Fowler Facts and Fancy about Response Times - Gathering of Eagles

Fowler Facts and Fancy about Response Times - Gathering of Eagles

Fowler Facts and Fancy about Response Times - Gathering of Eagles


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What it’s all <strong>about</strong>…

Just the facts: 1710

1710 Time DefiniCons

1710’s Key Fire Provisions

1710’s key fire staffing provisions

1710’s key fire response provisions

1710’s performance provisions

1710’s Key EMS Provisions

1710’s ALS <strong>and</strong> BLS DefiniCons

1710’s EMS <strong>Response</strong> Provisions 60 Seconds EMS Turnout Time + 480 Seconds Travel Time

1710’s key provisions – EMS …<strong>and</strong>, the first responder has to be there in 4 minutes!!!

Where did this all begin?

“For 160 pa*ents with CPR ini*ated within four minutes <strong>and</strong> defini*ve care provided within eight minutes, 43% were discharged alive.”

“There were only two discharged pa*ents among the 61 whose *me to ini*a*on <strong>of</strong> CPR <strong>and</strong> defini*ve care was greater than eight minutes.”

“The op*ons to improve the *me to ini*a*on <strong>of</strong> CPR include…increasing the number <strong>of</strong> ci*zens trained in CPR… economically the more feasible op*on.”

The message was (<strong>and</strong> IS) clear: Rapid applica*on <strong>of</strong> CPR <strong>and</strong> the dispatching <strong>of</strong> “defini*ve care” makes a pr<strong>of</strong>ound difference in pa*ent outcomes.

What is defini*ve care?

1710’s key EMS provisions Get the right help on-­‐scene QUICK!

Where’s the evidence for ge[ng ALS care onscene sooner? Slovis et al stated in PEC in 2008 thattwo paramedic crews intubated 63.9 +/-45.8 seconds more quickly (p = 0.009)Prehosp Emerg Care. 2008 Jan-Mar;12(1):62-8.

Where’s the evidence for ge[ng ALS care onscene sooner? Cone et al stated in PEC in 2001 thatBLS personnel cannot safely determinewhen ALS care is neededPrehosp Emerg Care. 2001 Oct-Dec;5(4):360-5.

Key QuesCons Do all cities have to adopt NFPA 1710? Are there legal implications? Must cities comply immediately?

So, in conclusion

Terry…..you ignorant slut It’s OBVIOUS getting to the scenequicker gets care to the patient faster The sooner the care is rendered, the saferthe clinical condition is for the patient Better utilization <strong>of</strong> resources Back in service faster!!

“Put that seizing baby next to the telephone!”

SO …<strong>and</strong> besides, Terry…. GET OVER The Unions WANT it that way!!! IT!!!

So, lets make decisions based on facts

The NFPA St<strong>and</strong>ards are <strong>about</strong> making decisions based on facts …se[ng st<strong>and</strong>ards, measuring, looking at outcomes, <strong>and</strong> adjusCng

This talk is dedicated with deep appreciaCon to Chief Tod Gillam <strong>of</strong> Dallas Fire Rescue for his assistance <strong>and</strong> support

Tools <strong>and</strong> resources IAFC’s ‘DecisionGuide’ Online Resources: www.ichiefs.org www.cfainet.org www.iaff.org www.nfpa.org www.<strong>of</strong>ca.org

Thank you for your kind agenCon!

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