Volume 8 No 3 Jun 1957.pdf - Lakes Gliding Club

Volume 8 No 3 Jun 1957.pdf - Lakes Gliding Club

Volume 8 No 3 Jun 1957.pdf - Lakes Gliding Club

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Neylan, aged 14, who is turning out to be anatural pilot. He has been promised hisfirst solo on his 16th birthday, but he'll bepretty tired by then of carrying instructorsaround as ballast.The response lo gliding in East Africahasbeen most heartening, and there seems tobe no doubt at present that the sport is hereto slay.P.B.E.T.KIONFELDquite a lot more !opace during our talks as ithas been obvious for some time that the oldlecture room was far too small.Ideas are always.welcome as to suitablespeakers or topics for Wednesday eveningsand any suggestions should be made to:The Secretary, The Kronfeld <strong>Club</strong>,Basement, 74 Ecdeston Square, S.W.I.LONDONSINCE our last notes We have been gettinginto our stride for the season and aerospeople will see from the list of talks, towing is much in evidence; but on the 7thA these are not being held every week in April a small group of private o't\'11ers with<strong>Jun</strong>e and July as they are our slackest the Scud 11, Gull I and an Olympia revertedmonths, but the <strong>Club</strong> will still be open on to old times and went flying from the northall Wednesdays. face of lvinghoe Beacon with bungy29TH M..w, 8 p.m.-"Aids to High Per- launching. A new hazard to gliding wasformance Soaring" by David Ince. discovered when <strong>No</strong>rman Preston landed5TH JUNE, 8 p.m.-"<strong>Gliding</strong> in Australia" the Gull I in a nice field, and then read aby Cdr. G. A. J. Goodhart, D.S.C. notice on the fence saying, "Unexploded19TH JUNE, 8 p.m.-Film Show.missile!> keep out"!261li JUNE, 8 p.m.-"The R.A.F. Forma- On Saturday, 13th April, three memberstion Squadron" bY Sq. Ldr. Topp of aUempteda 100 kilometre triangle. Geof'freyR.A.F., <strong>No</strong>rth Weald.Stc:phenson was the only one to manage it,10TH JULY, 8.30 p.m.-Film Show. flying to Buckingham-Chinnor-Dunstable,17TH JULY, 8 p.m.-"Meteorology for the and then proceeded to do a 30 mile out-and­National Ch:unpionships" by Wally return flight. This was in his Skylark Ill.Wallington. Charles Ellis in the Skylark 11 reachedIt is hoped that by the time these notes Ampthill and had to turn back, and Godfreyappear the wall between the bar and Lee in his Sky turned back at Royston.the lounge will have been taken down, Easter produced some really goodmaki!1g a large lecture room and the bar and weather on the first two days and muchcoffee bar will now be in action in what was activity ensued. Sunday was not very good.the old lecture room. This should give us Arthur Doughty however, reached 5,700 ft.-164-

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