IPCX Chillers - Dunham-Bush Americas

IPCX Chillers - Dunham-Bush Americas

IPCX Chillers - Dunham-Bush Americas


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INSTALLATION DATA (CONT.)○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○Low Voltage Units460/3/60, 575/3/60 & 400/3/50 voltage applications canbe supplied with unit-mounted, Solid State ReducedVoltage or Wye-Delta starter panel. Optional remotemountablestarter panels can also be supplied. All threelow voltage starter panels are for single point powersource.Medium Voltage Units2300/3/60, 4160/3/60 & 3300/3/50 applications aresupplied with remote-mounted across-the-line starterpanel.Power SourcesThe term “Power Source” refers to the unit main powersupply.For unit mounted starters, control power is supplied bya unit mounted control transformer. <strong>Dunham</strong>-<strong>Bush</strong>supplied remote mounted starters also include a controlcircuit transformer to provide 115 VAC.Medium voltage units require a separate 460/3/60 or400/3/50 power source for the oil pump and controlpower transformer.Unit and Field Mounted Disconnects“Disconnecting means” are described in Article 440 ofthe National Electric Code (NEC) which requires“disconnecting means capable of disconnecting airconditioning and refrigeration equipment includingmotor-compressors, and controllers from the circuitfeeder”. If the fused disconnect option is not supplied,then the disconnects by others should be selected andlocated within the NEC guidelines. Locationrequirements, per NEC, indicate that the disconnect belocated in a readily accessible position within sight (50feet) of the unit.Control Circuits115 volt control circuit terminals are clearly marked onthe electrical diagram found in the control panel forcontrol power.Contact our Application Engineering Department forhelp with other requirements.Cooler Design Data1. Maximum—LCFT (Leaving Chilled FluidTemperature) is 50°F (10°C). The unit can start andpull down with up to 90°F (32.2°C) entering watertemperature.2. Minimum—LCFT is 38°F (3.3°C) for all unit modelsbeing applied to water applications using standardcoolers. Consult factory for other operatingconditions below 38°F (3.3°C) using alternatecooling fluids.3a. Two Pass Flooded Coolers are considered Standardand are used for most Air Conditioning and ProcessApplications. They have a chilled fluid temperaturedifference range from 8° to 14°F (4.4° to 7.8°C).Consult factory for all special applications.3b. Single Pass DX Coolers are used for NarrowTemperature Range Applications, and have a chilledfluid temperature difference range from 3° to 10°F(1.7° to 5.6°C). Consult factory for specialapplications.4. Wide Range - Low Flow Chiller Operation can beaccomplished with a by-pass recirculation methodof piping, to allow the chiller to operate withacceptable flow rates as shown in Figure 26A. Thisis a suggested arrangement and special engineeringof piping, valving, and sensor locations is requiredto ensure proper operation.5. For Extra Narrow and Wide Range Applications,a by-pass piping arrangement can be used similarto Figure 26B. This is a suggested arrangement andspecial engineering of piping, valving, and sensorlocations is required to ensure proper operation.21

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