Revised Comprehensive Norms Bibliography - Psychological ...

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REFERENCESArnold, B. R., Montgomery, G. T., Castaneda, I., &Longoria, R. (1994). Acculturation and performanceof Hispanics on selected Halstead-Reitan neuropsychologicaltests. Assessment, 1, 239-248.Barona, A., Reynolds, C. R., & Chastain, R. (1984). Ademographically based index of premorbid intelligencefor the WAIS-R. Journal of Consulting and ClinicalPsychology, 52, 885-887.Bernard, L. C. (1989). Halstead-Reitan neuropsychologicalperformance of Black, Hispanic, and White youngadult males from poor academic backgrounds. Archivesof Clinical Neuropsychology, 4, 267-274.Berry, G. J., Heaton, R. K., & Kirby, N. W. (1977).Neuropsychological deficits of chronic inhalantabusers. In B. H. Rumack & A. R. Temple (Eds.),Management of the poisoned patient (pp. 9-31).Princeton, NJ: Science Press.Boller, F., Grafman, J., & Rizzolatti, G. (2000). Handbookof Neuropsychology (2nd ed.). Amsterdam: ElsevierScience.Borod, J. C., Goodglass, H., & Kaplan, E. (1980). Normativedata on the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination,Parietal Lobe Battery, and the Boston NamingTest. Journal of Clinical Neuropsychology, 2, 209-216.Braff, D. L., Heaton, R. K., Kuck, J., Cullum, M.,Moranville, J., & Grant, I., et al. (1991). The generalizedpattern of neuropsychological deficits in chronicoutpatient schizophrenic patients with heterogeneousWisconsin Card Sorting results. Archives of GeneralPsychiatry, 48, 891-898.Carey, C. L., Woods, S. P., Gonzalez, R., Conover, E.,Marcotte, T. D., & Grant, I., et al. (in press). Predictivevalidity of Global Deficit Scores in detecting neuropsychologicalimpairment in HIV infection. Journalof Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology.Chelune, G. J., Heaton, R. K., & Lehman, R. A. W. (1986).Neuropsychological and personality correlates ofpatients’ complaints of disability. In G. Goldstein &R. E. Tartar (Eds.), Advances in Clinical Neuropsychology(Vol. 3, pp. 95-126) New York: Plenum.Delis, D. C., Kaplan, E., & Kramer, J. H. (2001). Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System: Examiner’s manual.San Antonio, TX: The Psychological Corporation.Delis, D. C., Kramer, J., Kaplan, E., & Ober, B. (1987). TheCalifornia Verbal Learning Test. New York: ThePsychological Corporation.Diehr, M. C., Heaton, R. K., Miller, S. W., & Grant, I.(1998). The Paced Auditory Serial Addition Task(PASAT): Norms for age, education, and ethnicity.Assessment, 5, 375-387.Dunn, L. M., & Markwardt, F. C., Jr. (1970). Manual for thePeabody Individual Achievement Test. Minneapolis, MN:American Guidance Service.Evans, J. D., Miller, S. W., Byrd, D. A., & Heaton, R. K.(2000). Cross cultural applications of the Halstead-Reitan batteries. In E. Fletcher-Janzen, T. L. Strickland,& C. R. Reynolds (Eds.). The Handbook of CulturalNeuropsychology (pp. 287-303). New York: Plenum.Filley, C. M., Heaton, R. K., Nelson, L. M., Burks, J. S., &Franklin, G. M. (1989). A comparison of dementia inAlzheimer’s disease and multiple sclerosis. Archives ofNeurology, 46, 157-161.Finlayson, M. A. J., Johnson, K. A., & Reitan, R. M. (1977).Relationship of level of education to neuropsychologicalmeasures in brain-damaged adults. Journal ofConsulting and Clinical Psychology, 45, 536-542.Fromm-Auch, D., & Yeudall, L. T. (1983). Normative datafor the Halstead-Reitan neuropsychological tests.Journal of Clinical Neuropsychology, 5, 221-238.Gladsjo, J. A., Schuman, C. C., Evans, J. D., Peavy, G. M.,Miller, S. W., & Heaton, R. K. (1999). Norms for letterand category fluency: Demographic corrections forage, education, and ethnicity. Assessment, 6, 147-160.Goodglass, H., & Kaplan, E. (1983). Boston DiagnosticAphasia Examination. Philadelphia: Williams & Wilkins.Grant, I., & Adams, K. A. (1996). Neuropsychological assessmentof neuropsychiatric disorders (2nd ed.). New York:Oxford University Press.75

