KNX styringssystem presentasjon - Schneider Electric

KNX styringssystem presentasjon - Schneider Electric

KNX styringssystem presentasjon - Schneider Electric

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Hvorfor <strong>KNX</strong>?• StandardisertVerdensomfattende standard• FleksibilitetRaske omstillinger uten å endre installasjonen• FunksjonEn enkel måte å skape avanserte funktioner på• DesignGir et moderne og forenklet designutrykk• Fremtidsrettet sikkerhetEn infrastruktur for fremtidige ombygninger• EnergieffektivitetEnergisparing, både fokus på økonomi og miljøbevissthet

Standard• Europeisk Standard EN 500 90• International Standard ISO/IEC 14543-3• Kinesisk standard (GB/Z 20965)• Amerikansk standard (ANSI/ASHRAE 135)• Garanterer lang levetid• Garanterer et bredt utvalg• Garanterer utvikling• <strong>KNX</strong> Association• Et verktøy for driftsetting – ETS• Allt <strong>KNX</strong>-materiell kan anvendes i samme installasjonuavhengig av fabrikat

p. 09/49PROPOSAL: ‘that the Parish Council seek further clarification from theChurchyard Maintenance Group on the financial situation regarding thereserve, including any bequests or fund raising available to the Group,before a decision on whether to provide grant funding is made at the nextmeeting’. . No supporting votes were received.SECOND PROPOSAL: ‘that the Parish Council provide a grant of £1,000(one thousand pounds) to contribute to the maintenance of the churchyard’.AGREED AND RESOLVED THREE VOTES IN FAVOUR.BPFATGrant application of £1,000 for roof repairs:The Trust has received a variety of quotes for the work, and has accepted aquote for £21,000.Mike Bennett reported to the meeting that he has received specific instructionfrom EHDC to apply to the Parish Council for financial support to providepart of match funding, before applying to EHDC for grant funding. Theapplication for £1,000 completes the grant funding applications for the cost ofthe repair, but does not cover any additional works, such as repairs to roofjoists, which may be discovered as the work commences.PROPOSAL:’ that the Parish Council will provide the full amount of£1,000 (one thousand pounds) grant funding to the Braughing PlayingField Association Trust for repairs to the community hall roof’. AGREEDAND RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY.Budget & Precept: DiscussionThe clerk prepared a budget and distributed it by email to Councillors beforethe meeting, with a suggestion that the precept remain the same as last year at£21,525. This figure allowed grant funding of £2,050 to be allocated to parishorganisations making application. However, the grant applications made to theParish Council currently total £4,050. Councillors therefore need to decidewhether to increase the precept to cover the cost of additional grant fundingapplications, reduce the reserve below the recommended level of 50% of theprecept, or refuse applications. Additional consideration is the shortfall of£25,000 for replacement of the footway lighting units. Further discussion willtake place at the January 2010 meeting.09.160 Community Planning: Report from David Williamson.Part of the draft document has been prepared, with the completed document tobe ready for presentation to the Annual Parish Meeting in April 2010.09.161 Hertfordshire County Council Highways issues:Fleece Lane Bridge: Maintenance of bridge: update:The maintenance has begun under the supervision of the East Herts DistrictCouncil conservation officer, David Williamson and Graham Frary. Theoriginal quote did not include pointing brickwork on one side of the bridge,and the removal of encroaching tree stumps. Therefore the cost of the work

Eksempel på tilkobling til en busslinje<strong>KNX</strong>Regulator<strong>KNX</strong>TrykknappTrykknapp medTemperaturreguleringBinæringang<strong>KNX</strong>Strømforsyning Bryterktuator Dimmerakuator PersienneaktuatorTopologi på en busslinje:L1L2L3NPE16A16A16AM• Fri topologi• (mix linje, tre og stjerne, men ingen sløyfe)• max. 64 bussdeltagere• max. 1000 m busskabel• max. 350 m ,mellom strømforsyning og deltager• min. 200 m mellom to strømforsyninger

<strong>KNX</strong> TopologiSystemoppbygging230V8.1. 1 linje = opp til 64 deltagereOmråde 3...159.x.0.02. > 64 deltagere => ny linje3. Tilkoble 2 linjer = linjekobler4. Hovedlinje for området5. 1 område = opp til 15 linjer6. > 15 linjer => nytt område7. Tilkoble 2 områden =områdeskobler8. Områdeslinje (Backbone)9. Opp till 15 områderOmråde 2Område 1230V1.1.01.230V6.

Fire etager i to byggEt eksempel• Område 1, 4 linjer• Område 2, 4 linjer• 2x områdeskobler +SF = 1 systemVån 41.4.0230V

Komponentene i <strong>KNX</strong>Systemprodukter• Strømforsyning• Linje/områdeskobler• IP-Router• USB-grensesnitt

Komponentene i <strong>KNX</strong>Sensorer• Trykknapp• Luxmåler• Bevegelsesdetektor• Regulator• CO2 måler• Værstasjon

Komponentene i <strong>KNX</strong>Aktuatorer• Belysning til/fra• Heve/senke temperatur• Regulere lysnivå med dimmer• Styre luftmengde• Markiser opp/ned• <strong>KNX</strong>-Dali grensesnitt

Eksempel på kabeltrekking i bolig• Alle aktuatorer plaseres i sikkringsskapmed kabel ut til allt som skal styres• Sensorene plaseres ute i rommene ogbusskabel trekkes fra sensor til sensor

Eksempel på kabeltrekking i bygg• Aktuatorer monteres i kapslinger over himling• Mindre kabeltrekking fra underfordeling• Sensorer plaseres i rommene for lokal styring, ogsentralt for åpne landskap.

Eksempel7.1. Strømforsyning5. 3. Touchpanel i entré3. Tidstyrda dørlåsFasadebelysningMotorvarmerUtebelysning4. AllmenbelysningLedelysTrappebelysning5. HeisalarmAlarm ventilasjonSignal brannlukerBrytere trappehus6. Styring brannlukerReklameskiltTidstyring ventilasjonTrappebelysning7. Værstasjon

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