.). —Dép' Haute-Saône: Rigny (Salix bark) 19.vi. J. Flageolet (typus N. w<strong>in</strong>t.) —Dép' Loire-Inférieur: Nantes "Chêne-Vert" (Populus fast., soc. Eutypa lata) J. E. Chenantais(fide I.e.).Germany: s<strong>in</strong>e loco exactiore (probably Niedersachsen: nr. Gött<strong>in</strong>gen) (Populus trem.?bark) C. H. Persoon (L 910, 270-594) as Sph. cup.; cp. Nannfeldt 1975:53). — Westfalen: Bonn(Aesc. hipp.) Hb. Sehlmeyer (B).Switzerland: Jura Mts. (Corylus av.) Morthier (Fuck., F. rhen 947=Herb. Barb.-Boiss. 590).[Poland: Schroeter's record (1894:313) of N. tristis from Falkenberg (=Niemodi<strong>in</strong>) belongsprobably here.][Italy: Traverso's records (1907:359) of N. tristis refer probably—at least <strong>in</strong> part—to N.grevillii, but no specimens have been seen by me.](8) Nitschkia parasitans (Schw.) Nannf.Sweden: Skàne: Lund E. Fries (Sei. Suec. (ed. 2) 231 (UPS; cp. Nannfeldt 1975:54). —Uppland: Dalby, "Ormberget" (nr. Gräna) (Ulmus) 23.ii. 1974 Kerst<strong>in</strong> & L. Holm 175a (UPS).So<strong>in</strong>a, Âlkistan (Acer) L. Romell 15668 (S); Ulriksdal (Prun. pad.) 25.ii.1912 & 9.iii.l912 T.Vestergren (S). Stockholm (Sorb, auc.) 1.vi. 1884 L. Romell 15327 (S, UPS); Eriksberg (Tilia)9.iv.l887 L. Romell 15834 (S). Uppsala 1885 L. Romell 15833 (S); (Crataeg.) 5.viii.l884 L.Romell 16053 (S, UPS). —Jämtland: Âre (Ribes rubr.) 2.vii.l930 A. G. Eliasson (S, UPS). —Västerbotten: Umeâ (Prun. pad.) v. 1909 J. Vleugel 113 (1911:332 as N. cup.; C, S).F<strong>in</strong>land: Nylandia: Borgâ (Caragana, Crat., Sambucus) i.—ii. 1925, v. 1926 & iv.1927 W.Nyberg (H, UPS). Elimä, Mustila (Prun. pad.) 18.vi.l908& 15.vi.l909C. G. Tigerstedt (C,H,UPS). —Regio aboënsis: Âbo (Populus) 9.iv. 1861 P. A. Karsten 1067 (H); (Ulmus) 6.v. 1861 P.A. Karsten 1068 (H; F. fenn. 861). — Tavastia australis: Tammela, Mustiala (Acer, Crat.,Prun. pad. Ribes rubr., Rubus id., Syr<strong>in</strong>ga vulg., Tilia) several dates 1866, 1869, 1872 & 1891 P.A. Karsten 1069-1078, 1080-1082 (H, UPS); (Syr. vulg.) 15.v. 1887 Onni Karsten, Hb. Karsten1079(H).Norway: s<strong>in</strong>e locis exactioribus (Ribes rubr., Jug!, e<strong>in</strong>., Acer plat.) (C, O). — Oslo: M. N.Blytt (0);Bryn (Ribes rubr.) v. 1849 N. Moe (O); Tveita (Aesculus) 1840 M. N. Blytt (O); Töien(Acer plat., Aesc., Caragana arb., Jugl. e<strong>in</strong>., J. reg., Rhamnus fr.) 1840 & 1849 N. Moe(Rostrup 1904«: 16 as Coel. acervata and C. cup.; C, O). —Oppland: R<strong>in</strong>gebu (Prun. cer., P.pad., Ribes) S. Chr. Sommerfelt (O).20-753873 Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 69 (1975)

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