St Al Prospectus 2012.indd - St Aloysius Catholic College

St Al Prospectus 2012.indd - St Aloysius Catholic College St Al Prospectus 2012.indd - St Aloysius Catholic College
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prospectushandbookfor parents

<strong>St</strong> <strong>Al</strong>oysius <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>College</strong> aims to provide a caring and supportive environment,where students are encouraged to grow in faith within a <strong>Catholic</strong> community andto develop their potential.We will endeavour to promote within our community a strong sense of belongingin an atmosphere, which recognises the important role staff and parents play inthe education of our students.As a learning community, we will promote life-long learning by providing a studentcentredcurriculum, which aims to equip <strong>St</strong> <strong>Al</strong>oysius students with the necessaryknowledge and skills for learning now and in the future.MISSIONWe are a Christ-centred community.We are inspired to be a role model of Christian behaviour, attitudes and values.We are called to provide a high quality, balanced curriculum.We aim to be inclusive by being a welcoming community, respecting the dignityof all and by advocating the values of the Gospel.We serve through our involvement in justice and outreach programs.We nurture the formation of our students and support the development of future leaders.We collaborate effectively as a <strong>College</strong> community – staff, parents, students and Parish.We encourage• Spiritual formation.• Self-confi dence.• Critical thinking.• Self-discipline.• Responsibility.• A balanced and healthy life.We foster a school spirit which refl ects loyalty, respect, love, forgiveness and reconciliation.THECOLLEGE CRESTThe cross and the star are distinctive symbols of our <strong>Catholic</strong> heritage. The lily isa symbol of our Patron, Saint <strong>Al</strong>oysius, and of our founding order, the Sisters of Charity.Our <strong>College</strong> colours refl ect our tradition and our future as a <strong>Catholic</strong> Kindergarten toYear 10 <strong>College</strong> in the Kingborough municipality.THECOLLEGE MOTTOSTRIVE, BELIEVE, ACHIEVE

ABOUT USWe aim to foster the development and practice of <strong>Catholic</strong>values. We provide a sensitive and caring approach to education,within a safe environment, in which all studentswill have the opportunity to reach their full potential.We aim to foster self-esteem, self-confi dence and respect forthe gifts and needs of each individual and an awareness of theunique contribution each can make to the <strong>College</strong> community.Underpinning all is the value we place on the personal andspiritual development of each student.We aim to provide a high quality, balanced education in whichall students will be able to develop a wide range of talents andinterests through participation in:• A Religious Education program based on the ArchdiocesanCurriculum “Good News for Living” that focuses on thestudents’ growth in knowledge, skills and attitudes.• A Learning and Teaching Program based on the Early YearsOUR PARISHFramework and the Australian Curriculum. This encompassesareas of English, Mathematics, Science and History,Geography, Arts and Languages. The Australian Curriculumalso has ten general capabilities: literacy, numeracy, ICT,thinking skills, ethical behaviour, creativity, self-management,team work, intercultural understanding and social competence.• An Outdoor Education Program that provides a wide rangeof experience for the students.• A Health and Physical Education and sporting programthat provides a variety of experiences in fi tness, skillsand team sports.• Educational Support programs that enhance learningopportunities for children across the educational spectrum.• Participation in all aspects of the Creative Arts, includingMusic, Dance, Drama and Visual Arts.“Let the little children come to me, and donot hinder them, for the kingdom of Godbelongs to such as these.” Mark 10: 14The Kingston-Channel <strong>Catholic</strong> Parishwelcomes all members of the <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Al</strong>oysius<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>College</strong> community to join inthe life of the Parish. The <strong>College</strong> andParish are intrinsically linked. This link issupported by the active involvement ofthe Parish Priest in the <strong>College</strong> and thework of the Pastoral Associate.“Emphasise that the college is an integralpart of the evangelising mission of theparish and broader <strong>Catholic</strong> community.”Archbishop’s Charter for <strong>Catholic</strong> Schools,Point 2.The Parish provides students, familiesand staff with opportunities to strengthentheir understanding of faith and to deepentheir personal relationship with God.FAITH/SPIRITUAL LINKS:Weekday Masses: <strong>St</strong>udents on bothcampuses have the opportunity toparticipate in Parish weekday Masses ona regular basis. <strong>St</strong>udents at Huntingfi eldhost the Parish Mass of the day once aweek in the <strong>College</strong> Chapel and studentson this campus can attend weekly Masson a voluntary basis.<strong>College</strong>/Parish Masses: Once a term,students, staff and families are involvedin a Sunday Parish Mass. This is awonderful opportunity for the <strong>College</strong>and Parish to celebrate together as onecommunity of faith.Sacramental Program: The ParishSacramental Team supports families andthe <strong>College</strong> in preparing students for theSacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation,First Communion and Confi rmation. Thestudents and their families celebratethese Sacraments as a part of theParish community.Reconciliation Services: During Lent andAdvent, students and parents have theopportunity to receive the Sacrament ofReconciliation with members of theParish community in a daytime servicein the church.SOCIAL LINKS:“Expertise should be sought and invitedfrom parishioners to assist in curriculumand programs that support studentconnection with the Christiancommunity.” Archbishop’s Charterfor <strong>Catholic</strong> Schools, Point 2Volunteers: Members of the Parishcommunity volunteer on a regular basisat both campuses of our <strong>College</strong>. Theseparishioners are involved in a number ofareas, including literacy and numeracyprograms, mentoring programs, busdriving and other areas where required.The parishioners are a valuable resourceto the <strong>College</strong> and the staff and studentsvalue the time, skills and commitmentof these volunteers.Exchange of information: The connectionbetween the <strong>College</strong> and Parish isstrengthened by the regular exchangeof information in both the <strong>College</strong>newsletter and Parish bulletin. Keyevents in both communities are promotedand opportunities for assistanceand participation are advertised andsupported.03

