Framatome ANP - AREVA

Framatome ANP - AREVA

Framatome ANP - AREVA


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SIPPING16: BWR Fuel Inspectionin World Record TimeThe SIPPING16 system developedby <strong>Framatome</strong> <strong>ANP</strong> in Germanyfor detecting leaking fuel in BWR coreshas now been deployed with greatsuccess at three German nuclear powerplant units. Measurements of reactorcoolant activity levels following thesipping tests at these plants verifiedthat all fuel assemblies containing fuelleakers had been identified bySIPPING16, thus confirming thesystem’s excellent reliability. Customershave made a point of stressing howsatisfied they are with the featuresof this innovative system.At the twin-unit BWR plantGundremmingen B and C, theSIPPING16 system supplied by<strong>Framatome</strong> <strong>ANP</strong> enabled all 784 fuelassemblies in each of the reactors to beinspected in just 16 hours – a worldrecord for inspections of this kind.This short inspection time was madepossible by the system’s sipping hoodthat allows up to 16 fuel assemblies tobe tested simultaneously for leaktightnessin just one operation. Thesystem also has been successfullydeployed on two occasions at theKrümmel BWR plant with a core of840 fuel assemblies.Special Requirementsfor Different CoreConfigurationsPlants with core configurations similarto that of the German BWR unit Isar 1can likewise use the SIPPING16 hoodfor sipping all of their fuel, with theexception of the 12 fuel assemblieslocated on the core periphery. These 12are inspected using <strong>Framatome</strong> <strong>ANP</strong>’sMAST SIPPING technique, deployeduntil recently only in PWRs, thatutilizes the same control and measuringequipment as the SIPPING16 system.Sipping hood being disconnected from refueling platform mastafter completion of sipping tests.A MAST SIPPING has now beenqualified for use in BWR plants, too.BWR plant operators can leak-testall of their fuel assemblies, evenin cores with different peripheralconfigurations using just one system:the SIPPING16 system with anintegral MAST SIPPING module.Market ProspectsSIPPING16, now a yardstickthroughout the world in terms ofminimized BWR fuel inspection timescombined with maximum reliability,has attracted more new customers.Isar 1, for example, also wishes tobenefit from these time savings duringits 2003 refueling outage and hasawarded <strong>Framatome</strong> <strong>ANP</strong> acorresponding contract.The Japanese utility Tokyo ElectricPower Company (TEPCO) hascommissioned <strong>Framatome</strong> <strong>ANP</strong>to study the feasibility of deployingSIPPING16 in its ABWR plants.With its fleet of 17 units, TEPCO isthe world’s largest operator of BWRnuclear power plants. ■Benefits of SIPPING16:• Significant savings in time and personneldue to reduction in inspection timefrom around 50 to 16 hours• Inspection results are calculated on-lineafter degassing water samples removedfrom each fuel assembly inserted ina core. The results are available aftereach sipping hood placement• Sipping tests can be carried outroutinely from the refueling platformusing a sipping hood for up to 16fuel assemblies at a time• Fully automatic system control, aswell as on-line data acquisition andprocessing, reduce workload forinspection personnel• By measuring water-soluble fissionproducts contained in grap watersamples, independent results from gasmeasurements are achievable. Thesesamples are considered as a referenceAdvanced Nuclear Power N O 7 April 2003 15

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