Litteraturstudie - Tidligfasevurdering av prosjekter - Concept - NTNU

Litteraturstudie - Tidligfasevurdering av prosjekter - Concept - NTNU Litteraturstudie - Tidligfasevurdering av prosjekter - Concept - NTNU


CONCEPTFront-end Management of Major ProjectsSikring av store investeringsprosjektercost-effectively designing, constructing and coordinating Channel Tunneltechnology. The conclusions serve to indicate how and why hierarchicalelements of contracts may exacerbate incompetence in the management ofcomplex or large-scale technology projects, rather than structure it, tothe detriment of overall project performance.ConSERV, a methodology for managing multi-disciplinary engineering design projectsConroy, Geoff; Soltan, HosseinInternational Journal of Project Management.DOC TYPE: Journal article.SPECIAL FEATURE: Charts Graphs ReferencesABSTRACT: Projects involving multi-disciplinary engineering design effortare difficult to control. This is largely due to the various sources ofindecision and conflict which can occur between the respective partiesinvolved in front-end engineering design and project management. A newproject management methodology aimed at assisting those project managersfaced with multi-disciplinary problems is introduced. Current projectmanagement tools, being essentially axiomatic, do not provide anyintelligent decision-making assistance in handling conflict or theapplication of complex organizational management procedures. The ConSERVconcept is being developed to address these problems by applying intelligentdecision-making knowledge-based support processes to the selection ofappropriate project management systems.Innovation speed: A conceptual model of context, antecedents, and outcomesKessler, Eric H; Chakrabarti, Alok KAcademy of Management.DOC TYPE: Journal article.SPECIAL FEATURE: Charts ReferencesABSTRACT: There is a growing recognition that innovation speed is important to afirm's creating and sustaining competitive advantage amid rapidly changingbusiness environments. A study organizes and integrates the innovation speedliterature, develops a conceptual framework of innovation speed and offersresearchable propositions relating to the need for and antecedents and outcomes ofinnovation speed. Three specific arguments are presented: 1. Innovation speed ismost appropriate in environments characterized by competitive intensity,technological and market dynamism and low regulatory restrictiveness. 2.Innovation speed can be positively or negatively affected by strategicorientationfactors and organizational-capability factors. 3. Innovation speed hasan influence ondevelopment costs, product quality and project success.Front-end cost engineeringShafer, Samuel LAmerican Association of Cost Engineers Transactions.DOC TYPE: Journal article.ABSTRACT: One of the basic tenets of cost engineering and projectLitteraturstudium innen tidligfasevurderinger av prosjekter 78

CONCEPTFront-end Management of Major ProjectsSikring av store investeringsprosjektermanagement is that, to deliver the best value for capital investments,project teams must do the right job right. The right job is defined duringthe front end of projects, when concepts and basic scope are developed.While much of cost engineering's effort is spent on estimates and projectcontrol information, the cost engineer's mission also includes providingthe information that is required to make decisions during the front end ofprojects to achieve the best value for capital investments. Front-end costengineering provides use of capital information through the application ofcost engineering processes, such as conceptual estimating, costcontainment, benchmarking, and value engineering. Basic front-end costengineering concepts and key definitions are examined, and core processesused by cost engineers in developing use of capital information during thefront end of a project are discussed.Design guidelines for NH3 injection grids optimize SCR NOx removalFewel, Kenneth J; Conroy, John HOil & Gas JournalDOC TYPE: Journal article.SPECIAL FEATURE: Charts Graphs Diagrams Equations ReferencesABSTRACT: Fossil fuels and other combustible products are consumed inindustrial process, in the generation of electricity for example, or innumerous other ways. During such processes, nitrogen oxides (NOx) areformed as components of the exhaust gas. NOx sources have been classifiedby government regulatory agencies as mobile sources and stationary sources.While the air chemistry is very complex, the emissions of NOx into theatmosphere have proven negative impacts upon the environment. A number oftechnologies exist to reduce the NOx emissions generated in industrialprocesses. One such technology, selective catalytic reduction (SCR), hasbeen sucessfully applied to stationary combustion sources. SCR can reduceNOx emissions from a single source by as much as 95%. Proper ammoniainjection grid (AIG) design can reduce original equipment costs andoperating expenses of SCR NOx-removal system. AIG design is, however,largely neglected in the engineering design stage. Guidelines for properAIG design are presented.Project management at the body engineering division of the Ford MotorCompanyFerguson, Frank MAmerican Association of Cost Engineers Transactions.DOC TYPE: Journal article.ABSTRACT: The program planning and timing methods employed by the BodyEngineering Division of the Ford Motor Company during the last 3 decades arepresented. Computer hardware advances, programming techniques, andmanagement willingness to experiment with new ideas have had an impact on theevolution of Ford's techniques. Although project management employing criticalpath networks has been used sporadically or in special circumstances for thelast 8 years at the Body Engineering Office, the scope of the current effort exceedsall previous uses of the method. The enthusiastic responses of team membersformulating these plans and those involved in pilot projects uses portions of theseLitteraturstudium innen tidligfasevurderinger av prosjekter 79

CONCEPTFront-end Management of Major ProjectsSikring <strong>av</strong> store investerings<strong>prosjekter</strong>cost-effectively designing, constructing and coordinating Channel Tunneltechnology. The conclusions serve to indicate how and why hierarchicalelements of contracts may exacerbate incompetence in the management ofcomplex or large-scale technology projects, rather than structure it, tothe detriment of overall project performance.ConSERV, a methodology for managing multi-disciplinary engineering design projectsConroy, Geoff; Soltan, HosseinInternational Journal of Project Management.DOC TYPE: Journal article.SPECIAL FEATURE: Charts Graphs ReferencesABSTRACT: Projects involving multi-disciplinary engineering design effortare difficult to control. This is largely due to the various sources ofindecision and conflict which can occur between the respective partiesinvolved in front-end engineering design and project management. A newproject management methodology aimed at assisting those project managersfaced with multi-disciplinary problems is introduced. Current projectmanagement tools, being essentially axiomatic, do not provide anyintelligent decision-making assistance in handling conflict or theapplication of complex organizational management procedures. The ConSERVconcept is being developed to address these problems by applying intelligentdecision-making knowledge-based support processes to the selection ofappropriate project management systems.Innovation speed: A conceptual model of context, antecedents, and outcomesKessler, Eric H; Chakrabarti, Alok KAcademy of Management.DOC TYPE: Journal article.SPECIAL FEATURE: Charts ReferencesABSTRACT: There is a growing recognition that innovation speed is important to afirm's creating and sustaining competitive advantage amid rapidly changingbusiness environments. A study organizes and integrates the innovation speedliterature, develops a conceptual framework of innovation speed and offersresearchable propositions relating to the need for and antecedents and outcomes ofinnovation speed. Three specific arguments are presented: 1. Innovation speed ismost appropriate in environments characterized by competitive intensity,technological and market dynamism and low regulatory restrictiveness. 2.Innovation speed can be positively or negatively affected by strategicorientationfactors and organizational-capability factors. 3. Innovation speed hasan influence ondevelopment costs, product quality and project success.Front-end cost engineeringShafer, Samuel LAmerican Association of Cost Engineers Transactions.DOC TYPE: Journal article.ABSTRACT: One of the basic tenets of cost engineering and projectLitteraturstudium innen tidligfasevurderinger <strong>av</strong> <strong>prosjekter</strong> 78

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