Both Articles (page 1-4) 16 mar 09 - City Montessori School

Both Articles (page 1-4) 16 mar 09 - City Montessori School

Both Articles (page 1-4) 16 mar 09 - City Montessori School

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NOORLNOORLWYADEEWILL UNITETHEWDigyh ckj vxys o"kZ 6 ls 8 flrEcj 2000 esa lalkj ds 'kh"kZLFkjktusrkvksa dk rhu fnolh; feysfu;e lfEeV dk vk;kstufd;k tk jgk gSA lnL;ns'kksa ds jk"Vªifr;ksa ,oaiz/kkueaf=;ksa dk lalkjesa igyh ckj fo'o dk;g lcls cM+k vkSj,sfrgkfld lEesyu gksxkA bl ,sfrgkfld lEesyu esamijksDr rhu fo'oO;kih leL;kvksa ij lalkj ds 'kh"kZLFkjktusrkvksa ds }kjk feytqy dj fopkj fd;k tk;sxk] rkfd21oha lnh dk fo'o lekt [kq'kgky cu lds vkSj fo'o ds nksvjc cPpksa ,oa vkxs vkus okyh ihfs irkyxk fd la;qDr jk"Vª la?k dh 53oha tujy vlsEcyh us 10ebZ] 1999 ds ,tsUMk vkbVe 30 ds ¼Dykt 8½ esa tks izLrkoikfjr fd;k Fkk fd 21oha 'krkCnh esa lalkj dh ¼1½ ,d ubZjktuSfrK O;oLFkk cukbZ tk; rFkk ¼2½ ,d ubZ vFkZO;oLFkkcukbZ tk;A bl izLrko dks ,d izeq[k ohVks ikoj us la;qDrjk"Vª la?k ds ,ts.Mk esa ls fudyok fn;kA ;g tkudj eSavR;Ur vkgr ,oa nq[kh gqvkAla;qDr jk"Vª la?k }kjk 22 ls 26 ebZ 2000 rd U;w;kdZ esavk;ksftr xSj ljdkjh rFkk flfoy lkslkbVh laxBuksa dsfeysfu;e Qksje esa 100 ls vf/kd ns'kksa ds 1000 ls Åijlalkj dh cM+h&cM+h flfoy lkslk;Vh laLFkkvksa ds ge 1350izfrfuf/k lfEefyr gq, FksA vr% eSaus lalkj ds fy, la;qDrjk"Vª la?k ds 53 osa feysfu;e lEesyu ds izLrko la[;k 30 dsDykt 8 dks ftlesa lalkj dh ¼1½ ^,d vUrjkZ"Vªh;jktuSfrd O;oLFkk* ,oa ¼2½ ^,d vFkZO;oLFkk* ds xBu dkizLrko Fkk vkSj ftls ,d izeq[k ohVks ikoj us vkQhf'k;y,tsUMk ls fudyok fn;k Fkk mlh Dykt dks flfoy lkslkbVhlaLFkkvksa ds feysfu;eQksje ¼lEesyu½ esa j[kdjloZlEefr ls ikl djkfn;kA¼37½ fdUrq mlh izeq[kohVks ikoj us izLrko la[;k 30 ds Dykt+ 8 dksfeysfu;e lfeV esa fopkjkFkZ ,tsUMk ls ghfudyok fn;k %&¼38½ la;qDr jk"Vª la?k ds vkea=.kij nwljs feysfu;e lEesyuesa Hkkx ysdj eSaus mlh izLrko dks iqu% j[kk%la;qDr jk"Vª la?k ds vkea=.k ij eSaus ;w-,u- tujy ,lsEcyh dhb.Vj,fDVo gh;fjax ls'ku esa 23 o 24 twu] 2005 dks Hkkx fy;kA bllanHkZ esa la;qDr jk"Vª la?k us iqu% eq>s 9 twu] 2005 dks lwfpr fd;k fd14 ls <strong>16</strong> flrEcj] 2005 esa la;qDr jk"Vª la?k }kjk jk"Vªk/;{kksa dk nwljkfeysfu;e lfEeV vk;ksftr fd;k tk;sxk ftlds iwoZ ;w-,u- tujy,lsEcyh dh b.Vj,fDVo gh;fjax ls'ku dk vk;kstu gksxkA rFkkftlesa xSj&ljdkjh ,oa flfoy lkslkbVh laxBuksa ds izLrkoksa dks Hkhj[kk tk;sxkA la;qDr jk"Vª la?k }kjk nwljsfeysfu;e lfEeV ds iwoZ iqu% xSj&ljdkjh,oa flfoy lkslkbVh laxBuksa ds lEesyu dkvk;kstu 23 o 24 twu 2005 dks fd;k x;kAjk"V ª l?a k e as tkdj lla kj d s nk s vjc cPpk as d s fgr e as lHkh jk"Vkª as d s eSaus iqu% bl lEesyu esa 23 o 24 twu] 2005lg;kxs l s fu.k;Z djk; 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fy;k%&eSaus ogha fu'p; fd;k fd 53oha tujyvlsEcyh ds mijksDr izLrko la[;k 30 dsDykt 8 dks ftls ,d izeq[k ohVks ikoj usviuh ohVksa ikoj dk mi;ksx dj vkQhf'k;y ,tsUMk lsfudyok fn;k gS] mls eSa flfoy lkslk;Vh laxBuksa dsfeysfu;e Qksje dkUÝsUl ds izLrkoksa esa 'kkfey djkÅ¡xk]rkfd yxHkx rhu ekg ckn 6 ls 8 flrEcj] 2000 dksvk;ksftr gksus okys lalkj ds jk"Vªk/;{kksa ,oa iz/kkueaf=;ksa dslEesyu esa feysfu;e Qksje ds izLrkoksa ds :i esa gh lgh blDykt 8 ds Åij fopkj rks fd;k tk;sA¼36½ ,d izeq[k ohVks ikoj us tks izLrko vkQhf'k;y,tsUMk ls fudyok fn;k Fkk eSaus mlsfeysfu;e Qksje ds ,tsUMk esa 'kkfey djkfn;k %&^feysfu;e lfeV* esa ¼1½ vkQhf'k;y ,tsUMk ds izLrkoksa dslkFk gh lkFk ¼2½ flfoy lkslk;Vh laxBuksa ds izLrkoksa ij Hkhfopkj fd;k tkuk FkkA feysfu;e Qksje esa tks izLrko eSausloZlEefr ls ikfjr djk;k Fkk mls iqu% la;qDr jk"Vª la?k dh‘Knowledge and Wisdom of the Day’ are vital for success in individual life as well as in thecollective life of Family, Nation and in the World Community — CMS April 20<strong>09</strong>tujy ,lsEcyh ds 54osa lEesyu esa 8 vxLr 2000 dks j[kk x;kA tksfd jk"Vªk/;{kksa ,oa iz/kkueaf=;ksa ds izFke feysfu;e lfEeV ds ,d ekgiwoZ lfEeV dk Qkbuy ,tsUMk cukus ds fy, vk;ksftr fd;k x;k FkkAfdUrq bl 8 vxLr 2000 dks Hkh mlh izeq[k ohVks ikoj us gekjs flfoylkslk;Vh ,oa ,u-th-vks- ds ^feysfu;e Qksje* esa loZlEefr ls ikfjrizLrko vFkkZr ^fo'o dh ,d jktuSfrd O;oLFkk ,oa ,d vFkZO;oLFkk gks*ds izLrko dks feysfu;e lfEeV dsQkbuy ,tsUMk ls Hkh nwljh ckj fQjfudyok fn;kA¼39½ izeq[k ohVks ikoj us rhljh ckj Hkh fo'o dh ,dO;oLFkk ,oa ,d dkuwu okyk izLrko lalkj dsjk"Vªk/;{kksa ,oa iz/kkueaf=;ksa ds nwljs feysfu;elfeV ds ,tsUMk esa 'kfey ugha gksus fn;k %&,d izeq[k ohVks ikWoj us rhljh ckj Hkh fo'o dh ,d O;oLFkk ,oa fo'odk ,d dkuwu dk izLrko f}rh; feysfu;e lfEeV ds ,ts.Ms esa Hkh'kkfey ugha gksus fn;kA bl dkj.k ls la;qDr jk"Vª ds nwljs feysfu;elfEeV esa Hkh ;g izLrko ikfjr ugha gks ldkA fo'o ds xSj&ljdkjh ,oaflfoy lkslkbVh laxBuksa dh vke jk; ds fo:) izeq[k ohVks ikoj uslalkj dh ,drk ds ekxZ esa :dkoV iSnk dj nh gSA¼40½ izeq[k ohVks ikoj us lalkj dh ,drk ds ekxZ esa rhuckj jksM+s vVdk;s %&izeq[k ohVks ikoj us ¼1½ tujy ,lsEcyh ds 10 ebZ 1999 ds izLrkola[;k 8] ¼2½ xSj&ljdkjh ,oa flfoy lkslkbVh laxBuksa ds izfrfuf/k;ksads 22 ls 26 ebZ 2000 ds rFkk 24 o 25 twu 2005 ds ,tsUMk rFkk ¼3½lh0,e0,l0 }kjk nks vjc cPpksa dslqjf{kr Hkfo"; ds iz;klksa dh iwjh rjgvuns[kh djds vius ohVks ikWoj dsfo'ks"kkf/kdkj ds }kjk lkjs lalkj dh,drk ds ekxZ esa rhu ckj jksM+s vVdk;sgSaA¼41½ fo'o dh U;kf;d O;oLFkk ekuo ek= dh vfUrevk'kk gS %&la;qDr jk"Vª la?k ls feyh fujk'kk ls nq%[kh gksdj gekjs fo|ky; flVheksUVsljh Ldwy] y[kuÅ }kjk lalkj ds lHkh jk"Vªksa dk /;ku vkdf"kZrdjus ds fy, lalkj ds eq[; U;k;k/kh'kksa dk lEesyu lu~ 2001 lsvk;ksftr djus dk fu.kZ; fy;k x;kA o"kZ 2001 ls o"kZ 2008 rd fiNysvkB o"kksZ esa esjs la;kstu esa y[kuÅ esa vk;ksftr gq, fo'o ds ukSvUrjkZ"Vªh; 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‘Knowledge and Wisdom of the Day’ are vital for success in individual life as well as in thecollective life of Family, Nation and in the World Community — CMS April 20<strong>09</strong>Letter to the most understanding leader of the world H.E. Mr Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary-General,requesting him to call the 3rd Millennium Summit of World Leaders in 2010 to form a New Political and Economic order of the World tosafeguard the future of two billion children of the world and generations yet-to-be born.ENODAYWEWILL UNITETHEWORLDMarch 31, 20<strong>09</strong> philosophy, as is evident from the speeches and messages at the confrerences of included in the 'We the People's Millennium Forum Declaration and Agenda forHis Excellency Mr Ban Ki-moonChief Justices of the world held in Lucknow, India on the philosophy of Article Action; strengthening the United Nations for the Twenty-first century'. AndSecretary-General of the United Nations51(Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam).thereafter this was included in section F of Agenda item 49 (b) for the 54thSession of the U.N. General Assembly, which met one month prior to theUnited Nations HeadquartersCall of IndiaMillennium Summit, as 'Strengthening and democratizing the United NationsUN Plaza, New York, NY, 10017The children of India as well as children around the world of more than 200 and International Organizations' which was described as 'leading towards theUnited States of Americanations of the world are fearful of their future. They see terrorism, shootings, formation of a new political and economic order;.Mr Ban Ki-moon violence and hatred everywhere – in their society, in their house and in theirYour Excellency,country. They would like a happy future which would fill good thoughts in their The Millennium DeclarationThe United Nations has been very successful in maintaining peace and minds. The voice of 35,000 students of <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> of Lucknow, India The United Nations Millennium Declaration adopted at the Summit heldsecurity, promoting democracy, development, human rights, protecting the who represent the voice of two billion children of the world should not be from 6th to 8th September, 2000, made significant declarations and resolutionsenvironment, preventing nuclear proliferation, strengthening international law, ignored. which, I admit, will be in the over all interest of humanity. The Millenniumproviding humanitarian aid to victims of conflict, alleviating chronic hunger andDeclaration in its Part VIII deals with 'Strengthening the United Nations' are alsorural poverty, promoting women's rights, clearing land mines, improving global Article 51 of the Constitution of India high ideals. This Part VIII, purported to be providing a new world order does nottrade relations, promoting economic reform, introducing improved agricultural Article 51 of the Indian constitution was given by Dr B R Ambedkar as a create any institution or provide for changing the structure of the United Nationstechniques and reducing costs, empowering the voiceless, generating worldwide solution to the problems of law and order in a country. We would like to draw and, therefore, it can hardly mean to be providing a 'new political or economiccommitment in support of the needs of children and improving education in your attention to the Article 51of the Indian Constitution which states that: world order'. I, therefore, still feel that there is urgent need for establishment ofdeveloping countries besides a host of other achievements. The State shall endeavour to — a 'new political and economic order, for the world with powers and authority andThe United Nations has always been looked upon as the saviour of the (a) Promote international peace and security;having sanction of nation-states and the people for effectively dealing with theworld's most unfortunate people. This is an expectation that the United Nations, (b) Maintain just and honourable relations between nations;challenges of the 21st century.its arms and its volunteers and officers have always unfailingly met every time.(c) Foster respect for international law andPolitical leaders disappointWhenever and wherever the United Nations has heard the anguished cry forhelp they have rushed in to provide hope and succour because it has always (d) Encourage settlement of international disputes by arbitration.Having failed to get any response to my request from political leaders in thisconsidered selfless service to the people of the world as its most important duty. Clause (c) of the above article refers to "fostering respect for international regards, CMS has been holding International Conferences of Chief Justices of thelaw" but today enforceable international law is non-existent on all the countries World to create more and more awareness throughout the world for a 'new<strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> has drawn its strength from the foundingand peoples of the world.political and economic order'. The '9th International Conference of Chief Justicesprinciples of the United Nations and what it had set out to do more than 60 yearsof the world' was organized by us (the CMS) in December, 2008 in which Hon'bleago. The preamble of the Charter of the United Nations (reproduced below) has c) In the above article, the word “state” refers to both the Nation State as well asJudges, after detailed deliberations in Working Groups, unanimously passed abeen our inspiration and guiding light:the individual. The father of the Indian Constituion and the Man of MillenniumResolution, a copy of which is enclosed for kind information of Your Excellency,for Social Justice, Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar said, “Law and order are the medicinePreambleof the body politic and when the body politic gets sick, medicine must be Global Problems and the United NationsWE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED administered.”CMS firmly believes that unless and until the UN becomes a mereNATIONS are determinedLaw should be based on real justicerepresentative and mere democratic body, it will not meet the need of the timesto save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in ourand provide a new political and economic order to meet the challenges of theWhether law is enforced or interpreted, it should be based on justice. Justicelifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, and21st century, which is facing new challenges in this era of globalization. Theshould prevail in the whole world. The rule of law should prevail in the wholeproblems of global warming and climate change are a very serious concern andto reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of world. Reward and punishment should be justly given to the accused. Justiceit is imperative to take necessary steps now. The Copenhagen Conference inthe human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations should be real justice so that human rights of even the smallest child can beDecember this year is expected to find some solutions but it requires stronglarge and small, andensured. The entire world supports this article of the Indian Constitution.political will, especially by developed and some developing countries. Economicto establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations The present conditions of the world – its economic instability, social interest of nations may come in the way of final consensus. But in the interest ofarising from treaties and other sources of international law can be dissensions, political dissatisfaction and international distrust – should awaken the saving humanity some hard decisions have to be taken which can be done at themaintained, and youth from their slumber and make them inquire what the future is likely to bring highest level of national heads.to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom, but they alone cannot do it, they need a vision which can be provided by theirAnd for these endsschools.Time for United Nations to actto practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good CMS has strived to unite the world sincedecisivelyneighbours, andYour Excellency, the United Nations is the single largest and the onlyits inceptionto unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, andorganization which professes to maintain international peace and security and,It would be pertinent to highlight here that <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> hasto ensure the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, thatas such, it is incumbent upon it to take such steps as may be expedient to savealways strived to campaign amongst the world leaders and the world judiciary toarmed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, andsucceeding generations from the scourge of war and destruction by puttingcome together and work towards strengthening the United Nations. Yourto employ international machinery for the promotion of the economicinternational pressure, where ever necessary. We, therefore, request you toExcellency, I, Jagdish Gandhi am the Founder-Manager of the <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong>and social advancement of all peoples, have resolved to combine efforts tokindly summon a meeting of national heads of all the nation-states<strong>School</strong>. I established the institution in the year 1959 in Lucknow, India at aaccomplish these aims(i.e. the 3rd Millennium Summit) in early 2010 to discuss theseyoung age of 23 years with only 5 students. The first lesson which I gave themAccordingly, our respective governments, through representatives assembledissues in the interest of international peace and security and forwas 'Jai Jagat' which literally means “Glory be to the world' signifying worldin the city of San Francisco, who have exhibited their full powers found to be in goodproviding a safe and secure future for humanity, especially childrenunity and universal brotherhood. Since then I am constantly trying to inculcateand due form, have agreed to the present Charter of the United Nations and do these ideas in the young minds of children in the interest of world peace throughand future generations.hereby establish an international organization to be known as the United Nations. daily prayer assemblies. Besides quality education in 20 campuses throughout World Parliament for acceptableHigh time to safeguard vulnerable Lucknow, the vision and mission of the <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> (popularly known arbitrationas CMS) had been highly appreciated by the citizens of Lucknow with the resultchildrenthat from 5 students in 1959, we now have on roll over 35,000 students in CMS,Keeping all these thoughts in mind, you would agree that serious effortsChildren are one of the most vulnerable groups in society and at the same and a staff of about 2000. With a view of spreading the message of universalshould be made for the formation of a world parliament. The World Parliamenttime, the most important. They have no voice in the government; they have no brotherhood, world unity and peace, I now organize over two dozenwould unite the leaders of the world to solve problems by arbitration. The Worldpower of their own though they actually are the future. Therefore, every society international academic events in which thousands of students up to seniorParliament should be formed on the designs of the European Parliament It is ahas the responsibility to safeguard the well-being of two billion children of the secondary level have participated from various states of India and abroad. Suchpoignant example of warring nations coming to terms for the welfare ofworld and the generations yet to be born and the obligation to promote the full students carry our unique message to their respective schools, cities andhumanity. The European Parliament also agreed on a common economic orderdevelopment of their capacities. To neglect this responsibility is to court the countries.in the countries of the European Union. They agreed on the use of a commondestruction of the foundations of society itself, for the destiny of all futurecurrency, the Euro. A similar effort should be made on a larger scale. The nationsgenerations depends on the right upbringing of children.Appeal to Dr Kofi Annan, the then of the world should dissolve differences and come forward to agree on acommon currency and a single economic order. Agenda item 30 clause 8 of theLack of moral educationSecretary-General of the United NationsSince I am working with children and for children, I share their joys andUNGA calls for a new international economic and political order. It was alreadyThe sad results of the current lack of moral education are evidentsorrow, their fears and hopes and their disappointments and expectations. Ipassed by the Millennium Forum.everywhere. Many of today's children and youth are restless and aimless. Theydiscovered that the plight of world's children is very pathetic and so I decided toare inhabitants of a rapidly changing world in which old paradigms andYou are the hope of the worldtake up the cause of the two billion children of the world for their safe and secureassumptions have fallen to the wayside but have yet to be replaced by newYour Excellency, being the Secretary General of the United Nations youfuture. As the first step in my initiative, in the year 1999, students of CMSvalues. In such a morally vacant environment, children can easily be lured by thehave a world view and have therefore a larger perspective and, can see thecollected nearly one hundred thousand signatures on an appeal to Dr. Kofi A.superficial attractions of a materialistic society, and by sectarian and divisivelarger interest of humanity. It would be no exaggeration to say that at such aAnnan, your predecessor. The document requested him to initiate efforts to formideologies. Add to this, the scourge of terrorism, the alarming global warmingcrucial time in human history, the U.N. is fortunate to have you as its Secretarya world government free from 'Veto power'. In our letter we also quoted Janand the insane competition for stockpiling WMDs and nuclear weapons – and weGeneral whose real and sincere concern for the well being of the human race inTinbergen, Nobel Laureate in Economics, who had observed that 'Mankind'shave a world that has set itself on a timer to self-destruction in very few years towell known. We feel that serious consideration must be given to the aboveproblems can no longer be solved by national governments. What is needed is acome, not just decades.mentioned problems on priority basis and other problems having internationalworld government and this can best be achieved by strengthening the Unitedrdramifications may also be considered. The 35,000 students of CMS have full faithTime is ripe for 3 Millennium Summit Nations system.' The appeal also emphasized on the need of enforceable and expectations from Your Excellency that you would soon bring all Heads ofWith such a scenario facing the world, the time is ripe for the United Nations international law.nation-states to seriously consider these issues by summoning their high levelto call a meeting of world leaders (the 3rd Millennium Summit) and discuss these <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> invited to the meeting (i.e. 3rd Millennium Summit) at U.N. Headquarters in early 2010 tomoral and tangible problems facing not just one nation, but all nations together.form a New Political and Economic Order of the world.The countries of the world need to realise that the need of the hour is aUnited NationsWe sincerely hope that this appeal of children will receive your kindsustainable solution to these problems. The issue gravitates to not only the need You might be aware that as a prelude to the Millennium Summit, the U.N.attention. History will remember you as saviour of humankind.of a suitable idea but also an immediate and a concrete action for the same. organized a Millennium Assembly and a Millennium Forum. I was invited at theMillennium Forum of the NGOs and Civil societies from 22 to 26 May 2000 at With highest regards,An idea whose time has comeU.N. Headquarters. This forum was attended by 1350 members from over 1000There is one thing stronger than all the armies of the world and that is an NGOs and civil society's organizations. I attended meetings of the Forum andYours sincerely,idea whose time has come. The idea or philosophy is only with India. The came to know that U.N. General Assembly's agenda item 30 of the 53rd session,philosophy of udar Charitanamtu Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam (for a well meaning its clause 8, which supported the 'establishment of a new international political Note: With this letterand broad-minded person, the whole world is his own family) enshrined in and economic order' as in the Report of the Secretary General dated 10th May, several annexureArticle 51 of the Indian Constitution could prove to be the saviour of humanity in 1999 is not included in the Agenda of the Millennium Summit.have also been sent.(Jagdish Gandhi)these dire conditions. The prevalent conditions remind one of the words of the Aggrieved by the non inclusion, I participated in the Thematic DraftingFounder-Manager of CMS, Lucknow, Indiagreat proponent of non-violence, father of the nation, Mahatama Gandhi, "aon behalf of over 35,000 students of CMSGroup VI of the Millennium Forum on 'Strengthening and Democratizing theday will come when the world will approach India in its quest for peace and Indiarepresenting world's two billion children of the worldUnited Nations and International Institutions' in which I proposed for inclusion ofwill become the light of the world". The world is already subscribing to the Indianand generations yet-to-be born &the item for 'establishment of a New Political and Economic Order'. This wasConvenor of the Conference of Chief Justices of the WorldENODAYWEWILL UNITETHE5WORLD

