Model Aircrafts & Model Rockets - Monmouth County

Model Aircrafts & Model Rockets - Monmouth County Model Aircrafts & Model Rockets - Monmouth County
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SUPPLEMENTAL RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING PUBLIC USE OFMODEL AIRCRAFT AND MODEL ROCKETS AT DORBROOK RECREATIONAREA, AS INTRODUCED BY THE BOARD OF RECREATION COMMISSIONERS ONJULY 11, 2005, BY RESOLUTION R-05-7-11=222.GENERAL:1. Use of Dorbrook Recreation Area to fly model aircraft and launch model rockets shall beby permit only, issued upon payment of appropriate fee.2. Individuals must be 18 years old, or accompanied by an adult, in order to fly modelaircraft or launch model rockets.3. Flying of model aircraft and launching of model rockets shall conform to AMA safetystandards.4. All individuals using the flying fields and the rocket launch area shall sign the “Field UseForm” located at each site.5. The Park System may close the flying fields and the launch area at any time.6. No club or individual shall have exclusive right to the flying fields or the launch area atany time.7. Any permit fees are payable to “Monmouth County Board of RecreationCommissioners.”8. Permits expire December 31 each year.9. “Model Aircraft and Model Rocket Application Form for Flying Clubs,”“Model Aircraft and Model Rocket Application Form for Individuals Not Affiliated WithPermitted Clubs,” “Club Roster Form,” and “Map of Model Aircraft Over-Fly Area” areavailable at the Park System Administration Building, Lincroft, or from the DorbrookRecreation Area manager.10. All requests to hold contests and special events shall be submitted in writing to the ParkSystem at least 30 days in advance of the proposed date. Approval shall be on a firstcome,first-served basis.11. All accidents and injuries shall be reported immediately to the Park System ranger onduty.1 of 7

SUPPLEMENTAL RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING PUBLIC USE OFMODEL AIRCRAFT AND MODEL ROCKETS AT DORBROOK RECREATIONAREA, AS INTRODUCED BY THE BOARD OF RECREATION COMMISSIONERS ONJULY 11, 2005, BY RESOLUTION R-05-7-11=222.GENERAL:1. Use of Dorbrook Recreation Area to fly model aircraft and launch model rockets shall beby permit only, issued upon payment of appropriate fee.2. Individuals must be 18 years old, or accompanied by an adult, in order to fly modelaircraft or launch model rockets.3. Flying of model aircraft and launching of model rockets shall conform to AMA safetystandards.4. All individuals using the flying fields and the rocket launch area shall sign the “Field UseForm” located at each site.5. The Park System may close the flying fields and the launch area at any time.6. No club or individual shall have exclusive right to the flying fields or the launch area atany time.7. Any permit fees are payable to “<strong>Monmouth</strong> <strong>County</strong> Board of RecreationCommissioners.”8. Permits expire December 31 each year.9. “<strong>Model</strong> Aircraft and <strong>Model</strong> Rocket Application Form for Flying Clubs,”“<strong>Model</strong> Aircraft and <strong>Model</strong> Rocket Application Form for Individuals Not Affiliated WithPermitted Clubs,” “Club Roster Form,” and “Map of <strong>Model</strong> Aircraft Over-Fly Area” areavailable at the Park System Administration Building, Lincroft, or from the DorbrookRecreation Area manager.10. All requests to hold contests and special events shall be submitted in writing to the ParkSystem at least 30 days in advance of the proposed date. Approval shall be on a firstcome,first-served basis.11. All accidents and injuries shall be reported immediately to the Park System ranger onduty.1 of 7

CLUBS:12. Clubs may obtain an annual permit to fly model aircraft and launch model rockets bysubmitting the following:a. Completed “<strong>Model</strong> Aircraft and <strong>Model</strong> Rocket Application Form for FlyingClubs,” with Club Roster attached. Club Roster includes each member’s name,address, phone, and, if applicable, flying status for radio-controlled model aircraft(i.e., novice, pilot, instructor), and AMA number. Club Roster shall be updatedand forwarded to the park manager whenever there are changes, including newmembers and their flying status, changes in members’ flying status, and deletions.b. Certificate of Insurance, listing “<strong>County</strong> of <strong>Monmouth</strong>” as additional namedinsured. Insurance coverage shall be a minimum of $1,000,000 bodily injury andproperty damage.c. Academy of <strong>Model</strong> Aeronautics (AMA) Chartered Club Certificate.d. Payment of applicable permit fee.13. Club members shall have in their possession at the flying fields and the launch area thefollowing:a. AMA License for radio-controlled model aircraft.b. Club Membership Card, issued by club.14. Not-for-profit groups may obtain a single-day permit for non-radio controlled modelrockets by providing:a. “Articles of Incorporation.”b. Certificate of Insurance (See #12b.).c. “<strong>Model</strong> Aircraft and <strong>Model</strong> Rocket Application Form for Flying Clubs.”d. Club Roster of participants.INDIVIDUALS:15. Individuals may obtain an annual permit authorizing them to fly model aircraft andlaunch model rockets, or an annual permit authorizing them to launch model rocketsonly, by submitting the following:a. Completed “<strong>Model</strong> Aircraft and <strong>Model</strong> Rocket Application Form for IndividualsNot Affiliated with Permitted Clubs.”b. Certificate of Insurance (See #12b.).c. Copy of AMA License for radio-controlled model aircraft, with flight status level.d. Flying Status Form, if not AMA pilot-rated for radio-controlled model aircraft.e. Payment of applicable permit fee.16. Individuals shall have in their possession at the flying fields and the launch area thefollowing:a. Annual Permit, with flying status indicated for radio-controlled model aircraft.(See #19.)b. AMA License, for radio controlled model aircraft.2 of 7

