Volume 8 No 3 Jun 1957.pdf - Lakes Gliding Club

Volume 8 No 3 Jun 1957.pdf - Lakes Gliding Club Volume 8 No 3 Jun 1957.pdf - Lakes Gliding Club

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Czechoslovak pilols beside a "Sohaj". ofwood corrstructicm and 52ft. 3 in. span.The "Pionyr", a Czechoslovak two-sealer trainer with a fabric-covered slu/-!rame fIJM/age.a span' of46 ft.• and a permitted top speed of155 m.p.h.-124-

particularly good flying Qualities and is usedfor difficult aerobatic exercises.During 1956 pilots received the first oftwO new types of glider. They were thesingle-seater Demant and the two-seaterall-metal Blanik. The latest knowledge inthe building of such craft has been applied.to their design and construction. Both havelaminated wings, retractable undercarriages,and comfortable cockpits with transparentplastic hoods. their gliding ratio approachesvery nearly I :40. The Blanik hasa wing span of a little over 59 feet.Standards and qualifications in glidingare promoted. by the Central School ofGliding, which offers residential courses;it serves only higher specialised training.The work 'Of the School has already beenreflected. in a considerable improvement inthe flying skill of Czechoslovak gliderpilots. For example, in the newly introducedevent-a speed flight over a 200 km.(124.27 miles) triangular course-JaroslavHollan has reached 71 km. an hour (44.1 Im.p.h.) which is 5 km. faster than the internationalrecord established by Makula ofPoland. In a speed flight over a lOO km.(62.136 miles) triangular course the youngpilot M. Zejda topped 87 km. an hour(54.06 m.p.h.). Master of Sport JaroslavKumpost, who has r,epresented. Czechoslovakiainternationally, is also the first inlhe country to have won the F.Al. diamondbadge.These results in national and foreigncompetitions are encouraging proof of thesoundness of Czechoslovak glider designand they naturally help forward the furtherdevelopment of the sport and the skill of itsexponents.HOW THEY BROUGHT THE GOOD BOOZE.• or: ENTENTE CORDIAL!E sprang to the cockpit, the Pilot and meW And we thermalled and thermalled and thermalled all three ~Not a word to each o:her, we kept gaining height,10,000,20,000 and Paris in sight!And we shouted aloud, we were feeling so gay,As we came in to land down the Champs Elysees!There very soon gathered a tres enorme fou,And a gendarme came up and said "C'est defendu!"Car ce n'est pas un Runway, pas cette Avenue!"And he blew on his sifflet and waved bOlh his bras,And jamais was heard such a grand brouhaha!When parmithe ranks of the startled canaiUeAppeared a gentil ami from the F.AI.He frapped on our dos and embrassed both our jOUlt.And said he could peut-etre donne some aide a nous,For it happened he ported in his Deux ChevauxSome suitable cable pour un auto-towAnd he'd be heureux to donne us a launch bient6t!So we dragged our sailplane, I'Arc de Triomphe deSSO\ls.And fastened our bellS and cried. "A1lons-nous!"We sped down the length of the Champs Elysees,And tout le monde shouted "Adieu mad Anglais!"And all the way home, such was our elation,We did every imaginable aerobation,Until, 'neath lhe gleam of the evening star,We each helped the other walk out f the bar!E.A.L.-125-

particularly good flying Qualities and is usedfor difficult aerobatic exercises.During 1956 pilots received the first oftwO new types of glider. They were thesingle-seater Demant and the two-seaterall-metal Blanik. The latest knowledge inthe building of such craft has been applied.to their design and construction. Both havelaminated wings, retractable undercarriages,and comfortable cockpits with transparentplastic hoods. their gliding ratio approachesvery nearly I :40. The Blanik hasa wing span of a little over 59 feet.Standards and qualifications in glidingare promoted. by the Central School of<strong>Gliding</strong>, which offers residential courses;it serves only higher specialised training.The work 'Of the School has already beenreflected. in a considerable improvement inthe flying skill of Czechoslovak gliderpilots. For example, in the newly introducedevent-a speed flight over a 200 km.(124.27 miles) triangular course-JaroslavHollan has reached 71 km. an hour (44.1 Im.p.h.) which is 5 km. faster than the internationalrecord established by Makula ofPoland. In a speed flight over a lOO km.(62.136 miles) triangular course the youngpilot M. Zejda topped 87 km. an hour(54.06 m.p.h.). Master of Sport JaroslavKumpost, who has r,epresented. Czechoslovakiainternationally, is also the first inlhe country to have won the F.Al. diamondbadge.These results in national and foreigncompetitions are encouraging proof of thesoundness of Czechoslovak glider designand they naturally help forward the furtherdevelopment of the sport and the skill of itsexponents.HOW THEY BROUGHT THE GOOD BOOZE.• or: ENTENTE CORDIAL!E sprang to the cockpit, the Pilot and meW And we thermalled and thermalled and thermalled all three ~<strong>No</strong>t a word to each o:her, we kept gaining height,10,000,20,000 and Paris in sight!And we shouted aloud, we were feeling so gay,As we came in to land down the Champs Elysees!There very soon gathered a tres enorme fou,And a gendarme came up and said "C'est defendu!"Car ce n'est pas un Runway, pas cette Avenue!"And he blew on his sifflet and waved bOlh his bras,And jamais was heard such a grand brouhaha!When parmithe ranks of the startled canaiUeAppeared a gentil ami from the F.AI.He frapped on our dos and embrassed both our jOUlt.And said he could peut-etre donne some aide a nous,For it happened he ported in his Deux ChevauxSome suitable cable pour un auto-towAnd he'd be heureux to donne us a launch bient6t!So we dragged our sailplane, I'Arc de Triomphe deSSO\ls.And fastened our bellS and cried. "A1lons-nous!"We sped down the length of the Champs Elysees,And tout le monde shouted "Adieu mad Anglais!"And all the way home, such was our elation,We did every imaginable aerobation,Until, 'neath lhe gleam of the evening star,We each helped the other walk out f the bar!E.A.L.-125-

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