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Public sectorDiscrimination increases during difficult economic times and is aggravatedby budget cuts for inclusive initiatives. Government support is therefore crucialfor a successful fight against all forms of discrimination.1 Support initiatives and 2 Make inclusive policyenforce regulationsa standard for supportAn inclusive initiative is successful if governmentsprovide long-term support in order toraise awareness of diversity and inclusion.Inclusive content needs to be integrated intothe school curriculum through workshopsand other innovative forms. Inclusive initiativesare successful if violation of regulationsare punished.Developing a curriculum and code of conductfor all stakeholders are major steps towardsproviding non-discriminatory access to sport.Governments and municipalities can makea significant contribution by insisting thatsuch policies are a pre-requisite to receivingsupport.Private sectorThe SUSU campaign shows that corporate entities can make a significantcontribution to raising awareness and contributing to a successful fight againstall forms of discrimination. They can apply their expertise to support initiativesthat go hand-in-hand with business objectives. Broader access to sport isthe core business of many corporates benefitting from an active and healthypopulation.1 Promote diversity 2 Support inclusiveand inclusionpolicies in organised sportsBy taking a clear stance towards diversityand inclusion, corporate entities can enhancebrand value, actively contribute to overcomingstereotypes, and provide broad access tosport, irrespective of race, religion, ethnicity,nationality or gender. Strong statements suchas “If you have a body you are an athlete”,made by Bill Bowerman, co-founder of Nike,are illustrative of how corporate entities cancontribute to overcoming stereotypes.The corporate world can make a significantcontribution by promoting minimum standardson diversity and inclusion to all stakeholdersand by supporting the development ofcurricula for gender equality and the involvementof minorities in clubs at all levels, fromparticipation to coaching and managementpositions.32KING BAUDOUIN FOUNDATIONDISCRIMINATION IN SPORT

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