ENOORLENOORLWIYADLILUNITETHEWD‘Knowledge and Wisdom of the Day’ are vital for success in individual life as well as in thecollective life of Family, Nation and in the World Community — CMSApril 20<strong>09</strong>WIYADLILUNITETHEWDLetter to most loving President H. E. Mr. Barack H. Oba<strong>mar</strong>equesting him to call an urgent meeting of World Leaders for the Formation of New Political & Economic order ofthe World to safeguard the future of two billion children of the world and generations yet-to-be born.March 31, 20<strong>09</strong> simplify and facilitate intercourse and understanding among <strong>School</strong> (CMS),H.E. Mr Barack Hussein Obama the nations and races of mankind. Lucknow, IndiaPresident,have collected overA New Economic Order is neededUnited States of America1,00,000 signedWhite HouseCreation of a united world economy would mean a p p e a l s f r o m<strong>16</strong>00 Pennsylvania considerably more than the removal of national barriers to trade c h i l d r e n a n dAvenue NW Washington DC 20500and commerce. It would also mean coordination and long range p a r e n t s o fUnited States of America (USA)planning on a world scale. It would be the function of a world Lucknow, India toEmail: barackobama@gmail.com,government to flatten trade cycles, to develop the resources of be sent to Yourbarackobama@barackobama.comthe world for the benefit of all, to work for the narrowing of the Excellency for taking urgent steps to protect the fundamentaldifference which now separates the rich from the poor nations, rights of the world's two billion children and generations yet-totoensure the conservation of scarce resources for the use ofDear Mr President Barack Obama,be born for a safe and secure future by forming a worldfuture generations, and to protect the world's environment. government based on the rule of law.Please accept my heartiest congratulations once again for “The economic resources of the world will be organized,becoming the President of the most powerful nation of theSince 19th January, 20<strong>09</strong>, we have been waiting for athe sources of raw material will be tapped and fully utilized, itsworld. I would like to again introduce myself as the Founderresponsefrom Mr. Tim Kaine and would like to reiterate that he<strong>mar</strong>kets will be coordinated and developed, and the distributionManager of <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> (CMS), Lucknow, Indiashould take steps for the formation of a New Internationalof its products will be equitably regulated.” – Abdul Bahawhich is the biggest school of the world with 35,000 students inPolitical and Economic Order of the World as it is inevitable. Asa single city as per the Guinness Book of World Record. CMS is Towards a world economythe President of the most powerful nation, history has placed aneducating more than 35,000 students and is devoted to the The Economy and Society: What are the prospects afterenormous burden on Your Excellency to call an Urgent Meetingcause of world Unity and world Peace for the last 50 years. Our the present crisis. The Baha'i faith has quite a lot to say aboutof World Leaders to safeguard the future of the world's twoschool has the unique distinction of being the first and only the economy in that vision of the future. Two of the mostbillion children and generations yet-to-be born.school in the world to be honoured with the UNESCO Prize for important themes, which are closely interlinked are (i) that the T i m e t o a c c e p t a n d e n s u r ePeace Education, which it received in the year 2002.economies of the world will become one global economyintergenerational responsibilityAre we heading towards a global serving the material, intellectual and spiritual need of allhumanity and (ii) that the underlying force driving the economy The responsibility of working for a safe future for thecatastrophe?will be spiritual or, in secular terms, ethical.world's children does not belong only to the present generationDear Mr President, the world today stands at crossroads,of elders. Elders of humanity anywhere on earth shouldILO report dated 28 January, 20<strong>09</strong>,one way which leads humanity to breakdown and the other to aunderstand very clearly that besides ensuring action that leadsbreakthrough. The way leading to the former is obvious – an era Genevato positive change in condition of children everywhere, theyof total global catastrophe in the wake of global warming, the The global economic crisis is expected to lead to ahave a much bigger responsibility to fulfill. This responsibility ofongoing food and water crisis, conflicts worldwide, due to dramatic increase in the number of people joining the ranks ofelders deal with implanting thoughts of a happy and secureintolerance and hatred among communities and ethnic groups the unemployed, working poor and those in vulnerablefuture in young minds – the next generation. This nextand the ever persistent threat of international terrorism and employment, the International Labour Office (ILO) says in itsgeneration when it matures, can then work for the same safenuclear holocaust.annual Global Employment Trends report (GET) Based onfuture for their own children from the ills of climate change,new developments in the labour <strong>mar</strong>ket and depending on theterrorism and stockpile of nuclear weapons. Your Excellency,Only you can invite world leaders totimeliness and effectiveness of recovery efforts, the report saysthis sense of intergenerational responsibility needs to bediscuss problems of the worldglobal unemployment in 20<strong>09</strong> could increase over 2007 by ainculcated today across all age groups around the world.However, there is a possibility of a breakthrough, for range of 18 million to 30 million workers, and more than 50 Mr President, you are the saviour ofwhich the world is looking up to you, you have the means and million if the situation continues to deteriorate.the world's childrenthe capabilities to unite the world leaders on a 'global peace The ILO report also said that in this last scenario sometable' and urge them to act together for the formation of a newYour Excellency, to celebrate your assumption of the200 million workers, mostly in developing economies, could beinternational political and economic order of the world. Weoffice of the President of the United States of America with apushed into extreme poverty. “The ILO message is realistic, notunderstand that this is not an easy task, but you, Dear Mrhumble appeal on behalf of the world's 2 billion children and thealarmist. We are now facing a global jobs crisis. ManyPresident, you can, through all your means, invite Worldgenerations yet-to-be-born, the students The <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong>governments are aware and acting, but more decisive andLeaders for cooperation and dialogue to eradicate international<strong>School</strong> (CMS), Lucknow, India took out a huge <strong>mar</strong>ch on 20thcoordinated international action is needed to avert a globalconflict and bring about widespread reforms of internationaland 21st January, 20<strong>09</strong> to appeal to you for the formation of asocial recession. Progress in poverty reduction is unravellinginstitutions such as the UNO and the IMF for the political andNew Political and Economical World Order. Children carriedand middle classes worldwide are weakening. The political andeconomical unification of the world. Dear Mr President, weYour Excellency's portrait, banners and messages. This <strong>mar</strong>chsecurity implications are daunting”, said ILO Director-General,beleive you can initiate ways that can lead to development andwas also attended by media and supported by teachers andJuan Somavi.security for the whole world.other staff of <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> (CMS), Lucknow, India.Mr President, you have given us a ray CMS students see you as their role model, one who is capableThe need of the hour is a new worldof hopeof establishing International Law, abolishing nuclear weapons,orderconserving the environment and establishing a New WorldBy giving the immortal call of 'Change, we need' you haveOrder, as these are pressing issues that need to be dealt with atThe unity of the human race, implies the establishment of given a ray of hope to all the people who had lost hope due tothe earliest opportunity. The details of this <strong>mar</strong>ch are alsoa world commonwealth in which all nations, races, creeds and steps and attitude of previous political leaders. Mr. President,available on our website — www.jagdishgandhi.orgclasses are closely and permanently united, and in which the the time has come to wake up and unite the world. With all dueautonomy of its state members and the personal freedom and respect and the highest regards towards the United Nations, forWe are enclosing the Press cuttings from variousinitiative of the individuals that compose them are definitely and its tremendous efforts and initiatives, it has taken towards manynewspapers, videos and photographs of the <strong>mar</strong>ch, just to givecompletely safeguarded. This world commonwealth must, as issues pertaining to humanity and nature, it has somewhereyou a glimpse of what we at CMS did to celebrate your takingfar as we can visualize it, consist of a world legislature, whose showed its helplessness to achieve some major issues it wasover as the President of the United States of America. I ammembers will, as the trustees of the whole of mankind, assigned to deal with.helpful of a positive response and support from Your Excellencyultimately control the entire resources of all the componentfor the noble cause of World Unity. I hope Mr President, that youIn a letter dated 24 December, 2008 we requested you tonations, and will enact such laws as shall be required towill awaken the world from its slumber, unite all the nations andCall an Urgent Meeting of World Leaders to safeguard theregulate the life, satisfy the needs and adjust the relationshipspeoples of the world and lead us and our future generations intofuture of the world's two billion children and generations yet-toabetter future. We therefore request you to please call anof all races and peoples.be born and wished for your success in uniting the worldurgent meeting of World Leaders for the formation of a newA world executive, backed by an international Force, will leaders for the common good of all nations and their people.International Political and Economic order at your earliercarry out the decisions arrived at, and apply the laws enacted In response to our letter we received an email from you convenience.by this world legislature, and will safeguard the organic unity of dated 10th January, 20<strong>09</strong> inviting us to share our questions withthe whole World. A world tribunal will adjudicate and deliver its the incoming Democratic National Committee Chairman, Mr.compulsory and final verdict in all and any disputes that may Tim Kaine. In your email, you appreciated Mr. Tim Kaine for hisYours sincerely,arise between the various nations constituting this universal intelligence, integrity and strong economic leadership. Hissystem.excellent record of putting public services above partisanship Note: With this letterA world language will either be invented or chosen from and having pursuing policies that work for the ordinary people.several annexureamong the existing languages and will be taught in the schoolshave also been sent.(Jagdish Gandhi)It will be under his ideal leadership that the party would growFounder-Manager of CMS, Lucknow, Indiaof all the federated nations as an auxiliary language to their and strengthen itself.on behalf of over 35,000 students of CMSmother tongue. A world script, a world literature, a uniform and As per your suggestions we wrote to Mr. Tim Kaine onrepresenting world's two billion children of the worlduniversal system of currency, of weights and measures, willand generations yet-to-be born &19th January 20<strong>09</strong> and said that the students of <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong>Convenor of the Conference of Chief Justices of the World6

