For Micro-UAV Video Distribution - Harris Corporation

For Micro-UAV Video Distribution - Harris Corporation

For Micro-UAV Video Distribution - Harris Corporation


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TACTICAL VIDEO SYSTEM<strong>For</strong> <strong>Micro</strong>-<strong>UAV</strong> <strong>Video</strong> <strong>Distribution</strong>

Packaged SystemsA simpler approach to C4ISR systems procurementSmall unit operations are benefitting from the increasingavailability of hand-launched micro-unmanned aerialvehicles (<strong>UAV</strong>s). There are currently no cost-effective C4ISR*systems to distribute this video to the tactical users.Procuring a C4ISR system is usually no easy matter. Too oftencustomers spend substantial time and resources, only to findthemselves behind schedule and over budget with a system thatdoes not meet their requirements. <strong>Harris</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong>’s new,simplified approach to C4ISR systems procurement uses preengineeredsystem configurations that provide fast, cost-effectivesolutions to today’s most critical operational needs, such as thedistribution of micro-<strong>UAV</strong> video.Instead of designing a unique system for every customer, <strong>Harris</strong>has developed a comprehensive family of preconfigured systems.Each system is fully integrated and includes all equipment, cables,software, and manuals, with training and installation available.Every system has undergone extensive testing and can be reliedupon to meet its objectives.This executive summary describes the <strong>Micro</strong>-<strong>UAV</strong> <strong>Video</strong><strong>Distribution</strong> System and outlines the advantages of our packagedC4ISR systems:l Low Risk – Field proven and comprehensively tested systemsprovide existing, cost-effective solutionsl Fast Delivery – Complete systems can be delivered in amatter of months to meet urgent operational needsl Simplified Procurement – Systems can be purchased asoff-the-shelf items, eliminating long system definition anddevelopment phasesl Phased Implementation – Packaged systems form buildingblocks that enable the incremental acquisition of capabilityl Flexibility – Systems are readily customized and can beintegrated by in-country partnersAll this from <strong>Harris</strong>, a company with over 50 years of largescaleinternational communications systems experience, the mostcomprehensive range of tactical communications products, andworld-class systems engineering and integration capabilities.*C4ISR = Command, Control, Communications, Computers,Intelligence, Surveillance, and ReconnaissanceContact <strong>Harris</strong> now to discuss your C4ISR systems needs:www.harris.com/systems1

<strong>UAV</strong> video must be madeavailable to users outsidethe ground control stationMVDS provides the following capabilities:l Interoperability with any <strong>UAV</strong> system that provides an analogoutput at the ground control stationl <strong>Video</strong> dissemination to the squad leaders via the RF-7800Sradio, which is already a standard in many countriesl Support for voice and video data distribution on the platoonsquadleader netl Transmission of video from the ground station at platoonto the company operations center for common situationalawarenessl Support for distribution of virtually any analog video source(NTSC or PAL)l Optional capabilities include providing squad situationalawareness to the platoonThe <strong>Harris</strong> <strong>Micro</strong>-<strong>UAV</strong> <strong>Video</strong> <strong>Distribution</strong>System provides commanders:l Distributed Real-Time Intelligence – Real-time video pictureof the area of operations (AO) from unmanned aerial vehiclesis rapidly made available to front-line usersl Enhanced Situational Awareness – Next echeloncommanders share the same picture of the battlefieldl Expandable System – <strong>Video</strong> distribution is not confinedto <strong>UAV</strong> video feeds; video from other sources can bedisseminated by MVDS and additional distribution is possibleusing <strong>Harris</strong> networked radiosl Support for Any <strong>UAV</strong> Ground Station – MVDS digitizesanalog video that is available at the ground control station;<strong>UAV</strong>s can transmit with any waveform—even encryptedwaveformsl Proven Capability – The system is available now, utilizingintegrated off-the-shelf hardware and software3

