RFID Systems - Allied Automation, Inc.

RFID Systems - Allied Automation, Inc.

RFID Systems - Allied Automation, Inc.


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OverviewOur IDENT control battery-operated handheld reader canbe used to read or write data in the field without the useof a power cable. The IQT, IST, and IPT programmers havemany unique features. The short-range handhelds areperfect for industrial, medical, and logistical applications.These can be stand-alone applications using only thegraphical display, or active applications where data iswritten and read from a remote database. All features aresupported right out of the box. The built-in, real-time clockis great for time stamping operations and keeping track ofthe entire process. Other features such as vibrator, buzzer,and language selection options can be useful in factoryfloor applications and multilingual production facilities.WirelessThe integrated 2.4 GHz, Class 1 radio can communicateup to 300 ft to any Bluetooth access point. Many Bluetoothand WiFi access points can coexist simultaneouslydue to adaptive frequency hopping and quick connectfeatures. An XML router will guarantee data integrity overthe transmission path. If the reader leaves the wirelessarea and reads a tag the data will be sent, if required, themoment it reenters the read zone. Wireless configurationis easy because you just type the device address youwant to communicate to directly into the keyboard of thehandheld and hit connect. The connection is maintainedand configured automatically.Graphical Display and KeyboardThe handheld looks and feels like a cell phone. It has amultiline display, 18 buttons, and arrow selection keys.The screens are fully programmable so you can use thehandheld as a stand-alone device or interface directly witha PC.ProgrammingThe handheld readers use Javascript as their programminglanguage. The Javascript application development kitcan be downloaded free of charge and programs can bedeveloped quickly and easily. Contact P+F for sample codeand free programming assistance. The following featuresare available with the programming interface:• Read and write to the reader’s memory• Display information on the screenHandheldSolutions• Read information off the keyboard• Access and transmit data through the communicationsport• Reconfigure the communications port• Read, write, and change configuration information on thehandheldCommunicationsThe <strong>RFID</strong> handheld is unique in that it has a singleconnector that does everything. It has the built-in abilityto function as a USB virtual COM port, USB HID, PS/2,and RS-232 port. The Bluetooth wireless is also builtin.RS-232, PS/2, and USB cables can be purchasedseparately at any time. The RS-232 data rate, data bits,and stop bits are completely configurable from the display.Read/Write RangeAll of the readers are designed for short-range operation.The range depends on the tag size and will vary froma fraction of an inch to approximately two inches. Thehandheld readers are typically used in installations whereother fixed mount readers are located as well. Take notethat activating a reader in close proximity to other readerswill affect the range of both. The mutual interference willoccur only when the read trigger button is pressed andonly when they are close together.Battery LifeThe readers can be used with a long-life battery. Thisbattery is automatically recharged when plugged into aUSB port, or when the battery is removed and placedinto a charging station. There are many battery-savingfeatures, such as a sleep mode timer with auto-shutoff,and backlight dimming. If the USB, PS/2, or RS-232 cablesare used, the battery can be removed and replaced with adummy to continue operation battery free.Handheld SolutionsPepperl+Fuchs®<strong>Inc</strong>. • 1600 Enterprise Parkway • Twinsburg, Ohio 44087-2245 • www.am.pepperl-fuchs.comTelephone (330) 486-0001 • FAX (330) 405-4710 • E-Mail: sales@us.pepperl-fuchs.com77

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