The Philosophy of Courage - Alcoholics Anonymous. AA, Meeting ...

The Philosophy of Courage - Alcoholics Anonymous. AA, Meeting ...

The Philosophy of Courage - Alcoholics Anonymous. AA, Meeting ...

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<strong>The</strong> human self is necessarily diseased:the Kingdom <strong>of</strong> Fear and the great TerrorPhilip Leon stated bluntly that the human self was inherently and inescapably diseased.Our natural instincts, our dispositions and characters, and our acquired habitsdrove us to desires and ambitions which were <strong>of</strong> necessity diseased and impure. Whatwe called the “self ” was a collection <strong>of</strong> desires based ultimately on the fear <strong>of</strong> deathand the fear <strong>of</strong> insecurity. We desperately want to live forever, but also much morethan that: “except on the occasions when he is threatened with biological extinction,existence means for [the self], not just being alive, but having a certain income, status,reputation, etc.” [chapter 1, section II] In our sickness, we want it all.<strong>The</strong> cause <strong>of</strong> our human selfishness may appear (on the surface) to be insatiabledesire. In classical Buddhist teaching, for example, tanha (the desire, craving, or thirst forsensory pleasures, life, fame, love, and so on) is regarded as the root <strong>of</strong> all human misery.But Leon said that the true driving force behind this selfishness is a kind <strong>of</strong> raw fearwhich lies underneath these desires. It is the fear which is the real driving power. <strong>The</strong>self therefore always and inevitably turns the world into a Kingdom <strong>of</strong> Fear, ruled byFate and Karma. As long as I am looking at the world from a purely selfish standpoint,I will always eventually start falling into what Leon called the great Terror.Those who have a little bit <strong>of</strong> goodness are terrified when they are forced to lookat other human beings (such as the truly outstanding members <strong>of</strong> the Oxford Group)who have achieved the true optimum. Those who are diseased, even if only in part,are terrified by what they see there <strong>of</strong> true health. Those who are tainted by impurity,even if only to a degree, are terrified by absolute purity.Absolute Love, Absolute Purity, Absolute Honesty, and Absolute Unselfishness areterrifying to those who have settled for just getting by with a minimum <strong>of</strong> mechanicalsurface morality. <strong>The</strong> good is the enemy <strong>of</strong> the best: “One fear says: ‘So much knowledge,but no more’; another: ‘So much love and health, but no more’; a third: ‘So muchpower, but no more.’ Together they shout: ‘We have everything, we are everything.Beyond us is nothing, beyond us is the great Terror!’”<strong>The</strong> real God is the infinite power <strong>of</strong> true creativity and novelty. But those whocling to the finite are terrified by this vision <strong>of</strong> the infinite. Those who repeat the samethings over and over are terrified by the revolutionary, and frightened to their depthsby true creativity and novelty. To the depths <strong>of</strong> our being, we fear change.And above all—and this is one <strong>of</strong> Leon’s most interesting comments—“<strong>The</strong> fearat the bottom <strong>of</strong> each individual is that <strong>of</strong> recognizing himself, and <strong>of</strong> being recognized,one day, as a son <strong>of</strong> God.” <strong>The</strong> true God appears and <strong>of</strong>fers us salvation andtrue sonship and daughtership, and we shut our eyes and put our fingers in our earsand run away as fast as we can run. [chapter 1, section II] We resist the saving messagebecause we are too scared <strong>of</strong> becoming good and holy people ourselves, people whoshine with the divine light within. And among all the tragic consequences <strong>of</strong> humanfearfulness, this is the greatest tragedy <strong>of</strong> all.6

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