WHATSTUDENTSCAN EXPECT FROM THE COLLEGE• A deeper and more personalunderstanding of God.• An atmosphere of practical faiththrough their actions towards others.• An understanding of themselves asindividuals in society, together withits advantages and responsibilities.• An atmosphere in which <strong>Catholic</strong>values are modelled.• Opportunities for children to participatein the liturgical life of the Church.• A personal interest in and concern fortheir children.• Sound educational programs to meetthe needs of individual children.• The opportunity to exercise personalinitiative and responsibility.• An increasing self-awareness of therole of self-discipline in their growth.WHATPARENTSCAN EXPECT FROM THE COLLEGE• Comprehensive and regular reportson the progress of their children.• Ongoing formal and informalcommunication between staffand parents.• Advance notice of <strong>College</strong> activitiesand adjustment to routines.• Loyalty to <strong>College</strong> families.WHATTHE COLLEGECAN EXPECT FROM PARENTS• An adherence to <strong>Catholic</strong> valuesas exemplifi ed in Christian livingand worship.• The responsibility to support, byguidance and encouragement, the<strong>Catholic</strong> ethos of the <strong>College</strong>.• Co-operation in <strong>College</strong> activities andsupport and enforcement of <strong>College</strong>policies and procedures.• Loyalty from <strong>College</strong> families.• The responsibility for the due paymentof tuition fees.• Support for staff in the educationof their children.04

COLLEGEPERSONNELTHE PARISH PRIESTThe role of the Parish Priest in the lifeof a Parish school, such as <strong>St</strong> <strong>Al</strong>oysius,incorporates the following:1. The Parish Priest is the pastor ofthe Parish community of which the<strong>College</strong> is an important part. Heexercises his care by his presence,encouragement and guidance to eachmember of the community.2. The Parish Priest is the liturgicalleader of the Parish. In this role,he gives assistance to staff inthe formation of liturgical andsacramental programs.3. As an ex-offi cio member of the<strong>College</strong> Board, he works withthe Principal to carry outArchdiocesan directives.Fr Chris HopeParish PriestChrist the Priest PresbyteryJindabyne RoadKingston Beach 7050Telephone: 6229 1280THE PRINCIPALAt <strong>St</strong> <strong>Al</strong>oysius <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>College</strong>, theindividual needs of each student are ofutmost importance. It is the Principal’srole to ensure that the <strong>College</strong> is aplace where individual needs are met,where each student grows spiritually,intellectually, physically, emotionally andsocially and where he/she is assistedin his/her steps towards maturity. ThePrincipal leads the staff in preparingstudents for life and, in particular, for lifein the <strong>Catholic</strong> community.The Principal is ultimately responsible for:1. The promotion and expressionof <strong>Catholic</strong> values and attitudes.2. The welfare of staff and students.3. The supervision and quality ofeducation at the school.4. The implementation of educationalprograms.5. The availability of appropriatefacilities.6. Internal administration and financialmanagement.7. The development and maintenanceof accurate records in the <strong>College</strong>.8. The promotion of good communicationbetween the <strong>College</strong> and theArchdiocese, the Tasmanian <strong>Catholic</strong>Education Offi ce, the Parish Priest,the parents, the Parish community,government and local authorities.The Principal has ultimate responsibilityfor positive behaviour support, staff,curriculum and fi nance.DIRECTORS OF CAMPUSThe Directors of Campus are responsiblefor the supervision and efficientmanagement of the day-to-day activitiesof the Campus. This role encompassesresponsibility for the promotion andintegration of the religious dimension ofthe <strong>Catholic</strong> school into all dimensionsof the <strong>College</strong> community. The Directorof Campus has responsibility for studentguidance and welfare, positive behavioursupport, leadership in teaching andlearning and curriculum directions,administrative and timetable organisation.The Director has a vital role in fosteringpositive student/teacher and parent/teacher relationship with accountabilityfor academic and social developmentwithin the school.DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUSEDUCATIONThe Director of Religious Educationsupports the mission of the <strong>Catholic</strong>Church and the mission and vision of <strong>St</strong><strong>Al</strong>oysius <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>College</strong> by nurturing theformation of students and staff throughthe expression and integration of <strong>Catholic</strong>beliefs and Gospel values in all aspects of<strong>College</strong> life. In the tradition of <strong>St</strong> <strong>Al</strong>oysiusGonzaga and the Sisters of Charity, theDirector supports, through personalexample and integrity, a lived experienceof Gospel values in a <strong>Catholic</strong> educationalenvironment. The Director works withthe Principal and the <strong>College</strong> LeadershipTeam across both campuses to foster thesupportive relationships within the staffand lead staff in faith development.06

BUSINESS MANAGERThe Business Manager is primarilyresponsible for the <strong>College</strong>’s businessfunctions including fi nancial,administrative and property management.The Business Manager will deliverthe framework for, implement controlmeasures and report on the <strong>College</strong>’sbusiness plan in order to meet importantorganisational strategies.PASTORAL ASSOCIATEThe Pastoral Associate plays a key role inhelping to set the pastoral direction of the<strong>College</strong>, particularly in establishing strongcollaborative and consultative links withthe Kingston-Channel <strong>Catholic</strong> Parish. Therole of the Pastoral Associate includes:1. Fostering positive relationshipsbetween the <strong>College</strong> and Parishcommunity.2. Providing opportunities to enablenew staff, students and families feelwelcome at the <strong>College</strong>.3. Supporting parishioners in theirinvolvement in the <strong>College</strong>.4. Co-ordinating pastoral programs forstudents including leadership trainingand buddy programs.5. Nurturing the spirituality and faithdevelopment of staff, studentsand families, including supportingchildren in their preparation for thesacraments.6. Assisting students in theirinvolvement in outreach activities,including co-ordinating student groupsthat will work with organisations suchas the <strong>St</strong> Vincent de Paul Society.CO-ORDINATOR OFTEACHING AND LEARNINGThe Co-ordinator of Teaching andLearning is responsible for leading andco-ordinating curriculum initiatives,professional learning and curriculumplanning and development on theKingston Campus. This incorporates:1. Co-ordinating the AustralianCurriculum through collaborativeplanning processes.2. <strong>St</strong>ructuring professional learningand planning sessions enabling staffto foster collegial and collaborativeteaching and learning practices.3. Promoting and leading staff inongoing development of knowledgeand practice of appropriate, currentpedagogy.4. Engaging and leading staff in ongoingreview and development of learningand teaching programs, assessmentand reporting policies, practices andprocedures.5. Co-ordinating student moderation,assessment and reporting procedures,timelines and packages.6. Advising staff of curriculum resourcesrequired to implement the curriculumand arranging for the organisation ofresources to enable effective learningand teaching programs that providefor the learning needs of all students.COLLEGE LEADERSHIP TEAMThe <strong>College</strong> Leadership Team consists ofthe Principal, the two Campus Directors,the Director of Religious Education, theCo-ordinator of Teaching and Learning,the Pastoral Associate and the Principal’sProfessional Assistant. The LeadershipTeam is charged with determining policyand direction for the <strong>College</strong>’s educationalprograms. The Team collaborateswith staff to provide meaningful andstimulating learning programs for thestudents. Each campus also has a CampusLeadership Team.07

