Litteraturstudie - Tidligfasevurdering av prosjekter - Concept - NTNU

Litteraturstudie - Tidligfasevurdering av prosjekter - Concept - NTNU

Litteraturstudie - Tidligfasevurdering av prosjekter - Concept - NTNU


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CONCEPTFront-end Management of Major ProjectsSikring <strong>av</strong> store investerings<strong>prosjekter</strong>of feasible responses, and the time <strong>av</strong>ailable for responses. The paper offers somepractical suggestions for dealing with this problemWaring, A., Glendon, A., Managing Risk, ISBN 1-86152-167-7, Intarnational ThompsonBusiness, England, 1998.This book offers a fresh perspective on the convergence of approaches to managingrisks and includes new developments in current thinking. It provides the firstcomprehensive multidiciplinary model of risk management to incorporate alldimesions of this important topic.Wideman, M., Project &Program Risk Management: A Guide to Managing Project Risk andOpportunities, ISBN 1-880410-06-0, USA, 1992.Brevity and ease of reference make this handbook a useful introduction to risk in theproject or program environment. This book provides a simplified understanding of thenature of project risk and opportunity and a systematic approach to risk reduction.Williams, T., A classified bibliography of recent research relating to project risk management,Department of Management Science, Strathclyde University, Glasgow, UK, EuropeanJournal of Operational Research, 85 (1995).This document contains a bibliography of recent research relating to project riskmanagement, bringing together relevant research scattered across a range ofpublications. It considers how success or failure can be defined for a porject. It looksat the historical evidence of projects, illustrating failure to achieve targets. What riskmeans to a project, and how a project team perceive, identify and quantify risk isconsidered - often the crucial credibility-point in practice. Techniques are discussedfor the analysis of risk, to schedule, cost and technical achievement, both separateanalyses and the first steps towards an integrated analysis. Success for the projectparticipation depends on who bears the risks, and the vital role of risk analysis ininforming the contractual allocation of risk is explored. Finally, the managementstructures and procedures needed to manage risk are discussed.Williams, T. M., Empowerment vs. risk management, University of Stratchclyde, Glasgow,UK, International Journal of Project Management, No.4, 1997.It has become popular to call for employee and project team empowerment. However,this paper shows how this competes with another popular concept, project riskmanagement, particularly in modern complex projects. Implementing bothphilosophies le<strong>av</strong>es the risk manager with an irreconcilable dissonance. The papersuggests a number of steps this implies, including developing project riskmanagement fraroeworks that inform teams about likely cross-impacts, limiting teamempowerment, and allowing teames to influence decisions. It suggests that a goodstyle for the risk manager to adopt is that known as ’accommodation’.Winston, W, Financial Models Using Simulation and Optimization , Indiana University,http://www.palisade.com/html/financial_models.html#ordernowFinancial Models is the most in-depth book written about using @RISK, Evolver andother DecisionTools software products to solve today's complex financial problems.The applications of simulation and optimization in the book are new, novelLitteraturstudium innen tidligfasevurderinger <strong>av</strong> <strong>prosjekter</strong> 70

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