NOEDAY WE WILL UNITE THE WORLD‘Knowledge and Wisdom of the Day’ are vital for success in individual life as well as in thecollective life of Family, Nation and in the World Community — CMSApril 20<strong>09</strong>Letter to H. E.Smt. Pratibha Patil,the first ladyPresident of Indiarequesting her to call an urgent meeting of World Leaders for the formation of World Parliament, World Government, World Economicsand Enforceable World Law to safeguard the future of two billion children of the world and generations yet-to-be born.DAY WE WILL UNITE THE WORMarch 31, 20<strong>09</strong> of Article 51 all over the world, thus generating immense expectations from the United Nations Millennium Summit Are the children of the worldglobal public opinion in favour of a new World Order. This of 2000. Dr Kofi Annan, the then Secretary-General had really safe?is substantiated by the overwhelming response that the on numerous occasions, underlined the need for the worldH.E. Smt. Pratibha PatilA little thought can be disturbing. Most people thinkConferences of Chief Justices have received as is proved leaders to reach consensus on urgent issues which neededPresident of Indiathat they will never face the dangers that others are livingby the speeches and messages that Heads of to be addressed in order to make the 21st century 'more by everyday. But war, terror attacks and eco- catastropheGovernments, Heads of States, Chief Justices and Judges humane'.do not differentiate. They can strike anyone and at anyRashtrapati Bhavan,of the Supreme and High Courts of many countries of the The view was also repeatedly expressed that the time. We are living on the edge of existence. NuclearNew Delhi - 110004 (India) world, governors, ministers, attorney-generals, members themes suggested were effectively interconnected, and safeguards cannot ensure a world safe from nuclearof parliament and state legislative assemblies, senior that, therefore, the dimension of a specific theme should disaster-Chernobyl is a poignant example. What happenslawyers of the Supreme Court and law ministers have to be taken into consideration in the discussion of another when a nuclear weapon falls in the hand of a zealot? Willmade at these conferences and also through messages topic. In particular, it was felt that the selected theme or he stop? The device will kill without exception. It will notsent to us. These have been attached as annexures to this themes should emphasize the relationship between differentiate. Is it too much to expect world leaders to beYour Excellency,letter and their gist is given in the next six <strong>page</strong>s for your development on the one hand, and peace and security on concerned about the welfare of the world's children? AreThe world today stands at crossroads, one way which kind perusal.the other hand, and thus reflect a common aspiration for the world leaders not fathers, mothers or grandparents?leads humanity to breakdown and the other to a The great proponent of non-violence, father of thethe promotion of development and peace and the Do they feel that their children will survive a nuclearbreakthrough. The path leading to the former is obvious – Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, said that “a day will come whenestablishment of a new international political and holocaust or an eco-catastrophe? This is a question thatan era of total global catastrophe, in the wake of global world will approach India in its quest for peace and Indiaeconomic order. (Copy Enclosed)every well-meaning person should be asking?warming, the ongoing food and water crisis, worldwide will become the light of the world.” Article 51 and Model of the European Union – We urge Your Excellency to saveconflicts due to intolerance and hatred among ‘Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam’ have emerged as the most Common aspiration of all children and the world fromcommunities and ethnic groups and the ever persistent workable ideas in recent years as is evident from the nations of the worldinevitable disasterthreat of international terrorism and nuclear holocaust. phenomenal support that it has received from all over theThe present world scenario presents a grim picture The countries of the United Nations were looking to the Today, India is ringed by turbulent states andworld through the nine International Conferences of Chiefbecause there are many problems endangering the very Millennium Summit of 2000 with great hope. They had turbulence has percolated through India's porous bordersJustices of the world organized by <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong>,existence of human species, flora and fauna and all life on seen the workable success of the European Union, a in the form of arms and narcotics to finance insurgents,Lucknow, during the past eight years.earth. Many problems are multiplying faster than theshining example of which was one currency for these militants, terrorists and religious fundamentalists. Indiaefforts to contain them. If the present trend continues, theChildren are the common nations: THE EURO. They too were convinced that they remains a pri<strong>mar</strong>y target for religious fundamentalistscould unite under the banner of the United Nations. There and terrorist groups who infiltrate through the country'sfuture of humanity will be doomed. It is, therefore, the denominator for all nationsPt. Jawaharlal Nehru, the first prime minister of India was consensus that if they followed the model of the border and carry out anti-Indian activities with impunity.responsibility of the present generation to retrieve thesaid, “Either the world will unite or it will perish”. The European Union they could achieve peace and India's frontier is impacted by a perpetually hostile orsituation in order to provide to our children and futureInternational Conferences of Chief Justices of the World development. There was the common consensus and this semi-hostile environment. The grim reality is that thegenerations a better inheritance than that which wasorganized by CMS have provided the world unity and became the common aspiration of the nations of the unending turbulence will continue to afflict our securitybequeathed to us.world peace-table where the nations of the world are world. The United Nations provided the platform and and threaten our very existence.India being the 'Jagat Guru'gathering year after year and making efforts in the prepared a thematic framework after identifying key Time to accept and ensureshould take initiativedirection of providing a safe and secure future for issues which required immediate attention of the world intergenerational responsibilityA breakthrough is however possible if India takes the humanity specially two billion children of the world and after due consultation with all the nations of the world.The responsibility of working for a safe future for theinitiative to call an urgent meeting of all heads of state the generations yet to be born. These nations have Common problems were identified and it was hoped thatworld's children belong only to the present generation ofand heads of government to form a world government for understood that the common denominator for all nations the Millennium Summit of 2000 would be the perfectelders. Elders of humanity anywhere on earth shouldwhich the country and the world is looking up to Your are their children and that is why they are coming forum for the leaders of the world to unite for humanity sounderstand very clearly that besides ensuring action thatExcellency, since you have the means and the capabilities together in the hope that if they are united in thought and that efforts at both the micro and macro level in all nationsleads to positive change in condition of childrento unite the world leaders on India’s global unity and action, they can work for ensuring a safe future for their could be made for an establishment of a New Political andeverywhere, they have a much bigger responsibility toglobal peace table and urge them to act together for the children and the humanity.Economic Order of the World. THIS WAS THE COMMONfulfill. This responsibility of elders deals with implantingformation of World Parliament, World Government,ASPIRATION of all the nations of the world so that thereWorld Economics and Enforceable World Law. When youLaw should be based on justicethoughts of a happy and secure future in young minds –would be the much needed development and peace the next generation. This next generation when ittake this initiative the rest of the world will help you, Baba Sahib Dr B. R. Ambedkar addressing the Indian everywhere on earth.matures, can then work for the same safe future for theirprovided the initiative, is taken in good faith. Since India is Parliament said that "Law and order are the medicine ofPeace is a byproduct of unity own children from the ills of climate change, terrorism andthe spiritual 'Jagat Guru' for evolving the philosophy of the body politic and when the body politic gets sick,medicine must be administered." Today, the political Peace and Development are closely linked and stockpile of nuclear weapons. Your Excellency, this sense'Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam' on the basis of which Article 51system of the world is totally sick and badly needs the interdependent. One cannot exist without the other. Peace of intergenerational responsibility needs to be inculcatedhas been incorporated in its Constitution, it is incumbentmedicine of Law and Order immediately. The enactment is a byproduct of Unity and there cannot be any today across all age groups around the world.on it to act as a mandate.and interpretation of Law should only be based on justice development if there is no peace. There cannot be peace if An urgent need to act quickly and decisivelyArticle 51 of the Constitution of India (i.e. 'Vasudhaivand that Justice should be real justice so that it can be there is no unity. Therefore, there cannot be any Our country and its ethos must be safeguarded if it hasKutumbakam') is as follows:-ensured that even the smallest child is not denied justice as development if there is no unity. to play its rightful part in leading the world to a bettera) The Republic of India (headed by Yourhis human right.The world was already united in thought – the thought tomorrow. If India is safe then the world will definitely beExcellency) shall endeavour to promoteof establishing a new political and economic order of the safe. This is the decisive moment for Your Excellency tointernational peace and security (with the help of all Safe future of children is ofworld. Speeches, press releases of the UN Secretarythenations of the world)prime importanceGeneral before the Millennium Summit of 2000 prove away. We need to act quickly and decisively. India shouldsave the world from inevitable disaster. Time is slippingb) The Republic of India (headed by Your It is often said that the nations of the world can go to this.not remain a mere passive spectator simply because otherExcellency) shall endeavour to maintain just and the United Nations for help whenever they feel that they Even the Thematic framework of the Millennium nations are not active to implement the thoughts of thehonourable relations between nations (with the help are faced with problems that they cannot handle alone. Summit expressed this thought. The overall themes were: above great men of the world. India must take theof all the nations of the world)The well meaning efforts of the United Nations no doubtinitiative by calling a meeting of all heads of state and(a) The role and function of the United Nations in thec) The Republic of India (headed by Your provide succour to millions of suffering people all over theheads of government of the world for deciding to form atwenty-first century;Excellency) shall endeavour to foster respect for world, but they are insufficient. The United Nations and itspeaceful and organized World Order. We are with Yourorgans like the UNESCO, UNICEF, WHO have developed (b) Towards a global society: the tasks for the United Excellency as also our 35,000 students, their parents,international law (with the help of all the nations) andprogrammes for helping to improve the quality of life of Nations in the twenty-first century; teachers and all well meaning people of the country.d) The Republic of India (headed by Yourpeople of third world countries. They have programmes (c) New challenges to multilateralism in the era of <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> is obliged to your Excellency forExcellency) shall endeavour to encouragefor child education, pri<strong>mar</strong>y health care, safe drinking globalization;according a warm welcome to the Chief Justices andsettlement of International disputes by arbitrationwater, even housing. However, what is not realized is that (d) International cooperation and the role of the United Justices of various countries of the world in December(with the help of all the nations of the world).these efforts will come to naught if a safe future cannot be Nations in the twenty-first century;2007 & 2008 when they called on you at RashtrapatiOnly India can take initiative guaranteed to the children of the world. It is only in a (e) The role of the United Nations in promoting peace and Bhawan to pay their respect to your Excellency.This means that India shall make an endeavour to climate of security that real progress can be made and sustainable development of mankind in the conditions With highest regards,establish an unbiased and indisputable institutions of the there can be no sense of security if we do not knowof globalization.world by calling a meeting of all the Heads of the nations whether we will live to see another day.Enclosures:However, 27 nations of the Europe who were at one timeto establish a powerful democratic World Order either by E s t a b l i s h m e n t o f a n e w1. Report of UN Secretary General dt. 10th May 1999 regardingor other sworn enemies put aside their differences and New Political & Economic order.the unanimous decision of all the nations of the world or international, economic and formed the European Parliament. <strong>16</strong> of these countries 2. 27 countries of European Parliament.by the decision of the majority of the nations of the world, political order is the need of the went ahead and established one common currency called 3. <strong>16</strong> countries of Euro currency.so that suitable legislation may be enacted and all thehourthe EURO. This is the finest example of nations living in unity 4. Endorsement of 484 Presidents, Prime Ministers, Chiefinternational disputes may be settled judiciously byConsensus of the United Nations General Assembly as and harmony.Justices/Justices & other eminent personalties supporting ArticleWorld Government, World Court of Justice or by World51.reflected in the announcement of the thematic framework We feel proud to have you as the President of IndiaParliament.5. CMS Bulletin.of the United Nations Secretary General's report in the since you are the first lady to assume this high office. FromIf not India, who else?Agenda item 30, in Clause 8 dated 10 May 1999 the speeches you have made to the Chief Justices of theYours sincerely,It also means that each and every citizen of India who recommended inclusion in the agenda for the Millennium world when they called on you to pay their respects showowes an allegiance to the Constitution of India is covered Summit the item “establishment of a new international that you have a great concern for children of the world,by the definition of ‘State’ and he/she individually or political and economic order.”future generations and humanity as a whole. The citizenscollectively, is duty bound to make an earnest endeavour The United Nations Millennium Forum, which was a of the country feel happy that here is a President who has(Jagdish Gandhi)to promote the ideals of 'Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam' as this meeting of NGOs and civil society organizations, new ideas for nation building and for the good of theFounder-Manager, <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> (CMS) andConvener, International Conferences of Chief Justiceshas been embodied in our Constitution. <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> recommended the item "establishment of a new economic people of the world. The citizens are also pleased to seeof the World - the World Judiciary Summits<strong>School</strong> has done its bit by organizing International and political order" for inclusion in the agenda of the that you have a very broad outlook on global unity &12, Station Road, Lucknow - 226001 INDIAConferences of Chief Justices of the World at Lucknow for Millennium Summit.Phone: 0<strong>09</strong>1-522-2638606, 2637655,peace as per India's ancient philosophy of VasudhaivE-mail: info@cmseducation.org,the last 8 years creating awareness about the provisions It would be in order to say that the world had great Kutumbakam of which you are a staunch follower. Websites: www.cmseducation.org, www.jagdishgandi.orgNOE7LD

ENODAYWEWILLUNITETHEWORLD‘Knowledge and Wisdom of the Day’ are vital for success in individual life as well as in thecollective life of Family, Nation and in the World Community — CMSApril 20<strong>09</strong>ENODAYWEWILLUNITETHEWORLDH.E. Smt Pratibha Patil, President of India welcoming the delegatesof 8th International Conference of Chief Justices of the World(Organised by <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong>, Lucknow) at RashtrapatiBhawan, New Delhi on 6th December 2007Speech of H. E. Smt. Pratibha Devi Singh PatilPresident of India, before the Chief Justices of the world on 6th Dec.2007Judges always think in a judicious manner and, therefore, yourfaculties when you come together will make the world think what is thegreatness in your message, what is the strength in your message and I thinkevery country will have to ponder over this.The milk of human kindness flows in the heart of India, therefore,wherever there is any question of humanity, peace, brotherhood, India isalways on the forefront. I hope if every country tries to bring in theseprinciples in the education system of their country, because a child is thefather of the man. If a child is taught right in the beginning when he is verysmall and young, what is the importance of peace, what are the ill effects ofviolence and what role a child can play in future to bring about peace, I thinkthe whole thought will change and every country, the new generation, willthink in a very constructive manner and they will come together to give ourchildren a safe environment and safe future alongwith what efforts you aremaking.I think if we can also change and put in the education curricula itself,what is the importance of peace and non-violence, if the child learns from itschildhood, this will pay us large dividends.This is what is needed. You have all contributed in a great manner. I'm surewhatever resolutions you might have passed or whatever is the outcome,that is going to be very fruitful and is going to provide guidance for the wholeworld.— Speech dated 6th December 2007 at Rastrapati Bhawan, New DelhiWelcoming Chief Justices, Judges and other dignitaries who came toparticipate in the 8th International Conference of Chief Justices of the Worldon Article 51 of the Constitution of India, organized by CMS at Lucknow9th International Conference of Chief Justices of the World12th-15th December 2008I am glad to meet you. Last year too, I had an occasion to interact withthe delegates of the International Conference of Chief Justices of theWorld. Conferences such as these, I am confident, provide anopportunity to the global judicial community to exchange ideas aboutrecent developments in international law and practices. They areplatforms for sharing of experiences in the implementation ofinternational conventions in their respective countries throughdomestic legal structures.The drawing up of the Indian Constitution was an elaborate exercise.We had also looked at constitutions of other countries for this purpose.The Indian Constitution embodies the concepts of equality, liberty,justice and fraternity. It guarantees fundamental rights to our citizensand has, since its adoption in 1950, provided the basic framework forgovernance and dispensation of justice. In India, judiciary plays animportant role in not only upholding the constitution and dispensingjustice but also in bringing in principles of international law in theirjudicial pronouncements. The Judiciary has and will continue to be animportant pillar of India's democratic framework.India has always believed that a peaceful world can be possible if it isbased on the principles of equity, justice and fair-play. It has soughtmore democratic and representative multilateral institutions whether itis the UN Security Council or the World Bank and the IMF for dealingeffectively with global challenges of peace, development and, in fact,for coordinated action for dealing with the current financial crises.Global issues require global consensus and concerted action by allcountries of the world. One of the major challenges that confront theworld is international terrorism and the danger it poses to human lives,with innocent people falling prey to terrorist attacks in many parts ofthe world. It is incumbent on the international community to ensurethat there is an effective legal framework for the prevention andelimination of terrorism. India has faced terrorism for over twodecades. The recent terrorist attacks in India have escalated it to newlevels and have profiled the cross-border linkages of the support thatthe terrorists receive. Terrorism has ramifications for world stabilityand growth and hence, an issue I believe which the Chief Justices ofthe World should look at as a priority area so that the perpetrators, asalso those who extend support to them, are brought to justice.The International Court of Justice in the Hague, which wasestablished in 1945 as the principal judicial organ of the UnitedNations enjoys universal support and respect. India is proud to havecontributed to the working of ICJ and three of our Judges have been itsmembers. However, the recent period has witnessed the creation of anumber of specialized regional and international courts and bodies.Along with it have arisen some concerns about the fragmentation ofinternational law. Similar legal issues or disputes could be subjectedto interpretations by two different bodies, with potentially differingviews. The challenge is to find a balance between, on the one hand,the need for diversity and specialized regimes and, on the other hand,the importance of maintaining an overall framework of internationallaw that offers a sufficient degree of coherence.I am confident that there would have been an occasion to exchangeideas on many such issues. I wish you all the very best in yourendeavours.—Speech of H.E. Smt. Pratibha Devi Singh Patil, President of Indiadated 11th December 2008 at Rastrapati Bhawan,New Delhi, Welcoming Chief Justices, Judges and other dignitarieswho came to participate in the 9th InternationalConference of Chief Justices of the World on Article 51 of theConstitution of India, organized by CMS at Lucknow.Shri Jagdish GandhiFounder-Manager CMS &Convener of the ConferenceWorld Unity and Peace Education Department<strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong>12, Station RoadLucknow - 226001MESSAGEI am happy to note that <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> (CMS), Lucknow, aftersuccessfully organizing seven International Conferences, is now organizing the 8thInternational Conference of Chief Justices of the World on Article 51 of the IndianConstitution.Article 51 of the Constitution of India is designed to promote internationalpeace and security. India has always strived for promoting international peace andunderstanding and is committed to foster respect for International Laws.Conferences like these play a significant role in helping us understand each otherbetter and motivate us in discharging our obligation to the people at large.I appreciate the <strong>School</strong>’s noble endeavour in bringing together eminentjurists for promoting international peace and in securing the future of our children. Iwish the conference all success.New Delhi October 26, 2007It gives me great pleasure to convey my verywarm and cordial greetings to Mr. Jagdish Gandhi,Founder-Manager of the <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong>Message of the President of the Republicand Convenor of the 2nd International ConferenceMauritiusof Chief Justices of the World scheduled for the23rd December, 2001 in Lucknow, India as well asto all delegates attending this important meeting."Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of children that thedefences of peace must be constructed." This statement made by a former Dirctor-General of UNESCO has been translated into reality by the students of the <strong>City</strong><strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> who were instrumental in the organization of the First Conference onArticle 51 of the Constitution of India, which is designed to promote international peaceand security. The Republic of Mauritius, as a peace-loving national and eager to seepeace prevailing everywhere in the world, did participate actively in that Conference.The initiative for world peace needs to rally unanimity among all the nations of the world.What children are claiming, through this Conference in an endeavour to arouse worldopinion about the urgent need to establish a World Parliament for World Peace, isperfectly legitimate because the right to peace and the right to happiness cannot bedenied to anybody.It is my fervent wish that the noble mission, on which the <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> hasembarked, will attract the support of world leaders and that the dream of a WorldParliament, responsible for introducing a set of international laws to ensure peace in allcountries, will soon become a reality.11th October, 2001iz/kku ea=hPrime Minister(Manmohan Singh)SONIA GANDHILEADER OF OPPOSITION(LOK SABHA)Cassam UttemPresidentMESSAGEI am happy that the <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> Lucknow is organizingthe 3rd International Conference of Chief Justices of the world on Article 51of the Constitution of India in December this year Emer ging challenges in therealm of preservation of human rights, secularism and our democraticinstitutions have highlighted the need to bring about adaptive changes in thelegal field. There is greater need today to reinforce our struggle against poverty ,inequality and obscurantism against terrorism, traf ficking in drugs andhumans, and against violence and discrimination the new millennium hasbrought with it new questions relating to environment, technology andeconomic freedom. It is significant that this Conference has a special focus onchildren for all systems of justice have an impact on the well- being of thefuture generation. I send my good wishes for the success of the Conference.New DelhiNovember 13, 2002Message ofHon’ble Mrs Sonia GandhiLeader of Opposition (Lok Sabha), India44, P ARLIAMENT HOUSENEW DELHI - 1 10 001PHONE : 30<strong>16</strong>07, 3034285FAX : 301747010, JANP ATH, NEW DELHI - 1 10 01 1 TEL.: 3012686, 3014481 F AX : 3018651The issue of state responsibility should alsobe taken into consideration. A state isresponsible if it fails to honour a treaty. Theissues around the interests of childrenembodied in treaties should be treated withoutmost responsibility by states. Theseissues of protection of children arebecoming so deeply rooted in the conscience of mankind thatthey are becoming particularly essential rules of generalinternational law.With these ideas in mind, and under guidance from Article 51(c) of the Constitution of India, the State is charged with theresponsibility to safeguard the interests of our children.Modalities like the World Parliament for Children could belooked into to achieve this noble goal.- Hon’ble Mr. Archibald Lesao Lehohla,The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Home Affairs andPublic Safety of the Kingdom of LesothoSpeech of 11th December 2004Let me seize this opportunity to thank <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong><strong>School</strong> for organizing this and previous Conferences, andcongratulate them on their efforts to promote peace andsecurity in our world. It is heartening to see young peopletake the lead in fostering this timely dialogue. This is ashining sign that the world should be hopeful about abrighter, more peaceful and prosperous future…I would also like to pay tribute to the people andGovernment of India for enshrining Article 51 in theirConstitution, an article that seeks to promote international peace andsecurity….let me state at the out set that the theme of this conference – theneed to enforce international law- is one that touches the hearts of all of usin Rawanda.I am honoured indeed to be able to address this august audiencecomposed for eminent personalities. I know that over the year many of youhave made significant contributions to international justice in general andthe rule of law in particular..Let me finish on a positive note by saying that the perils of past centuriesshould not obscure the tremendous progress that has been made byhumanity. The hope and the opportunity of this and subsequent centuriesbelong to you children, the future of our world this may sound like a dream,but I am reminded that the biggest achievements started as a dream…..- H. E. PAUL KAGAME, President, Republic of RwandaSpeech dated 7th December 2002The role which you are personally playing to bring thisabout at this troublesome time is a re<strong>mar</strong>kable work ofcharacter and reflects your unselfish devotion andgreat dedication to the cause of mankind. The childrenof today have no option but to wholeheartedly supportyour efforts and that of <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong>because it is them who will finally benefit from thebetter world you are trying to create.—H.E. Sir James R. Mancham, KBEFounding-President & Former Prime Minister of SeychellesMessage dated 27th October 2003An appeal “to jurists of the world” on behalf “of thechildren of the world” gave Dixon reason to hope,however. The <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> of Lucknow,India, first called on the United Nations to establish a“New World Order” with enforceable internationallaws. Disappointed by the secretary general’sresponse, school founder Jagdish Gandhi reachedout to the Millenium Summit of world leaders — andwas again disappointed. Finally, he appealed to the“world judiciary.”The 7th International Conference of Chief Justices of the World, thelargest ever held, convened in New Delhi in December 2006, toaddress the interests of “the world’s two billion children andgenerations yet-to-be-born.”“I asked myself — how could judges affect things?” Dixon said. “Howcould these children believe that simple human beings, ... who onlyhave a simple responsibility ... could have an impact?”“I was not the only one to have such doubts. But despite our doubts,we were there. And we exchanged ideas, and it was said that we canchange the realities.”- Hon'ble Ms Justice Graciela DixonChief Justice, Supreme Court of Panama and & President ofInternational Association of Women Judges (IAWJ) Viewsexpressed in Brooklyn Daily Eagle at New York, USA dated 19thMay 20078