COLLEGEPERSONNELTEACHING STAFFThe primary role of the teacher is to beresponsible, in a professional way, for theeducation of the students. Other facets ofthe role are:1. To promote and develop the growthin faith and <strong>Catholic</strong> ideals in thestudents, through example andinstruction.2. To create and maintain an attractive,happy and secure environment so thatpositive learning may take place.3. To show genuine concern for eachstudent in his/her care, catering forindividual needs as much as possible.4. To be contributing members of theprofessional body, sharing teachingstrategies, collaborating, co-operatingand striving mutually to achieve theobjectives of the <strong>College</strong>.5. To be involved in ongoing personaland professional learning anddevelopment.6. To present a professionalism thatdemonstrates clear programs andorganisation.7. To show mutual concern andprofessional loyalty towards thePrincipal and other staff members.8. To create an atmosphere inwhich parents feel welcome andcomfortable in approaching theteaching staff in matters relating totheir children.9. To maintain positive channelsof communication with parents.10. To be fl exible in planning andclassroom management.ADMINISTRATIVE STAFFThe <strong>College</strong> Offi ce is the base foradministrative operations and providesservices to members of the <strong>College</strong>community including:1. Processing school tuition fees,levy payments and camp fees.2. Lodgement and processing of variousapplication/information forms.3. Provision of first aid to ill or injuredstudents.4. Recording and following up of studentabsences.5. Preparation of the <strong>College</strong> newsletter.6. Collection and distribution ofinformation.7. Collection of monies for variousschool sponsored activities.8. Enrolment enquiries.9. Assistance of a financial nature.10. Provision of general assistanceand information as required.MAINTENANCE STAFFMaintenance staff provide assistancein the upkeep of <strong>College</strong> buildings andgrounds, ensuring that the physicalpresentation of the <strong>College</strong> complementsthe learning and teaching programs inthe classrooms.TEACHER ASSISTANTSTeacher Assistants assist with thelearning and teaching programs of the<strong>College</strong>. Each Kindergarten class hasa Teacher Assistant to assist with theparticular needs of Kindergarten studentsin learning, in play-based activities andin general support with the managementof resources. Teacher Assistants provideclassroom support for teachers. TeacherAssistants also work in the EducationalSupport Program, providing assistance:1. In literacy programs.2. To students, who are funded throughAustralian Government SpecialEducation Programs.3. In motor skills and speech therapyprograms.4. In Middle School and Senior Schoolspecialist programs.08

PARENT GROUPSST ALOYSIUS CATHOLICCOLLEGE BOARDThis is an advisory board to the Principaland assists in matters of fi nance, capitalworks, building and maintenance andgeneral policy. The <strong>College</strong> Board meetsmonthly and its membership includes thePrincipal, the Parish Priest and membersof the <strong>College</strong> community. Major capitalworks, fi nancial oversight and strategicplanning are the important focus of the<strong>College</strong> Board.ST ALOYSIUS CATHOLICCOLLEGE PARENTS ANDFRIENDS ASSOCIATIONThe Association is made up of membersof the <strong>College</strong> community who are vitallyinterested in the best possible facilitiesand educational opportunities for thestudents at <strong>St</strong> <strong>Al</strong>oysius. As well asraising funds for major school projectsthrough traditional means such as the<strong>College</strong>/Parish Fair, the Associationis involved with the operation of the<strong>College</strong> through its liaison with the<strong>College</strong> Board and acts as a forum for theexchange of ideas between the <strong>College</strong>and the wider community.VOLUNTEER ASSISTANCEAn important aspect of the learningand teaching programs at <strong>St</strong> <strong>Al</strong>oysius isthe role of parents/guardians and othervolunteers who assist in the educationalprograms of the <strong>College</strong>. We value andappreciate the skills, talents, specialinterests and time that volunteers canshare with the students in the classrooms.This assistance may include helping inclassroom learning activities, canteenand assisting on excursions and camps.Together we can ensure that the studentswith whom we work will reap the benefitsof their presence in the classroom. Ifyou are interested in volunteering at the<strong>College</strong>, please register your interest ateither <strong>College</strong> Office.<strong>Al</strong>l volunteers are required to undertakea Police Check. Forms for this process areavailable from each Campus Offi ce.09

