President's Message -

President's Message - President's Message -

AAARAD 2007-2008 Board of Directors2007-2008Board ofDirectorsPresident:President Elect:Secretary:Treasurer:Members-at-Large:Past President:Mike Cortegiano, SUNY at Stony BrookMarty Bledsoe, Johns Hopkins HospitalCathy Garzio, University of California-San FranciscoCarl Nickerson, BIH/Harvard Medical SchoolBlair Faber, Northwestern UniversitySandra Stein, Yale UniversityAdel Mata, University of Texas, San AntonioRichard Pierce, University of Alabama- BirminghamMary Bobel, Stanford UniversityMargaret Birrenkott, University of Wisconsin-MadisonAs your Board of Directors, we will continue to hold monthly conference calls to discussEducational programs, strategies to increase our membership, and how to further developour association to meet the needs of our membership. The Board will meet this Fall in Banff,Alberta, Canada to continue the dialogue and set goals for the next year.You will receive a brochure for our Fall joint SCARD/AAARAD meeting with the Chairmen to beheld October 3-6, 2007 in Banff, Alberta, Canada. The AAARAD meeting will be held onOctober 3 rd . The format for the meeting will be a full-day educational session of AAARAD topicsfor our members preceding the SCARD meeting. There will be separate registrations for thesetwo meetings.We hope you will attend, as both promise to be great programs. Please remember you musthave a valid passport to enter and leave Canada.Carl Nickerson, Blair Faber, Brian Chiago, Marty Bledsoe,Sandra Stein, Mike Cortegiano, Margaret Birrenkott, Adel Mata.Left-right: Ric

AAARAD Comparative Income Statements: FY06 to the PRESENTAAARADFinancialStatementACCOUNTS FY 2007/08 FY 2006/07 FY 2005/06INCOME:@ 5/15/07DUES (2) (3) (5) $ - $ 8,500 $ 7,300AAARAD FALL MEETING REGISTRATION(1) 6,020 8,000MEETING SPONSORSHIP (4) 2,200 2,000MGMA GRANT (WEB SITE) 1,000 1,000MGMA GRANT (BOARD RETREAT)MISCELLANEOUS CREDIT 106APA ASIG HONORARIUMAAARAD SPRING MEETINGREGISTRATION 4,440 3,205JOB LISTING ON AAARRO WEB 200TOTAL INCOME - 22,266 21,705EXPENSES:AAARAD-FALL MEETING COSTS (1) (4) 5,456 3,524AAARAD-FALL GROUP DINNER (1) (4) 500 6,336AAARAD-BOARD MEETING COSTS 209 393WEB SITE-START UPWEB OPERATING COSTS 205 3,313 3,288SURVEY EXPENSE 60AAARAD SPRING MEETING COSTS 3,616 180AAARAD SPRING GROUP DINNER 1,700BOARD RETREAT-DALLASMEMBER AWARDSMEMBER DIRECTORY 179MISCELLANEOUS (6) 856BANK FEES 72CONFERENCE CALLS-BOARD 594 429TOTAL EXPENSES 205 14,603 16,101NET INCOME (LOSS)-CURRENT YEAR (205) 7,663 5,604CASH BALANCE BEG'G OF YEAR 40,005 32,342 26,738CASH BALANCE END OF YEAR$39,800 $ 40,005 $ 32,342AAARAD/SCARD meetings were held in the following locations: FY 00/01 = New York City;FY 01/02 = San Francisco; FY 02/03 =MIA; FY 03/04=VAN; FY04/05=MD; FY 05/06 CA; FY06/07 VTCurrent member total = 85Immediate Past President Address