solution overviewEnhancing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle utilitywith networked video distributionThe <strong>Micro</strong>-<strong>UAV</strong> <strong>Video</strong> <strong>Distribution</strong> System (MVDS) uses theadvanced networking communications capabilities of thenew Falcon III ® family of tactical products including theRF-7800S Secure Personal Radio (SPR), the RF-7800M MultibandNetworking Radio (MBNR), and the RF-7400E Tactical <strong>Video</strong>Processor (TVP). Although specifically designed to distribute andmanage the ever increasing number of <strong>UAV</strong> video streams on thebattlefield, MVDS is an IP-based communications system that candistribute and manage video from a wide range of sources.In a typical scenario, a micro-<strong>UAV</strong> and ground control stationare deployed at platoon level to maximize time over the areaof operations (AO) in support of combat team/squad-leveloperations. The <strong>Harris</strong> MVDS receives the ground controlstation analog video feed, which it digitizes and processes fortransmission. The processed stream is then fed to a pair of tacticalradio networks, which securely transmit it simultaneously to bothhigher and lower echelon units.The higher level (company) receives video streams from multipledeployed MVDS systems. Commanders at this level are able toview, analyze, and record the video streams. Optionally, theycan aggregate multiple video streams for forwarding to higherlevelechelons through an RF-7800W high capacity line-of-sight(HCLOS) IP networking radio. <strong>For</strong> details of that capability, referto the separate <strong>Harris</strong> publication describing the Tactical <strong>Video</strong>System for <strong>UAV</strong> <strong>Video</strong> <strong>Distribution</strong> and Management.Key Features:l Use of Open Standards and Interfaces — By digitizingthe analog video from the ground control station, thesystem converts what can be proprietary waveform datainto standards-based video that is easily viewed, stored andmanipulated.l IP-Based Communications — This architecture allowsnetworked distribution of video information across <strong>Harris</strong>tactical radios and existing customer communicationsinfrastructure.l Scalability — The <strong>Harris</strong> integrated radio networkingwaveforms allow commanders to provide vital real-time videointelligence to on-the-ground soldiers who can act on itimmediately. Coverage can be expanded by simply deployingmultiple instances of MVDS echelon-level kits.l Customized Off-the-Shelf Availability — The <strong>Micro</strong>-<strong>UAV</strong><strong>Video</strong> <strong>Distribution</strong> System is a <strong>Harris</strong> packaged system basedon ruggedized military equipment. It is available for deliverynow and can be readily customized as required.

Know what is beyond the next hillwith the <strong>Harris</strong> <strong>Micro</strong>-<strong>UAV</strong> <strong>Video</strong> <strong>Distribution</strong> System5

low-risk solutionThe <strong>Micro</strong>-<strong>UAV</strong> <strong>Video</strong> <strong>Distribution</strong> Systemequipment is ready for deliverystandard MVDS includes sufficient equipment to outfit aA company comprised of three platoons.The standard MVDS is delivered with:l One company kit that supports receiving, viewing, analyzing,and storing multiple video streams received from the platoonsl Three platoon kits, each with a Tactical <strong>Video</strong> Processor andthe radios necessary to transmit a <strong>UAV</strong> video stream down tothree squads and up to one company unitl Nine squad kits, each with an SPR Leader Radio andassociated display unit and audio headsetThe platoon-level RF-7800S SPR radio broadcasts the videostream to multiple squads. The RF-7800M MBNR radio providesthe bandwidth for video distribution to the company through anAdaptive Networking Wideband Waveform (ANW2) mobile, adhoc IP data network.This configuration is very flexible, and additional functionality andalternate equipment sets are easily incorporated, either at initialpurchase or as a subsequent upgrade. In addition to micro-<strong>UAV</strong>generatedvideo, the system can accept analog video from othersources, such as the <strong>Harris</strong> <strong>Micro</strong>Terrain Observation System or theTactical Reconnaissance Vehicle.The MVDS is easily scaled for use in larger deployments withthe addition of squad, platoon, and company kits, as applicable.Each company kit can accommodate up to four video feeds. Oneplatoon kit can broadcast a video feed to an unlimited numberof squad SPR Leader Radios.The system can typically be delivered within four months, asshown on the schedule.

