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185most closely related to a subtribe of scaritines (Forcipaterina)known only from South America, Panama, Dominica, Martinique, Assam,Bengal, and Burma. It may thus be a relict of an archaic Mexicanbeetle fauna which formerly included the forcipaterines, which,according to this hypothesis, were at one time (early Tertiary?)distributed across eastern Asia, across a Bering bridge, and intowestern North America.TroglophilesThe most interesting troglophilic carabids in Mexico are thoseof the genus Rhadine (see above). Bolivar (1944, Ciencia, 5: 25­28) described the first of these from Gruta del PalmIto (N.L.) asSpelaeorhadine araizai, later transferred to Rhadine. Other subspecIesof R. araizal are found throughout the Edwards plateau ofTexas, known almost exclusively from caves (R. a. howdeni Barr &Lawrence, R. a. babcocki Barr). R. rot~eri ~ol~ & Hendr. is knownfrom the Gruta de CUevacillas and-the Sotano de Matehuala (Coah.),and R. medellini Bol. & Hendr. from the Cueva Carnicero (S.L.P.)(BolIvar &Hendrichs, 1964. Ciencia, 23: 5-16, pl. 1).Pachyteles urrutiai Bolivar (1952. Ciencia, 11: 295-296) isa primItive carabld of the tribe Ozaenini whIch appears to be atroglophile, restricted to caves of the Sierra de El Abra, S.L.P.AMCS members have collected 2 specimens from the Sotano de laTinaja, and Cueva de los Sabinos is the type locality. Althoughthe species is rather pale there are no obvious adaptations or regressivemodifications for cave life.Agonum bilimeki Bol!var and Hendrichs and Tachys unistriatus(Bilimek) are two fairly common troglophile specIes of carabldsinhabiting the Gruta de Cacahuam11pa and near-by Cueva de laEstrella.Trogloxenes and AccidentalsVarious species of Colpodes, Ardistom1s, Clivina, Selenophorus,and Tachys appear from time to time in cave collections fromMexico. Most of them seem to have been taken near entrances or tohave been washed underground along streams. The status of a speciesof Pterostichus (IthytOlus) from caves of the Sierra de ElAbra is stIll uncertain.


185most closely related to a subtribe of scaritines (Forcipaterina)known only from South America, Panama, Dominica, Martinique, Assam,Bengal, and Burma. It may thus be a relict of an archaic <strong>Mexican</strong>beetle fauna which <strong>for</strong>merly included the <strong>for</strong>cipaterines, which,according to this hypothesis, were at one time (early Tertiary?)distributed across eastern Asia, across a Bering bridge, and intowestern North America.TroglophilesThe most interesting troglophilic carabids in Mexico are thoseof the genus Rhadine (see above). Bolivar (1944, Ciencia, 5: 25­28) described the first of these from Gruta del PalmIto (N.L.) asSpelaeorhadine araizai, later transferred to Rhadine. Other subspecIesof R. araizal are found throughout the Edwards plateau ofTexas, known almost exclusively from caves (R. a. howdeni Barr &Lawrence, R. a. babcocki Barr). R. rot~eri ~ol~ & Hendr. is knownfrom the Gruta de CUevacillas and-the Sotano de Matehuala (Coah.),and R. medellini Bol. & Hendr. from the Cueva Carnicero (S.L.P.)(BolIvar &Hendrichs, 1964. Ciencia, 23: 5-16, pl. 1).Pachyteles urrutiai Bolivar (1952. Ciencia, 11: 295-296) isa primItive carabld of the tribe Ozaenini whIch appears to be atroglophile, restricted to caves of the Sierra de El Abra, S.L.P.AMCS members have collected 2 specimens from the Sotano de laTinaja, and Cueva de los Sabinos is the type locality. Althoughthe species is rather pale there are no obvious adaptations or regressivemodifications <strong>for</strong> cave life.Agonum bilimeki Bol!var and Hendrichs and Tachys unistriatus(Bilimek) are two fairly common troglophile specIes of carabldsinhabiting the Gruta de Cacahuam11pa and near-by Cueva de laEstrella.Trogloxenes and AccidentalsVarious species of Colpodes, Ardistom1s, Clivina, Selenophorus,and Tachys appear from time to time in cave collections fromMexico. Most of them seem to have been taken near entrances or tohave been washed underground along streams. The status of a speciesof Pterostichus (IthytOlus) from caves of the Sierra de ElAbra is stIll uncertain.

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