Volume 8 No 3 Jun 1957.pdf - Lakes Gliding Club

Volume 8 No 3 Jun 1957.pdf - Lakes Gliding Club

Volume 8 No 3 Jun 1957.pdf - Lakes Gliding Club

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Long Mynd Easter RallyHE traditional Easter task-flying rallY ofT "the Midland <strong>Gliding</strong> <strong>Club</strong> attracted 14entries this year, club-owned and prjvate.Friday, 19th April, a "practice day,"brought the best flights, by four who gaveLympne (195 miles) as their goal. NickGoodhart reached it, Philip Wills wentbeyond it to Dover, Mike Gee reachedl-Iornchurch (148 rnil~), and <strong>No</strong>el Ansonlallw:d .a1 Betchworth, the Surrey <strong>Club</strong>'spre-war site. Wills, passing north ofLondon,. found excellent cloud. streets fromDunstable on, but Goodhart struck a badpatch around Tunbridge Wells and therebymissed the 300 km. speed record by 20minutes. Others tried a 22-mile triangle tothe west, and Mr. and Mrs, Burns wentround it in turn.Saturday's task was a race to Shobdon!lea.r Lcorrunster, and back, 45 miles in all.A frontal overcast all morning prevented itstaTting till the afternoon, when Ric Prestwichset off at 1.40 and got back I hr.35 mins. later, the return journey havingbeen made at 100 m.p.h. from the 8,.500 ft.top of a large cumulus IllJl,ss sitting overShabdon. This cloud was still there an hourand a half later when Wills arrived; he tookI hr. 3 millS, to do a climb to 8,000 ft. at theMynd,a fast glide to Shobdon, a climb to7,500 ft. there, and a fast glide back at70 m.p.h.; but he landed in the wrong placeand earned no speed points, Four others,George Burton, Tony Good'hart, JohnPringle and Brian Jelferson, rounded theturning point and got a good part ofthe wayback, and B. R. Wright landed there.EasterSunday was occluded.Monday's task was a pilot-selected goal.The cwnulus looked gOOd'as far as it couldbe seel\, but .tha~ was not far, because ofthick haze, which the pilot.s found ratherto5CAL.('" MILLS! ,50 \0"-150-

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