fantasy birds corrections - Anita Goodesign

fantasy birds corrections - Anita Goodesign

fantasy birds corrections - Anita Goodesign

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Fantasy Birds - page 30 fixIn the printed book colors 15and 16 are missing. Thecorrect steps are highlightedbelow.Design - SEFB3AStitches - 42978Size - 7.8” wide - 7.8” highDesign -SEFB3BStitches - 37789Size - 6.8” wide - 6.8” highDesign - SEFB3CStitches -31556Size - 5.8” wide - 5.8” highDesign - SEFB4AStitches - 42978Size - 7.8” wide - 7.8” high33Design -SEFB4BStitches - 37789Size - 6.8” wide - 6.8” highDesign - SEFB4CStitches -31556Size - 5.8” wide - 5.8” highColors1. Squaring Stitch - Match Fabric2. Applique Marking Stitch - Top -dark brown3. Applique Tacking Stitch - Top Fabric -darkbrown4. Applique Marking Stitch -Middle Fabric- tan5. Applique Tacking Stitch - Middle Fabric - tan6. Applique Marking Stitch -Bottom Fabric- lightgreen7. Applique Tacking Stitch - Bottom Fabric -lightgreen8. 11009. 108410.130611.105412. 112713. 135814. 107115. 105416. 110017. 130618. 107119. 108444

Fantasy Birds - page 50 fixStep number 18 waslisted as 1368 in thebook, it should read1358Design - SEFB43Stitches - 83480Size - 6.75” wide - 11.9” highColors1. 11002. 13063. 10544. 10845. 13586. 11277. 10718. 11009. 105410. 135811. 110012. 108413. 130614. 110015. 107116. 105417. 112718. 135819. 107120. 1087 - owl base21. 1118 - owl shading22. 1041 - dark shading23. 1071 - light shading24. 1023 - beak25. 1137 - eyes26. 1222 - claws27. 1137 - claws28. 1000 - outlines

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