Framatome ANP - AREVA

Framatome ANP - AREVA

Framatome ANP - AREVA


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DevelopmentGerald Doucetor because of regulations to internalizeCO 2 and emissions waste managementcosts in the price of energy servicesbased on fossil fuels – nuclear powercould benefit, in relative terms.Growing awareness of rationalcriteria regarding the economics,security/reliability and environmentalperformance favor nuclear’s significantrebirth when present power plants arereplaced in the 2010-20 period.It is a foregone conclusion that up to2020, global reliance on fossil fuelsand large hydro will remain strong,albeit with special emphasis on therole of natural gas and efficient,cleaner fossil fuel systems. However,total reliance on these energy sourcesto satisfy the growing electricitydemand is not sustainable. Whilesome question the future of nuclearpower, many believe its role needsto be stabilized, with the aim ofpossible future extensions, and thatefforts to develop intrinsically safe,affordable nuclear technology needto be encouraged.WEC’s research and global studieslead us to believe that nuclear energywill play an essential role in electricityproduction and in strategies againstglobal warming. For base-load electricitygeneration, one of the most effectivemeans currently available to reduceCO 2 emissions is nuclear power.Countries with the highest proportionof nuclear and/or hydropower havethe lowest CO 2 emissions per kWh.Nuclear energy has advantages interms of global warming, cost stabilityand high capacity factors that make itcompatible with the goals of sustainabledevelopment for tomorrow’s world.WEC continues to address theseand other key energy issues throughour Work Program. Our study on“Drivers of the Energy Scene,”dueout later this year, will guide fourother WEC studies on market reform,technologies, life cycle analysis andclimate change to be published in2004. WEC also carries out a seriesof six technical services, includingpower plant performance andour GHG Emissions ReductionsDatabase, with nearly 1.96 Gt ofcurrent total emissions reductionstored in the database. For moreinformation, visit our GlobalEnergy Information System atwww.worldenergy.org. ■Advanced Nuclear Power N O 7 April 2003 5

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