DISCOURSES Volume II - Avatar Meher Baba Trust

DISCOURSES Volume II - Avatar Meher Baba Trust

DISCOURSES Volume II - Avatar Meher Baba Trust


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188 <strong>DISCOURSES</strong>meditation and the meditation of the aspirant is that the latter issystematic and organised thinking about things that have spiritualimportance. Meditation, as Sadhana, may be personal orimpersonal.Meditation is personal when it is concerned with somespiritually perfect soul. A suitable object for personal meditationmay be taken (according to the inclination of the aspirant) fromamong the <strong>Avatar</strong>s or the Masters of the past or from living PerfectMasters. Through such personal meditation the aspirant imbibes allthe divine qualities or the spiritual knowledge of the Master. Sinceit involves love and self-surrender, personal meditation invites thegrace of the Master which alone can give final realisation. So theSadhana of personal meditation not only makes the aspirantsimilar to the Master on whom he meditates, but also prepares hisway to be united with the Master in the Truth.Impersonal meditation is concerned with the formless andinfinite aspect of God. This may lead a person towards therealisation of the impersonal aspect of God, but on the whole thismeditation becomes barren unless the aspirant has been dulyprepared by the pursuit of personal meditation and the life ofvirtue. In the ultimate realisation of infinity there is neither thelimitation of personality nor the distinction of the opposites ofgood and evil. In order to have that realisation one has to pass fromthe personal to the impersonal and from goodness to God, Who isbeyond the opposites of good and evil. Another condition ofattaining Truth through impersonal meditation is that the aspirantshould be able to make his mind absolutely still. This becomespossible only when all the diverse sanskaras (impressions) in themind have vanished. As the final wiping out of the sanskaras ispossible only through the grace of a Master, the Master isindispensable for

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