Dear Colleagues:<strong>Message</strong> fromMargaretGreat work &many thanksIt was my honor to serve as AAARAD President for the past year. We all know the value of teamwork, andthe Board of Directors who served with me made this year a wonderful experience and enabled theassociation to accomplish many goals. Despite being already busy with their ‘day jobs’, they provided mewith amazing support and committee work, and I learned much from each of them. My sincere thank youto the following individuals: Mike Cortegiano (SUNY), who lent an ear and gave great feedback (and kept the chocolate flowing!). Marty Bledsoe (Johns Hopkins), who had Board minutes e-mailed practically before we hung upthe phone. Carl Nickerson (Beth Israel Deaconess), who keeps our finances <strong>org</strong>anized and all paperworkappropriately filed Sandy Stein (Yale), for her great work in implementing the Survey Monkey tool and gettingresults to us so efficiently. Blair Faber (Northwestern), who continues to keep our website updated and presentations posted. Adel Mata (Univ. of Texas-San Antonio) for editing the newsletter and bringing a new flair withpictures and other formatting changes (look for more to come!). Cathy Garzio (Univ. of Ca-San Francisco) and Brian Chiango (Brigham and Womens’-Harvard)for developing new member packets and notifications, orientation meetings, and follow-up phonecalls. Past presidents Valerie Light (Univ. of Arizona-Tucson) for her mentorship and Marsha Bennett(Saint Louis Univ.) for participating in Board conference calls to guide the transition.We welcome Rich Pierce (Univ. of Alabama-Birmingham) and Mary Bobel (Stanford) to theAAARAD Board and look forward to having them serve on the Board as Members-At-Largeand Co-Chairs of the Membership Committee.Sincerely,Margaret BirrenkottUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonCopley Place, Boston MassachusettsAAARAD/APA 2007 Spring Meeting

Meeting Info& FeedbackAAARAD PROGRAM SURVEY RESULTSSpring Meeting, April 21, 22, 2007Boston MarriotTOTAL NUMBER OF RESPONSES: 20 (30 attendees)If you are a new member and youattended the meeting, please rate Very Good Good Average Poorthe following and comment.New member mentoring/orientation: 1 5 2 0Comments:Educational Sessions Very Good Good Average PoorFuture of Radiology: Physicians,Technologists and Funds Flow in2007 (Presenter: James Rawson, MD)Value of Topic 14 5 1 0Content 11 7 1 0Balanced Scorecard: Case Studies(Presenters: Brenda Izzi)Value of Topic 15 4 0 0Content 14 3 1 0Practice Updates(Presenter: Sherry Elliott, MikeCortegiano, Margaret Birrenkott)Value of Topic 15 4 0 0Content 14 4 0 0ACR Update(Presenter: William Thorwarth, MD)Value of Topic 18 2 0 0Content 17 2 1 0Vendor Presentation: Commissure(Presenter: Keith Dreyer, MD)Value of Topic 16 3 1 0Content 16 3 1 0Comment:Vendor Presentation: Coderyte, Inc.(Presenter: MeCelle Walker)Value of Topic 10 5 4 1Content 8 7 5 0Comment:Hot Topics in Group Discussions Very Good Good Average PoorValue of Topics 8 5 1 0Content 9 3 0 0Please comment on the Hot Topics format. Do Yes No Otheryou prefer:Hot Topics presented in a more formal2 7 0presentation?Hot Topics as an open discussion with a facilitator? 9 0 0Hot Topics as large group or small groupdiscussion? Large = 3,General Comments:• Vendor content should be approved by the Program Committee.• Commissure presentation was fine; CodeRyte inappropriate and too long• Another wonderful program!• Good meeting, relevant information provided by good presenters• Need more social/networking time• Maybe have a 45 minute lunch in another room (round tables)• Just a short business meeting either first thing or last thing in the day• Thank you• Lunch should not be in the same room as the meeting. Noise of setup andcleanup disconcerting• Good job, excellent topic and speakers

