mark t. skinner west classical, fine arts

mark t. skinner west classical, fine arts

mark t. skinner west classical, fine arts


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MARK T. SKINNER WEST CLASSICAL, FINE ARTS & TECHNOLOGYSCHOOLLOCAL SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETINGPRINCIPAL’S REPORTSEPTEMBER 20, 2011VISION: The Mark T. Skinner School’s vision is to be the premier elementarySchool in metropolitan Chicago for educating special children (Special Educationand Classical Magnet), and to serve as the outstanding model for all such schools.LRE MANDATE: LRE requires that to the maximum extent appropriate studentswith disabilities, including students in public or private institutions or other carefacilities are educated with students who are non-disabled.I. SCHOOL EVENTS/ACTIVITIESA. Orientation for New StudentsB. Meet & Greet for New ParentsC. Kindergarten Parent OrientatonD. Summer Assessments for KindergartenE. Forum Welcome Continental BreakfastF. AMPS Summer SummitG. Fulton Network Principal s’ MeetingH. Communications Committee MeetingI. Forum Coupon Sale Kick-offJ. Facilities Services Committee MeetingK. Skinner “Star” After School ProgramL. IMSA Fusion Parent Information MeetingM. Skinner ParkN. Union ParkO. Music HouseII.PERSONNELA. We say goodbye to:Tom Kim – Computer Lab teacher took new job at North<strong>west</strong>ern MutualJulie Fisher – Social Worker – Happy Retirement!Karen Tipp – Psychologist – change in school assignmentB. We welcome:• Chansorith Chau – 3 rd grade teacher• Stacey Ellis – 2 nd grade teacher• Ericka Stevens-McLin – Algebra/Math• Kelsey Newell – 3 rd Grade teacher Maternity Leave• Hyacinth Cabael – Pre School Maternity LeaveStudent Teachers• Whitney Gawenda (Assisting Ms. Carlson), Grade 4

• Katie Krupa (Assisting Ms. Staral), Grade 1• Jeff Lundquist (Assisting Ms. Sittner), Grade 1• Scott Morison (Assisting Ms. Rupp), Grade 2• Alexis Storch (Assisting Mr. Cox), Grade4C. Congratulations to:Melissa Robinson-Beaudry – Newlywed - Third grade teacherJennifer Christiansen – Gave birth to baby boy in AugustAmy Rauch – Gave birth to baby boy in JulyD. Postion Changes• Jenna Fisher – Kindergarten• Sharon Rosenzweig – 5 th GradeIII.SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLANSupport Area: Quality Instructional ProgramA. We purchased:• Kdg. – Reading & Math Books workbooks and classroom furniture• 1 st Grade – Reading & Math Workbooks• 2 nd Grade – Reading & Math Workbooks• 3 rd Grade – Reading, Math, Social Studies textbooks andworkbooks• 4 th Grade – Reading, Math & Social Studies workbooks• 5 th -6 th Grade – Reading & Math Workbooks• 7 th Grade – Algebra Workbooks (2), Science Textbooks• 8 th Grade – Science Textbooks, Literature Fill-ins• Special Education – Unique Learning Systems Site License• Art Supplies – General supplies• 1 Document camera• Desks and chairs – third gradeB. Many thanks to Kindergarten teachers for coming in this summer toassess our neighborhood magnet kindergarten students in August.C. Many thanks to Senor Alvizuri and K. Rantfl for conductingassessments for students who speak another language at home. This is amandatory assessment for all new students to determine their level ofEnglish proficiency.D. New students are in the process of selecting foreign language choice ofMandarin or Spanish - Selection sheets are due by Wed., Sept. 21.E. Schoolwide schedules are now finalized. Many thanks to our ancillaryteachers who worked hard to accommodate all of our instructionalpriorities and preferences for all grade level teams.F. Walking Math – K-8 th teachers have completed their assessments.Walking math started last week for most classes. We are proud toexpand our walking math to 6-8 th grades.G. Algebra Initiative – We are pleased to offer algebra to our 8 th graders forpossible high school credit. This year they will have the opportunity totake the CPS Algebra exit exam to earn high school credit for algebra. Wewish all of them much success.2