COLLEGECURRICULUMRELIGIOUS EDUCATIONAs a <strong>Catholic</strong> Christian <strong>College</strong>, theReligious Education program is centralto our ethos as a faith community. Fullparticipation in the Religious Educationprogram is integral to the conditionsof enrolment. Religious Education isconcerned with the development of faith.It is based on the following foundationalbeliefs:• Religious Education is an essentialfunction of the Church.• The skills and discovery, wonder andrefl ection are needed by those involvedin Religious Education.• Religious Education is an educationalprocess that is both comprehensiveand systematic.Religious Education is seen as an areain the curriculum which brings togethermany other disciplines and aspects oflife and therefore fosters a sense ofbelonging in the life of the Church throughrelationship with Jesus Christ, withothers, and in God’s world by assistingstudents to understand and participate inthe process of revelation and faith.Religious Education involves the use ofreason, skills, knowledge and experienceand helps the student to becomefamiliar with the rich variety of religiousexperience, savour it, refl ect on andanalyse it and so to participate activelyin it. RE units designed for each YearLevel are part of a sequential program inline with the Archdiocesan “Good Newsfor Living” curriculum. This curriculumcomplements the Parish sacramentalprograms which are family centred,Parish-based and <strong>College</strong> supported. <strong>St</strong>affand students have regular opportunitiesto celebrate the Eucharist at either Christthe Priest Church or the Huntingfi eldCampus Chapel.AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUMThe students at <strong>St</strong> <strong>Al</strong>oysius <strong>Catholic</strong><strong>College</strong> receive a <strong>Catholic</strong> educationwhich encompasses the followinglearning areas: English; Mathematics;Science; Geography; History; the Arts,which includes Music, Drama, Dance andVisual Arts; Health and Physical Educationand a Language other than English (LOTE).<strong>St</strong>udents at the Huntingfi eld Campus alsohave experience in Food <strong>St</strong>udies, Designin Wood and Pathways Planning.<strong>St</strong> <strong>Al</strong>oysius <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>College</strong> aims to:1. Guide students in their discovery ofa Christian way of living within thefamily of God.2. Assist students to develop and growacademically to the best of theirabilities and capabilities.3. Encourage students to takeresponsibility for their own learning.4. Provide equity and equal opportunityfor all students.5. Provide a well-balanced curriculum,which acknowledges and addressesthe needs of students in a climateof social, cultural and technologicalchange.6. Assist students to develop selfconfidence, self-esteem andrespect for others.7. Encourage students to learnco-operatively and collaborativelyand to maintain a positive attitudeto learning.LEARNING SUPPORTPROGRAMS<strong>St</strong> <strong>Al</strong>oysius offers a number of supportprograms to meet the individual learningneeds of its students. Some of theprograms available are in the areasof: Literacy, Speech Therapy, SpecialEducation and Gifted Education.The Support Programs Team, consistingof teacher co-ordinators and specifi callytrained teacher assistants, exists to assistclassroom teachers in the assessmentand implementation of these programs.The <strong>College</strong> liaises regularly withoutside agencies and providers such asspeech pathologists, psychologists andoccupational therapists to augmentthe programs.At the commencement of enrolment,every child undergoes assessments inliteracy and numeracy to ascertain theircurrent skill levels to determine the mostappropriate planning and programs tomeet their educational needs. Pleaseinform us if your child has had anyprevious assessment/s or interventionprograms that could be relevant to his/hereducation at the <strong>College</strong>.<strong>St</strong>udents with particular talents andgifts are given appropriate opportunities,stimulation and experience to developtheir potential and to satisfy theirlearning needs with various activitiesthroughout the year. The <strong>College</strong> supportof these students encompasses theirsocial, emotional and academic needsto ensure development of the wholeperson. The Enrichment Program providesopportunities for students to workco-operatively in groups in challengingand stimulating activities to enhancetheir learning.10

LIBRARY RESOURCE CENTRESOn each Campus, the Library ResourceCentre caters for students, staff andparents with a comprehensive rangeof fi ction, non-fi ction and referenceresources.There is also a Parent Resource Librarywith resources on a variety of topicsrelevant to parenting. Resources areavailable for families to borrow.PHYSICAL EDUCATION,SPORTS AND HEALTHPROGRAMSThe PE program provides daily fi tnessactivities and weekly PE lessons for eachclass. The main aims of the program areto improve fi tness and co-ordination, tointroduce as many skills as possible andto encourage a positive sporting attitude,enjoyment and self-esteem.Regular opportunities are provided forstudents to participate in a wide varietyof sports. The major sporting events heldduring the year are swimming programsand carnivals; cross-country events;and athletics carnivals. <strong>St</strong>udents alsoparticipate in sports rosters such asnetball, football, basketball and soccer.Health programs encompass healthylifestyle and nutrition programs.Grades 3 – 6 students have opportunitiesto participate in carnivals organised theSouthern Tasmanian <strong>Catholic</strong> PrimarySchools Sports Association (STCPSSA)and the Huon and Channel Carnivals.Grades 7 – 10 students also haveopportunities to participate in SportsAssociation of Tasmanian IndependentSchools (SATIS) carnivals and rosters.THE ARTS PROGRAM<strong>St</strong>udents at both campuses are giveneducational opportunities to participatein Visual Arts, Drama, Dance and Musicprograms. The students participate inchoir and instrumental programs.LOTEAt the Kingston Campus, students inPrep and Grade 1 participate in a Socialand Emotional Program while studentsfrom Grades 2 – 4 participate in LOTE:Italian program. At the Huntingfi eldCampus Asian studies is the main focus.11

COLLEGE SERVICES ANDPROCEDURESABSENCE FROM SCHOOLParents are requested to telephone oremail the <strong>College</strong> Offi ce prior to 9.00amif their children are absent. The absencesare recorded in the class registers. Offi cestaff will telephone parents if absencesare not reported to the <strong>College</strong> toascertain the whereabouts and safetyof the students.Parents are requested to inform thePrincipal in writing, giving details of thedates of absence from school, if there isto be extended absence from school, suchas family holidays.ACCIDENTS TO STUDENTSParents will be contacted and informed iftheir children are injured while at schoolor on school-related excursions, campsand sporting activities. If immediatecontact is unable to be made with parents(or designated emergency contact), the<strong>College</strong> will act on parents’ behalf inhaving the injury medically assessed.Members of staff, who are qualified inFirst Aid, are responsible for overseeingsimple treatment if required.Precise details of contact names andnumbers are required on the <strong>St</strong>udentDetails Form, which is issued to parentsannually in the first term. This informationis vital should an accident occur andparents need to be contacted.Parents are asked to contact eitherCampus Office if there are changes tocontact details throughout the year.ARRIVAL AND DEPARTUREOF STUDENTS<strong>St</strong>udents should not arrive before 8.15am.If it is necessary to do so, either regularlyor on occasions for pressing familyreasons, the Principal must be informedin writing.Prep – Grade 4 students who arrivebefore 8.25am are to proceed to theseats in the asphalt area adjacent tothe staffroom where they are supervised.At 8.25am, students proceed to theirclassrooms. Kindergarten students aretaken straight to their classroom at8.30am by their parents.Huntingfi eld Campus students aresupervised within their learning centresas they arrive, which should be no laterthan 8.30am.To ensure that classes are uninterrupted,parents/guardians are asked to waitin the following areas to collect theirchildren:• Kindergarten – outside theclassrooms in the Kindergartenplayground.• Prep – in the playground at the rearof the Prep classroom.• Grades 1 – 2 at the end of the bluecarpet.• Grades 3 – 4 in the asphalt areaoutside classrooms.• Huntingfield classes – adjacentto the student learning centres.If for some reason, parents have advisedus that they will be late in collecting theirchildren, particularly after 3.15pm, thechildren will be supervised by staff in the<strong>College</strong> Offi ce until they are collected byparents or by designated adults.12

