Volume 8 No 3 Jun 1957.pdf - Lakes Gliding Club

Volume 8 No 3 Jun 1957.pdf - Lakes Gliding Club

Volume 8 No 3 Jun 1957.pdf - Lakes Gliding Club

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-160-distance leg, again in the Grunau. Unfortunatelythis also just feU short, but toput in your first two cross-countries in twodays is not bad going!Sunday was a blank day, but on theMonday the weather cleared for 10118enough to enable a good proportion of thesolo pilots to put in soaling flights of up to,an hour's duration.. Altogether a memorableweekend.Plans for the future include a proposedWhit Weekend Rally of all the Irish <strong>Club</strong>sat our home field of Bcaldonnel. This wouldbe the first event of this Idnd ever held inthis country, where the gliding movement isstill largely in a very early stage. Let us hopethat the next issue will record its success., 'f.B.B.HANDLEY PAGEIT seems at the time of writingthat petrolrationing will, be with us for a littlelonger. The usual efforts have been made toincrease the launching rate, using, a singlecable anu still Jllaintaining strict petroleconomy. A solo motor-cycle has beenused for cable fetrieving and appears to be asuccess. Some doubt was expressed initiallyabout usin,g this system over grass, but used,away from the runways no incidents haveoccurred so far.Quite a number of new members havebeen welcomed into the flying field recently,,so the T31 is working overtime. The. Tutorhas yet to complete its "C. of A." Its arrivalon the flying field is eagerly awaited bythose solo pilots who are not yet convertedto the Rhonbussard.On the 23rd March Ron Janes qualifiedfor his C while flying the T31. This was allthe more creditable as the RhonbussardARCHIE LlTnEDALE(A,.,y Glidi-ng <strong>Club</strong>}can get lor yau Of your aircraft"'ery MOde",. ,.rel of insur.nu with ,.·etUa!JIbl. ultderwr:t.n. i"~cluding life coyer without.ny additional premium,Th:iJ i. "eeu,. J.'" ind~nd.nt,ilnd it is Myjob 10 know how 10 g.1 Ih. best ral•• for .ny''/'Po of policy.Nalu,.Uy I charge nO fM.My .dd"l$ iSJ69 NORTHFI£lD ROAD, THATCH AM.no.. NEWIUn. BUKSI1IR£tolo, THATCH"'" 3329'couldn't stay up, but On the 13tb AprilMike Wilson managed to, get this machineaway on the foulith attempt. The first climbended at 4,350 ft. over EIstree, being curtailedby the need to remain in VISUALMET. CONDITIONS. The machine wassoared for I i hours, but conditions did notseem to be good enough to warrant settingoff for Lasham.The following day Alan Vincent climbed600 ft. in the same machine but was unableto stay up. On bOth days,. at R.adlett at anyrate, the tbennals SQemed tricky to centrebelow 2,000 ft.Our C.FJ., Geoffrey Wass, is hoping todo a SC'Iies of stability tests on one of ourmachines in the near future. This will be inorder to obtain B.G.A. "Test Pilot"aPPl'Oval.Paul Langston. who evaluated positionerrors and drag coefficients for the Skylark2, has now joined our company, and we,hope to, fo/'ce him int.:> our gliding rankssoon,A.E.ISLE OF WIGHTFINAL figures fOT 1956 flying w~e 1,701launChes and 1)2 hours. This showsverY clearly our lack of CroSS-COWltry andsoaring flights. In an effort to remedy thissituation every soarable rid'ge on the Islandhas been visited and the landownersapproached. Our success to date has beenrather limited, farmers treating us with amixture of disbelief and incredulity. Wehave obtained permission to operate from avery promising ridge-.but so far onlyduring the winter. Previous permission to,o~rate from Newbam Down may now bein jeopardy due to the proposal to erect aT.V. mast in the neighbourhood. Otherproposals are now in hand and we ale ,at theJl1()ment awaiting decisions from two landowners.Owing to the reduction of availablehangar sp~e we now have to rig and de-rigour T21 b, a job at which we are rapidlybecOming proficient. Among our otherproficiencies of late we include the coveringand doping of complete wings along withcolour spraying-and consequently theGnmau is now resplendam in Turkey Redand "Cream, a fact which will no doubtplease visiting "throttle-benders." Severalhundred man hours have gone into the re­Qovering and Cofa work on this aircraft,

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