The Philosophy of Courage - Alcoholics Anonymous. AA, Meeting ...

The Philosophy of Courage - Alcoholics Anonymous. AA, Meeting ...

The Philosophy of Courage - Alcoholics Anonymous. AA, Meeting ...

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myself, to learn and to be corrected or changed. My attitude is then one <strong>of</strong> docility,intense attention, expectation, hope. I will call this attitude positive Godfeeling. Ireact negatively when I reject the self-sickness because I wish to stay “put” and,as a means <strong>of</strong> doing so, proceed to cover up my actual state both from myself andothers. I then defend myself by direct or indirect self-explanation or self-laudationand by fear, suspicion or scorn <strong>of</strong> whatever provokes the revolutionary urge in me.My self-defence may consist <strong>of</strong> any one <strong>of</strong> an infinite number <strong>of</strong> negative attitudesranging from flagrant self-assertion and violent destructiveness at one end <strong>of</strong> thescale to boredom or pathological taedium vitae* at the other. Any one <strong>of</strong> these I willcall negative Godfeeling.Everyone <strong>of</strong> us at every moment has either negative or positive Godfeeling.COMPREHENDING GODWe comprehend God when we understand such truths as those embodied in thestatements which have here been put forward in the definition <strong>of</strong> God. That is tosay, when we understand that all instances <strong>of</strong> absolute love or wisdom, for example,are instances <strong>of</strong> the same love or wisdom, that all the absolutes are one, that theirnumber is infinite and that each <strong>of</strong> them is infinite. This is the comprehension <strong>of</strong>the unity <strong>of</strong> God—<strong>of</strong> the fact that all the many glimpses are revelations <strong>of</strong> thesame perfection—and <strong>of</strong> His infinity. It is got by reflecting on and comparing manyintuitions <strong>of</strong> absolute love, power, wisdom, etc., and is an affair <strong>of</strong> the intellect orthe “head” rather than <strong>of</strong> the “heart.” Nevertheless, it comes to us clearly only aswe progress in that changing-healing-making process in which God purifies ourhearts, perhaps because only in that process do we attend enough to instances <strong>of</strong>absolute love, power, wisdom, etc. To behold God even intellectually we must bepure <strong>of</strong> heart.I may sum up by saying that so far I have shown that God is a fact because wesee Him, because we feel Him and because we comprehend Him. To show that Heis also a fact because He acts on us we shall have to look closely into the changinghealing-making process to which I have up to now only referred. Before we can dothis we must examine the term correlative to God, namely myself, since, as I said atthe beginning, either term can be understood only by the side <strong>of</strong> the other. To thisexamination we shall now proceed.* stepstudy’s note: “Taedium vitae” means “weariness with life.”46

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