RFID Systems - Allied Automation, Inc.

RFID Systems - Allied Automation, Inc.

RFID Systems - Allied Automation, Inc.


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Barcode Imaging <strong>Systems</strong>Fixed-Mount Imagers Network AdaptersBarcode ImagingNetwork Adapters• EtherNet/IP• PROFINET I/O, PROFINET CBA• Modbus/TCP• Ethernet TCP/IPThe RTS series facilitates the connection of our serialbarcode imaging products to Ethernet networks.Depending on the unit we also offer products implementingseveral different industrial Ethernet protocols in addition toEthernet TCP/IP.TCP/IPThe RTS series is a 1-, 4-, 8-, 16-port device serverdesigned for network-enabling serial communicationsdevices. When used with the supplied driver softwareand a host PC, the products enable placement of COMor TTY ports anywhere on an Ethernet network or acrossthe Internet. In applications where connecting legacyserial devices to a PC without software changes is arequirement, a pair of RTS network adapters can be usedto create a point-to-point serial tunnel across the networkthat seamlessly transfer serial data via TCP.ADMIN portADMIN port is another advantage. This unique feature isoffered exclusively by Pepperl+Fuchs on the RTS 1P, 8Pand 16P. A monitoring application opens this port, andinformation about the other open COM ports is sent atone-second intervals. This information includes whether ornot the port is open, and the number of bytes transmittedand received. The system sends an alert if the port closesfor any reason.MIRROR portsMIRROR ports are another Pepperl+Fuchs exclusive on theRTS 1P, 8P and 16P. They enable up to three applicationsto receive data from the same serial port. For example,serial port 1 has default socket connections to 3001, 4001,and 5001. Only port 3001 is set to send commands tothe serial device. No other applications can interfere withproduction-critical hardware. Data returning from the serialport is sent to all default socket connections.EMAILAnother debug option is provided via email. There areover 10 different errors that can trigger an email, includingdevice power up. This error could occur after a brownout.Modbus/TCPThe RTS UP-1, 4P, 8P and 16P provide Modbus/TCP overEthernet making a seamless connection to PCs or PLCs.EtherNet/IPThe RTS UP-1 offers a flashable solution that configuresin minutes via the web, allowing you to support majorindustrial Ethernet PLC networks, such as EtherNet/IP, on asingle platform.PROFINET I/O and PROFINET CBAThe RTS UP-1 offers a flashable solution that configuresin minutes via the web, allowing you to support majorindustrial EtherNet PLC networks, such as PROFINET, ona single platform. Whichever protocol you use, RTS UP-1provides an RS-232/422/485 software-selectable serialconnection to your PLC.126Pepperl+Fuchs®<strong>Inc</strong>. • 1600 Enterprise Parkway • Twinsburg, Ohio 44087-2245 • www.am.pepperl-fuchs.comTelephone (330) 486-0001 • FAX (330) 405-4710 • E-Mail: sales@us.pepperl-fuchs.com

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