ROCEDURESASSEMBLIES/SHOWCASESThe purpose of the assemblies/showcases is to highlight studentachievements and special eventshappening at the <strong>College</strong>. Children arepresented with awards in recognitionof their contribution to the <strong>College</strong> andwider community.Parents are invited to attend assemblies/showcases. It is appreciated that,because of the nature of the occasion,pre-school children are not brought toassemblies.The Kingston Campus has fortnightlyassemblies on a Monday commencing at2.10pm in the Sisters of Charity Centre.The Huntingfi eld Campus has a pastoralperiod every week. This pastoralperiod encompasses Learning CentreAssemblies, Middle School Assemblies,Senior School assemblies and peersupport. The campus has a generalassembly twice a term.BUDDY SYSTEMPartnerships between classes areestablished annually to enable olderstudents to interact and communicatewith younger students. The children meetwith and share learning experienceswith younger students on a regular basisthroughout the year.BULLYINGBullying is not acceptable at <strong>St</strong> <strong>Al</strong>oysius<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>College</strong>. We encourage studentsand parents to report all incidents ofbullying. This issue will be dealt withinitially using the Restorative Practicesapproach. Incidents of repeated bullyingwill be dealt with as per the <strong>College</strong>’sBehaviour Management Policy.CCI SCHOOLCARE ACCIDENTINSURANCE<strong>St</strong>udent Accident Insurance from <strong>Catholic</strong>Church Insurances (CCI) provides insurancecover for students at school, on excursionsand on camps. The CCI insuranceinformation and claim forms are availableto all families from both <strong>College</strong> Offices.If you have any questions, contact theSchoolCare Accident Hotline on 1300 138498 or You will need to quote our <strong>College</strong>policy number, which can be obtained bycontacting the <strong>College</strong> Office.Please note: SchoolCare AccidentInsurance cannot cover any Medicareservice including Medicare Gap.BUS SERVICESOur <strong>College</strong> is serviced well by publictransport. The <strong>College</strong> Administration<strong>St</strong>aff can assist you with enquiriesregarding bus timetables.Bus access is located in front of theKingston Campus in the designatedbus bay. At the Huntingfi eld Campusdedicated bus lanes are used by busservices for our students. Parents arerequested not to park in or drive throughthe bus lanes.13

COLLEGE SERVICES ANDPROCEDURESCANTEEN AND CAFÉThe Kingston Campus canteen operateson Wednesdays and Fridays at lunchtimes, providing refreshments and lunchitems at low cost for Prep – Grade 4students. A menu and price list are issuedeach term. <strong>St</strong>udents wishing to purchaselunch are to do so by writing their name,class and order on a paper bag, placingthe correct amount in the bag and thenplacing the bag in the lunch container inthe classroom. The orders are deliveredto the classroom at lunch time.The Canteen Manager, who isresponsible for the overall supervision,will seek voluntary assistance earlyeach term. Parents are invited to makethemselves available to help, as thecanteen is a valuable service and anasset to the <strong>College</strong>.The Huntingfi eld Campus Cafécommences operation during 2012.The Café will offer nutritious foodoptions for Grades 5 - 10 at bothrecess and lunch times.CAPITAL PROJECTS LEVY<strong>St</strong> <strong>Al</strong>oysius <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>College</strong>, as amember of the <strong>Catholic</strong> Education systemof schools, has a capital levy, to whichfamilies contribute. The levy, which is $50per family per term, is used to providefunding for capital works to upgrade andrefurbish classrooms and other facilitiesat the <strong>College</strong>. In recent years, much hasbeen accomplished in redeveloping the<strong>College</strong>’s buildings and grounds to providefacilities that enhance the teachingand learning programs of the <strong>College</strong>.Signifi cant funding for the Huntingfi eldCampus facilities has been sourcedthrough the capital levy system.CENTACARE FAMILY LIFEPROGRAMSCentacare conducts a Family Life Programon personal relationships for students inGrades 1 – 6. The program is conductedbiannually in the early evening andinvolves parents and their children.CHILD CARE BENEFITFamilies with children attendingKindergarten may be eligible for theAustralian Government’s Child CareBenefit. Inquiries and application can bemade at the <strong>College</strong> Offi ce.COLLEGE UNIFORMThe wearing of school uniform iscompulsory and exceptions are onlyacceptable through prior arrangementwith the Principal.On Physical Education days and otherstated sports and excursion days,students wear the <strong>College</strong> PE uniform toand from school. Sneakers are only to bework with the PE uniform. On all otherdays, full uniform, including black schoolshoes, is to be worn.Blazers are to be worn to and from schoolat the Huntingfi eld Campus, except onextremely hot days or with the permissionof the Principal.COMMUNICATION WITHAND BY PARENTSOpportunity is given for parents andteachers to speak together on a numberof formal and informal occasionsthroughout the year and especiallyat Parent/Teacher Consultations. Theprogram for the <strong>College</strong> is:Term 1Term 2Term 3Parent Information Evening andCompulsory Parent/Teacher andGoal Setting Consultations.Mid-year reports are issuedfollowed by invitational Parent/Teacher Consultations.End of Year reports are issued.Parents are also encouraged to beinvolved in the activities of the school.Please be prepared to make commentto us about your child and the educationprocess. We are prepared to be open,honest and caring in our developingrelationship with you and your child. Ifa need arises for a special discussionto take place, contact the classroom/homeroom teacher, Campus Directoror the Principal to arrange a mutuallyconvenient time for discussion.While parents are welcome to visit the<strong>College</strong> and classrooms at any time, youare asked not to engage teachers in longconversations during class time, as theteacher’s primary responsibility during thistime is the students and their learning.Similarly, just as the class is about tobegin the day, and immediately uponfinishing, are rarely appropriate times foruseful dialogue. At each Campus, Tuesdayand Wednesday afternoons are set asidefrom 3.15pm for staff prayer and meetingsand should not be used for parent/teachercontact unless it is short and urgent.Parents are welcome to contact teachersany time via email.14

