December 2010 - Mariemont City Schools

December 2010 - Mariemont City Schools December 2010 - Mariemont City Schools
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BY CLAIRE KUPFERLE, EDITORIn the last issue of the Town Crier, we askedour readers to let us know about Mariemontresidents who donate their time and talent toa variety of causes. We got many wonderfulresponses, although we are sure there are lotsmore “unsung heroes” in our Village. None ofthe volunteers featured in this article activelysought publicity or reward, but they or theirfriends felt that these examples might inspireothers to volunteer, and could draw attention tothe causes that they serve.Matt and Paula AyerBoy Scout Troop #149 is one of the Village’sgreat organizations, but it wouldn’t be as strongas it is without the leadership of so many Villageresidents, especially Matt and Paula Ayer. Forthe last 18 years, Matt has acted as CommitteeV I L L A G EGiving The Gift of ThemselvesChairman, and even though their son, Brendan,went off to college many years ago, Paula stillkeeps all the advancement records and managesall the Board of Reviews. She will leave very bigshoes to fill when she does “retire”, according toher friend Joni Welsh. Matt has also been a keyplayer in the tree sale for so many years and doesa lot of behind the scenes work on this projectstill. In Scouting, there are the Scoutmasters andother leaders who work directly with the boys,and then the Committee volunteers, who handleadministrative tasks such as the fundraising andinfrastructure of the organization.We have had some wonderful Scoutmastersover the years. John Fakes is currently in the role.Prior to him were Rob Mathews, Paul Tontillo, DaveRoberts, and Bob Hendricks. Rob has two sonsstill in the program who are at the Life Scout rank.All three of Paul Tontillo’s sons went to Eagle Scout,while Dave Roberts had two sons attain that rank.“Boy Scout Bob” saw one son attain Eagle and theVillage Church of Mariemont Wishes You A VeryMerry Christmas and Joy-Filled New Year!December 19that 10 a.m.The Nativity Storyperformed by our children- families welcome!December 26that 10 a.m.“Reflections on Christmas”- Christmas Carolsand a Christmas DevotionalChristmas Eve Service Friday, December 24th at 5 the Mariemont Elementary School Auditorium.Join us for The Story and Carols of Christmas,including organist Richard Watson - Mariemont Carilloneur“Experience Christmas with us!” - Pastor Todd KeyesServices held in the Mariemont Elementary School Auditorium6750 Wooster Pike Mariemont, Ohio 45227www.villagechurchofmariemont.orgother finish as a Life Scout.Bob BlumBob is aretired P&GFacility Manager.He is putting hisfacility/design andbusiness skills touse as a volunteerat Resthaven Barn.Bob is a boardmember for theBarb and Bob Blum Woman’s Art ClubFoundation andis involved in anumber of projects for them. He is currentlyconverting a storage closet into an efficient,attractive office space …with his bare hands andtalent. Bob is involved in all aspects of the project,from designing the layout to putting up dry walland painting. He is even locating interestingartifacts, furniture and carpet to transform thisunder-used space.Bob would also like to mention two otheramazing volunteers who have been instrumentalin helping The Barn: Jane McDonald and StanBahler. Jane is one of the original Board membersand has been involved with the Barn since it wasa maintenance facility. She has been a drivingforce behind turning it into the great communityasset it has become. Stan is a new comer to theBoard, and his financial skills that he employedon behalf of Procter & Gamble and the VillageCouncil will be a tremendous boost to the BarnFoundation.Arlene BrillArlene is abusy lady witha truly diversevariety of causes!She has beenvolunteering onthe sidelines withthe UC BearcatBands during thefootball seasonfor at least the last Alrene Brill15 years, and hastraveled with themon road trips and to bowl games. She also givesof her time to MariElders, where she has helpedP AG E 2 0M A R I E M O N T T O W N C R I E R

deliver school calendars, has worked hard gettingthe “junque” sale organized, and has providedmany baked items for their annual sale.At the Cincinnati Nature Center, she bottlesmaple syrup, monitors the bluebird nestingbox program, and helps eradicate invasiveplants. Arlene also volunteers at The KrohnConservatory, where she works at the annualbutterfly show and participates in the KrohnCrafters. This group makes all the ornaments forthe large indoor Christmas tree. Each year, theCrafters also carve pumpkins for the HalloweenHike at the Caldwelll Center.Arlene is involved with several charitiesin Portland, Oregon, where she performswith the One More Time Around MarchingBand, touted as the world’s largest adult, allvolunteermarching band. She is also in thesmaller Get A Life Marching Band in Portland,which was honored to perform at the 2009Inaugural Parade. While on the west coast,Arlene lends a hand in decorating floats forthe Grand Floral Parade.Phyllis HoffmanPhyllis isdescribed byher friend BarbBlum as, “one ofthe most warm,wonderful peoplein this Village.”She taught atMariemontElementary forPhyllis Hoffmanyears and hasvolunteered atChildren’s Hospital for over 20 years. PhyllisV I L L A G Eescorts families to the Post Anesthesia Care Unitwhere their children are recovering from surgery.She is often asked how she bears the sadness shesees there, but she replies that she doesn’t see thesadness; she sees miracles. In 2008, she receivedthe October Jefferson Award from Children’s.Phyllis is also involved with CampSWONEKY, operated by the Salvation Army.Camp SWONEKY has operated since 1958, andis located off of I-71 near Ft. Ancient. Camperscome from needy families in Southwest Ohio andNorth Eastern Kentucky, hence the name. Phyllisacts as Secretary for the organization and ischarge of putting together hospitality kits for theincoming campers. She noted that many of thecampers return as counselors and ultimately goon to college.Christina LimkeMultiple Sclerosis is a horrible disease, andChristina is working to raise money to find acure. She is part of the Accelerated Cure Projectfor MS and has created a calendar that the groupsells. So far, they have raised $20,000 for thecharity. The “Calendar For A Cause” is made up ofphotos shared by dog owners to benefit MultipleSclerosis research. Christina said, “Cincinnati areavolunteers have created this unique date book/calendar that directly benefits the AcceleratedCure Project (ACP) for Multiple Sclerosis. Severalof the dog owners suffer with MS and have sharedtheir stories about their relationship with theircalendar canine. 100% of the proceeds are gladlydonated to the ACP.” Presented by U.S. Bank, thecalendar measures a full 8 1/2 x 11; it is spiralbound for easy use and is artfully executed inblack and white. The pages are sprinkled withcharming quotes and canine factoids. These makethe perfect holiday, hostess or teacher gift. Thecalendar was such a popular gift in its debut;many fans placed their orders for 2011 a yearin advance! If you would like to place an order(Continued on page 22)I N S I G H T ’ S E R V I C E ’ R E S U L T SCRS • ABRSENIOR SALES VICE PRESIDENTOFFICE 513-527-3060HOME 513-248-1453VM 513-483-4001ogleannett@realtor.comwww.TeamAnnett.com3908 Miami Rd.Cincinnati, OH 45227-3705©2008 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Coldwell Banker is a registered trademarklicensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. An Equal Opportunity Company. EqualHousing Opportunity. Owned And Operated By NRT LLC.M A R I E M O N T T OW N C R I E R P AG E 2 1

