Stray Studies in the Coronophorales (Pyrenomycetes) 4-8 - ASCOfrance

Stray Studies in the Coronophorales (Pyrenomycetes) 4-8 - ASCOfrance

Stray Studies in the Coronophorales (Pyrenomycetes) 4-8 - ASCOfrance


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<strong>Studies</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Coronophorales</strong> 4-8 311Bertia collapsa Rom., Bot. Not. 1889(1):24 (1889). — Herpotrichia collapsa Rehm,Hedwigia 42, Beibl. 4: (176) (1903). —Calyculosphaeria collapsa Fitzp., Mycologia 15(2): 52(1923). — Typus: Rom., F. exs. scand. 70.Sphaeria tristis Tode var. sporidiis majoribus Berk. &Br., Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 4(7): 435(1871). _ Coll. orig.: Ha<strong>in</strong>ault Forest ii. 1859 & Ba<strong>the</strong>aston 22.iii. 1869 (vide Chapt. 8).Trichosphaeria vagans Boud., Icon, mycol. 4:339 (1910). — Typus: France, Boudier (PC).EXS.: Rom., F. exs. scand. 70 (B. coll.) FH fide Fitzp.; S!, UPS! — Roumeg., F. gall. 3524(iCoel. cup. ) COI!, UPS![Non: Weese, Eumyc. sel. 418 (Calyc. coll.) = Ac. tristis.]Similar to N. grevilliibut ascocarps larger, 0.45-0.75 mm. Asci 8-sporous, with adist<strong>in</strong>ct apical wall-thicken<strong>in</strong>g and a subapical cyl<strong>in</strong>der. Spores fusiform, straight,12-18x3.5-7 /im, <strong>in</strong>itially with 4 large drops and hyal<strong>in</strong>e wall, eventually with astrong median septum and smoky-grey wall.DISTRIBUTION: Seen by me from Europe (Sweden, Denmark, England,Belgium, France) and Australia (S. Australia). Recorded also from New Zealand(North Island, Fitzpatrick 1923:53). — The Australian specimen (G. Beaton 39, IMI116 884!) deviates by slightly longer spores (16-23x6-6.5 /xm) but is o<strong>the</strong>rwisetypical.(9) Nitschkia confertula (Schw.) Nannf., Sv. Bot. Tidskr. 69(1): 59 (1975).Sphaeria confería Schw., Sehr. Nat. Ges. Leipzig 1:45 (1822); Fr., Syst. myc. 2:444 (1823)[non Sph. confería Fr., I.e. p. 435, q.e. Pyrenobotrys confería (Fr.) Theiss. & H. Syd.; videNannfeldt 1975:59]. —Byssosphaeria (Amphisphaeria) confería Cke, Grevillea 15(=n. 75): 81(1887; non sensu Cke). —Amphisphaeria confería Sacc., Syll. fung. 9:747 (1891; non sensuSacc.). — Typus: USA, North Carol<strong>in</strong>a, Schwe<strong>in</strong>itz (holotypus: PH; isotypi: BPI, FH fideFitzpatrick 1923:55-57 et Shear 1939:324; UPS!).Sphaeria conferiula Schw., Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. 2(4): 211 (1832). — Tremalosphaeriaconferlula Ell., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. Philadelphia 1895:25 (1895; non sensu Ell., q.e.Chaeíosphaerella fusca). —Nom. nov. pro Sphaeria confería Schw. (non Fr.).Sphaeria euomphala Berk. & Curt, <strong>in</strong> Rav., F. carol. 4:54 (1855: nom. nud.); ex Berk.,Grevillea4(=n. 32): 141 (1876). — Boiryosphaeria euomphala Sacc., Syll. fung. 1:462 (1882).— Byssosphaeria (Eu-Rosell<strong>in</strong>ia) euomphala Cke, Grevillea 15(=n. 76): 122 (1887). —Nilschkia euomphala Ell. & Ev., N. Amer. Pyrenom. p. 246 (1892). — Tympanopsiseuomphala Starb., Bih. K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 19(3:2):24 (1894). — Scorlech<strong>in</strong>iaeuomphala Arx & Müll., Beitr. Krypt.-fl. Schweiz 11(1):380 (1954). — Coll. orig.: Rav., F.carol. 4:54.[.Sphaeria <strong>in</strong>froflexa Berk. & Rav. <strong>in</strong> sched. — Fracchiaea <strong>in</strong>iroflexa Cke, Grevillea 15(=n.75):84 (1887; nom. nud.). — Coll. orig.: Ravenel 1307, FH fide Fitzp.][Sphaeria craierella Berk. & Rav. ex Cke, Grevillea 15(=n. 76): 122 (1887; nom. nud., utsyn. Byssosphaeriae euomphalae). — Coll. orig.: Ravenel 1307; FH fide Fitzp.]Coelosphaeria beccariana Berl. & Pegl., N. Giorn. Bot. Ital. 24 (3): 110 (1892). —Nilschkiabeccariana O. Kze, Rev. gen. pi. 3(2): 501 (1898: "Nilschkea") — Typus: Italy, Beccari (isotypus:PAD! ut Coel. pisana, comp. Nannfeldt 1975:62).EXS.: Rav., F. carol. 4:54 (Sph. euomph.) FH, MO, NY, PH fide Fitzp.; UPS!SvenskBot. Tidskr. 69 (1975)

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