CROSSING SUPERVISORThere is a pedestrian crossingsupervisor provided by the TransportDepartment on patrol every morningfrom 8.00am – 9.00am and afternoonsfrom 2.50pm – 3.50pm in Roslyn Avenue.Please use this crossing when picking upyour child/ren from the Kingston Campusto demonstrate safe road crossingpractices. Please encourage yourchild/ren to utilise the crossing by NEVERcalling for them to cross unsafely.ENROLMENT PROCEDURESApplications for enrolment are acceptedat any time during the year. Enrolmentsfor Year 7 close during April each year.Enrolments for Kindergarten close in Mayeach year. To be eligible for Kindergarten,children must be four years of age onor before 1st January in the year ofenrolment.Parents will be notifi ed of interviews thatare to be conducted with the Principal orCampus Director to discuss applicationsfor enrolment. Following interviews,parents will receive written notifi cationof the outcome of their application.A Parent Orientation Evening is heldin Term Three to acquaint enrollingKindergarten families with the school.There are also Orientation Evenings forparents/guardians of students enrollingat the Huntingfi eld Campus. Parents/guardians receive notifi cation in writingof the dates of these events.EXCURSIONS AND CAMPSExcursions are considered to be anessential part of the <strong>College</strong> curriculum.They assist in the developmentof knowledge, understanding andappreciation of local and other areasand provide fi rst-hand experiences forthe students. They also assist in thedevelopment of observation, recordingand reporting skills.School camps are held for Grades 4 – 10as part of the Outdoor Education programof the <strong>College</strong>. Camps are usually of2, 3 or 4 days duration and studentsparticipate in a range of activities,including Christian living and co-operativelearning skills.FAMILY DISCOUNT ANDFINANCIAL ASSISTANCEFOR SCHOOL FEESFamilies with three or more childrenat any Tasmanian <strong>Catholic</strong> school willhave a discount applied to tuition fees.Families who receive Centrelink benefi tsor who require some form of assistancein paying fees, may make applicationto the Principal for consideration offees reduction. The <strong>St</strong>ate Government’s<strong>St</strong>udent Assistance Scheme is availablefor families on low income. Applicationforms are available from either<strong>College</strong> Offi ce.FEES AND LEVIESFees and levies may be paid annually orin monthly instalments, by direct debitor credit card using Mastercard or Visa.<strong>Al</strong>ternative payment arrangements areavailable and may be discussed with theBusiness Manager.HOMEWORKThe amount and frequency of homeworkset by teachers varies from grade tograde. While students from Kindergartento Grade 2 have no formal homework,they do at times bring home readingbooks, spelling to learn and maths workto do. In the other classes, students areallocated homework to do, althoughGrade 3 students will not have as much todo as students in Grade 10.There is a clear expectation at theHuntingfi eld Campus that students ateach grade level will have set homeworkeach week night.Homework is set to:• Assist students to develop worthwhilestudy habits, which will equip themwith strategies to promote independentlearning.• Provide opportunities for studentsto develop responsibility, perseverance,self-discipline and time managementskills.• Provide opportunities for positivesupport roles for parents/guardiansto assist their children.• Encourage child/parent/schoolcommunication.A copy of the <strong>College</strong>’s Homework Policyis available from either Campus Offi ce.15

COLLEGE SERVICES ANDPROCEDURESHOUSE SYSTEM<strong>St</strong> <strong>Al</strong>oysius <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>College</strong> has foursporting houses – Aikenhead (Green),<strong>Al</strong>oysius (Gold), Charity (Red), Fides (Blue).The <strong>College</strong> holds three inter-housesporting events each year. These arecompulsory events in the <strong>College</strong>calendar. The <strong>College</strong> swimming, crosscountryand athletics teams are chosenfor participation at STCPSSA and theHuon and Channel carnivals forGrades 3 – 6 and at SATIS forGrades 7 – 10.IMMUNISATION PROGRAMThe Kingborough Council conducts anImmunisation Program in the municipalityschools and <strong>St</strong> <strong>Al</strong>oysius is part of theprogram. Usually, Grade 6/7/10 studentsare involved in the Immunisationprogram. Annually, the Council issuesconsent forms through the <strong>College</strong>Offi ce to parents/guardians for thepurpose of providing free immunisationto students. The forms, when completedby parents, are returned to the <strong>College</strong>Offi ce for forwarding onto the Council.Immunisations are conducted withinschool time and on school premises ondates determined in consultation withthe Council and the <strong>College</strong> and aresupervised by a member of staff.LITURGICAL CELEBRATIONSLiturgical celebrations in which the<strong>College</strong> participates include:1. Prayer Services: During the year,classes present Prayer Services inthe Church or the <strong>College</strong> Chapel.2. Paraliturgies: These are held forspecific and special celebrationse.g. during Lent and Advent.3. Masses: Whole school Masses areheld to celebrate the beginning of theschool year, the <strong>College</strong>’s feast day,Holy Days of Obligation and the endof the school year. Classes also attendParish week day Masses regularlyeither in the Church or the <strong>College</strong>Chapel.4. Christian Meditation: <strong>St</strong>udents areprovided with regular opportunitiesto participate in Christian Meditation.LOST PROPERTYIt is necessary and important to haveevery item of school uniform clearlylabelled, as students often leave ormisplace clothing at school. The namesof previous owners of the clothing shouldbe removed and be replaced with thecurrent owner’s name. Most found itemsof clothing find their way into the lostproperty box. Unclaimed and unnamedlost property is donated to the UniformShop or <strong>St</strong> Vincent de Paul at the end ofeach term.MEDICAL INFORMATIONThe <strong>College</strong> provides confi dential studentmedical forms to parents to completeearly each year. The information on thisform must indicate any special medicalconditions that students might have.The information obtained enables staffto better care for students. The <strong>College</strong>should be kept informed of any changesto circumstances, so that our recordsare accurate and that we remain moreable to assist if problems arise withstudents’ health.MEDICATION<strong>Al</strong>l medication that children need to takeat school is to be handed into the <strong>College</strong>Office. The medication is administered byOffice personnel at the appropriate timesand a record is maintained in the Offi ce.Exceptions to this procedure are Asthmamedications and EpiPens which remainwith the children at all times. Parents/guardians are required to completeappropriate administration of medicationforms, which are obtained from the<strong>College</strong> Offi ce.NEWSLETTERS<strong>College</strong> newsletters are posted on ourwebsite weekly. Access via a link isorganised by parents through the <strong>College</strong>office. A number of paper copies of thenewsletter are kept at both <strong>College</strong>Offices and may be collected by parents.NOTIFICATION OF CHANGEOF ADDRESS AND CONTACTDETAILSPlease notify the <strong>College</strong> Offi ce in writingif you change your address or telephone/email contact details. This is vitallyimportant particularly if we need to makecontact in times of illness or accident.16