17. Individual rated as AMA aircraft “New Flyer” or “Novice” shall be accompanied by aninstructor.MODEL AIRCRAFT:18. Clubs shall certify their members and indicate each member’s flying status on the ClubRoster, with monthly updates as needed. Only club members with a “Pilot” or“Instructor” status rating shall be permitted to fly solo. Club members with a “Novice”or “New Flyer” status rating shall be supervised by an instructor. In order to fly solo,club novice flyers shall pass the Flying Qualifications Test administered by a permittedinstructor. This change in status shall be indicated on the club’s updated roster.19. Individuals who are not affiliated with a club may initially have indicated on their AnnualPermit a “New Flyer” or “Novice” status rating, and as such they shall be supervised by apermitted instructor. In order to fly solo, individual new flyers and novices shall pass the“Flying Qualifications Test” administered by a qualified instructor, or provide currentAMA documentation with “Pilot” or higher status indicated. A successful “FlyingQualifications Test” shall be documented with instructor’s name, AMA number, and dateand place of test. The resulting change in status shall be supplied to the park manager inorder to update the individual’s Annual Permit.20. The flying field may be used for combustion-engine aircraft daily from 10:00 a.m. untilone hour prior to the posted time of park closing. The flying field may also be used forsilent-flight gliders and electric-engine aircraft daily from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.21. All combustion engines shall be equipped with mufflers in order to limit decibel level to96 db at a reference distance of 20 feet.22. All aircraft shall be flown within marked, designated areas.23. No more than five radio-controlled aircraft shall be airborne at one time, no more thanfour of which shall be combustion-engine aircraft.MODEL ROCKETS:1. The launch area may be used seven days a week from 8:00 a.m. until one hour prior tothe posted time of park closing. Because the launch area adjoins athletic and recreationfields, rockets shall not be launched when the fields are in use. Individuals who plan tolaunch rockets must call the park to check the status of the launch area prior to arrival.2. Individuals shall abide by the <strong>Model</strong> Rocket Safety Code as set forth by the NationalAssociation of Rocketry (NAR).3. <strong>Model</strong> rockets are limited to Class “B” or smaller, non-radio controlled.4. Only one rocket shall be launched at a time.3 of 7

5. Requests by groups to launch model rockets shall be made to the park manager at least 24hours in advance of the proposed launch date and shall be accompanied by the insurance,roster, and other applicable required documentation (See #12.). Approval shall be on afirst-come, first-served basis. The Park System reserves the right to limit group size.6. The Park System may designate a secondary launch area in the event there is a conflictwith the primary site.Note: Employees of the Board of Recreation Commissioners are vested with police authorityand empowered to make arrests for violations of the <strong>County</strong> Park rules and regulations. Rulesapplying to special conditions or situations within an individual county park or recreation areamay be considered supplemental. These rules and regulations are promulgated in accordancewith provisions of the New Jersey Statutes Title 40, Chapter 12-6 which reads as follows:“The Board of Recreation Commissioners shall have full control over all lands,playgrounds, and recreation places acquired or leased under the provisions of Section 40:12-1 to 40:12-9 of this title and may adopt suitable Rules, Regulations, and By-Laws for the usethereof and the conduct of all persons while on or using the same, and any person who shallviolate any of such Rules, Regulations, or By-Laws shall be deemed and adjudged to be adisorderly person.”4 of 7

DORBROOK RECREATION AREAMODEL AIRCRAFT AND MODEL ROCKETSAPPLICATION FORM FOR FLYING CLUBSName of Club:Street Address:City/State/Zip:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Club Officers and Titles:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Person to Contact:_____________________________________________________________Telephone Number(s): Day____________________Evening___________________AMA CLUB #_________________ (NOT REQUIRED FOR ROCKETS)CHARTER EXPIRATION DATE:___________________ (NOT REQUIRED FOR ROCKETS)Application form must be accompanied by a roster of all club members. (See attached example,with required information.) Each member’s flying status for radio-controlled model aircraft shallbe noted on roster (novice, pilot, instructor). Roster shall be updated monthly as needed, withnames and status of new members, changes in members’ flying status, and deletions.5 of 7

DORBROOK RECREATION AREAMODEL AIRCRAFT AND MODEL ROCKETSApplication Form for Individuals Not AffiliatedWITH PERMITTED CLUBSName of Applicant:Street Address:City/State/Zip:______________________________AMA#____________/Status___________________________________________________________________________________________________Telephone Number(s): Day____________________Evening___________________FLIGHT RESTRICTIONS - AIRCRAFT -- If the above-named individual is a NEW FLYER orNOVICE they shall not fly without an instructor present.To the applicant: Once you have passed the Flying Qualification Test and have been certified to fly solo, bring thisform to the Park Manager to have your annual permit & flying status updated.______________________________________________________________________I hereby certify that the above-named individual has passed the Flying Qualification Test andmay be issued a Pilot’s Annual Permit for individuals.Instructor’s Name:__________________________________AMA#_____________Instructor’s Club:_____________________________________________________Instructor’s Signature:_________________________________________________Date:_______________________ Test Location:___________________________FLIGHT RESTRICTIONS – ROCKETS – Class ‘C’ rockets or smaller only. <strong>Rockets</strong> that arein-flight radio-controlled are prohibited. Minors must be accompanied by an adult.Scheduled athletic events have priority over all rocket launches.FLIGHT RESTRICTIONS-- ALL -- Yearly- Applicant(s) are to submit CURRENT certificateof insurance, current AMA card, flying status (if applicable) and annual permit fee to ParkManager if renewal processing is desired. Permits expire Dec. 31. Restrictions may changewithout notice.6 of 7


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