BY CLAIRE KUPFERLE, EDITORIn the last issue of the Town Crier, we askedour readers to let us know about <strong>Mariemont</strong>residents who donate their time and talent toa variety of causes. We got many wonderfulresponses, although we are sure there are lotsmore “unsung heroes” in our Village. None ofthe volunteers featured in this article activelysought publicity or reward, but they or theirfriends felt that these examples might inspireothers to volunteer, and could draw attention tothe causes that they serve.Matt and Paula AyerBoy Scout Troop #149 is one of the Village’sgreat organizations, but it wouldn’t be as strongas it is without the leadership of so many Villageresidents, especially Matt and Paula Ayer. Forthe last 18 years, Matt has acted as CommitteeV I L L A G EGiving The Gift of ThemselvesChairman, and even though their son, Brendan,went off to college many years ago, Paula stillkeeps all the advancement records and managesall the Board of Reviews. She will leave very bigshoes to fill when she does “retire”, according toher friend Joni Welsh. Matt has also been a keyplayer in the tree sale for so many years and doesa lot of behind the scenes work on this projectstill. In Scouting, there are the Scoutmasters andother leaders who work directly with the boys,and then the Committee volunteers, who handleadministrative tasks such as the fundraising andinfrastructure of the organization.We have had some wonderful Scoutmastersover the years. John Fakes is currently in the role.Prior to him were Rob Mathews, Paul Tontillo, DaveRoberts, and Bob Hendricks. Rob has two sonsstill in the program who are at the Life Scout rank.All three of Paul Tontillo’s sons went to Eagle Scout,while Dave Roberts had two sons attain that rank.“Boy Scout Bob” saw one son attain Eagle and theVillage Church of <strong>Mariemont</strong> Wishes You A VeryMerry Christmas and Joy-Filled New Year!<strong>December</strong> 19that 10 a.m.The Nativity Storyperformed by our children- families welcome!<strong>December</strong> 26that 10 a.m.“Reflections on Christmas”- Christmas Carolsand a Christmas DevotionalChristmas Eve Service Friday, <strong>December</strong> 24th at 5 the <strong>Mariemont</strong> Elementary School Auditorium.Join us for The Story and Carols of Christmas,including organist Richard Watson - <strong>Mariemont</strong> Carilloneur“Experience Christmas with us!” - Pastor Todd KeyesServices held in the <strong>Mariemont</strong> Elementary School Auditorium6750 Wooster Pike <strong>Mariemont</strong>, Ohio 45227www.villagechurchofmariemont.orgother finish as a Life Scout.Bob BlumBob is aretired P&GFacility Manager.He is putting hisfacility/design andbusiness skills touse as a volunteerat Resthaven Barn.Bob is a boardmember for theBarb and Bob Blum Woman’s Art ClubFoundation andis involved in anumber of projects for them. He is currentlyconverting a storage closet into an efficient,attractive office space …with his bare hands andtalent. Bob is involved in all aspects of the project,from designing the layout to putting up dry walland painting. He is even locating interestingartifacts, furniture and carpet to transform thisunder-used space.Bob would also like to mention two otheramazing volunteers who have been instrumentalin helping The Barn: Jane McDonald and StanBahler. Jane is one of the original Board membersand has been involved with the Barn since it wasa maintenance facility. She has been a drivingforce behind turning it into the great communityasset it has become. Stan is a new comer to theBoard, and his financial skills that he employedon behalf of Procter & Gamble and the VillageCouncil will be a tremendous boost to the BarnFoundation.Arlene BrillArlene is abusy lady witha truly diversevariety of causes!She has beenvolunteering onthe sidelines withthe UC BearcatBands during thefootball seasonfor at least the last Alrene Brill15 years, and hastraveled with themon road trips and to bowl games. She also givesof her time to MariElders, where she has helpedP AG E 2 0M A R I E M O N T T O W N C R I E R

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