OUTREACHThe students, staff and families of<strong>St</strong> <strong>Al</strong>oysius <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>College</strong> take greatpride in the many opportunities they havethroughout the year to give to othersin need, both in the local and widercommunity. <strong>St</strong>udents on both campusesraise money regularly for various worthycauses, including:1. CARITAS, through donations to ProjectCompassion during Lent.2. Archbishop’s Samaritan Fund, during<strong>Catholic</strong> Education Week.3. The Society of <strong>St</strong> Vincent de Paul,through the Grade 7 Pathways FashionParade and other fundraisers.4. Unenamwa Primary School, our sisterschool in Tanzania.5. Emergency appeals in responseto disasters both in Australia andoverseas.6. Black and White Day to supportresearch into the Tasmanian DevilsFacial Tumour Disease.<strong>St</strong>udents also have the opportunity togive of their time and talents to reachout to those less fortunate in other ways,including:1. Visits to Hawthorn Village, a localresidential home for the elderly.2. Cooking soup and treats for Louis’Van, which feeds the homeless onthe streets of Hobart.3. Collecting clothes, food and blanketsfor Vinnies.4. Packing Christmas hampers for theSociety of <strong>St</strong> Vincent de Paul.The Huntingfi eld Campus has two veryactive Vinnies groups who meet regularlyto plan and organise many of the aboveevents.OUR EXPECTATIONSThe <strong>College</strong> aims to reinforce Christianattitudes keeping to the objectives of thefollowing statements:Respect: Thoughtfulness is to be showntowards all members of the <strong>College</strong>community and to visitors.Co-operation: <strong>St</strong>udents are encouragedto co-operate fully with each other, andwith teachers and visitors.Courtesy: Good manners are to be shownto all members of the <strong>College</strong> communityand to visitors.Honesty: <strong>St</strong>udents are encouraged tospeak and act in an honest way, withtact and understanding.Tidiness: <strong>St</strong>udents are encouragedto take pride in the wearing of correctuniform, in their belongings, their schoolwork and their work generally.17

COLLEGE SERVICES ANDPROCEDURESOUTSIDE SCHOOL HOURSCARE (OSHC)Blackmans Bay Children’s Servicesconduct OSHC programs at the KingstonCampus for Kindergarten to Grade 6students. Before School Care is availableon site at the Kingston Campus from7.30am - 8.30am. After School Care isavailable on site at the Kingston Campusfrom 3.00pm to 6.00pm. Vacation Careis also available through Blackmans BayChildren’s Services. The contact numbersfor our OSHC provider are 6229 4914 or0400 294 914.PAYMENTS TO THE SCHOOLIn circumstances where money is sent toschool e.g. payment of fees and levies,raffl e returns etc, it should be placed in asealed envelope with the student’s name,class, amount enclosed and the reason forthe money being sent.POSITIVE BEHAVIOURSUPPORTAt <strong>St</strong> <strong>Al</strong>oysius <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>College</strong>, behavioursupport is an opportunity for valuablesocial learning as well as a means ofmaximising the success of academiceducational programs. Preserving andbuilding student self esteem and imageas well as encouraging self-monitoring ofbehaviour are fundamental componentsof our positive approach to behavioursupport.Our shared expectations for studentbehaviour are plain to everyone andallow all to work together to createand maintain a positive and productivelearning and teaching environment,where ALL school community membershave clear and consistent expectationsand understandings of their role in theeducational process.At the Kingston Campus a group of Grade4 students work as Restorative PracticeLeaders in the Kindergarten and Prepplaygrounds at lunch times making surethe Kindergarten and Prep children feelsafe, happy and included.RELEASE FORMWhen parents/guardians wish to taketheir child/children out of school duringschool hours, they are to complete aRelease Form at the <strong>College</strong> Offi ce. Theform is signed by the Principal/CampusDirector (or his/her delegate) to presentto the class teacher/s prior to leavingthe Campus.RIDING BIKES TO SCHOOLWith permission from parents/guardiansand the Principal, students in Grades 3to 10 may ride bikes to and from school,providing the following conditions are met:1. Notification from parents/guardians tothe Principal must be given in writing.2. Bike riders must wear recommendedand approved safety head gear.3. The journey must be strictly betweenhome and school.4. No bikes are to be ridden within theschool boundaries or played withduring the day.SAFETY OF STUDENTSYour support is sought in helping to makethe <strong>College</strong> an accident free zone for thestudents. The very busy roads around bothCampuses and the many parents whotransport students to and from schoolmake this an important safety issue.There is a Crossing Offi cer on duty atthe designated crossing zone in RoslynAvenue each morning and afternoon.Children and adults must only cross theroad at that point.We are fortunate to have the use of theParish’s large off-street parking area inJindabyne Road. To help alleviate anymovement diffi culties, especially at peaktimes in the morning before school andin the afternoon after school, you areasked to only park in the spaces providedand to following the direction signs. Inthe interests of children’s safety, you areasked to reverse into parking spaces.18

