17MB PDF - Association for Mexican Cave Studies

17MB PDF - Association for Mexican Cave Studies 17MB PDF - Association for Mexican Cave Studies

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21. SOTANO DE SAN AGUSTIN - This s6tano lies at the lower endof the long dolina stretching from San Andres to San Agustin.The dolina is made up of a large central sink and severalsmaller sinks at each end just below the towns. The SanAgustin dolina is roughly one mile long, one-fourth milewide, and 500 feet deep. Streams running off of the volcanicridges throughout the dolina drain into the s6tanoover a 250 foot waterfall.The entrance is estimated to be 120 feet across, 70feet wide, and 250 feet deep. It is best to enter on theside opposite the waterfall {a free drop through water},even though it is necessary to clear out a path throughvegetation in order to rappel. From the bottom a high fissurepassage goes back under the waterfall. A stream flowsdown a steep canyon requiring a handline and enters a verylarge room, so large that the first explorers momentarilygot lost on the way out of the cave. Another stream emergesfrom breakdown to join the main stream. This room turnsleft over breakdown and short climbable drops to where severalsmall rooms led to the next series of drops. The firstthree or four of these drops are about 30 to 40 feet eachand are separated only by plunge pools. Here explorationended due to lack of eqUipment, but waterfalls could beheard below.22. CUEVA DE AGUA CARLATA - This large cave is located aboutthree kilometers east of San Agustin on the northwest sideof the main northeast trending valley. The cave is bestreached by following the trail from San Agustin to RioSantiago until the east facing entrance is visible. Theentrance is at the base of a ridge that is about one-halfkilometer west of a small village called La Providencia.Between the town and the cave is a small valley containingnumerous springs which form a sizable stream and flow intothe lower cave entrance (see cave map on page 67).The lower cave entrance forms a large shelter about150 feet wide, 50 feet deep, and 50 feet high. To the rightas one enters the cave and up a short breakdown slope aretwo walking-size passages that lead for about 150 feet. Oneends in dirt fill and breakdown, while the other narrows toa dirt filled crack. From the back of the lower entrancetwo passages connect with an upper entrance. Below thisupper entrance a large passage about 50 feet wide and 40feet high slopes steeply downward past. the level of the lowerentrance. The stream entering the lower entrance flowsthrough one of the connecting passages and down a series ofrapids and cascades. About 300 feet from the upper entrancethere is a slight jog to the left and the passage becomessmaller, steeply sloping, and elliptical; approximately 30feet high and 20 feet wide. The stream flows over two shortdrops to the top of a 10 foot waterfall, with another waterfallvisible just beyond. The cave is unexplored beyondthis point.65


21. SOTANO DE SAN AGUSTIN - This s6tano lies at the lower endof the long dolina stretching from San Andres to San Agustin.The dolina is made up of a large central sink and severalsmaller sinks at each end just below the towns. The SanAgustin dolina is roughly one mile long, one-fourth milewide, and 500 feet deep. Streams running off of the volcanicridges throughout the dolina drain into the s6tanoover a 250 foot waterfall.The entrance is estimated to be 120 feet across, 70feet wide, and 250 feet deep. It is best to enter on theside opposite the waterfall {a free drop through water},even though it is necessary to clear out a path throughvegetation in order to rappel. From the bottom a high fissurepassage goes back under the waterfall. A stream flowsdown a steep canyon requiring a handline and enters a verylarge room, so large that the first explorers momentarilygot lost on the way out of the cave. Another stream emergesfrom breakdown to join the main stream. This room turnsleft over breakdown and short climbable drops to where severalsmall rooms led to the next series of drops. The firstthree or four of these drops are about 30 to 40 feet eachand are separated only by plunge pools. Here explorationended due to lack of eqUipment, but waterfalls could beheard below.22. CUEVA DE AGUA CARLATA - This large cave is located aboutthree kilometers east of San Agustin on the northwest sideof the main northeast trending valley. The cave is bestreached by following the trail from San Agustin to RioSantiago until the east facing entrance is visible. Theentrance is at the base of a ridge that is about one-halfkilometer west of a small village called La Providencia.Between the town and the cave is a small valley containingnumerous springs which <strong>for</strong>m a sizable stream and flow intothe lower cave entrance (see cave map on page 67).The lower cave entrance <strong>for</strong>ms a large shelter about150 feet wide, 50 feet deep, and 50 feet high. To the rightas one enters the cave and up a short breakdown slope aretwo walking-size passages that lead <strong>for</strong> about 150 feet. Oneends in dirt fill and breakdown, while the other narrows toa dirt filled crack. From the back of the lower entrancetwo passages connect with an upper entrance. Below thisupper entrance a large passage about 50 feet wide and 40feet high slopes steeply downward past. the level of the lowerentrance. The stream entering the lower entrance flowsthrough one of the connecting passages and down a series ofrapids and cascades. About 300 feet from the upper entrancethere is a slight jog to the left and the passage becomessmaller, steeply sloping, and elliptical; approximately 30feet high and 20 feet wide. The stream flows over two shortdrops to the top of a 10 foot waterfall, with another waterfallvisible just beyond. The cave is unexplored beyondthis point.65

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