20th PCB Draft List of Participants - unaids

20th PCB Draft List of Participants - unaids

20th PCB Draft List of Participants - unaids

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Twentieth Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Programme Coordinating Board Vingtième réunion du Conseil de Coordination du ProgrammePage 8Norway – NorvègeMs Sigrunn MogedalSenior AdviserMinistry <strong>of</strong> Foreign AffairsOslo, NorwayMs Monica DjupvikAdviserNorwegian Agency for Development CooperationNORADP.B. 80340251 Oslo, NorwayMs Turid KongsvikCounsellorPermanent Mission <strong>of</strong> Norway to the UnitedNations Office and other InternationalOrganizations in GenevaAvenue de Budé 35 bisCase postale 2741211 Genève 19, SwitzerlandTel.: +47 22 240347Fax: +47 22E-mail: monica.djupvik@norad.noTel. : +41 22 918 04 30Fax : +41 22 918 04 10/11E-mail : turid.kongsvik@mfa.noRussian Federation – Fédération de RussieMr Alexander GoliusovHead <strong>of</strong> the HIV/AIDS UnitFederal Service for Surveillance on ConsumerRigths Protection and Human Well-beingVadkovsij Per, 18/20Moscow 127994, Russian FederationMr Anatoly PavlovCounsellorPermanent Mission <strong>of</strong> the Russian Federation tothe United Natinos Office and other InternationalOrganizations in GenevaAvenue de la Paix 151211 Geneva 20Tel. : +7 499 973 13 93Fax : +7 499 973 3011E-mail : goliusov@gsen.ruTel. : +41 22 733 1870Fax : +41 22 734 4044E-mail : pavlov.anatoly@freesurf.chSenegal – SénégalS.E. M. Abdou FallMinistre de la Santé et de la Prévention médicaleRue Aimé Césaire BP 4024DakarSenegalS.E. M. Moussa Bocar LyAmbassadeur, Représentant permanent duSénégal auprès de l’Office des Nations Unies àGenèveRue de la Servette 931202 Genève, SuisseTél. : +221 8 69 42 40Fax : +221 8 69 42 49E-mail : mssante@orange.snTél. : +41 22 918 0230Fax : +41 22 740 0711E-mail : mission.senegal@ties.itu.int

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