OLOLYADENEWWILL UNITETHEWORD‘Knowledge and Wisdom of the Day’ are vital for success in individual life as well as in thecollective life of Family, Nation and in the World Community — CMSApril 20<strong>09</strong>YADENEWWILL UNITETHEWORD“A day will come when world willapproach India in its quest for peaceand India will become the light of theworld.”– Mahatma Gandhi.“Either the world will unite or it willperish”.– Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru.“Law and order are the medicine ofthe body politic and when the bodypolitic of the world gets sick,medicine must be administered.”– Baba Sahib Dr Ambedkar.iz/kkuea=hPrime MinisterMESSAGEI am pleased to know that the <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong>,Lucknow is organizing the 3rd International Conference ofChief Justices of the World on Article 51c of theConstitution of India. I wholeheartedly applaud thisinitiative.If any section of society has greater claim on a safeand conflict-free future if mankind, it is our children. Hence,Aritcle 51c of our Constitution, which enjoins upon theSate to endeavour to promote peace and security,maintain just and honourable relationship betweennations, and foster respect for international law, isespecially relevant for safeguarding the interests of ourchildren.I send my best wishes to your conference, whichseeks to create greater awareness about these importantissues.New DelhiNovember 26, 2002Article 51 of Indian Constitution embodies the salutary principles of international law enshrined in ArticleI of the Charter of United Nations, to promote international peace and security, maintain just andhonorable relation between nations, foster respect for international law and encourage settlement ofinternational dispute by arbitration. The objects underlying article 51 of the Indian Constitution are notonly laudable but if followed in letter and spirit will contribute positively to the world peace.The recent developments around the world have thrown open a challenge to the leaders of the world tosearch for a more effective measure to seek compliance of rules of international law by the defiantgroups and States which hitherto defied it with impunity.In the prevailing scenario the theme of this conference, “ Need for enforceable international law enactedby a legally constituted World Parliament as intended in Article 51 of the Indian Constitution” perhaps offers the bestalternative to save the world from future destruction and disasters at the hands of countries, which have stockpiled weapons ofmass destruction posing constant threat to the humanity at large. Given the will of the majority of the members of the UnitedNations it is not an undaunted task.- Hon’ble Mr. Justice Saiduzzaman Siddiqui, Former Chief Justice, PakistanSpeech dated 23rd December 2001One day, I am sure that all mankind will come together.... I am sure that one day, if we all dedicate ourselvesto this cause, one day we shall be able to build not only a strong India but also a happy, united world wherecommon humanity will be able to lead a happy contented life and enjoy his full human rights. I feel veryglad that Mr Jagdish Gandhi has taken up the challenge and has striven all these years to bring worldpeace, world order and world harmony through an international order which today seems to be an distantdream, but Mr Gandhi is a visionary, he is a dreamer and I am sure that with the support of all the rightthinking men of the world, his dream will come true. “Let me tell my brother Judges, the hands of a greatjudge are not tied.— Hon’ble Mr Justice P. N. Bhagwati, Former Chief Justice of India & Chairman,United Nations Human Rights Committee (Geneva) Message dated 28th September 2005Urgent need to democratizefunctioning of UN- KalamSaturday, September 11 2004 22:07 Hrs (IST)Dr A P J ABDUL KALAM SAID:Dar-es-Salaam: Shortly after landing inDar-es- Salaam to broaden traditional ties with Africa,President APJ Abdul Kalam has said there is an urgentneed for both India and Tanzania to work for thedemocratization in the functioning of the UnitedNations. There should be no Veto Power.v/;{k] yksdlHkkSPEAKER, LOK SABHAMESSAGEI am happy to learn that the Third International Conference ofChief Justices of the World on Article 51c of the Constitutionof India is being organized by <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> (CMS)at Lucknow from 6th to 8th December, 2002.I am sure that the above Conference would improverelationships between nations, apart from strengthening theobjectives of international peace and security and fosteringrespect form international law. I am of the firm opinion thatthis would go a long way in focusing the importance ofinternational peace and security on the one hand, andcreating interaction and networking among Chief Justices ofthe World on the other hand.I wish the Conference a grand success.29 November 2002 (Manohar Joshi)I contemplate the just demands by CMS for the safety of the world children whether born or unborn.CMS has placed great emphasis on world order and the security of the children of the world; nocommendation can be exaggerated for the part the school has played and is playing for the future ofmankind by addressing the very important matter of the future safety of the children in whom lies thefuture of the world. The feeling of insecurity to the children in our world will continue unless world leadersseriously accept the responsibility and challenge to channel the world in a safe future.— H. E. Sir Daniel WilliamsGovernor General of Grenada Message dated 20th November 2003I think we have set in motion in world awareness for world peace which can only be achieved when wehave a set of laws which we can aptly call international law. Those set of international laws can only bepassed by a world parliament- a world body representing all countries of the world. Mr Gandhi, you havelaid the foundation stone, we will have to built upon it. We cannot fail the children of the world. We owe itto them to live in a safe world better that what was bequeathed to us. I promise you on my departure fromLucknow that we will work ceaselessly towards that end. In my modest capacity I will try to do that all thatI can, to support the noble mission which you have embarked upon.— Hon’ble Mr Justice Vivekanand AlleearChief Justice, Supreme Court of Seychelles & Patron of the International Conference of ChiefJustices of the World (Organised by CMS, India) Letter dated 14th May 2001In the Fifty-third session of the UN General Assembly(A/53/948), while announcing the thematic framework forthe Millennium Summit, the UN Secretary General's Reportin the Agenda item 30, dated 10 May 1999 in clause 8 said,“the view was also repeatedly expressed that the themessuggested were effectively interconnected, and that,therefore, the dimension of a specificDr. Kofi Annan theme should to be taken intoconsideration in the discussion ofanother topic. In particular, it was felt that the selectedtheme or themes should emphasize the relationshipbetween development on the one hand, and peaceand security on the other hand, and thus reflect acommon aspiration for the promotion of developmentand peace and the establishment of a newinternational political and economic order. ”CMS educates beyond borders...1. CMS FILMS DIVISIONIt is producing value based educational films for the benefit of thechildren. CMS is the one and only school in the world to have its ownFilm Division which has produced the following 30 Children’s films.30 value based educative and inspiring films for the education ofChildren, Parents and Teachers produced by CMS-Film Division are:1. A Seeker of World Unity - Jagdish Gandhi, 2. Aao Dosti Karien, 3. Good and S<strong>mar</strong>t, 4. IndiaShining, 5. Virasat, 6. Sahi Raah, 7. Naukari Ya Vayavsay, 8. Pachhtava, 9. Anmol Ratan, 10.Ghar Kiska Hai, 11. Sabak, 12. Bapu Ke Saath, 13. Angulimaal, 14. Beta, 15. Ravi, <strong>16</strong>. Astha KaAadhar Ha<strong>mar</strong>a Parivaar, 17. Maa, 18. <strong>School</strong> is the Light House of Society, 19. Roshni, 20.Bade Kam Ki Cheez, 21. Anokha Pitara, 22. Kya Dekhe Hum, 23. God's Power House, 24. Lovethy Neighbour, 25. The Gold Chain, 26. Guldasta, 27. Ehsaas, 28. Ek Yatra, 29. Apna Shahar,30. Meethi Neend2. EDUCATIONAL TALKS for Students and ParentsIf you are willing to receive an idea, bigger than anything you have yet known, to achieve all round success in life and inyour chosen fields, listen with your children to the educational talks by Mr Jagdish Gandhi, Founder-Manager, CMSdaily on the following T.V. Channels as per their transmission schedule:TransmissionsTransmissionsLocal T.V. ChannelsFor more details visit: www.cmseducation.org & www.jagdishgandhi.org8 May 2000To Whom It May Concern:This is to confirm that Jagdish Gandhi of <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> has been invited toattend the Millennium Forum meeting scheduled for 22 to 26 May 2000. This meeting willbe held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.Sincerely yours,Kathleen UhierRegistrar and Executive SecretaryMillennium Forum866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 120, New York, New York 10017-1822E-mail mngof@bic.org Tel. 212-803-2522 Fax 212-803-2561 www.millenniumforum.org3. CMS FM RADIO STATIONS-90.4 MHzCMS Educational FM Radio Stations at(i) CMS Gomti Nagar and(ii) Kanpur Road CampusesCMS is the only school in the world to have its own two FM RadioBroadcasting Stations through which it prepares and relaysEducational Programmes throughout 365 days of the year, forDistance Education of CMS and other students of Lucknow. This CMSFM transmission has also helped students to prepare for board &annual examinations.1. CMS Gomti Nagar Campus FM Educational Radio Station:Six hours programme is aired daily in two shifts from 7.00 am to10.00 am in the morning and 4.30 pm to 7.30 pm in the evening.2. CMS Kanpur Road Campus FM Educational Radio Station:Six hours programme is aired daily:(i)12.30 noon to 3.30 pm (ii) 7.30 pm to 10.30 pmNote: The range of transmission is 11 kms, with an actualcoverage of <strong>16</strong> kilometres or more.9