OrderReceivedEquipmentProcurement60 daysAcceptanceTesting15 daysTraining5 daysDeliveryComplete31 2 MONTHSKitIntegration10 daysShipping10 daysOrderReceivedEquipmentProcurement60 daysKitIntegration15 daysAcceptanceTesting15 daysInstallation5 daysTraining5 daysDeliveryComplete41 2 3 MONTHSTypical Four-Month Delivery ScheduleLow-Risk System Characteristics:l Pre-engineered system implementationShipping10 daysSiteAcceptanceTesting10 daysl Integration risks are eliminatedEquipmentEquipmentOrderProcurement Integrationl Standard interfaces and protocols 2 ease monthsincorporation of future enhancements1 monthReceivedl Leverages the combat-proven <strong>Harris</strong> Falcon III ® radio technologyl Expandable, accommodating new teams and echelons, as requiredAcceptanceTesting1 monthShipping1 monthDeliveryComplete61 2 3 4 5 MONTHSTraining7

MBNR RADIONETWORKCOMPANYSPR VIDEO& VOICENETWORKPLATOONGround ControlStationSQUAD #1SQUAD #2SQUAD #3RF-7600P-SU401 <strong>Micro</strong>-<strong>UAV</strong> <strong>Video</strong> <strong>Distribution</strong> System EquipmentECHELON KITS X QTY IN STANDARD CONFIGURATIONSquad x 9 RF-7800S-LR Leader Radio, <strong>Video</strong> Display Unit, and Audio HeadsetPlatoon x 3 RF-7400E-VP Tactical <strong>Video</strong> ProcessorRF-7800S-V001 Vehicle-Mounted SPRRF-7800M MBNRCompany x 1 RF-7800M MBNRRF-3577 Ruggedized Laptop PC running Falcon C2View <strong>Video</strong> Management ApplicationOptional Capabilitiesl RF-5410FC FalconCommand Battle Management Systeml RF-7800T-HH Handheld Situational Awareness <strong>Video</strong> Receiver (SAVR)l Additional RF-7800M radios and tactical router to distribute video to battalionl RF-7800S-PA020 20W Power Amplifier for extending video transmission range9

ENABLING TECHNOLOGIESOur advanced tactical communications capabilityenables dissemination of battlefield videoThe wideband nature of the Falcon III ® radios, along withour advanced video processing capabilities, allows <strong>Harris</strong> toprovide an off-the-shelf <strong>Micro</strong>-<strong>UAV</strong> <strong>Video</strong> <strong>Distribution</strong> System.Tactical <strong>Video</strong> ProcessorWith the ability of the RF-7400E-VP Tactical <strong>Video</strong> Processor toconvert either PAL or NTSC analog video signals into IP data,<strong>Harris</strong> can interface its radios to virtually any <strong>UAV</strong> system. TheTactical <strong>Video</strong> Processor utilizes compression and frame rateselection algorithms that allow the digital data stream to be sizedfor the capability of the radio link. Thus, <strong>Harris</strong> radios from thesoldier-borne Secure Personal Radio to the multiband RF-7800Mcan be utilized to distribute video data throughout the area ofoperations.Multiband Networking RadioMobile echelons that need to view and transmit multiple videostreams will utilize the RF-7800M Multiband Networking Radio(MBNR). The RF-7800M enables the high-speed flow of real-timebattlefield situational awareness information across a secure,mobile, tactical wireless network backbone—enabling thecritical connection between squad level forces and up-echeloncommand management platforms. The MBNR incorporates theANW2 waveform which can transmit data at rates up to 5 Mbpsand an advanced, mobile, ad hoc networking (MANET) protocol.The MANET network automatically forms between the availablenodes and self-heals as nodes go in and out of range. The result isthat the micro-<strong>UAV</strong> video captured at the ground control stationcan be shared with the deployed units, even when on the move.The increased flow and timeliness of operational information andintelligence data from the field enables commanders to makefaster, more informed decisions.Secure Personal RadioSoldiers using the RF-7800S Secure Personal Radio (SPR) willtake advantage of the most advanced personal team radio in theworld.The SPR Team Radio is designed specifically to meet the uniquedemands of providing secure, conferenced voice, wideband data,and situational awareness communications at the soldier level.Much more than a standard push-to-talk voice radio, theRF-7800S provides key benefits in a package that weighs only300 grams. Its small size and light weight allow the soldier tofocus on the mission, not his equipment load.The Leader Radio augments the powerful Team Radiocapabilities with the addition of a purpose-designed embeddedprocessing module, enabling dedicated command applicationfunctionality in a lightweight, soldier-friendly package. Theassociated <strong>Video</strong> Display Unit connects to the VGA output ofthe Leader Radio, for applications such as the <strong>Micro</strong>-<strong>UAV</strong> <strong>Video</strong><strong>Distribution</strong> System that display graphical or video imagery.

