December 2010 - Mariemont City Schools

December 2010 - Mariemont City Schools December 2010 - Mariemont City Schools
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BY TERESA MIKESELLWhen I look back at the holidays as a child,one of my favorite memories is making cookieswith my Aunt Kim. Baking is still a favoriteholiday tradition that I now share with mychildren. We use old family recipes and try newrecipes to mix up the fun during the holidays.While creating in the kitchen is one of my familyholiday traditions, I was eager to find out whatother special moments are being cherishedaround our Village this holiday season.Another tradition that starts in the kitchenis celebrated by the Scholtz family. “Aseveryone has traditions, one that we havedone with the kids is to bake a birthday cakefor Jesus for Christmas day. It helps us keepthe real meaning of Christmas alive. AfterChristmas dinner we all sing happy birthdayto Jesus and cut the cake to eat with our othergoodies,” shared Denise.H A P P Y H O L I D A Y S !Residents Recall Holiday TraditionsTammy Adams remembers how Santawould leave her a filled stocking at the bottomof her bed on Christmas Eve every year. “Iwould wake up in the middle of the night andsqueeze it with excitement,” she said. “It wasalways so much fun and now Santa continuesthe tradition for my boys Andrew, Wesley, Eliand Elliot.” Stefanie Neal and Stacey Freemanfondly talked about the tradition of beingtogether as a family on Christmas Eve andcelebrating in new holiday pajamas. For VickiQuiambao, going to the Christmas Eve serviceat Mariemont Community Church is a favoriteholiday childhood memory.Courtenay and Jeff Andrews always lookforward to the holiday progressive dinnerwith their friends, while their children Carter,Mark, and David enjoy the tradition of goingto Mio’s for pizza after participating in theMariemont Luminaria festivities. MollySmyth’s family would get together withcousins when she was a child. That traditioncontinues, but now there are 13 excitedgrandkids in the mix.The New Year is also time for fun, familymemories and traditions and RebeccaBrugemann’s family has great fun with timecapsules. “Every year I make a survey tocomplete,” said Rebecca. Some questions arethe same like, Who is your best friend? Whatis your favorite song? Other questions aredifferent. After the surveys are completed, theyare tucked away in a time capsule along with alittle trinket or two (we’ve saved polly pocketdolls, sea shells, acorns found on holidayRebecca and Hannah Bruggeman displaytime capsules from past Christmases.walks, etc.) until the following year. Each yearwe get out our time capsule and look back atwhat we wrote. It’s really fun to look at ourfavorite things from years ago.”Bridgett Karlson’s favorite holidaymemory travels a bit closer to home. “Everyyear as a child, we traveled to the beautifulAppalachian Mountains where my father’sside of the family lived in West Virginia. I stillremember how fresh the air smelled. EveryChristmas Eve, all of the gentlemen in thefamilywho played an instrument (almost all)would come together for a night of bluegrassmusic. There you would find my father’s goldbanjo and handmade Dobro’s that were madewith talents as fine as a Renaissance artist. Ifanyone has ever listened to bluegrass, you’dknow how hard it is to sit still! All the childrenwould dance, sing, and twirl their skirts. Thewives and mothers would gather and chat overbaked goods. It was a wonderful tradition andone that truly was unique to that part of theChristmas in Mariemont is special.SChristmas in Mariemont is special.SChristmas in Mariemont is special.Celebrate the SeasonChristmas Eve :: Hear the Christmas Story told throughScripture and song at a candlelight Christmas Eve serviceMemorial Chapel at 4:30, 5:30 and 6:30 P.M.Sunday Worship :: Services in the Parish Center at 10:00 A.M.Loving nursery care and children’s programs forPre-K to 6th grade. Youth activities are Sunday evenings.“The Wonder of Christmas” :: Dec. 19–Jan. 9Explore the truth and grace of the Christmas storythrough a four-week study on the wonder ofworship, salvation, reconciliation, and new beginnings.www.MariemontChurch.org513.271.4376P AG E 8M A R I E M O N T T O W N C R I E R