H. Math Support – We are also in the process of reviewing schedules andmath scores to offer math support to students who may need it.I. Supplementary Materials - We are hoping to find additional fundingto purchase supplementary instructional materials that teachers haverequested but we do not have funds for. We may need to use school feesto purchase some materials.J. Upper Grade Mandarian Mrs. Clark and Ms. Kong met with Jane Lu fromCPS World Language and Culture to discuss ways to expand Mandarininstructions for Upper Grade. At this time, CPS does not have the funds topay for another Mandarin teacher. Mrs. Clark also met with JamesThomas from Language Stars to discuss cost for Mandarin Program forour fifth graders. The cost for 5 th grade program is $22,572 for 30 weeks.K. Spanish – Neighborhood Magnet Program – The cost for grades K,1 & 2 is $15,048 for 30 weeks.Support Area: Student Centered LearningA. New student orientation was in August. We were thankful that the Officeof Academic Enhancement was able to pay for orientation classes thisSummer. We also appreciate the teachers in grades 1-7 th who worked theorientation classes.B. Enrollment - is 699+ 19 (Sp. Ed.) & 41 (Pre School) = 759 students. Notenough students to earn a free .5 music teacher position.C. STAR After School Program – WOW! What a great response fromparents. We have 138 students enrolled in the program. Many thanks toMs. S. Staral and B. Wardanian for coordinating. The students seemvery happy with the activities. We are also pleased that the Skinner ParkProgram has 85 students enrolled and Union Park has 12 Superstarsenrolled.D. Other after school offerings – Music House, AARC Ballet, and MADScience are recruiting students. We are hoping to add Karate and EmeraldCity to our after school offerings.Support Area: SCHOOL LEADERSHIPA. Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Robinson attended the AMPS Summer SummitProfessional Development in late June and July.B. Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Robinson attended mandatory Law Conference inAugust at Little Village High School.C. Mrs. Clark attended Opening Principal Conference with CEO, JeanClaude Brizard and Chief Education Officer, Neomi Donoso.D. Mrs. Robinson attended Fulton Network administrators meeting onAugust 23.E. CPS reorganized the schools by networks. There are no more AMPSschools. Skinner West is now a part of the Fulton Network. OurChief Officer is Dr. Shonda Hardman.F. Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Sedler, (FOSW) met with Multiple3

Business Systems to discuss pricing for interactive white boards and othertechnology needs for classroom use.Support Area: Parent & CommunityA. Many thanks to our new families who attended the “Meet and Greet” inAugust. Also thanks to FORUM for sponsoring the event.B. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – Morning Drop-Off- Volunteers also neededas Room Parents.C. Many thanks to our Communications Committee – L. King, G. Grindheim,N. Rezai, R. Young, L. Professional Development for Mrs. Clark’s ReportConor FitzsimmonsHistory Fair Website Training: Training for teacherswho would like his/her students to have the option ofpresenting their research in the new website category. Theworkshop highlighted the rules, best practices inorganization and design, insight into viewing and critiquingstudent websites and hands on practice to make the processsmoother.History Fair for Primary Grades: Source-basedworkshop at the National Archives – Chicago Branch. Theworkshop allowed teachers the opportunity to explore thetheme of Revolution, Reaction & Reform through archivesand sources. The session also included a tour and anopportunity to ask questions.Sharon Rosenzweig Attended a gifted seminar this summer at Whitney YoungHigh School.Price-Childs, Mrs. Robinson and all for assisting with the unveiling of ournew website. Also a bigthanks to Forum for paying this 1500? for the new website.D.Support Area: Professional DevelopmentProfessional Development for Mrs. Clark’s ReportConor FitzsimmonsHistory Fair Website Training: Training for teacherswho would like his/her students to have the option ofpresenting their research in the new website category. Theworkshop highlighted the rules, best practices inorganization and design, insight into viewing and critiquingstudent websites and hands on practice to make the processsmoother.History Fair for Primary Grades: Source-basedworkshop at the National Archives – Chicago Branch. Theworkshop allowed teachers the opportunity to explore thetheme of Revolution, Reaction & Reform through archives4

and sources. The session also included a tour and anopportunity to ask questions.Sharon RosenzweigDonna McSpaddenLaura SethiAttended a gifted seminar this summer at Whitney YoungHigh School.Attended class on Middle School TeachersAttended University of Chicago completed courses inProbability and number theoryCompleted2 courses on teaching gifted students anddeveloping curriculum for gifted lessons.Completed a 2 day course on reflective and symmetry forthe IMSA Fusion after school program.IV.Engineer’s Report – Facilities Committee ReportV. LUNCHROOMVI.BUDGETCEO Brizard is assisting schools for full day kindergarten programs. We wereawarded two positions!VII.HANDOUTSA. School Internal Accounts July, August 2011B. Language Stars Quotes for Spanish and MandarinVIII. UPCOMING EVENTSA. OPEN HOUSE – Tues., Sept. 27 Grades 1-5 5:30-6:30Wed., Sept. 28 Grades 6-8 5:30-7:00B. NO SCHOOL – Friday, Sept. 23 – Professional Development Day5

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