ORLORLYADENIWILLUNITETHEWOD‘Knowledge and Wisdom of the Day’ are vital for success in individual life as well as in thecollective life of Family, Nation and in the World Community — CMSApril 20<strong>09</strong>YADENIWILLUNITETHEWODMessages of Support from Presidents, Prime Ministers, Governor Generals, Kings, Rulers, Nobel Laureates, Attorney Generals,Chief Justices, Judges and other eminent personalities from around the world, endorsing CMS initiative to promoteArticle 51 of Indian Constitution to safeguard the future of world’s two billion children and generations yet-to-be bornIn my opinion the message is already enclosed in article 51 of India and that is therespect for International Law. Enforceable international law is necessary if want todeal effectively with international terrorism and many other problems which we arefacing here on this planet.—H. E. Hans-Adam IIPrince of Liechtenstein, Message dated 8th October 2001His Majesty Shaikh Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa, King of Bahrain sends his bestwishes for a successful and productive gathering which will help to give a voice tothe demands of children around the world for a safe and secure future underInternational Law.—Hon'ble Mr Khalid Bin Ahmed Al KhalifaMinister of Royal Court of Bahrain, Message dated 26th October 2002Your Conference which addresses the essential rights of children and to providethem with best possible future is an indication about how much can be accomplishedto improve on and to provide for the lives of the coming generations. I must reiterateour conviction to work towards our objectives and that Lebanon looks forward to therecommendation of your conference, which shall set a path for a better world and aprosperous future.—H. E. General Emile LahoudPresident of the Republic of Lebanon, Message dated 15th November 2002This conference offers a unique opportunity for me, other leaders of the world and theinternational judiciary to proclaim our binding obligation towards generating thenecessary impetus to create a better future for children in the world. I am confidentthat international cooperation and initiatives by people of good will to rally efforts willcertainly secure a bright and safe future for children of the world.—H. E. O<strong>mar</strong> Hassan Ahmed Al BashirPresident of the Republic of Sudan, Message dated 10th November 2002International terrorism, Lawlessness, environmental degradation, and armed conflicts are nowso prevalent worldwide that individual countries find it difficult to contain them. Hence, the needto tackle the issues that spawn these problems collectively as one global community becomesmore urgent than ever. I, therefore, welcome your initiative of reforming and strengthening thethrole of the United Nations to resolve the problems that face the world today. As you hold the 8International Conference of Chief Justices of the World, may this gathering become a reservoir ofideas and actions that would make nations collaborate in working to achieve peace andprosperity for all.—H. E. Gloria Macapagal-ArroyoPresident of the Republic of the Philippines, Message dated 29th November 2007His Excellency the President has expressed great interest in your concern on thefuture of the world's children especially regarding the wealth gap of the developingnations. He strongly supports the above-mentioned conference and hopes that it willbring with it the hope for a brighter future for all, in that each group of people withaffordable lives.From the office of—H. E. Emilio Mwai KibakiPresident of Kenya, Message dated 23rd November 2004Given the essence of your mission, I am very much delighted and honoured to be associated with the <strong>City</strong><strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> in celebrating the 9th International Conference of Chief Justices of the World. As astrong advocate of Human Rights especially rights affecting children, the foundation of our societies, it ismy burning desire and my Government’s hope and aspiration to see to it that not only Gambian childrenbut women and children all over the world are protected from all forms of abuse, violence, exploitationand the global phenomenon of trafficking in human beings.I will therefore seize the opportunity to urgemy fellow Heads of State to work towards ensuring that our world becomes a better and safer place to liveregardless of the countries we belong to. I also call on all citizens of the world to join hands and supportthis noble initiative of the <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> not only for a better world for ourselves but mostimportantly for generations to come.—H. E. Alhaji Dr. Yahya A.J.J. JammehPresident of the Republic of the Gambia, Message dated 24th November 2008“I wish to express my appreciation in support to your Conference which over theyears has focused solely on the need to create an environment conducive to thelivelihood and welfare of the world’s two billions children. I hope that yourdeliberations will contribute to the implementation of an enforceable international lawwhich aims to create an atmosphere of global unity and peace and a safe future forour children and generations yet to be born”.—H. E. Ratu Josefa Iloilovatu UluivudaPresident of the Republic of Fiji Islands, Message dated 15th August 2006I am convinced that the formation of such institution as a world governing body would playan important role in the maintenance of world peace, in order to meet chances of thetwenty-first century. The support of human rights, the preservation of international securityand armament control are some of the issues we contributes to. I can assure you, thatSlovakia will consider your future activities with it's best disposition not only at theMillennium Summit, but in other fields of UN activities as well. I wish you success in yourfuture activities and I hope all your wishes will come true.—H. E. Mikulas DzurindaPresident of Republic of Slovakia, Message dated 23rd August 2000I would like to pay tribute to all the efforts you have been exerting in order to build a"United and Peaceful World". Your commitment to international law and justice isindeed essential for the future of our nations, especially that of our children andgenerations to come.—H. E. Rafic HaririPresident of the Council of Ministers of Lebanon,Message dated 23rd September 2003First I would like to warmly greet all participants, students, young people from all over the world,the new generation who can make our common world better. I strongly believe that a peaceful,just and united world can be based only on tolerance, understanding the respect of all the peopleregardless of our cultural, racial, national or ethnic, social linguistic origin and difference. We mustshow special understanding and care for deprived groups in our societies and guaranty equality,justice, dignity and safety to them. The children are the treasure and the future of our world. Wemust never stand by as they suffer or their rights are breached, when all they want is to live inpeace in this world, just as we do.—H. E. Dr. Janez DrnovsekPresident of Slovenia,Message dated 30th October 2003I am speaking specifically about the world’s children. Some of whom live in desperate povertyand cannot lobby for improvement in the conditions that shape their lives. Therefore, I ampleased to support the work of the <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong>, Lucknow, India-an organization thathas been a tireless advocate for the world’s children. I am pleased to lend an emphatic voice ofsupport on behalf of the Government and the people of Bermuda to this important conference. Inthis the season of glad tidings and Joy, it is important that we do more than just give lip service orconsternation when we learn of the conditions that too many of our children live under. The timefor action is now.—Hon’ble Mr W. Alexander Scott JP MPPremier of the Bermud, Message dated 1st January 2003I have read the Article 51 of the Indian Constitution and agree that itselements constitute the basis for world peace. I support the aims of theseminar and wish success to its aims.—H. E. Janet JaganFormer President of the Republic of Guyana, Messagedated 13th March 2001I commend you for the earnest and compassionate attention you bestow on these grave matters,and I am grateful for the depth and wisdom which your delegates from around the world willbring to their deliberations. In the wake of the devastating attacks at Mumbai and just days afterththe 60 anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights your conference provides anopportunity to revisit the ideals enshrined in that declaration and reaffirm our strongestcommitments to all that they promise to the human family of peace freedom and justice.—H. E. Ms Quentin Bryce ACGovernor General of the Commonwealth of Australia, Message dated 20th December 2008It is indeed a privilege and a pleasure for me to extend congratulations and best wishes to the world JudiciarySummit, 2007 as this organization seeks to provide meaningful education, spiritual direction, guidance andleadership through the <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong>, Lucknow, India. I applaud the World Judiciary Summit for itscommitment and for initiating important issues such as, the importance of educational curricula throughout theworld, steady and consistent effort to increase the level of awareness and information about international law inthe legal training of lawyers and judges, it also stands out in protecting the best interests of children, giving fulleffect to all applicable principles of domestic and international law. These areas are of grave concern throughoutthe world and it is my hope that they are all fulfilled. I know that holding an event of this magnitude requires hardwork and commitment and I wish to commend the Committee members and wish them success in theirdeliberation. I trust that the Summit of the World Judiciary achieves its objective for the International Conferenceof Chief Justice of the World.— H. E. Hon’ble Arthur D. HannaGovernor- General, The Bahamas, Message dated 27th November 2007The world is in chaos politically, socially, morally, spiritually, and economically and if ourgeneration fails to do something to avert this trend then there will be tremendous suffering to allthe people of the world. The more advanced and richer nations have been indulging in a race tosee who can make the worst missiles of mass destruction. They know that those missiles are tobe used only to kill human beings and yet they aggressive of persist in spending billions of dollarsin research and billions more in acquiring these missiles. And so therefore, if we do not strive toworld unity and peace by having World Government capable of an Enforceable International Law,this world would be doomed.—H. E. Sir Cuthbert SebastianGovernor-General of Saint Kitts and Nevis, Message dated 19th October 2004The younger generation hold the key to our future. In these modern times when terrorism and acomplete lack of respect for human life are reported with chilling regularity, the significance of theeducation of children which includes a good moral grounding, has never been so important. The<strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> in Lucknow, India, is to be congratulated for organizing this years’sconference. It holds a unique place in the world in its relentless work to strive for world unity andpeace, and its international recognition through the receipt of the UNESCO Prize for PeaceEducation in 2002 is well deserved.—H. E. Michael JefferyGovernor General of Australia, Message dated 10th December 2004I congratulate you on your efforts to keep the protection of the world's children high on the globalagenda. Every day, in every corner of the world, children's rights are abused. War, violence, lackof attention and love, racial discrimination, the list of violations against the rights of the children ofthe world is long, much too long. So initiatives such as the UN Decade for Peace and Nonviolencefor the children of the world are important as a means of highlighting issues of suchcritical importance to children. It is also heartening to see that these problems are addressed byhighly influential groups such as those gathering for the International Conference of ChiefJustices of the World. I wish you well for your conference. I am sure it will make a majorcontribution towards creating a safer future for our children.—The Hon'ble Dame Silvia Cartwright PCNZM, DBEGovernor-General of New Zealand, Message dated <strong>16</strong>th September 200410

‘Knowledge and Wisdom of the Day’ are vital for success in individual life as well as in thecollective life of Family, Nation and in the World Community — CMSApril 20<strong>09</strong>Messages of Support from Presidents, Prime Ministers, Governor Generals, Kings, Rulers, Nobel Laureates, Attorney Generals,Chief Justices, Judges and other eminent personalities from around the world, endorsing CMS initiative to promoteArticle 51 of Indian Constitution to safeguard the future of world’s two billion children and generations yet-to-be bornI write to give my whole-hearted support as well as the support of my people to yournoble efforts to promote peace and the rule of law in international affairs andrelationship.I am particularly concerned about the rights of the world’s children to a secure futurein which their needs will be adequately addressed, whether those needs be material,cultural and spiritual.—Hon. Sir ColvilleYoung GCMG, Ph.DGovernor-General of Belize, Message dated 31st October 2002Children are the future of our world. It is therefore of the utmost importance that we should do allthat is humanly possible to see that they grow up in the healthy environment. Today, the future ofour children is threatened by pollution of the sea, land and air. The resultant pollutants have thepotential to negatively affect the health of the present generation of the children and generationyet unborn. It is the duty of the Chief Justices of the world to ensure the relevant laws areenacted to control and reduce the level of pollutants which have shown to have a deleteriouseffect on the health of the population in general and that of children in particular.—H. E. Sir James B. Carlisle GCMG, KGN, GCQSGovernor General of Antigua and Barbuda, Message dated 9th December 2006On behalf of the Royal Thai Government, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the <strong>City</strong><strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> (CMS) Lucknow for again underlining its role as “a Lighthouse of Society” by organisingthe 8th International Conference of Chief Justices of the World. Enhancing the contribution of education andpromoting harmonisation and enforcement of international law for a safe and protected environment and apeaceful world for the next generation are indeed goals that are worthy of support. I do hope that theresolutions which emanate from this forum will generate collective awarness and agreement among ChiefJustices, Justices and prominent legal practitioners on the importance of implementation of internationallaw. Indeed, it is undeniable that ideals cannot work without a practical framework for implementation. As amember of society, I am therefore truly pleased to see a creative instead of reactive judiciary. And the GlobalSymposium on “Awakening Planetary Consciousness” is a meaningful step towards this end.—H. E. Surayud ChulanontPrime Minister of Thailand,Message dated 21st November 2007The theme “Enforceable International Law is our need” seems to be an interesting one,particularly from the view point of guaranteeing safe future for the world’s children, born and yetto be born. And I will be most interested to hear from your practical experience, from theexperience of the World’s largest <strong>City</strong>-<strong>School</strong>, with over 26,000 students, like CMS- <strong>City</strong><strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong>, on how to best protect and promote the basic rights of those less protectedand fragile like the children. In their hands lay our future, the future of mankind. The way they gettreated, will probably be the way they will, in future, treat the most fragile, like the young andolder ones, I mean, ourselves.—H. E. Jose Manuel Durao BarrosoPrime Minister of Portugal, Message dated 25th September 2002The theme of the Conference is particularly significant at a time when issuesconcerning instability, disorder, conflict and violence besiege the world. It is veryevident that this forum has set in motion awareness for world peace. Therefore, Iwould like to endorse your goal for the creation of a World Parliament to elevateinternational law to a higher plane.—H. E. Patrick ManningPrime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, Message dated18th November 2003I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to you personally and thechildren of <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong>. I recognize the importance and relevance of thatmeeting as a forum to awaken the world to the dangerous precipice it is fastapproaching. Wars and conflicts impact most on our children and therefore brilliantinitiatives like yours, which can alleviate such, should be applauded and welcomedby all peace loving nations.—H. E. Bernard MakuzaPrime Minister of Republic of Rwanda, Message dated 10th September 2004I offer my deepest support and appreciation for the 7th International Conference of Chief Justicesof the World, organized by the <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> of Lucknow, India, the forum represents avoice for the world's two billion children to safeguard their future. They have expressedconfidence in the World Judiciary and your dedication to justice, impartiality and regard foruniversal values, which are highly esteemed and trusted by today's society. In the words of thechildren of CMS, “the voice of the united world judiciary cannot be ignored by other sections ofthe world, howsoever powerful. Children expect that the judges of the world shall unite for thesake of humanity's survival and for the safety of generations to come”—Hon’ble Portia Simpson Miller, MPPrime Minister of Jamaica, Message dated 13th September 2006You have set yourselves the important task of considering the role of international law inworld affairs, under the rubric “Enforceable International Law is the idea whose time hascome”. With reference to the period since World War II for example, international law hasbeen prominent in many of the developments that now characterize the world in which welive. As you contemplate the concept of international law, therefore, may I take thisopportunity to wish you great success in disseminating information about InternationalLaw and in broadening understanding of this important field of social and politicalorganization.— Hon’ble Mr P J PattersonPrime Minister of Jamaica, Message dated 2nd December 2004Since 2001, the <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> has been bringing together on a common platform Chiefjustices, judges and legal luminaries from different parts of the world. The conferences haveenabled the participants to reflect on ways and means to address the plight of children and tocome up with proposals for ensuring a better, safer and brighter future for generations to come.The objective of international peace and security, as stipulated in Article 51 of the Constitution ofIndia, will have far reaching effects only if we learn to foster respect for international law.Mauritius has ratified this State and is in the process of enacting domestic legislationaccordingly. I wish the World Judiciary Summit 2008 fruitful deliberations and success in itsendeavour to promote international peace and security. I wish the Management of the <strong>City</strong><strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> , its staff and students, a very bright future.—Hon’ble Dr Navinchandra RamgoolamPrime Minister of Mauritius, Message dated 27th November 2008I sincerely appreciate the <strong>School</strong>'s role in striving to achieve international peace and securityamong all nations by attracting the support of world leaders to uphold international law with aview to securing a safe future for all children.The Conference's own effort to call upon distinguished lawyers from all over the world toexchange their views on international law will contribute to the promotion of global unity andpeace, as well as to the laying of a solid foundation for posterity.I wish the conference every success in accomplishing its highly commendable objectives.—H. E. Thaksin ShinawatraPrime Minister of Thailand, Message dated 10th December 2004Availing of this opportunity let me express you my gratitude for the valuable contribution, whichyou made and will always make into carrying out of reform’s in different spheres of the social andpolitical life, formation of the democratic institutions. The present life shows that the peoples of allthe countries are concerned in strengthening and development of peaceful and friendly relationsbetween all the states. In this respect, the conference, being held by you, could makeconsiderable contribution into development of the mutually beneficial relations between thecountries of the world and strengthening of law and order.—H. E. Akil AkilovPrime Minister of Tajikistan, Message dated 22nd November 2004I am gratified to know that <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong>, Lucknow is organizing the InternationalConference of Chief Justices of the world on Article 51(c) of the constitution of India, which Iwhole-heartedly applaud. Enforceable International Law is the need of the hour. I am sure thatthe deliberations of the Conference will focus on measures to safe guard the future of the WorldsChildren born and yet to be born to ensure World Peace inevitably. Such measures will imposetasks and responsibilities on each of us now living to which we must conform.—H. E. Samuel A. HindsPrime Minister of Guyana, South America, Message dated 25th September 2003The Prime Minister highly appreciates peace activities of the <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong><strong>School</strong>. Granting peace and stability in the world is in the interest of all nations, andthe Republic of Croatia actively contributes to the realization of those aims.—Hon'ble Mr Biance MatkovicHead of the office of the Prime MinisterRepublic of Croatia, Message dated 5th October 2004Children are the most vulnerable amongst us. Poverty and conflicts affects children inparticularly harsh ways, as children seldom are in a position to claim there own rights.Therefore. it must be the common responsibility of states to protect and promote the humanrights of the world’s two billion children. Norway fully shares your commitment to safeguard thefuture of the world’s children and your initiatives are highly valued. It is an honour. In order tosecure the human rights of children, the state of the world must be obligated throughinternational law. I believe your conference will make an important contribution to the existinginternational frame work, and I hope it will give further impetus to your significant work tosafeguard the future of the world children.— H. E. Kjell Magne BondevikPrime Minister of Norway, Message dated 2nd October 2003The Conference theme which shall deliberate Article 51 of the Indian Constitution “fosteringrespect for international law” is certainly a very contemporary theme which bears implementingby the strongest means in order to prevent the unhappy international incidence which we havewitnessed recently and which continue to occur. The Chief Justices of the world, are preeminentlythe most experienced and relevant body of persons to consider the principle ofenforcement of international law, especially in relation to international terrorism and I amconfident that together they will be able to provide sound proposals and recommendations forthe international community to follow in this area.—H. E. Baron VaeaFormer Prime Minister of Tonga,Message dated <strong>16</strong>th October 2001It is indeed a gathering of this magnitude of eminent peace promoter from everycorner of the globe, which demonstrates the growing global support for the efforts ofthe <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> to provide a platform to world judiciary to come togetherand discuss issues of safeguarding the future of world's children and generationsyet unborn, by supporting children's call for a legally - constituted World Parliament,duly empowered to enact enforceable International Law.—H. E. Archibald Lesao LehohlaDeputy Prime Minister of Lesotho, Speech dated 11th December 200411