FEATURESBenefitsTactical <strong>Video</strong> Processor (TVP) RF-7400E-VPAdvanced <strong>Video</strong> ProcessingAlgorithmsStandards-Based InterfacesAutomatically trades off frame rate and size based on the selectedradio, for optimized over-the-air video qualityAccepts NTSC or PAL video sources and provides IP data packetsin an H.264 standard format so the video can be transmitted andviewed by a wide variety of equipmentMultiband Networking Radio (MBNR) RF-7800M5 Mbps High-Speed Waveform Provides the necessary bandwidth for transmitting multiple videostreams to the next echelonAd Hoc NetworkingSimultaneous Voice and DataKeeps mobile nodes connected to the network to allow videodistribution to units on the moveEliminates the need for extensive pre-planning of networks beforea missionAllows real-time discussion of intelligence information contained inthe transmitted videoSecure Personal Radio (SPR) Leader Radio RF-7800S-LREmbedded GPS Receiver256 kbps High-SpeedDigital WaveformEnhances soldier safety by automatically transmitting encryptedposition informationTeam Leader can observe the team member locations via the optionalFalconCommand battle management systemProvides the necessary bandwidth for transmitting real-time video11

service offeringAfter-sales service supportsmission-critical systems worldwide<strong>Harris</strong> has earned a worldwide reputation as the low-riskvendor of choice for tactical radios and systems, with 99percent of our international program customers reportingthat <strong>Harris</strong> meets or exceeds their expectations. Our responsiveprogram management team and customer service organizationwill deliver and support a highly capable video distribution systemappropriate for small unit operations.An agile manufacturing process enables <strong>Harris</strong> to modifyproduction to meet customer demands. With one of the highestvolumedefense communications manufacturing facilities in theworld, we have the commitment and capability to deliver onour promises.Unlike many other companies, <strong>Harris</strong> has “boots on the ground”experience, supporting our products from initial fielding toobsolescence. In fact, we are currently servicing systems that havebeen deployed for more than 20 years, underscoring our absolutecommitment to customer satisfaction. Our customers rate <strong>Harris</strong>an average of two times higher than our nearest competitor.As a proven provider of advanced radio, sensor, and integratedsystems to customers in over 120 countries, <strong>Harris</strong> has extensiveexperience in providing logistics and sustainment supportthroughout the world. We have developed highly successfulprocesses for fielding, maintaining, supporting, repairing, andupgrading our equipment, no matter where it is deployed.Many of our product and technical service representatives haveprior military experience, and establish a close, personal bond withour customers. Our comprehensive service offering includes classictelephone and email support as well as web-based services. The<strong>Harris</strong> Premier website (https://premier.harris.com/) providescustomized access to:l Computer-based training courses and manualsl Frequently asked questionsl Application notesl Purchase of accessories and ancillariesCustomers also can use the website to:l Download and track software upgradesl Receive warranty and maintenance support, including RMAnumbers and returned goods statusSystem training is another important consideration. <strong>Harris</strong> trainsapproximately 5,000 students per year on the installation,operation, and maintenance of its equipment and systems. Thisprocess occurs in our company classrooms, at customer locations,and in the field. Our students (our customers) consistently rate thetraining they receive as meeting or exceeding their expectations.

