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ForewordIs there still evidence now in 2013 of discrimination in sport in our society? And to whatextent is discrimination an obstacle for youngsters who want to do sports? This reportsupplies an answer to the above questions as well as many others.For years ‘diversity’ and ‘migration/integration’ have remained important topics in thework carried out by the King Baudouin Foundation. Research, study days, publications andsupport for numerous (local) projects are at the top of the list. The same goes for ‘sport andintegration’, both already of particular interest to the Foundation for the past two decades.In 2005 the King Baudouin Foundation launched the ‘Stand Up Speak Up’ campaign toempower football fans to voice opposition to racism in football. The campaign was launchedfollowing a surge in racist incidents in football across Western Europe. Also more subtleforms exist. Ethnic minorities are under-represented in all areas of European football,as spectators, players, referees, and in managerial positions.The aim of Stand Up Speak Up was to encourage the silent majority of non-racist fans tospeak up against racist behaviour in and around football stadiums.The symbol of the campaign was two interlocked wristbands, one black and one white.The wristbands were available for a requested donation. Five million wristbands wereproduced and distributed across Europe.Six million Euros were raised through donations and this money created the Stand UpSpeak Up fund. The fund was managed by the King Baudouin Foundation and supportedby Nike. The fund gave money to over 250 projects across Europe.Now, eight years further on, we want to know to what extent racism – and in a broadersense discrimination – is still present in football and in sport in general.The KBF commissioned Schwery Consulting to carry out research into this issue.It approached youngsters, project supervisors and experts in the four regions of Europe –North, South, West and East. While it’s findings form the basis of this very interestingreport, it also comes up with recommendations for the sports world, education andother stakeholders.Happy reading!The King Baudouin FoundationDISCRIMINATION IN SPORTKING BAUDOUIN FOUNDATIONv

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