The staff car park in the front of theKingston Campus offi ce and classroomsis only for staff, delivery of goods andfor disabled parking and access. You arerequested not to drive through this areaat all.At the Huntingfi eld Campus, parentsare asked to take due care to park indesignated spaces and not to drivethrough the bus lanes. You are alsoasked to drive slowly and carefullyin the car park.Parents are asked not to use thedesignated disabled car parking spacesat either campus unless they have apermit to do so.<strong>Al</strong>l students are encouraged to takecare at all times when moving in theclassrooms and on the playground.Special emphasis is placed on notrunning on cement and asphalt areas.Parents/guardians are asked to remindtheir children of ‘stranger danger’, ofdawdling to and from school or visitingfriends without permission.If you make arrangements with otheradults to collect your children, pleaseensure that the children and theappropriate teacher/s have been informedof the arrangement. A phone call to the<strong>College</strong> Offi ce would also be appreciated.SIGNING IN AND SIGNINGOUT OF STUDENTSIf any student arrives later than 8.45amin the morning, he/she or the parent/guardian are required to sign in at the<strong>College</strong> Offi ce. If leaving the schoolbefore the end of the day, the studentor his/her parent/guardian is required tosign out. A special register is kept in both<strong>College</strong> Offi ces for this purpose.SPECIAL ACTIVITIESThroughout the school year, the <strong>College</strong>community participates in specialactivities to celebrate and commemoratevarious events in the Church calendar andin the school year. <strong>Al</strong>l classes make fulluse of facilities available for excursionsand cultural visits. Artists and performersregularly visit the <strong>College</strong> to entertain andeducate students in the Performing Arts.SPECIFIC FAMILYCIRCUMSTANCESIf there are specifi c family circumstances,such as custodial arrangements in placefor children, it is important that suchinformation is supplied in writing tothe Principal.STAFF MEETINGS ANDPROFESSIONAL LEARNINGSESSIONSGenerally, at 3.15pm, <strong>St</strong>aff PrayerMeetings are held on Monday afternoonsand <strong>St</strong>aff Meetings and ProfessionalLearning Sessions are held on Tuesdayand Wednesday afternoons at eachCampus. Interviews with staff membersshould not be requested at these times.STUDENT ASSISTANCESCHEME (STAS)Forms for this scheme are available fromthe <strong>College</strong> Offi ce and should be returnedto the school for forwarding to the <strong>St</strong>ateGovernment agency charged with theresponsibility for STAS. Eligibility forfunding is decided by this Governmentagency. Funding made available tofamilies covers part of the annual levyaccount. Any stationery required duringthe year must be purchased as neededand costs for excursions and camps arenot covered by STAS.STUDENT SAVINGS SCHEMEA student savings scheme is conductedon behalf of the <strong>Catholic</strong> DevelopmentFund (CDF). <strong>Al</strong>l students are encouragedto save through this scheme.19

COLLEGE SERVICES ANDPROCEDURESSTUDENT TEACHERSPre-service teachers regularly visit our<strong>College</strong> from UTAS for varying periodsof time to complete practice teachingsessions. They are supervised by theclass teachers and Principal and addanother dimension to the educationalopportunities afforded to the students.STUDENTS “VALUABLES”<strong>St</strong>udents are discouraged from bringing‘valuable’ items to school. Such itemsmay include toys, games or sportsequipment. <strong>St</strong>aff members are notrequired to assume responsibility for anysuch items that students bring to school.On special occasions or as part of a unitof work, students may be able to bringspecifi c items for use in a class displayor as a discussion topic.At the Kingston Campus, if brought toschool, mobile phones must be handedin to the <strong>College</strong> Offi ce prior to 8.45am,the start of the school day. The phonesmay then be collected at 3.00pm by theirstudent owners.At the Huntingfi eld Campus, studentsmay keep their mobile phones with them,provided they are turned off and not usedduring class time. <strong>St</strong>udents may checktheir phones for messages at recess andlunch times.SUNHATSIt is compulsory for all students to wearthe approved <strong>College</strong> sunhats between1st September and 30th April. Sunhatsare worn during all periods of outdooractivity. The <strong>College</strong> practises a ‘no hat,no play’ policy and this necessitateschildren without hats remaining in theshaded area during outdoor activities.SUPERVISION OF STUDENTSThe students are supervised beforeschool, during Recess and during Lunchtimes. <strong>St</strong>aff members are responsible forthe supervision of students from 8.25amuntil 3.15pm.At the Kingston Campus, students whoarrive before 8.30am are to remain seatedoutside the staffroom until teacherscommence duty at 8.30am. Kindergartenstudents are to be taken directly to theirclassroom. <strong>Al</strong>l students should arrive nolater than 8.30am.At the Huntingfi eld Campus, studentsarrive must arrive by 8.30am and proceedto their respective Learning Centre.After school, staff members supervisestudents who catch buses.<strong>St</strong>udents are not permitted to leave theschool grounds during the day, unlesssupervised or special permission hasbeen granted by the Principal. Parents/guardians/designated persons are toproceed to the <strong>College</strong> Offi ce to sign in/out any students who arrive later than8.45am or who leave during the dayfor specifi c purposes such as dentalor doctor’s appointments.TERM DATES AND SCHOOLHOLIDAYSThese are determined by theTasmanian <strong>Catholic</strong> Education Office and<strong>St</strong> <strong>Al</strong>oysius <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>College</strong> follows thoserecommendations. Information regardingthese dates is circulated to all <strong>College</strong>families as they become available.VISITORS AND VOLUNTEERS<strong>Al</strong>l visitors and volunteers, includingtradespeople, are required to report tothe <strong>College</strong> Offi ce to sign in/sign outwhilst on <strong>College</strong> property. Visitors andvolunteers, including parents helping inclassrooms, the Canteen and the UniformShop, are required to wear school-issuedidentification badges while on the<strong>College</strong> site.<strong>Al</strong>l volunteers are required to undertakea Safety Screening. Application formsfor this process are available from eachCampus Offi ce and must be returned tothe Office for processing.20

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