The Philosophy of Courage - Alcoholics Anonymous. AA, Meeting ...

The Philosophy of Courage - Alcoholics Anonymous. AA, Meeting ...

The Philosophy of Courage - Alcoholics Anonymous. AA, Meeting ...

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Chapter 1UNDENIABLE FACTSUndeniable facts are inescapable facts.God and myself are for me such facts.IGOD: THE ABSOLUTES OR PURITIESSTARTING POINTSIt is the ambition <strong>of</strong> every philosopher to start his discussion with some factor facts which no one can deny. <strong>The</strong> facts with which I propose to start here asundeniable are God and myself.A fact to me in the fullest sense <strong>of</strong> the word is that which acts on me, which Icomprehend by my thought and which in some sense I see and feel. An undeniablefact Is one from which I cannot get away.I cannot get away either from God or from myself. Being unable to get awayfrom them, I consider it the part <strong>of</strong> wisdom and, therefore, <strong>of</strong> philosophy, whichoriginally meant the love <strong>of</strong> wisdom, to start with them as well as to end withthem.God and myself are, like father and child, correlative terms: one cannot beproperly understood apart from the other. What is more important, in the case <strong>of</strong>God and myself my consciousness <strong>of</strong> either is pr<strong>of</strong>itable for my life only in so far asit is also the consciousness <strong>of</strong> the other and <strong>of</strong> the relation between the two. Thiswill be demonstrated and illustrated almost at every step in the following pages.DEFINITIONSIt is possible to define or to give the meaning <strong>of</strong> a term without maintaining thatthe term stands for anything real. Thus, I can say what is meant by “pixies,” whileat the same time declaring that there are no such things as pixies. What immediatelyfollows is given as mere definition <strong>of</strong> the term “God.” But, because I believe thatphilosophy should all the time deal with experience, I will draw even my definitionfrom experience—the experience, in fact, with which this book will deal all thetime. Nevertheless, the unbelieving reader, to whom the term “God” is like the term“pixie,” may discount all allegation <strong>of</strong> experience and take it that in the definitionI am merely inviting him to consider certain notions for which the term “God” hasstood or stands and the connections between these notions, just as I might ask him36

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