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GAIL (India) LimitedTERMS & CONDITIONSAnnexure-IIILDoc. No. 1 Rev. 01. The offer should be submitted under letter head with details like complete address, telephone no., faxno., email, contact person etc. of the bidder. The offer must be submitted in a sealed coversuperscribing sender’s name, enquiry no., item, due date of submission and opening to reachthe Owner/ Purchaser i.e. GAIL (India) Limited, Lakwa(Assam). (hereinafter referred as “GAIL”) on orbefore the due date and time of opening along with samples, if required, failing which the offer will notbe considered.Offer received late by post or other means are liable to be rejected.Offer received through fax/mail/telegram etc. shall not be acceptable.GAIL reserves the right to accept or reject any offer received, at its sole discretion, without assigningany reason whatsoever.2. The validity period of offer should not be less than 120 days from the opening date. Offer with lessvalidity is likely to be ignored.3. The bidder should quote the minimum possible delivery period. Date of LR/GR shall be considered asthe delivery date.4. (a) The offer should clearly specify the applicable rate of State Sales Tax or Central Sales Tax.Otherwise, the quoted rates will be considered as inclusive of all taxes. Bidders are required toindicate their State Sales Tax and Central Sales Tax registration no. in the quotation.(b) The quoted rates should clearly specify the rate of excise duty, if applicable, and other taxes andduties. Otherwise, the quoted rate will be considered as inclusive of excise duty. The Seller shouldconfirm regarding submission of CENVAT invoice for evaluation of their bid.(c) Statutory variation of taxes and duties within the contractual delivery period (except variation onaccount of turnover of the bidder) shall be allowed against documentary evidence. Further, theamount to be paid on this account will be worked out on the basis of difference between the ratesof taxes/duties as clearly spelt out in the offer and the rates as applicable at the time of supplyand such payments will be made only on production of documentary evidence suggesting such avariation in duties/taxes during the delivery period.(d) Packing charges, if any, should be specified clearly. Otherwise, quoted rate will be considered asinclusive of packing charges.(e) The bidder should indicate freight charges (including forwarding charges, if any) clearlyfor individual item(s) as well as for all the items of the tender considered together (i.e.overall basis) for evaluation of bids and finalization / execution of orders.The prices quoted by the bidders not on “FOT site” basis shall be rejected.5. Price(s) should be quoted according to unit specified in the enquiry and no other alternative unit will beconsidered.6. The quantities mentioned in the enquiry are indicative and are liable to change.7. Offers subject to prior sales will not be considered.8. Transit insurance shall be arranged by GAIL. However, the material shall be suitably packed so that no transitdamage occurs.9. Price Reduction Schedule (PRS) for delay in delivery: In case of delay in delivery beyond delivery date specified inPurchase Order, Price reduction schedule shall be applicable @ ½% of the total order value per week or partthereof for delay in delivery subject to a maximum (ceiling) of 5% of total order value. The Seller shall submitinvoice considering reduction on account of price reduction schedule. Non - acceptance of price reductionschedule is a rejection criteria.Contd…2

<strong>GAIL</strong> (<strong>India</strong>) LimitedTERMS & CONDITIONSAnnexure-IIILDoc. No. 1 Rev. 01. The offer should be submitted under letter head with details like complete address, telephone no., faxno., email, contact person etc. of the bidder. The offer must be submitted in a sealed coversuperscribing sender’s name, enquiry no., item, due date of submission and opening to reachthe Owner/ Purchaser i.e. <strong>GAIL</strong> (<strong>India</strong>) Limited, Lakwa(Assam). (hereinafter referred as “<strong>GAIL</strong>”) on orbefore the due date and time of opening along with samples, if required, failing which the offer will notbe considered.Offer received late by post or other means are liable to be rejected.Offer received through fax/mail/telegram etc. shall not be acceptable.<strong>GAIL</strong> reserves the right to accept or reject any offer received, at its sole discretion, without assigningany reason whatsoever.2. The validity period of offer should not be less than 120 days from the opening date. Offer with lessvalidity is likely to be ignored.3. The bidder should quote the minimum possible delivery period. Date of LR/GR shall be considered asthe delivery date.4. (a) The offer should clearly specify the applicable rate of State Sales Tax or Central Sales Tax.Otherwise, the quoted rates will be considered as inclusive of all taxes. Bidders are required toindicate their State Sales Tax and Central Sales Tax registration no. in the quotation.(b) The quoted rates should clearly specify the rate of excise duty, if applicable, and other taxes andduties. Otherwise, the quoted rate will be considered as inclusive of excise duty. The Seller shouldconfirm regarding submission of CENVAT invoice for evaluation of their bid.(c) Statutory variation of taxes and duties within the contractual delivery period (except variation onaccount of turnover of the bidder) shall be allowed against documentary evidence. Further, theamount to be paid on this account will be worked out on the basis of difference between the ratesof taxes/duties as clearly spelt out in the offer and the rates as applicable at the time of supplyand such payments will be made only on production of documentary evidence suggesting such avariation in duties/taxes during the delivery period.(d) Packing charges, if any, should be specified clearly. Otherwise, quoted rate will be considered asinclusive of packing charges.(e) The bidder should indicate freight charges (including forwarding charges, if any) clearlyfor individual item(s) as well as for all the items of the tender considered together (i.e.overall basis) for evaluation of bids and finalization / execution of orders.The prices quoted by the bidders not on “FOT site” basis shall be rejected.5. Price(s) should be quoted according to unit specified in the enquiry and no other alternative unit will beconsidered.6. The quantities mentioned in the enquiry are indicative and are liable to change.7. Offers subject to prior sales will not be considered.8. Transit insurance shall be arranged by <strong>GAIL</strong>. However, the material shall be suitably packed so that no transitdamage occurs.9. Price Reduction Schedule (PRS) for delay in delivery: In case of delay in delivery beyond delivery date specified inPurchase Order, Price reduction schedule shall be applicable @ ½% of the total order value per week or partthereof for delay in delivery subject to a maximum (ceiling) of 5% of total order value. The Seller shall submitinvoice considering reduction on account of price reduction schedule. Non - acceptance of price reductionschedule is a rejection criteria.Contd…2

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