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17MB PDF - Association for Mexican Cave Studies

17MB PDF - Association for Mexican Cave Studies


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• Persons: Jim Huckins, Jim Glock, Robert Batson, John Wagner,Robert Taylor (from Missouri)Hilda Fleshman, Barbara and J.H. Schermerhorn(from Arkansas)Date: 18-31 December 1966Destination: Tamu!n and Xi1itla, S.L.P.; Mexico, D.F.Reported by: J. H. Schermerhorn Harrison, Arkansas148Since none of our group had ever been to Mexico, we did notknow exactly what to expect in crossing the border and how wewould find our way around in a different country. For severalmonths be<strong>for</strong>e the trip I began to collect road maps and publicationsabout caves in Mexico - no easy task. The most useful referencewas a collection of the back issues of the AMCS Newsletter.Finally in Mexico City I found an excellent official tourist roadmap. It was the only one that seemed fairly accurate and complete.18-20 December Left Harrison, Arkansas, stopping in Austin tocheck with the AMCS concerning recent developments in <strong>Mexican</strong> cavingbe<strong>for</strong>e crossing the border. Spent the night of the 20th nearVilla de Garc!a, N.L.21 December We took the exciting cable car ride up to the entranceof Grutas de Villa de GarcIa and went on the commercialtour. We were impressed by this cave, which was our first tovisit in Mexico. We were anxious to get on the way and do somespelunking after seeing tourist caves <strong>for</strong> 4 days. We drove toCd. Valles, S.L.P. where we spent the night.22 December After a few wrong turns we reached Ventana Jabal!near TamuIn, S.L.P. Several hundred feet below the entrance wasa camp of about 30 miners who were apparentlY mining guano fromthe cave. They had cables stretched up to the cave With two 55gallon barrels attached so that when a full one would come downfrom the cave the empty one would be pulled up. We got permissionto enter the cave from the <strong>for</strong>eman. We were impressed by the beautifulview from the entrance and the tall ceiling heights and skylights.Because it was getting late, we didn't attempt to rig the503 foot skylight drop but drove to Xi1itla, S.L.P. where we spentthe night.23 December Just as we reached s6tano de T1amaya a group fromIndiana, led by Bob Hosley, was descending the first drop. Wereturned to Rancho de Huitzmolotitla and set up camp; we weresurprised to find so many other cavers from the U.S. in the area.We measured and cut our 1200 foot spool of Samson rope which hadarrived from the factory only a few hours be<strong>for</strong>e we left Arkansas.We then went to Cueva de T1amaya, which has a total depth of 316feet.24 December This was to be our day to enter S6tano de T1amaya aswe expected the Indiana group out by noon. Most of the othercavers left <strong>for</strong> a }-day back-packing trip into the mountains.That afternoon we walked down and looked into the awesome, junglecoveredSotano de Huitzmo10titla. We then did some hiking in thearea, but didn't go far as it had been drizzly and foggy theentire two days. The people at the Rancho invited us to a ChristmasEve celebration and we enjoyed the fine hospitality.25 December We entered (only 4 of us: Batson, Taylor, Huckins,and myself) s6tano de T1amaya about noon, taking many still photos

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