H A P P Y H O L I D A Y S !country. I miss those days but it’s comfortingto know it’s only a day’s drive away. We planon taking our four children there one day toexperience the uniqueness and beauty of thatland. Until then, we’ve got a few great cds weplay that get the kids moving!”For the Collister family, a favorite memoryis now a tradition that comes in the shape ofa pickle. “Every year a pickle ornament ishidden somewhere on the Christmas tree,” saidMerret Collister. Because of its color, it’s hardto find the pickle on the tree. The person whofinds the ornament gets to open the first gift ofChristmas. It’s a fun tradition that’s been withme since I was a child.” Merret added.The Lynch family on Indianview Avenuecounts down the days until Christmas eachDecember with books. Myles and Conner’smom Natalie wraps 24 books: some new, someold and some checked out from the library.She places them under the Christmas treeConner and Myles Lynch unwrapping one oftheir 24 book pre-Christmas books.and each night a different book is unwrappedand read at bedtime. “The kids can really seeChristmas is getting closer just by looking atthe books under the tree.” Natalie commented.She also mentioned that the most challengingAnnual Parent/Grandparent DayOn November 23,Mariemont Elementaryhosted their traditionalParent/Grandparent Dayto share the students’school experiencewith their families. Asalways, family membersenjoyed a variety ofactivities includingpoetry readings, musicalperformances, SMARTboard presentations andmuch more.First graderMary Tullywelcomed hermother ShawnTully, brotherCharlie and sisterKatie.part of this fun tradition is working it out sothat “The Night Before Christmas is chosenthe night before Christmas.Michelle Saruwatari clearly remembers hergrandmother hanging tinsel on the Christmastree . . . strand by strand. Her father was a pilotso tradition for her as a child was celebratingChristmas whenever her dad got home.Anita Hunt remembers the Christmas EveOpen House her parents hosted for friendsand neighbors. “We loved having everyoneover and it only heightened the anticipationof Christmas. Afterwards, we would go tomidnight mass. My parents’ families all livedfar away and it was a great way to be able tocelebrate with other families when ours couldnot be with us.”Annabelle Manzler’s favorite memorycomes from Germany. Annabelle recalls, “InGermany Santa comes on Christmas Eve. Weusually have a Christmas goose, which is liketurkey on Thanksgiving here. After dinnerevery child needed to perform something. Itcould be a poem that they rehearsed or a songor even a play. [After the performances] wealways had to go to our rooms while Santacame in the evening. We didn’t have a tree untilthen and it was always so magical to come outof the room and see the tree with the presentsunder it.”When looking at these favorite holidaymemories and traditions and recalling yourown holiday treasures, one thing is very clear:time spent with family, friends and neighborsbrings happiness into our lives. May you allenjoy a magical holiday season and a HAPPYnew year.Henry Teghtmeyer and Grandma Teghtmeyerenjoyed sharing a classroom activity.ATTENTION: Home Owners... If You Have a PlumbingProblem, Don't Panic! "How to Get a 'Top Talent' Plumber toShow Up On Time So You Don't Waste Time"Call FORSEE PLUMBING Co., Inc. 513-271-6720for your appointment window.As a Mariemont resident present this ad and you will receive$10 off the $39 service call fee.Robert Forsee Jr., President MasterCard & Visa AcceptedOH License PL #16160 and KY License M7256M A R I E M O N T T OW N C R I E R P AG E 9

H A P P Y H O L I D A Y S !country. I miss those days but it’s comfortingto know it’s only a day’s drive away. We planon taking our four children there one day toexperience the uniqueness and beauty of thatland. Until then, we’ve got a few great cds weplay that get the kids moving!”For the Collister family, a favorite memoryis now a tradition that comes in the shape ofa pickle. “Every year a pickle ornament ishidden somewhere on the Christmas tree,” saidMerret Collister. Because of its color, it’s hardto find the pickle on the tree. The person whofinds the ornament gets to open the first gift ofChristmas. It’s a fun tradition that’s been withme since I was a child.” Merret added.The Lynch family on Indianview Avenuecounts down the days until Christmas each<strong>December</strong> with books. Myles and Conner’smom Natalie wraps 24 books: some new, someold and some checked out from the library.She places them under the Christmas treeConner and Myles Lynch unwrapping one oftheir 24 book pre-Christmas books.and each night a different book is unwrappedand read at bedtime. “The kids can really seeChristmas is getting closer just by looking atthe books under the tree.” Natalie commented.She also mentioned that the most challengingAnnual Parent/Grandparent DayOn November 23,<strong>Mariemont</strong> Elementaryhosted their traditionalParent/Grandparent Dayto share the students’school experiencewith their families. Asalways, family membersenjoyed a variety ofactivities includingpoetry readings, musicalperformances, SMARTboard presentations andmuch more.First graderMary Tullywelcomed hermother ShawnTully, brotherCharlie and sisterKatie.part of this fun tradition is working it out sothat “The Night Before Christmas is chosenthe night before Christmas.Michelle Saruwatari clearly remembers hergrandmother hanging tinsel on the Christmastree . . . strand by strand. Her father was a pilotso tradition for her as a child was celebratingChristmas whenever her dad got home.Anita Hunt remembers the Christmas EveOpen House her parents hosted for friendsand neighbors. “We loved having everyoneover and it only heightened the anticipationof Christmas. Afterwards, we would go tomidnight mass. My parents’ families all livedfar away and it was a great way to be able tocelebrate with other families when ours couldnot be with us.”Annabelle Manzler’s favorite memorycomes from Germany. Annabelle recalls, “InGermany Santa comes on Christmas Eve. Weusually have a Christmas goose, which is liketurkey on Thanksgiving here. After dinnerevery child needed to perform something. Itcould be a poem that they rehearsed or a songor even a play. [After the performances] wealways had to go to our rooms while Santacame in the evening. We didn’t have a tree untilthen and it was always so magical to come outof the room and see the tree with the presentsunder it.”When looking at these favorite holidaymemories and traditions and recalling yourown holiday treasures, one thing is very clear:time spent with family, friends and neighborsbrings happiness into our lives. May you allenjoy a magical holiday season and a HAPPYnew year.Henry Teghtmeyer and Grandma Teghtmeyerenjoyed sharing a classroom activity.ATTENTION: Home Owners... If You Have a PlumbingProblem, Don't Panic! "How to Get a 'Top Talent' Plumber toShow Up On Time So You Don't Waste Time"Call FORSEE PLUMBING Co., Inc. 513-271-6720for your appointment window.As a <strong>Mariemont</strong> resident present this ad and you will receive$10 off the $39 service call fee.Robert Forsee Jr., President MasterCard & Visa AcceptedOH License PL #16160 and KY License M7256M A R I E M O N T T OW N C R I E R P AG E 9

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