ENOORLDEWYADOWILL UNITETHEWRLD‘Knowledge and Wisdom of the Day’ are vital for success in individual life as well as in thecollective life of Family, Nation and in the World Community — CMS April 20<strong>09</strong>YADENWEWILL UNITETHEWOMessages of Support from Presidents, Prime Ministers, Governer Generals, Attorney Generals, Chief Justices, Judges andother eminent personalities from around the world endorsing CMS initiative to promote Article 51 of Indian Constitution tosafeguard the future of world’s two billion children and generations yet-to-be bornI think it a very fine thing that the Chief Justices meet periodically under yourauspices and guidance to discuss the very important issues that you itemise.And, of course, I very much value the seriousness with which the reference tointernational law in Article 51 of the Indian Constitution is taken.—Hon’ble Ms Justice Rosalyn HigginsJudge, International Court of Justice, The Hague, NetherlandsMessage dated 10th September 2004We must translate the idea of fostering respect for international law asenshrined in Article 51c into action, into something concrete, somethingthat would inspire others like lawyers and litigants as well as the public ingeneral: to make a firm stand to comply with our respecting and preservinghuman rights, of women and children.—Hon'ble Ms Justice Alicia MartinezJudge, Supreme Court of PhilippinesSpeech dated 14th December 2003By bringing together Chief Justices and judges from many countries, toshare experiences and knowledge, the CMS Lucknow contributes greatlyto the fostering of respect for international law.—Hon'ble Mr Justice Michael Kirby AC CMGJustice of the High Court of Australia;One time President of the International Commission of Jurists;Laureate of the UNESCO Prize for Human Rights EducationSpeech dated 14th December 2003The commitment and dedication shown by the students of CMS to focusattention on the necessity to promote international peace and security inorder to avail the children of tomorrow a safer environment is a noblemission. I am grateful to be allowed the opportunity to participate andcontribute in this endeavor.—Hon’ble Mr Justice N. JuddooJudge, Supreme Court of SeychellesSpeech dated 8th December 2002During these critical times, <strong>mar</strong>ked by violent conflicts in several continents, theneed to foster respect for international law as enshrined in Article 51 remains urgent.Without that respect by all countries whether rich or poor and large or small, our taskof promoting international peace and security would be impossible, but with faith inthe rule of law among nations, a just and honourable relationship among thembecomes truly feasible.—Hon’ble Mr Justice Leonardo A. QuisumbingJudge, Supreme Court of PhilippinesMessage dated 30th November 2004I am pleased to see that the <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> students are educating the masses for unitingthe world under one international law to ensure lasting peace in the world. It is a pleasant surprisefor me that the <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> students are educating the elders on the high ideals ofworld unity and world peace. No doubt, this planet can be safe only when there is unity and peace.Therefore world unity and world peace is absolutely necessary for saving the planet fromdestruction. I have attended numerous conferences around the world, but this conference onArticle 51 is unique in that it has set lofty goals for a united world. This is beyond my expectationand anticipation.—Hon'ble Mr Justice R R MzikamandaJudge, President of the High Court of MalawiViews at the 7th Int. Conf. of Chief Justices of the world dated 11th December 2006I wondered that a school (<strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong>) was talking of international laws.I felt somewhat awkward and thought how can it be co related. But when I wentthrough the publications of the school and saw the cultural events presented by thestudents then all my doubts were put to rest. Then I understood why this schoolorganizes it.—Hon'ble Mr Justice Laxman Prasad AryalJudge, Supreme Court of NepalSpeech dated 6th May 2001To do my best to foster the introduction, in the Constitution of my country, ofa provision alike to Article 51 of the Constitution of India and to promote theidea and project of a World Parliament.—Hon'ble Mr Justice Marc France Eddy BalancyJudge, Supreme Court of MauritiusSpeech dated 6th May 2001To promote these noble thoughts of Article 51 as wellenforceability of International law has become the need of thehour.—Hon'ble Mr Justice Girish Chandra LalJudge, Appellate Court at Pokhara of NepalSpeech dated 8th December 2002This Conference on Article 51 seems the absolutely essential wayforward to make the world safe for future generations and every step inthis direction is a great achievement. I wish Mr Jagdish Gandhi andstudents of <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> every success.—Hon’ble Dr F. SangerNobel LaureateMessage dated 7th October 2003This is one of the most important goals for humanity, and Iappreciate very much your efforts and devotion to suchissues.Hon’ble Prof. Charles H TownesNobel LaureateMessage dated 10th October 2003We need to reach out to each other in respect and love. Upholdinghuman rights and international laws which upholds each person’shuman dignity, equality and rights is urgent and important.Hon’ble Ms Marread Corrigan MagvireNobel LaureateMeassage dated 25th October 2006I would like to extend my heartiest appreciation to the meaningfulendeavour of the organizers to bring to the motives of the world leadersand the judges the problem of the children and their life and their possiblesolution by coordinated and well-orchestrated endeavours of allconcerned.—Hon'ble Mr Justice S. K. SinhaJudge, High Court division of the Supreme Court of BangladeshSpeech dated 8th December 2002In our globalized world, an international rule of law is essential if weare to avoid the massive violation of fundamental human rightsthwhich has been the hall<strong>mar</strong>k of the 20 Century.—Hon'ble Mr Justice Richard GoldstoneJudge, Constitutional Court of South AfricaMessage dated 30th April 2001I sympathize and support your goal to provide an Enforceable InternationalLaw as enshrined in Article 51 c to safeguard the future of the world’schildren. The children of the world are our precious future and many arevulnerable to hunger, abuse and the ravages of war. An Enforceable Law isurgently needed.Hon’ble Mr Julius AxelordNobel LaureateMessage dated 27th October 2003International laws and their strict enforcement as enshrined in Article51are likely our most precious treasures, paving the future pathway ofsociety through a swamp of human deficiencies. Obviously, our childrenare directly affected by such irresponsibility. All too often, justificationseems to be more important than justice. Let us work against injustice onall levels and on a global scale.Hon’ble Prof. Dr. Richard R. ErnstNobel LaureateMessage dated 13th November 2002If various rights such as these are to be upheld they need to be supportedby international law. And if international law is to be effective it must berespected and enforceable. Therefore, it is clear to me that article 51 (c) ofthe constitution of India is a farsighted provision that deserve widespreadsupport.His Holiness Dalai LamaNobel LaureateMessage dated 13th November 200213


ENOORLRUUN NIIIE E559NOORLWYADEWILL UNITETHEWD‘Knowledge and Wisdom of the Day’ are vital for success in individual life as well as in the collective life of Family, Nation and in the World Community — CMSThese children’s Films give us knowledge and wisdom of the day. April 20<strong>09</strong>YADEIWILL UNITETHEWDfo|ky; ls c

LDENOORLYADENOIWILL UNITE THEWOR‘Knowledge and Wisdom of the Day’ are vital for success in individual life as well as in the collective life of Family, Nation and in the World Community — CMSThese children’s Films give us knowledge and wisdom of the day.April 20<strong>09</strong>IYADWILLUNITETHEWD1st INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN'S FILM FESTIVAL by CMS Films DivisionShort Synopsis of Children's FilmsA GARDEN DREAMDirector: Mahesh GoreINDIACleanliness as a value used to be taughtearly on in schools once upon a time. Thekids of today have too many distractions tofocus on this value anymore. A GardenDream is an animation short film which attempts to speak directly to kids aboutthe importance of keeping surroundings clean in a fantastic way.KARU `TULEB!(BEARIS COMING)Director: Janis CimermanisLATVIAHumourous film which is based on a realstory. A Latvian bear has suddenlyappeared on neighbour- Estonian island-Ruhnu.CUENTO DE LA C(THE C STORY)Director: Carlos NavarroSPAINCristina can not write her initial. With thehelp of her parents and observing theenvironment around her she willdiscover what shape the letter has.This movie brings into sharp relief therealities of urban life, curious young minds and a dwindling biodiversity.LA TUERCADirector: A. Melissa MartínezSPAINThis is the story of a little girl and a nut. Itis also the story of a middle-agedwoman who has lost all contact withdreams. La Tuerca is about magic,memories and the significance of smallthings that we sometimes forget when we become adults.CRANK BALLSDirector: Devin BellUSAThe Crank Balls are trapped in a horriblecolorless void until an infectioushappiness changes their lives forever.TONY GOLWASCHERDirector: Norbert LechnerGERMANYThe hero of the story is eleven-year-old ToniSedlacek, and dog Strupp. The story tells ofhis fight for acceptance by the farmer’s sonHans Beil, who not only terrorises Toni withthe help of his gang but wants to take over“his” gold cove- the very spot where Toni tries to wash gold as his grandfather used todo. The conflict mounts as Toni really finds gold in the cove! Full of envy Hans Beil andhis gang also go searching for gold- and dig something much more explosive than goldout of the sandbank: an old carbine and ammunition buried there at the end of thewar...KINGS OF THIER TIMEDirector: Mat LaasESTONIAA 70-Minute documentary with animatedsequences about 85-year-old ElbertTuganov and 80-year-old Heino Pars twoanimators and artists who despitechanging times became masters of theirspecialty. Elbert Tuganov and Heino Parsare the creators of the world first and only 3-D puppet films and manyinternational award- winning animated films. They laid the foundation for the socalledEstonian school of animation back in 1957.PINOCCHIODirector: Roberto BenigniITALYFrom the famous story by Carlo Collodi.Pinocchio, a wooden puppet built by thecarpenter Geppetto, has variousadventures and meets many people on hisjourney to become a real child. On the way,he is helped by the Talking Cricket and the Blue Fairy.LAS MOFAS MAGICAS(THE MAGIC GLASSES)Director: Daniel RebnerSPAINPablito is a 9-year-old a bit special child:Dreamy, shy, always in his thoughts. Somuch that has come to a point in which,helping himself with a few strange glassesof colors to which he calls "Mlasses" (Magic glasses), escapes completely of thereality, seeing it all quite colouring and entertaining when he wears it.In the schoolthey cannot admit a behavior like that and worry for him. The director of thecenter meets his mother, Lucía, who shows off to be too permissive and protectivewith her son. Why this strange behavior of mother and son? Sometimes the life isnicer if you look at her through a “Mlasses”...DAZIVAIS Udens(Magic Water)Director: Maris BrinkmanisLATVIATwo animals, Munk and Lemmy, are tryingto cultivate a small apple tree in themiddle of a dessert. The tiny plant missessome water. Munk is ought to look aroundfor some water and fortunately finds an oasis with a spring.Going back with thewater, Munk does not realises that every drop of water falling into the sand givesimmediate life for new plant. The water from the spring is magic! It brings to lifeeverything generating some unexpected troubles.....MOGINA JADE( The Fascination)Director: Ramadas NaiduINDIAAmidst the hustle-bustle of the concreatejungle of a sprawling city, two children goon a quest to find ‘their’ missingsparrow.This film takes us with thechildren- Ila and Anirudha- on their journey as they pursue the elusive sparrow.They set off from home with a guilt-ridden conscience that they may have beenresponsible for the sparrow’s disappearance. But it is their innocence andcuriosity that take them on a trail of learning and discovery as they arrive atunusual places and meet unusual people. Everyone they meet says thatsparrows are around but are they really there? Unable to find even a singlesparrow in sight, the children’s anxiety and guilt only grows after eachencounter.IT'S ALWAYS LATEFOR FREEDOMMehrdad OskouseeIRANThe Film depicts the life of three teenagerboys in Tehran House of Correction. Theyare the innocent victims of the serioussocial problems such as addiction, povertyand divorce, which the Iranian society isfaced with.ONE RAT SHORTDirector: Alex WeilUSANew York design and production studioCharlex ventures into filmmaking with a10-minute animated short titled "One RatShort." The piece tells the tale of a subwayrat who is led, by the mesmerizing ballet ofa discarded food wrapper, into anadventure of love and loss on a dark Manhattan night.RIDING SOLO TO THETOP OF THE WORLDDirector: Gaurav JaniINDIA“Riding Solo To The Top Of The World” isthe unique experience of a lonesometraveller, who rides his motorcycle all theway from Mumbai to one of the remotestplaces in the world, the Changthang Plateau, in Ladakh, bordering China.PASMAIDI, DRAUGS!(SMILE, MY FRIEND!)Director: Dace RiduzeLATVIAThere is a huge uproar in the forest:Beaver’s teeth have been stolen. DetectiveOwl and his assistant Piglet are to puzzleout this mysterious crime. Several forestinhabitants appear to be possible offendants, but the guilty one is not so easy tobe discovered.7 - 13 April 20<strong>09</strong>, Lucknow, IndiaTRASHAEDDirector: : Mahesh GoreINDIATrashed is an animation short film thathighlights the tragic state of our trash binstoday and suggests people to be a littlemore mindful and throw trash in the trashbin & not all around it.FELIXDirector: Director: Andreas UttaGERMANYFELIX, 12, is a loner. At school just as muchas at home. His mother Lydia bothers himwith her extreme care and his fatherNorbert, a police officer, is hardly gettingclose to his introverted son. Si nce Felixdoesn’t communicate, his parents don’t even know he fell in love with the deafmutegirl Lena; he has been chatting with her on the internet for the past weeks.And now he is introuble: she absolutely wants to meet him but he pretendedbeing deaf-mute too.To maintain this lie, he practices sign language diligently.THE FARMER ANDHIS GOATDirector: Mahesh GoreINDIAAnimal sacrifice goes unabated in someparts of India despite globalization andmodern lifestyles. The animation shortfilm The Farmer & His Goat is a sincere attempt at discouraging the evil practicein the best way possible - by creating a hypothetical situation where man himselfbecomes the victim of sacrifice at the hands of the very animal which he has beenslaughtering in the name of religion for centuries now.THE STOLEN CHRISTMAS(IL NATALE RUBATO)Director: Pino TordiglioneITALYA sentimental thriller adopted from a realevent of theft of a precious crib from theChurch of Fontanarosa in the province ofAvellino in the year1700. A story for thechildren but equally for all to read with the eyes of the heart.FRIENDSDirector: Dan WolmanISRAELDaniel is a loner. One day, she befriendsNeli, a new girl in class.The two spend timetogether and get to know and like oneanother.When Daniel visits Neli's homeone evening, she discovers that her newfriend has a secret. She feels that she aught to tell people about it because she isworried. But Neli begs her not to tell about it to anybody.Neli is torn, but then decides that it's important to tell even if the price would beto lose the only friend she has in the world. This movie brings into sharp relief therealities of urban life, curious young minds and a dwindling biodiversity.LEIUTAYAT ATEKIILA( LOTTE)Director: Heiki Ernits & Janno PoldmaESTONIASomewhere in Europe by a great seastands a small village, where theconstruction of all manner of gadgetsuseful in the home is held in great esteem.The villagers organise an annual competition of new inventions. One of the mostfamous inventors in the village is Oskar, the father of the energetic girl dogLotte. His pri<strong>mar</strong>y rival is Adalbert the rabbit, whose wife even participates inthe competition with all her heart. Victory would be important to their kin andwould bring honour to the entire rabbit clan.MIRAGEDirector: Youngwoong JangSOUTH KOREAA bio-mechanic robot must fill his glasschest with water in order to sustain his life.Mirage has won over 20 awards includingthe 2006 Gold Student Academy Award inAnimation.<strong>16</strong>

