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5. RecommendationsThe study provided many new insights, pointing to areas where actioncould be considered. These recommendations outline the manner inwhich the first few steps could be taken. The first two are general recommendationsfor all stakeholders, and the rest relate mainly to particularstakeholder groups. Each recommendation aims ultimately to help removediscriminatory barriers and promote the fundamental human right ofuniversal access to physical education and sport. 451Focus on diversityand inclusion2Raise the barGood Practice■ Beratungsnetzwerk Sportund Politik (BSP), GermanyThe BSP is an advisory networkinvolving stakeholders suchas NGOs, the German FootballAssociation, the German OlympicCommittee and the nationalgovernment. It advises clubs onhow to deal with discrimination.www.vereint-gegen-rechtsextremismus.deThe study showed that levels of acceptancevary depending on the form of discrimination.We suggest using and promoting the positiveterms “diversity” and “inclusion”, instead offocusing on racism and other negatively connotedforms of discrimination.This change of perspective has various advantages:• for corporate entities, it is easier to showcommitment to a positive term;• “diversity” and “inclusion” encapsulate allforms of discrimination, without prioritisingone over another;• people are not forced to enter into dialogueabout forms of discrimination that are stillwidely accepted and may even remain legalin their region.Regional differences regarding the acceptancelevel of various forms of discriminationneed to be considered to form a coherentstrategy.In eastern European countries, discriminationbased on race, ethnicity, religion or nationalityis still a major issue. Greater efforts areneeded to integrate ethnic minorities intomainstream sports structures. As economicfactors represent the main barrier, incentivesare needed to make sport affordable forlower-income groups, where the migrantpopulation is over-represented.Western Europe has begun to address theissue of homophobia – the last taboo in sport.Contributing to existing efforts and establishinggood practices can help to lift the discriminatorybar and place added pressure oneastern and southern countries, encouragingthem to enter the debate.45UNESCO’s International Charter of Physical Education and Sport, 1978.DISCRIMINATION IN SPORTKING BAUDOUIN FOUNDATION27

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