New MembersNew MembersWe extend a warm welcome to AAARAD’s new members and wish thosemembers who have moved on much success! If you are making a change, pleasecontact Mary Bobel or Rich Pierce via e-mail at or rcpierce@uabmc.eduRobert CollichioSteven GainesElizabeth LozanoBrian McKeeAndrew MenardThomas NewmanSharon SambitoUniversity of North Carolina - Chapel HillUniversity of Texas Medical BranchUniversity of Colorado – Denver HealthChildren’s Hospital of PhiladelphiaBrigham & Women’s HospitalUniversity of Pittsburgh Medical CenterUMASS Memorial Medical CenterBrief Overview of the History of AARADThe concept for the Association of Administrators in Academic Radiology departments was initiallyformed at the 1988 Academic Practice Assembly (APA) meeting in Boston, where a set of By Lawswas developed. Membership originally included administrators from both Diagnostic Radiology andRadiation Oncology departments. Because of that collaboration, the Association at that time wasknown as the Association of Administrators in Academic Radiology and Radiation Oncology (AAARRO).The impetus for creating the <strong>org</strong>anization was to bring together academic colleagues who regularlyattended the annual APA meeting and to establish a network for collaboration among diagnosticimaging and radiation oncology management and business professionals in academic medicine.In 2004, after discussion with membership, it was determined that AAARRO would move forward witha diagnostic radiology focus. Both groups mutually agreed to disengage as a joint group and formseparate associations. The diagnostic radiology group was renamed the Association of Administratorsin Academic Radiology or AAARAD.In addition, regular interaction with the Society of Chairs of Academic Radiology Departments (SCARD)(website: www.scardweb.<strong>org</strong>) is an important objective of AAARAD.AAARAD is also a member of the Medical Group Management Association's Council of Academic SpecialInterest Groups (ASIG). The Academic Special Interest Groups (ASIG) Council was established by MGMAin 1989 as a commitment to APA members working in medical school departmentsPrimary Objectives of AAARADAAARAD's primary goals are to encourage member-to-member networking, foster greater professionalcollaboration with departmental Chairs, and create management education opportunities foradministrators and business professionals specializing in the management of academic radiology.Survey/Information Exchange is a basic objective of our <strong>org</strong>anization. Recently the <strong>org</strong>anizationimplemented the use of a new process using SurveyMonkey. Email This hasbeen a valuable tool. Following are recent surveys that have been done. The results are on theAAARAD web site.Residency Program SupportClinical Income ClassificationGrant Support LimitsBilling ConsultantsScheduling System for ResidentsForeign Medical Graduate CredentialingPricing for Corporate Sponsored ResearchHospital Support for Teaching & AdministrationRadiochemistry Production FacilitiesOverhead for Billing and CollectionsTHESE ARE JUST A FEW AND REFLECT THE OPPORTUNIES FOR THE SHARING OF INFORMATION.Be sure to “check out the AAARAD Web site for a complete history of AAARAD and otherInteresting information.

UpcomingMeetingsUpcoming Events 2007AAARAD/SCARD 2007 Fall MeetingOctober 3-6, 2007Fairmont Banff Springs, Banff, Alberta, CanadaRBMA 2007 Fall Educational ConferenceSeptember 16-18, 2007Nashville Convention Center, Nashville, TennesseeRadiological Society of North AmericaNovember 25-30, 2007McCormick Place, Chicago, Ill.Upcoming Event 2008AAARAD/APA 2008 Spring MeetingMarch 29, 2008 (APA Meeting starts March 30 th )Disney Contemporary Resort, Orlando, FloridaWe Want to Hear From You!Have you read a good management book or other interesting article that you wantto share with the membership? We would like to list those in the next newsletter.Send your “Recommended Readings” to Adel Mata, Editor, at mata@uthscsa.eduAdel MataAdministrator, Department of Radiology, MC 7800The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio7703 Floyd Curl Drive,San Antonio, TX 78229-3900 Phone: (210) 567 5558 Fax: (210) 567 5556Newsletter Committee:Adel Mata, Editor: mata@uthscsa.eduMargaret Birrenkott: mbirrenkott@uwhealth.<strong>org</strong>

AAARAD News is published twice annually after the FallAAARAD/SCARD meeting and after the Spring APA meeting.Submissions for the newsletter should include a contactname and phone number. E-mail submissions preferred.Past PresidentsSome of your Past PresidentsLeft to right: Sherry Elliott, Marsha Bennett, Greg Strickland, Valerie Light, Margaret BirrenkottOur mission is to improve health care delivery, education, and research inAcademic Radiology by promoting the concept of professional managementand by providing a forum for discussion of common management issuesand interest with other academic <strong>org</strong>anizations in Academic Radiology.

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