ORLDENORLYADENIWILLUNITETHEWO‘Knowledge and Wisdom of the Day’ are vital for success in individual life as well as in the collective life of Family, Nation and in the World Community — CMSThese children’s Films give us knowledge and wisdom of the day.April 20<strong>09</strong>WIYADOILLUNITETHEWD1st INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN'S FILM FESTIVAL by CMS Films DivisionShort Synopsis of Children's FilmsSKYMAASTERDirector: Michael Wikke &Steen RasmussenUKSKYMASTER is a flying fairytale about theright to be different: To let people flyinstead of cutting their wings off. We couldhave made this film as an everyday-dramaset in completely realistic settings or made adocumentary. Instead we used our own world: a world of song, colour, sound,images, humour and hope to tell this story. Enough words: films are supposed to beseen - not read.THE PAPER PRINCEDirector: Marko KosticSERBIAJULIA (8) lives with her parents who loveher dearly but pay little attention to her.One day when she has been left alone athome, Julia opens the door to NIKOLA (29).Eventually Julia gives Nikola her mother'searrings and a passport belonging to herfather. Six months later Julia discovers that her family is in danger because of themissing passport. With the help of her school friend PEGI (8) and an eccentric EMA(70), Julia begins to try to find Nikola in order to recover her father's passport.The film looks at the choices made by people big and small between good and evil.ANTAGONIZE MEDirector: Arup NanjappaINDIAA day in the life of a young boy, starting fromgetting to school to seeing the day through. It alsolooks at the exaggerated reality he creates toescape or reason with the "Normal dysfunctional Indian family” and otherincidents around him. A dual narrative, cinematic and his own. Eccentric andsomething anyone can relate to from their childhood.Porgand Suvitab(Carrot on the beach)Carrot on SummerVacation)Director: Partel TallESTONIASnowman's dream has been fulfilled: he isnon-meltable and can finally see thesummer! But his joy will be cut short sincethere is more chasers for his nose than always hungry Rabbit and there is nowheresafe and covering snow…GULONG (THE BICYCLE)Director: Sockie FernandesPHILIPPINESThe Bicycle (Gulong) is a story aboutfriendship, family, love and doing the rightthing. At its center is Apao (Steven Fermo), akindhearted boy who constantly puts othersbefore himself. When school lets out, Apaoand his cousin Momoy (Jopet Concordia)search for ways to make money in order to buy a second hand bicycle from an oldlady whom they know.THE LATVIANDirector: Janis CimermanisLatviaA unique testament to the power of film – awitty sum<strong>mar</strong>y of the entire history of Latviafrom ancient to modern times in eightminutes.BEN’s BIOGRAPHYDirector: Dan WolmanISRAEL"Ben's Biography" uses humor andcuriosity to attract attention anddecrease resistance to the issue of childabuse. The serious and painful messagerevealed by Ben shows how, hesomehow manages to preserve his innocence, maintain his optimism, andkeep his precarious balance".THE NEW SPECIES(JAUNÂ SUGA)Director: Evalds LacisLATVIAAn entomologist finds a new species of bugin the meadow and would be glad to add itto his collection. But the bugs don't want tobe museum objects – the two bug girls haveto find a way to save their parents.I AM NOT SCARED(IO NON HO PAURA)Director: Gabriele SalvatoresITALYIn the Southern Italy during thestaggeringly hot summer of1978, Cornfields cover thehills like an undulating sea of gold against the deep bluesky. At the centre of it all is a tiny community of fivehouses. While the adults shelter indoors from theblistering heat, six children venture out on their bicyclesacross the scorched deserted countryside. Hiddenamongst the vast sea of corn nine-year-old Michelediscovers a secret so momentous and so terrible that heTHE DOORS ARE OPENING,MIND THE GAP!Director: Anastasia ZhuravlevaRUSSIAOnce He met Her in the metro. Butthey were parted. Escalators, trains,different stations and many people. But He was lucky, HeNILOFARDirector: SABINE EL GEMAYELFRANCENilofar is a thirteen-year-oldIraqi girl whose dream is toread and write in a villagewhere education is only forboys. While assisting hermidwife mother during a delivery, Niloofar meets a womanwho allows her to secretly study. In the meantime,Niloofar’s father arranges her <strong>mar</strong>riage to an older manonce she becomes a woman. Horrified by this notion,THE CAT CATCHERDirector: Bela TernovszkyHUNGARYCat Catcher, the robot dogpacified all civilized cats at theend of the original Cat <strong>City</strong> film(1986) and as a result of thiscats and mice live a peacefulco-existence. How can youcarry on from this point? There remained an unpacifiedcat tribe in the Pafrican Jungle. They learn about the fateof their kinscats from a busy bee journalist mouse calledStanley who is captured by blood-mice and hunter cats atthe end of his successful expedition to find Livingstone inPuertas (Doors)Director: Roberto Goã'iSPAINIsmael is a fanciful six year-oldchild who has a specialr e l a t i o n s h i p w i t h h i sgrandfather. One night, thegrandfather reads him the tale Ali Baba and the fortythieves. Ismael is appaled by the magic words Ali Babauses (“Open, Sesame”) to break into the thieves' cave.The boy will use that magic spell in all events of ordinarylife: Suddenly, Ismael's grandfather dies of a heart attack.MEDIBAS HUNTINGDirector: Janis CimermanisLATVIAThe old forest-guard lives in hishouse in the middle of theforest in full harmony with allthe animals living around. Thenews strikes him that huntersTHE POWER OF SILENCEDirector: B SIVAKUMARMAURITIUSThe unspoken words of the naturerevealed as " The Power Of Silence. An artexposing the gradual migration of humanlifestyle from early uncivilised pattern of life to an organisedmodern living space. The film portrays the capabilities ofnature.7 - 13 April 20<strong>09</strong>, Lucknow, IndiaUNA VIDA MEJOR(A BETTER LIFE)Director: Luis Fernandez ReneoSPAINBased on a true story, A Better Lifeis the faithful account of 3Mexican children who got lost inthe Sonoran desert while trying to cross the U.S. border. Ahistory that repeats itself every week in the border townsZOEDirector: Giuseppe VarlottaITALYItaly, world war II In a village disruptedby war, while people are waiting for theAllies' arrival, the Germans get therefirst, destroying and stealingeverything and terrorizing people with cruel orders andviolence. A young mother, Tina, in order to save Zoe, her 10years old daughter, sends her to look for her father, a famouspartisan chief who lives in the woods and needs to be advisedWHERE IS WINKY’SHORSEDirector: Mischa KampNETHERLANDSSaint Nicholas has gone backto Spain. He won't be backuntil next year. In themeantime, Winky takes care ofhis horse Amerigo. She takes riding lessons on a ponycalled Naf-Naf, and Aunty Cor and Uncle Siem teach hereverything they know about horse grooming.One day, when there is no one else at the farm, Winkydoes something naughty and sneaky, with terribleELREGALO DE LAPACHAMAMADirector: Toshifumi MatsushitaJAPANPachamama is a spiritual taleset in Bolivia. The protagonist isa 13 year old boy who lives in thetraditional way, with his family near the salt lake of Uyuni.One spring he goes with his father on his first caravan.Strapping blocks of salt to the backs of their llamas, theythe “Salt Trail” for months, exchanging the previousmineral for other products of the Andes. Along the way,through many experiences and encounters, the boydiscovers who he is as a young man and a Quechua. As theMY LITTLE COUNTRY(VATAN-E KOCHAK-E MAN)Director: Abbass MohammadiIRANAbout one million Afghanrefugees live in Iran, wheremost of their children can notattend normal schools because of the lack of an ID card.“My Little Country” tells the story of Afghan independentschools, and the way they try to educate these childrenwithout the support of the government to prevent the kidsCMS20<strong>09</strong>For further information please contactMr. V. Kurian, Director1st International Children’s Film Festival Lucknow.organised byCITY MONTESSORI SCHOOL (CMS),FILMS DIVISION, LUCKNOW, INDIA10 Station Road, Lucknow 226001, India.Tel: 0<strong>09</strong>1-0522-2638321, 2638606, 2367655, 2638738,Fax: 0<strong>09</strong>1-522-2638008,2635497 Mobile: 0<strong>09</strong>1 9415015039,E-mail: info@cmsfilms.org, vkurian@cmseducation.orgWebsite: www.cmsfilms.org/iecff, <strong>School</strong> website: www.cmseducation.org17

ENOatORLAn International Educator’s Forum36000Nuclear BombsPHYSICSMATHEMATICSCOMPUTERSLAWLESS WORLDCHEMISTRYASTRONOMYBIOLOGYFOURTH INTERNATIONAL YOUNG MATHEMATICIANS' CONVENTION2 BILLION CHILDRENa Safe FutureChildren’s Right toENOORLD1234567891011121314CALENDAR OF 27 GLOBAL EDUCATIONAL EVENTSOrganised by CMS, Lucknow, India 20<strong>09</strong>-2010To provide our students global exposure to become successful world leaders in life in their chosen fields, CMS is empowering them withknowledge and wisdom of the day by regularly organizing 27 International educational events for the session 20<strong>09</strong>-2010:gl obal TIEF O R W O R L D P E A C EIIDsCMSdMathematics International ComrWIYADaizLIW I Z M I C2 0 0 9W20<strong>09</strong>REFLECTIONSGUINNESSWORLD RECORDSLUNITETHnEWotiDCELESTAThe CulturalFiestapeti‘Knowledge and Wisdom of the Day’ are vital for success in individual life as well as in thecollective life of Family, Nation and in the World Community — CMS10th COMMONWEALTH YOUTH CONFERENCE18 March 20<strong>09</strong>The 10th Commonwealth Youth Conference & Creative Writing & Poster Competition for Studentsof Junior & Senior Classes 6th to 12th amis to promote the Commonwealth values of unity,cooperation and friendship for world peace Organised by CMS Gomti Nagar Campus, LucknowE-mail : cmsgomti@cmseducation.org Website : www.cmseducation.org/commonwealthFIRST INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN'S FILMFESTIVAL-20<strong>09</strong> (ICFF)7 to 13 April 20<strong>09</strong>E-mail: info@cmsfilm.orgOrganised by CMS Film DivisionWebsite: cmsfilm.org/iecff3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF PRE-PRIMARYAND PRIMARY PRINCIPALS25 to 28 April 20<strong>09</strong>Organised by Quality Assurance and Inspection Department<strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> (CMS), LucknowE-mail: icppp@cmseducation.org Website: www.cmseducation.org/icpppp1st INTERNATIONAL YOUTH FESTIVAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGYInternational Youth Festival of Biotechnology3 to 6 August 20<strong>09</strong>Organised by CMS Rajendra Nagar Campus-I, LucknowEmail: quest20<strong>09</strong>@cmseducation.orgWebsite: http://www.cmseducation .org/quest20<strong>09</strong>INTERNATIONAL REFLECTIONS-20<strong>09</strong>International Youth Festival of History & Civics11 to 14 August 20<strong>09</strong>Organised by CMS Rajendra Nagar Campus-II, LucknowEmail: cmsrnb@cmseducation.orgWebsite: http://www.cmseducation.org/reflections14th COFAS INTERNATIONAL20 to 23 August 20<strong>09</strong>International Annual Competitions on Computers and Cyberspace for students ofClasses IX to XII organised by CMS Station Road Branch, LucknowE-mail: cmsstationroad@gmail.com Website: www.cmseducation.org/cofas4th GLOBAL TIE1 to 4 September 20<strong>09</strong>International Conference on Global Trends and InnovationsIn Education for Principals organised by CMS Rajajipuram Campus-I, LucknowEmail: gtie@cmseducation.org Website: www.cmseducation.org/gtie7th EUREKA INTERNATIONAL 20<strong>09</strong>8 to 11 September 20<strong>09</strong>Educational-cultural fest for students of pri<strong>mar</strong>y and junior classesOrganised by CMS Anand Nagar Branch, LucknowE-mail: cmsanand@cmseducation.org Website: www.cmseducation.org/eureka7th CELESTA INTERNATIONAL14 to 18 September 20<strong>09</strong>The International Youth Festival of Music & Culture for Peace for students ofclasses IX to XII organised by CMS Aliganj Campus-I, LucknowE-mail: cmsali@cmseducation.org Website: www.cmseducation.org/celesta3rd INTERNATIONAL ROUNDTABLE11 to 14 October, 20<strong>09</strong>A Non-Profit InitiativeTo Inspire and support Leadership and Innovation in Education for PrincipalsOrganized by CMS Innovation Wing, LucknowE-mail:info@edleader.in Website: www.edleader.in4th INTERNATIONAL INNOVATION DAY15 October 20<strong>09</strong> (Birthday of President Dr APJ Abdul Kalam)Innovations made by any students of junior or senior classes (belonging to any country of the world)will be recognised & awarded Prizes & Certificates organised by CMS Jopling Road Branch, LucknowE-mail: jroad@cmseducation.org Website: www.cmseducation.org/iid4th ODYSSEY INTERNATIONAL21 to 23 October 20<strong>09</strong>International Literary English Fest for students of classes IX to XIIOrganised by CMS Rajendra Nagar Campus-III, LucknowE-mail: cmsrn304@sancharnet.in Website: www.cmseducation.org/litfest10th WORLD PEACE FESTIVAL & INTERNATIONALPEACE POSTER & PEACE QUILT COMPETITION23 to 25 October 20<strong>09</strong>held jointly with World Peace Prayer Society, USA with the aim of raising peace awarenessin pri<strong>mar</strong>y, junior & secondary students Organised by CMS, Indira Nagar Branch, LucknowE-mail: cmsindia@cmseducation.org Website: www.cmseducation.org/peace3rd INTERNATIONAL WIZMICInternational Youth Festival of Mathematics27 to 30 October 20<strong>09</strong>Wizards at Mathematics International Contest for students of IX to XIIOrganised by CMS RDSO Branch, LucknowE-mail: cmsrdso@cmseducation.org Website: www.cmseducation.org/wizmic15<strong>16</strong>1718192021222324252627Quant<strong>School</strong>,<strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong>20<strong>09</strong>aLucknowINTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMY OLYMPIADSAARCY U Hth12 ICSQCCINDIAInternationalYouth Fest20<strong>09</strong>OR20<strong>09</strong>7th GEOFEST INTERNATIONALYOUTH FESTIVAL OF GEOGRAPHY7 to 10 November 20<strong>09</strong>International Geography Olympiad to promote global awareness of students of classes IX to XIIon global Environmental issues Organised by CMS Mahanagar Campus-III, LucknowE-mail: cmsmn@cmseducation.org Website: www.cmseducation.org/geofest15th INTERNATIONAL QUANTAYOUTH FESTIVAL OF SCIENCE14 to 19 November 20<strong>09</strong>The 15th International Science Olympiad on science, maths, astronomy,computers & robotics, for students of Classes IX to XII Organised by CMS, Chowk Branch, LucknowE-mail: quanta@cmseducation.org Website: www.cmseducation.org/quanta9th INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMY OLYMPIAD18 to 20 November 20<strong>09</strong>for students of pri<strong>mar</strong>y, junior & senior classes to promote cosmic awareness,Organised by CMS Chowk Campus, LucknowE-mail: cmschowk1@cmseducation.org Website: www.cmseducation.org/quanta9th SAARC YOUTH FESTIVAL & COMPETITIONS21 November 20<strong>09</strong>for students of classes VI to XII aims to promote SAARC values ofunderstanding and friendship organised by CMS Rajendra Nagar Campus-III, LucknowE-mail: cmsrn304@sancharnet.in Website: www.cmseducation.org/saarc7th INTERNATIONAL YOUTH FEST24 November 20<strong>09</strong>for students of classes VI to XII, aims to promote cross-cultural awarenessorganised by CMS Rajajipuram Campus-I, LucknowE-mail: cmrjp@cmseducation.org Website: www.cmseducation.org/iyf12th INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STUDENTS’QUALITY CONTROL CIRCLES (ICSQCC)2 to 5 December 20<strong>09</strong>Open to Pri<strong>mar</strong>y, Junior and Senior students, this international gathering will also witness QC conceptsin practice by the world's top QC Experts Organised by CMS Kanpur Road Branch, LucknowE-mail: icsqcc@sancharnet.in Website: www.cmseducation.org/icsqcc10th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF CHIEF JUSTICES OFTHE WORLD ON ARTICLE 51 OF THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA10 to 15 December 20<strong>09</strong>aims to safeguard the future of World’s two billion children and generations yet unbornorganised by CMS World Unity & Peace Education DepartmentE-mail: article51@cmseducation.org, Website: www.cmseducation.org/article51Email: cmsmahanagar@cmseducation.org2nd INNERSCAPEINTERNATIONAL YOUTH FESTIVAL19 to 21 December 20<strong>09</strong>For The Mentally and Visually ChallengedOrganised by CMS, Mahanagar Campus I, LucknowWebsite: http://www.cmseducation.org/innerscape<strong>16</strong>th CHILDREN'S INTERNATIONAL SUMMER VILLAGE(CISV) CAMP for children of 11 to 12 years of age28 December 20<strong>09</strong> to 24 January 2010The 15th annual 4-week long CISV camp aims to teach peace and coexistencehosted by CMS Inspection Department under the aegis of the CISV Society, U.K.E-mail: cisv@cmseducation.orgWebsite: www.cmseducation.org/cisvINTERNATIONAL EDUCATION FAIR31 January to 1 February 2010Study Abroad and Career Opportunities AbroadOrganised by CMS Personality Development & Career Counselling Department (PDCC)E-mail: edufair@cmspdcc.org Website: www.cmspdcc.org/edufair8th EXSPO INTERNATIONAL SPORTS OLYMPIAD30 October to 2 November 2010For students of classes VI to XII forExcellence in Sports for Peace organised by CMS, RDSO Branch, LucknowE-mail: cmsrdso@cmseducation.org, Website: www.cmseducation.org/exspo4th INTERNATIONAL YOUNGMATHEMATICIANS' CONVENTION (IYMC)1 to 4 December 2010for students of Classes VI to XII organised by CMS, Gomti Nagar, LucknowE-mail: cmsgomti@cmseducation.org Website: www.cmseducation.org/iymcINTERNATIONAL SCHOOL-TO-SCHOOL EXCHANGE(ISSE)Under this programme, CMS children of age (11 to 12 years) delegations visit<strong>School</strong>s in ISSE member countries for a three week exchange visit to learnabout each other’sculture Organised by CMS Inspection Department,E-mail: isse@cmseducation.org Website: www.cmseducation.org/issePersonality Development & Career Counselling Department (PDCC)<strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> (CMS), 12 Station Road, Lucknow, UP, IndiaTelephones: +91-522-2638738, 2638606; Fax: +91-522-2638008, 2635497Emails: info@cmseducation.org and contact@jagdishgandhi.orgWebsites: www.cmseducation.org and www.jagdishgandhi.org(1) <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> is the world’s largest school with over 35,000 students on roll in a single city; (2) the only school to receive the UNESCO Prize for PeaceEducation 2002; and (3) the only school to organise and host 27 international events for children in which a large number of children participate from variouscountries of the world. See website http://www.guinnessworldrecords.comInternational Conference of Pre-pri<strong>mar</strong>yand Pri<strong>mar</strong>y Principals to begin on April 25rdThe 4-day 3 International Conference of Pre-Pri<strong>mar</strong>y and Pri<strong>mar</strong>y Principals is scheduled to be organizedby CMS Quality Assurance and Inspection Department from April 25 to 28, 20<strong>09</strong>. Principals and renownededucationists from several prestigious colleges of India and foreign countries will participate in thisconference and present their papers and case studies on pre-pri<strong>mar</strong>y and pri<strong>mar</strong>y education. Head of CMSQuality Assurance and Inspection Department, Mrs Aruna Varma, is the convener of this conference while MrsManju Nautiyal, Principal, CMS Jopling Road is the Secretary. The conference is expected to developinnovative methods of teaching.NEW INTERNATIONAL EVENTSCMS has introduced two new international events from the session 20<strong>09</strong>-2010. These twoevents, like all CMS international events are basically aimed at promoting world unity, worldpeace and feelings of global brotherhood amongst the children of the world. These events are :Reflections 20<strong>09</strong> is an International Festival of History and Civics being organized by CMS Rajendra NagarCampus II from 11 to 14 August 20<strong>09</strong>. It aims at training young minds for a new political order when all thecountries will unite to form One World. It is rightly said, "Those who do not learn from history, are doomed to repeatit." If we do not learn from past mistakes we may commit them again and the results may be disastrous. Thedestruction of human life in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, our wars with neighbouring country Pakistan and thehappenings in Iran and Iraq, the fighting in Afghanistan, genocide in Darfur etc. are some of the heart rendingdisturbances that force us to think if not now, when; if not us who; if not here, where? So we must unite and build aunited and peaceful world before it is too late.QUEST: The first International Festival of Biotechnology is being organized from August 3 to 6, 20<strong>09</strong> by CMSRajendra Nagar Branch campus I. Biotechnology is a fast emerging science all set to trigger off a scientificrevolution in the field of human health care, genetic engineering, genetic screening, agricultural industry andenvironmental sciences. Diseases like AIDS, cancer and blood disorders find new hope for cures through researchesin biotechnology. As always CMS has come to the forefront to make children realize the need for learning thisevolving science and go deep into it for making new inroads into scientific research and for finding permanent curesfor deadly diseases. Biotechnology is also useful in space research, plant research etc. An ever growing science, itsknowledge paves the way for human health and happiness. We wish the event all success.Dr (Mrs) Vineeta Kamran invitedby Kingston University in EnglandApril 20<strong>09</strong>Deputy Vice Chancellor of Kingston University, Prof Mary Stuart has extended aninvitation to the dynamic CMS Principal, Dr (Mrs) Vineeta Kamran to address theseminars on Students Quality Circles at the University in England.These seminars will be attended by many illustrious professors from major Universitiesof England. Kingston University is a highly reputed University in the world withestablished records in researches and evolving new theories on a number of subjects.This is the second occasion when the university has invited Dr Kamran to deliverlectures. Mr P C Bihari, Quality Expert will also accompany Dr. Kamran to England.Mrs Nautiyal to deliver lecture in CaliforniaMrs Manju Nautiyal, Principal of CMS Jopling Road Campus has been especially invited todeliver a lecture on <strong>Montessori</strong> Education at the 5th West Coast International <strong>Montessori</strong>Conference organised by International <strong>Montessori</strong> Council (IMC) in USA. The Conference willbe held from March 19 to 22 , 20<strong>09</strong> in California, USA.DAILY CMS FM Education Radio (90.4 MHZ) the World Unity Education schedule for April 20<strong>09</strong>From CMS, Gomtinagar: 7.00 am to 10.00 am and again 4.30 pm to 7.30 pm from CMS, Kanpur Road : 12.30 pm to 3.30 pm and again 7.30 pm to 10.30 pm (daily)Programme begins with: Signature Tune/Opening Announcement, Eeshwar Vandana, Amrit Vichar/Song1.04.20<strong>09</strong> (WEDNESDAY) Community Gatividhiyan, YOG AUR HUM By <strong>16</strong>.04.20<strong>09</strong> (THURSDAY)Ravindra Tripathi, Nai Subha by Kusha Khurana,Community Gatividhiyan, YOG AUR HUM By Ravindra Tripathi, Sehat Mantra (By Shilpi), Community Gatividhiyan, Community Sangeet, Promo/ GeetRavindra Tripathi, Sehat Mantra By Shilpi, Promo/ Discover India, Special Feature on Holi, Gharaunda (Vastu) by Soma, Promo/ Geet , Anmol 24.04.20<strong>09</strong> (FRIDAY)Geet, Discover India, Baat Pate ke, Promo/ Geet Promo/Geet, Baat Pate keRatan (Nari ke Utthan aur Vikas ki Kahani) by Community Gatividhiyan, Community Baatchit, Suno2.04.20<strong>09</strong> (THURSDAY)9.04.20<strong>09</strong> (THURSDAY)Ravindra Tripathi, Nai Subha by Punita Awasthi, Baat Kahani by Ravindra, Promo/Geet, Baat Pate ke,Community Gatividhiyan, Break/ promo, Gharaunda Community Gatividhiyan, Community Sangeet, Pate KiSinghasan Batteesi by Richa , Baat Pate ke, Career(Vastu) by Soma, promo, Anmol Ratan (Nari ke Gharaunda (Vastu) by Soma, Promo/Geet, Anmol 17.04.20<strong>09</strong> (FRIDAY)Mitra by ShilpiUtthan aur, Vikas ki Kahani) by Ravindra Tripathi, Ratan (Nari ke Utthan aur Vikas ki Kahani) by Community Gatividhiyan, Community Baatchit, Suno 25.04.20<strong>09</strong> (SATURDAY)Nayi Subha (Based on Adult education) by Kusha Ravindra Tripathi, Baat Pate ke, Nayi Subha (Based Kahani by Ravindra, Promo/ Geet, Baat Pate ke, Lucknownama by Soma, Ham aur ha<strong>mar</strong>e kanoon byKhurana, Baat Pate keon Adult education) by Punita Awasthi Singhasan Batteesi by Richa , Baat Pate ke, Career Kavita Srivastava, Promo/ Geet, Rang Sangam By3.04.20<strong>09</strong> (FRIDAY)10.04.20<strong>09</strong> (FRIDAY)Mitra by ShilpiShilpi, Samvaad – ek Aasha by Ravindra, Baat Pate keCommunity Gatividhiyan, Community Baatchit,Community Gatividhiyan , Community Baatchit, 18.04.20<strong>09</strong> (SATURDAY) 26.04.20<strong>09</strong> (SUNDAY)Suno Kahani by Ravindra, Promo/Geet, SinghaasanSuno Kahani by Ravindra, Promo/Geet, Baat Pate Lucknownama by Soma, Ham aur ha<strong>mar</strong>e kanoon Tarane Suhaney by Ravindra, ZAYQA (Based on foodBatteesi by Richa, Baat Pate ke, Promo /geet,ke, Singhasen Batteesi by Richa , Baat Pate ke, by Kavita Srivastava, Promo/ Geet, Rang Sangam by Recipes) By Shilpi, Baat Pate ke, Promo/Geeet, SehatCareer Mitra by ShilpiCareer Mitra by Shilpi Shilpi, Samvaad – ek Aasha by Ravindra, Baat Pate ki baat doctor ki saath by Soma, Community11.04.20<strong>09</strong> (SATURDAY)ke4.04.20<strong>09</strong> (SATURDAY)Gatividiyan, Taai Batai Baat by Richa, Promo/GeetLucknownama by Soma, Ham aur ha<strong>mar</strong>e kanoon 19.04.20<strong>09</strong> (SUNDAY)Lucknownama by Soma, Ham aur ha<strong>mar</strong>e kanoon ,27.04.20<strong>09</strong> (MONDAY)by Kavita Srivastava, Promo/ Geet, Rang Sangam byby Kavita Srivastava, Baat Pate ke, Promo/Geet,Tarane Suhaney by Ravindra, Promo /Geet, ZAYQA Community Gatividhiyan, Geeton ki Jhankaar, Nai-Shilpi, Samvaad- ek Aasha (By Ravindra ), BaatSamvaad- ek Aasha , By Ravindra, Rang Sangam(Based on food Recipes) By Shilpi, Baat Pate ke, Subha by Kusha Khurana, Promo/ Geet, SHAKTI (Pate keby ShilpiSehat ki baat doctor ki saath by Soma, Community Anita Sahu) Dhaba By Soma , Baat Pate ke, Yuva12.04.20<strong>09</strong> (SUNDAY)Gatividiyan, Taai Batai Baat by Richa, Promo/Geet Manch by Richa5.04.20<strong>09</strong> (SUNDAY)Tarane Suhaney by Ravindra, Promo /Geet, ZAYQA 20.04.20<strong>09</strong> (MONDAY) 28.04.20<strong>09</strong> (TUESDAY)Tarane Suhaney by Ravindra, ZAYQA (Based on (Based on food Recipes) By Shilpi, Baat Pate ke, Community Gatividhiyan, Geeton ki Jhankaar, NaifoodRecipes) By Shilpi, Baat Pate ke, SpecialCommunity Gatividhiyan, Chinta Bachpan Badhta BojhSehat ki baat doctor ki saath by Soma, Community Subha by Kusha Khurana, Promo/ Geet, SHAKTI (Feature on International Women’s day, Sehat ki baatBy Richa, Manthan By Kavita Srivastava, EKGatividiyan, Taai Batai Baat by Richa, Promo/Geet Joshina) Exporter By Soma, BAAT PATE KI, Yuvadoctor ki saath by Soma, Community Gatividiyan,MULAQAT, Promo/Geet13.04.20<strong>09</strong> (MONDAY) Manch by RichaTaai Batai Baat by Richa, Promo/Geet29.04.20<strong>09</strong> (WEDNESDAY)Community Gatividhiyan, Geeton ki Jhankar, Nai- 21.04.20<strong>09</strong> (TUESDAY)6.04.20<strong>09</strong> (MONDAY)Community Gatividhiyan, YOG AUR HUM By RavindraSubha by Punita Awsthi, Promo/Geet, SHAKTI Community Gatividhiyan, Chinta Bachpan BadhtaCommunity Gatividhiyan, Geeton ki Jhankar, Nai-Tripathi, Sehat Mantra By Shilpi, Promo/ Geet,(Rashmi Oberoi ) Garments Shop) by Soma, Baat Bojh By Richa, Manthan by Kavita Srivastava, EKSubha by Kusha Khurana, Promo/Geet, SHUBHDiscover India, Baat Pate ke, Promo/ GeetPate ke, Yuva Manch by Richa MULAQAT, Promo/GeetRATNA, By Vikas Sharma, Shakti ( Mala- Stiching)30.04.20<strong>09</strong> (THURSDAY)14.04.20<strong>09</strong> (TUESDAY) 22.04.20<strong>09</strong> (WEDNESDAY)by Soma, Yuva Manch by Richa Community Gatividhiyan, Chinta Bachpan BadhtaCommunity Gatividhiyan, Break/ promo, GharaundaCommunity Gatividhiyan, YOG AUR HUM By7.04.20<strong>09</strong> (TUESDAY)Bojh By Richa, Manthan by Kavita Srivastava, EK(Vastu) by Soma, promo, Anmol Ratan (Nari ke UtthanRavindra Tripathi, Sehat Mantra by Richa, Baat PateCommunity Gatividhiyan, Community Sangeet, MULAQAT, Promo/Geetaur, Vikas ki Kahani) by Ravindra Tripathi, Nayi Subhake, Discover India, Promo/ Geet, Baat Pate keChinta Bachpan Badhta Bojh By Richa, Manthan by(Based on Adult education) by Kusha Khurana, Baat15.04.20<strong>09</strong> (WEDNESDAY) 23.04.20<strong>09</strong> (THURSDAY)Kavita Srivastava, EK MULAQAT, Special FeaturePate keCommunity Gatividhiyan,YOG AUR HUM By Community Gatividhiyan, Community Sangeet,on Id-ul -milad Ravindra Tripathi, Sehat Mantra by Shilpi, Baat Pate GHARAUNDA (Vastu) by Soma, Promo/ Geet , Anmol8.04.20<strong>09</strong> (WEDNESDAY)ke, Discover India , Promo/ Geet, Baat Pate ke Ratan (Nari ke Utthan aur Vikas ki Kahani) byEvery programme concludes with: Gyan-Anubhav ki Baatein by Mr. Jagdish Gandhi, Preranadayak Geet and Next Day's HighlightsWIYADILLUNIT18ETHEW

