Installation & Maintenance - Protectoseal

Installation & Maintenance - Protectoseal

Installation & Maintenance - Protectoseal

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<strong>Installation</strong> & <strong>Maintenance</strong> GuidePage 19PROTECTOSEAL SERIES NO. 20TANK BLANKETING VALVEThe purge meter has a percent scale. The flow indicated will depend upon the blanketinggas supply pressure, the molecular weight of the blanketing gas, and (to a lesser degree)the operating temperature. See the below tables to determine the flows through the purgemeter as follows:Scale Reading for a Desired Flow:Scale Reading {%} = (Desired Flow {SCFH} x 125 x F1 x F2 x F3)Flow Indicated at a Scale Reading:Flow {SCFH} = (Scale Reading {%} / (125 x F1 x F2 x F3)Supply Pressure(PSIG)F1GasF22030405060708090100110120130140150160170180190200Table 8Supply Pressure Factor (F1)0.6510.5730.5180.4770.4440.4170.3940.3750.3580.3430.3300.3190.3080.2990.2900.2820.2750.2680.262AirCarbon DioxideHeliumNatural GasNitrogenTable 9Molecular Weight Factor (F2)Temp.(°F)02040607080100120Temp.(°C)-18-741621273849Table 10Temperature Factor (F3)1.001.2380.3720.7750.982F30.9320.9520.9710.9911.0001.0091.0281.046■ MAINTENANCEThe integral purge accessories should not normally require maintenance. When the blanketingvalve has been removed for maintenance, the purge meter or purge system can bechecked for blockage by hooking up a pressure line to the inlet of the purge meter (thebottom connection) and checking for flow at the outlet(s).Since the blanketing gas should be clean, the purge meter should not usually require cleaning.However, if it is desired to do so, follow these steps:1. Squeeze the clear plastic shield to unsnap it from the retainer.2. Remove the glass tube by pushing it up (against the compression spring) and pullingit out.

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