REFERENCESArnold, B. R., Montgomery, G. T., Castaneda, I., &Longoria, R. (1994). Acculturation and performanceof Hispanics on selected Halstead-Reitan neuropsychologicaltests. Assessment, 1, 239-248.Barona, A., Reynolds, C. R., & Chastain, R. (1984). Ademographically based index of premorbid intelligencefor the WAIS-R. Journal of Consulting and ClinicalPsychology, 52, 885-887.Bernard, L. C. (1989). Halstead-Reitan neuropsychologicalperformance of Black, Hispanic, and White youngadult males from poor academic backgrounds. Archivesof Clinical Neuropsychology, 4, 267-274.Berry, G. J., Heaton, R. K., & Kirby, N. W. (1977).Neuropsychological deficits of chronic inhalantabusers. In B. H. Rumack & A. R. Temple (Eds.),Management of the poisoned patient (pp. 9-31).Princeton, NJ: Science Press.Boller, F., Grafman, J., & Rizzolatti, G. (2000). Handbookof Neuropsychology (2nd ed.). Amsterdam: ElsevierScience.Borod, J. C., Goodglass, H., & Kaplan, E. (1980). Normativedata on the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination,Parietal Lobe Battery, and the Boston NamingTest. Journal of Clinical Neuropsychology, 2, 209-216.Braff, D. L., Heaton, R. K., Kuck, J., Cullum, M.,Moranville, J., & Grant, I., et al. (1991). The generalizedpattern of neuropsychological deficits in chronicoutpatient schizophrenic patients with heterogeneousWisconsin Card Sorting results. Archives of GeneralPsychiatry, 48, 891-898.Carey, C. L., Woods, S. P., Gonzalez, R., Conover, E.,Marcotte, T. D., & Grant, I., et al. (in press). Predictivevalidity of Global Deficit Scores in detecting neuropsychologicalimpairment in HIV infection. Journalof Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology.Chelune, G. J., Heaton, R. K., & Lehman, R. A. W. (1986).Neuropsychological and personality correlates ofpatients’ complaints of disability. In G. Goldstein &R. E. Tartar (Eds.), Advances in Clinical Neuropsychology(Vol. 3, pp. 95-126) New York: Plenum.Delis, D. C., Kaplan, E., & Kramer, J. H. (2001). Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System: Examiner’s manual.San Antonio, TX: The <strong>Psychological</strong> Corporation.Delis, D. C., Kramer, J., Kaplan, E., & Ober, B. (1987). TheCalifornia Verbal Learning Test. New York: The<strong>Psychological</strong> Corporation.Diehr, M. C., Heaton, R. K., Miller, S. W., & Grant, I.(1998). The Paced Auditory Serial Addition Task(PASAT): <strong>Norms</strong> for age, education, and ethnicity.Assessment, 5, 375-387.Dunn, L. M., & Markwardt, F. C., Jr. (1970). Manual for thePeabody Individual Achievement Test. Minneapolis, MN:American Guidance Service.Evans, J. D., Miller, S. W., Byrd, D. A., & Heaton, R. K.(2000). Cross cultural applications of the Halstead-Reitan batteries. In E. Fletcher-Janzen, T. L. Strickland,& C. R. Reynolds (Eds.). The Handbook of CulturalNeuropsychology (pp. 287-303). New York: Plenum.Filley, C. M., Heaton, R. K., Nelson, L. M., Burks, J. S., &Franklin, G. M. (1989). A comparison of dementia inAlzheimer’s disease and multiple sclerosis. Archives ofNeurology, 46, 157-161.Finlayson, M. A. J., Johnson, K. A., & Reitan, R. M. (1977).Relationship of level of education to neuropsychologicalmeasures in brain-damaged adults. Journal ofConsulting and Clinical Psychology, 45, 536-542.Fromm-Auch, D., & Yeudall, L. T. (1983). Normative datafor the Halstead-Reitan neuropsychological tests.Journal of Clinical Neuropsychology, 5, 221-238.Gladsjo, J. A., Schuman, C. C., Evans, J. D., Peavy, G. M.,Miller, S. W., & Heaton, R. K. (1999). <strong>Norms</strong> for letterand category fluency: Demographic corrections forage, education, and ethnicity. Assessment, 6, 147-160.Goodglass, H., & Kaplan, E. (1983). Boston DiagnosticAphasia Examination. Philadelphia: Williams & Wilkins.Grant, I., & Adams, K. A. (1996). Neuropsychological assessmentof neuropsychiatric disorders (2nd ed.). New York:Oxford University Press.75

Gronwall, D. (1977). Paced Auditory Serial AdditionTask: A measure of recovery from concussion.Perceptual and Motor Skills, 44, 367-373.Heaton, R. K. (1992). <strong>Comprehensive</strong> norms for an expandedHalstead-Reitan Battery: A supplement for the WechslerAdult Intelligence Scale–<strong>Revised</strong>. Odessa, FL: <strong>Psychological</strong>Assessment Resources.Heaton, R. K., Chelune, G. L., & Lehman, R. A. W. (1978).Using neuropsychological and personality tests toassess the likelihood of patient employment. Journal ofNervous and Mental Disease, 166, 408-416.Heaton, R. K., Chelune, G. J., Talley, J. L., Kay, G. G., &Curtiss, G. Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) manual–<strong>Revised</strong> and expanded (1993). Odessa, FL: <strong>Psychological</strong>Assessment Resources.Heaton, R. K., Grant, I., Anthony, W. Z., & Lehman, R. A. W.(1981). A comparison of clinical and automated interpretationof the Halstead-Reitan Battery. Journal ofClinical Neuropsychology, 3, 121-141.Heaton, R. K., Grant, I., Butters, N., White, D. A., Kirson,D., & Atkinson, J. H., et al. (1995). The HNRC 500–Neuropsychology of HIV infection at different diseasestages. Journal of the International NeuropsychologicalSociety, 1, 231-251.Heaton, R. K., Grant, I., & Matthews, C. G. (1986).Differences in neuropsychological test performanceassociated with age, education, and sex. In I. Grant &K. M. Adams (Eds.), Neuropsychological assessment inneuropsychiatric disorders: Clinical methods and empiricalfindings (pp. 100-120). New York: Oxford UniversityPress.Heaton, R. K., Grant, I., & Matthews, C. G. (1991). <strong>Comprehensive</strong>norms for an expanded Halstead-Reitan Battery:Demographic corrections, research findings, and clinicalapplications. Odessa, FL: <strong>Psychological</strong> AssessmentResources.Heaton, S. L., & Heaton, R. K. (1981). Testing theimpaired patient. In S. B. Filskov & T. J. Boll (Eds.),Handbook of clinical neuropsychology (pp. 526-544).New York: John Wiley & Sons.Heaton, R. K., & Marcotte, T. (2000). Clinical neuropsychologicaltests and assessment techniques. In F. Boller,J. Grafman, & G. Rizzolati (Eds.), Handbook of neuropsychology(2nd ed., pp. 29-52). Amsterdam: ElsevierScience.Heaton, R. K., Miller, S. W., Taylor, M. J., & Grant, I. (2004).<strong>Revised</strong> <strong>Comprehensive</strong> norms for an expanded Halstead-Reitan Battery: Demographically adjusted neuropsychologicalnorms for African American and Caucasian adultsscoring program. Lutz, FL: <strong>Psychological</strong> AssessmentResources.Heaton, R. K., Nelson, L. M., Thompson, D. S., Burks,J. S., & Franklin, G. M. (1985). Neuropsychologicalfindings in relapsing-remitting and chronic-progressivemultiple sclerosis. Journal of Consulting and ClinicalPsychology, 53, 103-110.Heaton, R. K., Paulsen, J., McAdams, L. A., Kuck, J.,Zisook, S., Braff, D., et al. (1994). Neuropsychologicaldeficits in schizophrenics: Relationship to age,chronicity, and dementia. Archives of General Psychiatry,51, 469-476.Heaton, R. K., & Pendleton, M. G. (1981). Use of neuropsychologicaltests to predict adult patients’ everydayfunctioning. Journal of Consulting and ClinicalPsychology, 49, 807-821.Heaton, R. K., Ryan, L., Grant, I., & Matthews, C. G.(1996). Demographic influences on neuropsychologicaltest performance. In I. Grant & K. Adams (Eds.),Neuropsychological Assessment of Neuropsychiatric Disorders(2nd ed., pp. 141-163). New York: OxfordUniversity Press.Heaton, R. K., Schmitz, S. P., Avitable, N., & Lehman,R. A. W. (1987). Effects of lateralized cerebral lesionson oral reading, reading comprehension and spelling.Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 9,711-722.Heaton, R. K., Taylor, M. J., & Manly, J. (2003).Demographic effects and use of demographically correctednorms with the WAIS-III and WMS-III. InD. Tulsky, D. Saklofske, R. K. Heaton, G. Chelune,R. Ivnik, R. A. Bornstein, et al. (Eds.), Clinical interpretationof the WAIS-III and WMS-III. San Diego, CA:Academic Press.Johnson-Selfridge, M. T., Zalewski, C., & Aboudarham,J. F. (1998). The relationship between ethnicity andword fluency. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 13,319-325.Kaplan, E. H., Goodglass, H., & Weintraub, S. (1978). TheBoston Naming Test. Boston: E. Kaplan & H. Goodglass.Kaplan, E., Goodglass, H., & Weintraub, S. (1983). TheBoston Naming Test (2nd ed.). Philadelphia: Lea &Febiger.Karzmark, P., Heaton, R. K., Grant, I., & Matthews, C. G.(1984). Use of demographic variables to predict overalllevel of performance on the Halstead-ReitanBattery. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 52,663-665.Karzmark, P., Heaton, R. K., Lehman, R. A. W., & Crouch, J.(1985). Utility of the Seashore Tonal Memory Test inneuropsychological assessment. Journal of Clinical andExperimental Psychology, 7, 367-374.76

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