ORLORLYADENWEWILL UNITETHEWOD‘Knowledge and Wisdom of the Day’ are vital for success in individual life as well as in thecollective life of Family, Nation and in the World Community — CMSParents and guardians who fulfill the criteria mentioned below, may also applyApril 20<strong>09</strong>(1) gfj esjs ?kj dks ;s oj nksekrk&firk dh lsok gks]HkkbZ&cgu esa fu'Ny I;kj gksvfrfFk fe=ksa dk lnk lRdkj gks]eu esa lHkh ds fy, izse Hkko gksesjh gj /kM+du] cu tk;s iwtu]YADENWEWILL UNITETHEWOD?kj gh esjs fy, rhjFk gksAlc vius gksa] dksbZ uk xSj gks]eu esa fdlh ds fy, }s"k uk cSj gks];s lkjk tx tSls] viuk ?kj gksA6esjh gj /kM+du -----------;w¡ thou dks lQy cukÅ¡ eSagj fnu ,d u;k iq.; dekÅ¡ eSa]esjh gj /kM+du] cu tk;s iwtu?kj gh esjs fy, rhjFk gksA(2) enlZ lk¡xlcesa gks lg;ksx Hkkouk]lcdks lc nsa I;kjAlc pkgsa rks lcds fy;s gks]lq[ke; ;s lalkjAlk¡lksa ds lg;ksx fcuk]iy Hkj u dksbZ Hkh ik,Aizk.k dk tc lg;ksx u gks]ru ekVh esa fey tk;sAvkil dk lgdkj I;kj gh]thou dk gS lkjAlq[ke; gks lalkjAtqvk ugha gS ;s thou]dksbZ gkjs dksbZ thrsAfeydj ,sls ft;ks fd lcdh]g¡lrs xkrs chrs&chrs/kjrh ij lcdks lq[k ls]thus dk gS vf/kdkjlq[ke; gks lalkj(3) ifo= eu j[kksifo= eu j[kks] ifo= ru j[kks]ifo=rk euq";rk dh 'kku gS]tks eu&opu&deZ ls ifo= gSog pfj=oku gh ;gk¡ egku gS----cM+k gh ewY;oku gS rqEgkjk ;s tue&2txr dh deZ Hkwfe esa djks] Hkys dje&2vPNs j[kks fopkj] mRre djks O;ogkj]vkn'kZ O;fDr dh ;gh igpku gS]tks eu&opu&deZ ls ifo= gSog pfj=oku ugh ;gk¡ egku gS----rqe viuh vk¡[k esa ve`r j[ks foey&foeylnk foey&foeyrqEgkjh ok.kh esa ek/kq;Z gks ljy&ljylnk ljy&ljyrqe gksds fufoZdkj] lcdk djks lrdkj];s tUe rqEgkjk bfErgku gS]tks eu&opu&deZ ls ifo= gSog pfj=oku ugh ;gk¡ egku gS----One month long Children's International Campconcludes at CMS, Kanpur Road CampusCISV Delegates from 13 countries pray for victims ofterrorist attack in Mumbai during the Open DaythThe 14 Children's International Summer Village(CISV) Camp "One Dream One Village" was held atCISV Building, CMS Kanpur Road Campus fromDecember 28, 2008 to January 24, 20<strong>09</strong>. Over60 participants which included children of 11 to 12years of age, Junior Counsellors, leaders from 13 countries, namely; (1) Brazil, (2) Canada, (3) Costa Rica, (4)Den<strong>mar</strong>k, (5) Finland, (6) France, (7) Germany, (8) Italy, (9) Japan, (10) Norway, (11) Sweden, (12) USA and(13) India participated and received valuable lessons in world unity and world peace.CMS has been organizing these international children's camps for giving children, from all over the world, anopportunity to live and learn together, thus realizing that people all over the world are the same and that thethbarriers of nationhood and regionalism are only man-made. 10 January, 20<strong>09</strong> was celebrated as the 'OpenDay' with these participants showcasing the unique culture and ethos through their presentations of dances,folk songs and drama. CISV camps also serve to promote global values of cross-cultural understanding andinternational living. CMS children, parents and teachers who are associated with CISV have always been full ofpraise for the great learning experience that CISV gives them, thus making them aware of world problems andhow one can surmount them with love and understanding.Former President of India, Dr APJ Abdul Kalam hasone to one interaction with CMS studentsFormer President of India Dr APJ Kalam has been a source of inspirationto the entire nation. While appreciating the CMS Republic Day Tableau atCMS Kanpur Road on 14 February 20<strong>09</strong>, the former President explainedthe key to success to the students and said that India's noble culture,ancient tradition and unique constitution are based on the concept ofVasudhaiv Kutumbkam. Spending a good amount of quality time with thestudents who had gathered at the WUCC Auditorium to welcome him DrKalam enthusiastically participated in an interactive session with them.India’s missile man interacting with a budding scientist Deeply concerned with the current conditions of the world, CMS studentsspecifically asked questions about the role they could play in ensuring asafer future for themselves and for generations yet-to-be-born. DrKalam was more than happy to share his vision for a better and safer India and the world. Dr Kalam said that no countryshould possess 'Veto Power'. We need a new world order to curb and fight global terrorism. This close interaction greatlyencouraged and inspired CMS students to learn more about their country, the world and the responsibilities that they wouldhave to shoulder in future. They felt motivated to work for the good of humankind by improving themselves and realizing thatthey have a very important role to play in the grand scheme of the world.fo'o ,drk lRlaxLFkku% flVh eksUVsljh Ldwy] xkserhuxj ¼fo'kky [k.M&2½]y[kuÅA le; % izR;sd jfookj izkr% 10 ls 11-30 cts rdfiz; cU/kq] vkidks ;g tkudj g"kZ gksxk fd izR;sd jfookj dksizkr% 10 ls 11-30 cts rd flVh eksUVsljh Ldwy] xkserhuxj¼fo'kky [k.M&2½ ds vkWMhVksfj;e esa fo'o ,drk lRlaxdk vk;kstu fd;k tkrk gSA vki lHkh lknj vkefU=r gSaAHkonh;] v:.k f=ikBh] la;kstdJherh oUnuk xkSM+] la;ksftdk;s jke vkSj eksgEen dh ikou /kjrhtks HksnHkko fdlh ds Hkh lkFk u djrhukud ds xk;s xhr] bZlk dh ;gh lh[klc ijefirk dh lUrku gStks eu&opu&deZ ls ifo= gSog pfj=oku ugh ;gk¡ egku gS-----Jh txnh'k xka/kh }kjk fyf[kr fuEu iqLrdsaLo;a i

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