U. S. Steel Canada Code of Ethical Business Conduct - EthicsPoint

U. S. Steel Canada Code of Ethical Business Conduct - EthicsPoint

U. S. Steel Canada Code of Ethical Business Conduct - EthicsPoint

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Assess the SituationA 220-litre drum <strong>of</strong> hazardous wastespilled onto the ground. We promptlyaddressed the spill and made allthe necessary verbal notificationsto the provincial Ministry <strong>of</strong> theEnvironment, but regulations requireus to submit a written follow-upletter to the Ministry within ten days<strong>of</strong> the spill. The Ministry <strong>of</strong>ficial towhom I initially reported the spill,however, told me over the phonethat he does not see the need forthe written report since the spill wasrelatively small and has already beenaddressed. Do I still need to send thewritten follow-up report?Yes. You must still send thewritten follow-up report. A Ministry<strong>of</strong>ficial may tell you that a writtenfollow-up report is not required forminor reportable events, especiallyif the <strong>of</strong>ficial has a long and goodrelationship with the facility’senvironmental personnel. However,U. S. <strong>Steel</strong> <strong>Canada</strong> could bepotentially subject to enforcementby the provincial Ministry <strong>of</strong> theEnvironment or Environment <strong>Canada</strong>if your facility does not submit thereport. We must meet all regulatoryobligations even if an agency <strong>of</strong>ficialsuggests otherwise.Do What’s Right 11

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