Mandatory Narrowbanding IWCE April 2005.pdf

Mandatory Narrowbanding IWCE April 2005.pdf

Mandatory Narrowbanding IWCE April 2005.pdf

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Who Are We?• Full Service Law Firm In Rockville, Maryland– FCC Representation• Counsel To Frequency Coordinators (PCIA, ITA And FIT), PublicSafety And Private Radio Licensees And SMR Operators Since 1984• Advanced Frequency Search Capability• Experienced Licensing Preparation Personnel• Auction Assistance• License Swap Negotiations• Wi-Fi/WLAN And Tower Negotiations– Complete General Business Representation• Corporate, Litigation, Real Estate, Trusts & Estates, Immigration,etc.2

Background: 1995 Report & Order• 1995 FCC Refarming Docket Decisions– No Certifications For New 25 kHz Only Equipment AfterFebruary 1, 1997• Multi-Mode Mode Equipment (i.e. 25 kHz & 12.5 kHz) Permitted• Equipment Certified Under Old Rules May Continue To BeManufactured• New Wide-Band Only “Equivalent Efficiency” EquipmentPermitted– No Certifications For New 12.5 kHz Only EquipmentAfter January 1, 2005• Multi-Mode Mode Equipment (i.e. 12.5 kHz & 6.25 kHz) Permitted• Equipment Certified Under Old Rules May Continue To BeManufactured3

FCC Summary: 1995 OrderDeadlinesJune 19951 st R&OMarch 20032 nd R&ODec. 20043 rd R&ONew 25 kHz AppsNONEMods to expand 25 kHzContoursNONECertification of 25 kHzequipment2/1/1997Build or import 25 kHzequipmentNONE<strong>Mandatory</strong> B/ILT 12.5 kHzconversionNONE<strong>Mandatory</strong> PS 12.5 kHzconversionNONE6.25 kHz requirements1/1/20054

Background: 1995-2003• 1998 – AMTA Files Petition For Rule MakingRequesting That These Frequencies (And(800MHz Non-Auctioned Spectrum) Be ChannelizedAt 12.5 kHz• 1999 – FCC Issues Further Notice Of ProposedRule Making Asking Whether <strong>Mandatory</strong>Migration Date Should Be Set• March 2003 – 2 nd Report & Order Issued– Petitions For Reconsideration5

March 2003 – 2 nd MO&O FCCDecisions• New 25 kHz Applications For 150/450/470 MHzFrequencies Prohibited Six Months After Report & Order IsPublished– Deadline Was January 13, 2004• Modification Applications To Expand Incumbent ContourProhibited At Same Time• Petitions For Reconsideration Filed On Time Frame– Public Safety Agencies Wanted Longer, B/ILT Want Shorter– FCC Issued Stay While Reviewing6

March 2003 – 2 nd MO&O FCCDecisions• Prohibits Certification Of Equipment Capable OfOperating With Only One Voice Path Per 25 kHzBeginning January 1, 2005– No More Multi-Mode Mode Equipment• Prohibits Manufacture Or Importation OfEquipment Capable Of Operating One Voice PathPer 25 kHz Beginning January 1, 2008• MO&O Unclear As To Whether 25 kHz EquivalentEfficiency (Such As TDMA) Permitted7

March 2003 – 2 nd MO&O FCCDecisions• <strong>Mandatory</strong> Migration To 12.5 kHz Operation (OrBetter) for 150/450/470 MHz Licensees– By January 1, 2013 For Non-Public Safety– By January 1, 2018 For Public Safety– Continued Operation After These Dates, Even On ASecondary Basis, Prohibited• NPRM Requesting Comments On Migration To6.25 kHz Or Equivalent Technology8

December 2004 – 3 rd MO&O FCCDecisions• <strong>Mandatory</strong> Migration Date – January 1,2013– Bus/IndLicensees Must Migrate To 12.5 kHzOr Equivalent Technology By January 1, 2013– Public Safety Licensees Must Migrate To 12.5kHz Or Equivalent Technology By January 1,201310

December 2004 – 3 rd MO&O FCCDecisions• Deadline For Wideband Applications IsJanuary 1, 2011– After January 1, 2011• Applications For New Operations Must Be For NoMore Than 12.5 kHz Bandwidth (Or EquivalentEfficiency)• Applications For Modifications Of ExistingOperations That Expand The Contour Of TheExisting Station Must Be For Narrowband OrEquivalent Efficiency11

December 2004 – 3 rd MO&O FCC• Equipment SalesDecisions– Wideband Only Equipment Manufacturing And ImportationDeadline January 1, 2011• Equivalent Efficiency Wideband Equipment Will Be Permitted– One Channel Per 12.5 kHz (Voice), 4800 bps Per 6.25 kHz (Data)• New Equipment Certifications– New Equipment Models Submitted For Type Certification AfterJanuary 1, 2005 May Specify 25 kHz Operation, But Must MeetEquipment Efficiency Of 6.25 kHz• One Channel Per 6.25 kHz (Voice), 4800 bps Per 6.25 kHz (Data)• However, Deadline Stayed Pending Comments On 3 rd NPRM• Paging-Only Frequencies Exempt From <strong>Narrowbanding</strong>12

December 2004 – 3 rd Notice OfProposed Rule Making• FCC Seeks Comments On Elimination Of<strong>Mandatory</strong> Migration To 6.25 kHzEquivalent Technology• Comments Due 60 Days After PublicationOf NPRM In The Federal Register• Reply Comments Due 90 Days AfterPublication Of NPRM In The FederalRegister13

FCC Summary: 2004 OrderDeadlinesJune 19951 st R&OMarch 20032 nd R&ODec. 20043 rd R&ONew 25 kHz AppsNONE1/13/20041/1/2011Mods to expand 25 kHzContoursNONE1/13/20041/1/2011Certification of 25 kHzequipment2/1/19971/1/20051/1/2005(Stayed)Build or import 25 kHzequipmentNONE1/1/20081/1/2011<strong>Mandatory</strong> B/ILT 12.5 kHzconversionNONE1/1/20131/1/2013<strong>Mandatory</strong> PS 12.5 kHzconversionNONE1/1/20181/1/20136.25 kHz requirements1/1/2005TBDEliminate?????14

THANK YOU!Robert L. Ritter, EsquireShulman, Rogers, Gandal, Pordy & Ecker, P.A.11921 Rockville Pike, Third FloorRockville, Maryland 20852www.shulmanrogers.com15

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