The Philosophy of Courage - Alcoholics Anonymous. AA, Meeting ...

The Philosophy of Courage - Alcoholics Anonymous. AA, Meeting ...

The Philosophy of Courage - Alcoholics Anonymous. AA, Meeting ...

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desirable, or simply as an attempt to make graphic my definition <strong>of</strong> constructivepower.<strong>The</strong>re is produced by such a gathering an electric atmosphere—an atmospheremagnetised, purified, sensitised to the utmost, dynamic,* charged with the nthpower. It combines the maximum <strong>of</strong> concentration with the maximum <strong>of</strong> ease. Init you are always doing something, always giving the whole <strong>of</strong> yourself to somethingor some person, but always ready for some thing new, always busy, always at leisure,always hastening, always unhurried; you feel as though you were walking on air.In this atmosphere you see far and you see through. Everyone is transparent.All pretences, masks and pomps have been stripped <strong>of</strong>f. All eyes are wide open,seeing what is in front <strong>of</strong> them and showing what is behind them. Everyone islike a modern building—all window, Everyone is brand new, young, uninhibited,fearless and carefree. All go about like very happy and very wise children, <strong>The</strong>y arelistening to an invisible leader and, in listening, sense and meet each other’s needs.Complexities are simplified, conflicts harmonised, knots untied, tangles unravelled.Without any arguing, persuading or scheming, everything fits into a plan, a planpreconceived by none.Quietness, special insight or wisdom, mutual interpenetration, freedom—theseand other features I would single out in analysing the power. But at one’s first meetingwith it, one does not analyse it at all. It impinges upon one as a unitary atmosphere.One breathes it in as one breathes the air. Once it has entered one it begins to work.It works like a ferment.<strong>The</strong> operation <strong>of</strong> that ferment is by no means some thing with which one fallsin love at first sight. It causes in one unease, dissatisfaction, inferiority feeling inshort self-consciousness. Right at the start we have an illustration <strong>of</strong> the statementmade above. Consciousness <strong>of</strong> God brings up consciousness <strong>of</strong> self. One becomesuncomfortably aware <strong>of</strong> all sorts <strong>of</strong> things in oneself that one generally tries tocover up—inadequacy and falsity, fear, everything that one has ever had onone’s conscience and has sloughed <strong>of</strong>f. In proportion as one desires to preserveone’s comfort, to rest undisturbed in one’s present condition and to choke downthat resurgent awareness, one rebels more or less violently against the dynamicatmosphere. <strong>The</strong> people from whom it emanates arouse in one the strangest andrichest variety <strong>of</strong> suspicions and dislikes with their slightest word or deed. Instead <strong>of</strong>acknowledging as one’s own the faults in one which are struggling up to the surface<strong>of</strong> one’s consciousness, one projects them and fixes them or others on these peopleindividually or collectively, while the atmosphere as a whole begins to irritate oneas crude and violent, glaring and overbearing. “It makes me, sick!” is the eloquentphrase, far deeper than he suspects, with which many a man sums up his rebellionagainst that atmosphere and with which he ends, for a time at least, his contact with* Cf. the use <strong>of</strong> “dynamis,” just alluded to, in the New Testament.38

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