proven performance<strong>Harris</strong> RFCD supplies tactical and public safety radioproducts in over 120 countries worldwideMillions of people and hundreds of government agenciesthroughout the world rely on assured communications ®solutions from <strong>Harris</strong> to deliver critical information to theright place at the right time. They know there is too much ridingon the outcome to risk anything less. What sets <strong>Harris</strong> apart is ourdepth of expertise, breadth of experience, and focus on providingthe most advanced products, systems, and services that meet orexceed the requirements of our customers.<strong>Harris</strong> is one of the only companies in the world specializing inadvanced technology for capturing, aggregating, distributing,and analyzing the full range of wireless communications includingvoice, data, video, and imaging. We use this unique capabilityto provide systems and networks for customers in defense,intelligence, government, public safety, healthcare, broadcast,and energy markets.<strong>Harris</strong> RF Communications Division (RFCD) is the leading supplierof tactical, secure voice and data communications products,systems, and networks to military, government, and commercialorganizations worldwide. More than 50 years of internationalexperience is leveraged into the design and deployment of <strong>Harris</strong>RFCD’s packaged C4ISR system solutions.The <strong>Micro</strong>-<strong>UAV</strong> <strong>Video</strong> <strong>Distribution</strong> System is one more example of<strong>Harris</strong> responding to the needs of its customers.<strong>Harris</strong> has internationallyacclaimed products whichhave left everyone else inthe dust. l International CustomerI firmly believe that <strong>Harris</strong> RFCommunications really listensto their customer base and livesby the creed: the customer isking. I truly feel that sense ofpartnership with <strong>Harris</strong>, andI’ve been dealing with <strong>Harris</strong>for years now. l NATO Staff Member

Always connected. Never alone.Corporate HeadquartersRFCD Headquarters and ManufacturingRFCD HubsRFCD OfficesRFCD PartnersTactical CustomersPublic Safety CustomersTactical and Public Safety CustomersOur proven solutions provide:l Voice, data, and video where it’s needed, when it’s neededl Cost effectiveness throughout the life cycle of the system• No long, costly development cycle• Unsurpassed in-country support during and after deliveryl Scalability and growth optionsl Configurable solution setsl On-time delivery of quality systems15

the harris differenceAs your partner, <strong>Harris</strong> is committed to your success<strong>Harris</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> welcomes the opportunity to discuss the<strong>Micro</strong>-<strong>UAV</strong> <strong>Video</strong> <strong>Distribution</strong> System in more detail, andhow it can be applied to your missions and applications.We believe that our packaged systems provide a significant valueto you, our customer, in the following ways:l The systems are available now, eliminating long and expensivedevelopment and procurement cycles.l The use of the latest wideband Falcon III ® tactical radiossupports new operational capabilities, such as live tacticalvideo and situational awareness, that have not previouslybeen possible.l Falcon III software-defined radio technology uses openarchitectures and standard interfaces, allowing the system toincorporate new capabilities and stave off obsolescence.l Pre-engineered system designs emphasize commonality ofequipment and resources to reduce life-cycle sustainment costssuch as training, sparing, and maintenance.l Our systems engineers and in-country partners can readilycustomize the solution, as required.l The systems are supported by our world-class customer serviceorganization that operates in every part of the world and issecond to none.With approximately $6 billion (USD) in annual revenue, <strong>Harris</strong>is an international communications and information technologycompany serving government and commercial markets worldwide.We are confident that our packaged C4ISR system solutionsrepresent the best value with the lowest schedule, cost, andtechnical risks for meeting your complex operational challenges.Our solutions leverage:l Falcon III wideband radio technologyl Tactical video processing and management technologyl Open standards and interfacesl Focused program teamsl Over 50 years experience providing state-of-the-art militarysystemsl Product service teams that deploy to our customerl Nearly 7,000 engineers and scientists throughout thecorporation

Taking tactical <strong>UAV</strong> video to the edgewith the <strong>Harris</strong> <strong>Micro</strong>-<strong>UAV</strong> <strong>Distribution</strong> System17

RF Communications Division | 1680 University Avenue | Rochester, NY USA 14610www.harris.com | 1-800-4-HARRIS | Telephone 585-244-5830This information was approved for publishing per the ITAR as “Basic Marketing Information of Defense Articles” or per the EAR as “Advertising Printed Matter.”Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2012 <strong>Harris</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 02/12 ES-118A

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