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Why don’t you play sports outside school?Σ 252 pupilsChart 4.03: Reasons for not being active outside school; regional differencesrunning (31% and 24%) and cycling (31% and21%). In contrast, the most popular sports ineastern countries are football (31%), cycling(24%), basketball (21%) and volleyball (16%).Perceived skill level is a barrierThe survey indicated that 4% of the childrenwere not active outside of school becausetheir parents would not support them. Surveyresults show that this happens more often inthe east than in the west. However, by far themost prominent reason why children are notphysically active outside of school is theirperceived skill level. Over 40% of southernEuropean children provided this response,compared with 24% and 28% in the east andwest respectively.20% of children in southern Europe, 16% ofthose in eastern Europe and 11% of those inwestern Europe mentioned a lack of facilitiesas the reason why they do not play sport outsideschool. Experts from western Europeancountries rarely referred to a lack of facilitiesas a major barrier. The opposite was true inour interviews with experts in southern andeastern countries (Chart 4.03).W85%15%Discriminationary factorsSE50%70%50%30%Economic factorsChart 4.04: Discriminatory versus economic barriers to sportDISCRIMINATION IN SPORTKING BAUDOUIN FOUNDATION23

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